70 research outputs found

    Effect of propranolol on regional myocardial function in anesthetized open-chest dogs with myocardial ischemia

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    Effects of propranolol on ischemic segmental function were studied in anesthetized open-chest dogs. Two segment-length gauges were used for measuring the regional myocardial function: one was sutured on to the left ventricular surface perfused by the anterior descending coronary artery (ischemic zone) and the other was on to that perfused by the circumflex coronary artery (normal zone). A bolus of propranolol (0.5 mg/kg) was injected into the right femoral vein. Five min later, the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) was completely occluded for one mine and thereafter released. Then a second coronary occlusion for 20 min was performed; an interval of 20 min was allowed between two occlusions. Propranolol, in the ischemic segment, apparently decreased the extent of paradoxical lengthening in the late systole following one min LAD occlusion, and facilitated improvement of segmental function after release of the occlusion. Moreover, the extent of abnormal stretching induced by 20 min occlusion during early systole, was also reduced by propranolol pretreatment. In contrast, compensatory increase in shortening by the normal segment was disturbed by propranolol. These results suggest that propranolol might exert a favourable influence on the segmental myocardial function during either transient or maintained myocardial ischemia.</p

    A case of hypocholinesterasemia induced by trichlorfon

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    A case of hypocholinesterasemia induced by ingestion of trichlorfon is presented. A female patient took 20 gm of this insecticide for the purpose of the suicide. She was brought to the hospital one hour later, and her life was saved by gastric lavage. Cyanosis on lips and nails, pupils with sluggish light reaction and fibrillary muscle twitch were observed upon arrival. Laboratory examination performed on the admission disclosed a serum cholinesterase activity of 0.3deltapH per hour. The enzyme activity was depressed to 0.05 deltapH per hour on the second day of hospitalization. The enzyme activity then increased gradually in the two subsequent weeks and the patient recovered.</p

    Increase in the calculated resistance of anatomically fixed stenosis in vitro in association with decrease in distal resistance.

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    The effects of changes in distal resistance on stenotic resistance were studied in vitro. Physiological saline was passed through the left carotid artery obtained from the dog, flexible rubber tubing, or through solid polyethylene tubing with a constant perfusion pressure or with a constant flow rate. Various stenotic resistances were established using a screw type constrictor and the distal resistance was varied by allowing physiological saline to pass through either a 23 gauge hypodermic needle (high peripheral resistance) or 23 and 20 gauge needles (low peripheral resistance ). For arteries with anatomically fixed stenosis, the calculated resistance was increased in association with reduction of the distal resistance. The stenotic resistance in the flexible rubber tubing changed in the same manner as that of the carotid artery, while the solid polyethylene tubing showed no significant stenotic resistance changes due to altering the distal resistance. These findings suggest that the stenotic resistance change of the artery correlates with the elasticity of the vessel wall and also indicate that resistance values were of little usefulness for evaluating the effects of vasodilating stimuli on the vessel segment with a significant stenosis.</p

    A patient with repeated syncopal attacks after using isosorbide dinitrate

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    The case of a patient with repeated attacks of collapse induced by sublingual isosorbide dinitrate is reported. The patient was an 81 year-old female who was admitted to Yura Hospital because of attacks of precordial pain. Several minutes after the sublingual administration of isosorbide dinitrate (10 mg) for an anginal attack, she developed a sensation of general weakness, and thereafter because unconscious. Arterial blood pressure fell and became unmeasurable. Electrocardiograms recorded during the syncopal attack showed sinus tachycardia and significant elevation of ST-segment in right precordial leads. In response to a drip infusion of noradrenaline, arterial blood pressure returned to normal with recovery of consciousness. Two similar syncopal attacks induced by sublingual isosorbide dinitrate occurred in the next three days. These attacks were not due to augmentation of the vagal reflex. Decrease of venous return probably was the primary etiological factor.</p

    Effects of nipradilol on venous hemodynamics: evaluation with a Doppler blood flow method.

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    Nipradilol is a newly synthesized beta-blocker which has a propranolol-like structure and contains a nitrate moiety. To examine the effect of nipradilol on venous blood flow, a single oral dose of nipradilol (6 mg) and propranolol (20 mg) was administered in the same 15 normal volunteers on separate days. Peak flow velocities, flow velocity integrals, and the diameter of the right brachiocephalic vein were measured before and 2 h after drug administration using Doppler echocardiography. These two beta-blockers significantly decreased systolic blood pressure to the same extent as they did heart rate. Nipradilol dilated the venous diameter by 8% and decreased peak flow velocity by 8% during systole and 9% during diastole. The flow velocity integral in one cardiac cycle also decreased significantly by 14%. Propranolol, however, failed to modify these parameters. These results suggest that nipradilol decreased venous return through its nitroglycerin-like direct vasodilating action.</p

    Vectorcardiogram of complete right bundle branch block with left axis deviation by the Frank and Kimura systems.

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    Vectorcardiogram (VCG) recorded by both the Frank and Kimura systems were examined in 45 patients with complete right bundle branch block (RBBB) and left axis deviation (LAD) to investigate the relationship seen on electrocardiogram (ECG) between RBBB with LAD and bilateral bundle. The sample included: 13 cases of type SI, SII, SIII, SaVF; 21 cases of type SI, SII, SIII, aVF; and 11 cases of types SI, SII, SIII. VCG recorded by the Frank system were classified into seven types according to the QRS loop pattern on the frontal plane and into three types according to the horizontal plane. The main findings were: (a) In the Frank system the QRS loop in the frontal plane showed a variety of patterns in RBBB with LAD. (b) On VCG of complete RBBB judged complicated by a left anterior hemiblock by the Frank system, the main portion of the QRS loop extended to the left superior or merely to the left in the frontal plane. The direction of rotation and position on the horizontal plane were not consistent. (c) The results of this study suggest the usefulness of the Kimura system as an auxiliary diagnostic technique.</p

    Effect of myocardial ischemia and nitroglycerin on systolic time intervals in the segmental myocardium

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    Effects of ischemia and nitroglycerin on systolic time intervals in the segmental myocardial length were studied in anesthetized open-chest dogs. Two strain-gauges were sutured on the surface of the left ventricular wall; one was in the central area perfused by the left circumflex coronary artery (LCX) and the other was in the area perfused by the left anterior descending coronary artery. LCX was partially occluded with a screw type constrictor to the degree at which reactive hyperemia after the transient total coronary occlusion almost disappeared. After the hemodynamics stabilized nitroglycerin (20 microgram/kg) was injected into the femoral vein. In the ischemic area, contraction time was shortened and precontraction time was prolonged in association with an elongation of end-systolic and early systolic segment-length, respectively. The systolic time intervals in the ischemic segment were improved as a result of the recovery in the segment-length toward the control. The results suggest the usefulness of analyzing the segmental myocardial systolic time intervals for verifying the asynchronous contraction of the ventricle and the favourable effects of nitroglycerin on segmental myocardial function in the ischemic area.</p

    Factors influencing acute high-grade restenosis in emergency percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction.

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    We studied the factors which may induce acute high grade restenosis in emergency percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). PTCA was attempted in 50 patients with acute myocardial infarction, and the balloon catheter passed successfully across the occlusion site in 47 (94%) of the patients. These 47 patients were analyzed. &#34;Acute restenosis&#34; was defined as a lesion which was revascularized to less than 50% luminal reduction narrowed again to more than 75% luminal reduction 5 min after the balloon inflation. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used for determining factors which significantly influenced acute restenosis. The incidence of at least one restenosis episode was 45%. Multiple regression analysis selected 5 factors associated significantly with an increased rate of acute restenosis: 1) angiographic evidence of dissection, 2) lesion in the right coronary artery (RCA), 3) lack of or insufficient administration of thrombolytic agent preceding PTCA, 4) curved lesion and 5) relatively small balloon/artery diameter ratio. Acute restenosis correlated significantly with late reocclusion. This study indicates that it is important to administer a thrombolytic agent prior to emergency PTCA, and to use an adequately sized balloon to the artery when the acute restenosis occurs by using relatively smaller sized balloon. The present data also demonstrated that patients with RCA and a curved lesion have a relatively high risk of acute restenosis. This study indicates how patients with relatively high risk of acute restenosis may be identified.</p

    Increase in stenotic resistance following a brief coronary occlusion in the anesthetized open-chest dog.

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    Changes in the stenotic resistance of a coronary artery following brief coronary occlusion were studied in the anesthetized open-chest dog. A critical coronary stenosis was constructed by tying a thick string around the circumflex coronary artery (LCx) near its origin. The LCx was occluded for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 seconds with and without coronary stenosis then the reactive hyperemia was observed. In the absence of the stenosis, resistance of the segment of the large coronary artery remained unchanged during the reactive hyperemia independent of the duration of occlusion. In the presence of the stenosis, however, stenotic resistance increased for a certain time after the release of occlusion. This increased resistance lasted longer with more severe stenosis and with longer duration of coronary occlusion. These results suggest that stenotic resistance can increase dynamically, and that the duration of increased resistance may reflect the severity of the stenosis.</p

    Correlation of systolic time interval with abnormal myocardial contraction by coronary occlusion in anesthetized open-chest dogs.

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    The correlation between the systolic time interval and abnormal contraction in ischemic myocardium was studied in anesthetized open-chest dogs. A strain-gauge was sutured on the surface of the left ventricular wall perfused by the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) for measuring segment-length. The left ventricular stroke volume decreased progressively after occlusion of LAD. The left ventricular ejection time (LVET) was progressively shortened in close correlation with the elongation of segment-length at the onset of isometric relaxation in 20 seconds after LAD occlusion when early systolic myocardial contraction and isometric contraction time (ICT) were not affected. ICT was gradually prolonged and closely related with the lengthening of the early systolic segment-length, while LVET recovered toward the control level in spite of further decrease in stroke volume. A close relationship was observed between ICT/LVET and stroke volume (gamma = 0.76, P less than 0.01). The results suggested the possibility that LVET was normalized even when the left ventricular function was impaired, and ICT/LVET ratio was the most sensitive index of LV dysfunction.</p
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