340 research outputs found

    Sonic impedance technique detects flaws in polyurethane foam spray-on insulation

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    Sonic impedance testing detects voids and unbonded regions as small as 1 inch in diameter by 0.03 inch thick. Measurements are made manually or by automatic scanning and the readout is made by meter or recorder

    Removal of fluoborate from electroplating rinse water by ion flotation

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    A problem exists in the removal of fluoborate from electroplating waste rinse water. The normally used waste treatment methods are not effective and the vacuum evaporation process now being tried is expensive and energy intensive. Experiments were conducted and an alternative treatment process which shows substantial removals of the fluoborate was developed. This can be effectively done using ion flotation techniques. A broad range of surfactants were screened for usefulness in this process and it was found that an aliphatic amine acetate was usable in this process. Operating parameters for the process were investigated, and the removal mechanism was determined to be the replacement of the acetate on the surfactant with the fluoborate, rendering the surfactant adduct available for removal by foam separation or ultrafiltration techniques. These foaming process studies and the studies into the utilization of ultrafiltration techniques provided data for the design of a feasible full size facility utilizing this process

    An Assessment of the Diverse Freshwater Turtle Fauna of Mississippi

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    Nestled within the Southeastern United States Turtle Priority Area, Mississippi boasts impressive freshwater turtle diversity and is home to 8.6% of extant turtle species. Despite this impressive richness, few studies have assessed freshwater turtle assemblages in this hotspot of aquatic diversity. This research aimed to elucidate the distributions and abundances of freshwater turtle species through a statewide investigation of all major river drainages of the state. Using baited hoop nets (90 cm and 120 cm diameter), turtles were collected, identified to species and sex, and measured, before being released. Turtle assemblages were assessed in both lotic and lentic environments from the Pascagoula, Pearl, Tombigbee, and Mississippi River drainages and were shown to vary among habitat types and between drainages. In addition to the statewide assessment of distributions and abundances, the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration software was employed to detect drainage-wide hydrological alterations in the free-flowing Pascagoula River, the moderately altered Pearl River, and the heavily channelized and impounded Tombigbee River. The severely modified Tombigbee drainage showed significantly distinct hydrological alteration scores to the relatively pristine Pascagoula drainage after the construction of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, which connected two historically disjunct drainages through a series of 10 locks and dams in the Tombigbee River. The loss of intra-annual variation in streamflow and homogenization of this environment has allowed for lentic species, notably Trachemys scripta elegans, to attain extremely high abundances in the Tombigbee when compared to the Pascagoula

    Ultrasonic scanning system for in-place inspection of brazed tube joints

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    A miniaturized ultrasonic scanning system for nondestructive in-place, non-immersion testing of brazed joints in stainless-steel tubing is described. The system is capable of scanning brazed tube joints, with limited clearance access, in 1/4 through 5/8 inch union, tee, elbow and cross configurations. The system has the capability to detect defective conditions now associated with material density changes in addition to those which are depended upon density variations. The system includes a miniaturized scanning head assembly that fits around a tube joint and rotates the transducer around and down the joint in a continuous spiral motion. The C-scan recorder is similar in principle to conventional models except that it was specially designed to track the continuous spiral scan of the tube joint. The scanner and recorder can be operated with most commercially available ultrasonic flaw detectors

    Ultrasonic scanning system for in-place inspection of brazed-tube joints

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    System detects defects of .051 cm in diameter and larger. System incorporates scanning head assembly including boot enclosed transducer, slip ring assembly, drive mechanism, and servotransmitter. Ultrasonic flaw detector, prototype recorder, and special recorder complete system

    Raspberries, Blackberries and Dewberries

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    The need of hardier varieties of raspberries for the prairie Northwest is well known. Briefly stated, in an immense region ranging from Wisconsin westward to the Rocky Mountains, north of the line passing through northern Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska, our present standard varieties of raspberries· must, for the best results, be laid down and covered with earth for winter protection. From the farmer\u27s standpoint, at least, this is expensive and unsatisfactory. The following photographs will give an idea of the work in raspberry-breeding at this Station which was undertaken in order to meet this great need

    Breeding Hardy Strawberries

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    A new variety of fruit produced by man\u27s effort is really a new invention. The work of originating new fruits corresponds to that of inventing in the domain of the mechanical industries. Hence a fruit-breeder has some reason for claiming to belong in the ranks of inventors. It may be of interest to state briefly how new strawberries are invented. Strawberries do not come true to seed. Fifty or more plants may be raised from the seed found on the surface of a single berry. When these seedlings come into bearing there will be no two exactly alike. Some of the plants will bear fruit very small in size and perhaps of inferior quality. Upon others the fruit will be very small but of excellent quality; upon other plan is the fruit will be of large size but lacking in quality, firmness, or other necessary characteristics. Some of the varieties that are best in quality will have fruit so soft that they cannot be shipped, hence such varieties are worthless for market purposes. Other plants will bear fruit desirable in every respect but the plants will be unproductive. Finally, some plants will be admirably adapted for market use but upon trial elsewhere will be found of local adaptation only, the plants being productive only upon certain soils and in certain regions. Out of thousands of seedlings perhaps only one will become a standard market variety. It is probably impossible to secure a variety that is cosmopolitan enough to be adapted equally well to all soils and localities

    Seeding of tantalum thin films

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    The nucleation rate of tantalum sputtered in a thin film on glass was investigated to determine the affect of the application of niobium pentachloride to the substrate prior to the deposition of the tantalum

    A graduate recital in voice

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    Branden D. S. Haralson, baritone, presented his graduate voice recital on Friday, April 3, 2015, at 6:00 p.m., in Davis Hall of the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center on the University of Northern Iowa campus. The recital was presented in collaboration with pianist Dr. Robin Guy, and included works by Beethoven, Schubert, Mahler, and Duparc. This abstract discusses musical and historical features of the works performed