17 research outputs found

    Partisipasi Perempuan dalam Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Rukun Warga (Pmb-rw) di Kelurahan Tuah Karya Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru

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    Society Empowerment Program based Hamlet (PMB-RW) was one of construction program provided by government of Pekanbaru city. This program purposed to empower all society started from a Hamlet (RW). The implementation of this program had needed participation from society in order to achieve a program purpose. The participation of this program was men and women. In 2015, this program can reach socialization stage in form was training. The training had done needs a woman as the main participation. The main participation in the training was woman.This function of this research was to determine woman\u27s participation in PMB-RW program. The woman\u27s participation were training and the influence factors of woman\u27s participation in Tuah Karya district. The training was include a sewed training, a cooking training and tambourine.The concept theory used by researcher was a participation theory created by Sutoro Eko, society empowerment, decentralization and gender. This research was qualitative and descriptive research that had purposes to give a systematical and factual description about woman participation in program implementation. The collection of data in this research was using an interview, an observation and documentation.The result of this research showed that a woman had participate in PMB-RW program especially in training implementation of Tuah Karya district. Some factors that influence the participation were from intern factors such as; the willingness/awareness and occupation. Besides, from extern factor are the leadership and facility factor

    Kinerja Karyawan Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Pdam) Tirta Siak dalam Penyediaan Kebutuhan Air Bersih di Kota Pekanbaru

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    One of the obligations of local government in public administration is to carry out obligatory tasks such as providing clean water for the community. As ststed in the 1945 constitution article 33 paragraph 3 that the earth, water, and natural resources contained there in are controlled by the state and in use for the greatest possible for the welfare of the people. To carry out these obligations, the government's performance is necessary to achieve as the objectives set by the state.Performance is the result of work in quantity achieved by employess in performing their duites which related to the responsibilities are given to them (Mangkunegara 2012:9). PDAM Tirta Siak is a Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) engaged in providing services and clean water supply needs to the community in the city of Pekanbaru.The research is based on the facts that occurred in PDAM Tirta Siak has not done clean water supply for the city of Pekanbaru community thoroughly even every year its customers decreased.through qualitative approach, the purpose of this research is to know how is the performance op PDAM Tirta Siak employess and to identify factors affecting the performance of PDAM Tirta Siak in fulfilling the need of clean water in Pekanbaru. Which is set in Kepmendagri Number 47 of 1999 on PDAM performance assessment guidance in article 3 that is financial aspect, operational aspect, and administration aspect. To strengthen the findings of Agus Dwiyanto theory in the research into performance consisting of effectiveness, responsiveness, and akuntability.The result of this study found that employee performance PDAM Tirta Siak not done to the fullest.In this research also found some inhibiting factors in the provision of clean water include funding factors, facilities and infrastructure, and lack of professional human resources

    Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Lahan untuk Budidaya Tanaman Pangan (Padi Sawah) di Kecamatan Rambah Samo Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    :Effectiveness of Land Use for Food Crops ( paddy Rice ) in the Districtof Rokan Hulu Rambah Samo. This research background by the program designedby the Government of Rokan Hulu to realize the vision of the year 2013 " RokanHulu as rice self-sufficiency " . However , it seems this plan can not be realized withgood results . To achieve these targets , the Government of Rokan Hulu through theDepartment of Food Crops and Horticulture initiative to organize the cultivation offood crops of rice ( paddy rice ) . However , can not operate effectively due to someobstacles on the ground .The purpose of this study was to determine the effectivenessof the use of land for cultivation of food crops (paddy rice) in District Rambah Samoand to determine the factors that hinder the effective use of land for cultivation offood crops (paddy rice ) in District Rambah Samo regency Rokan Hulu .Keywords: Effectiveness, benefit, and political will

    Analisis Kinerja Pegawai Seksi Pemerintahan di Kantor Camat Batu Hampar Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    In the government structure the unitery state of Indonesian, the subdistrict regions is equipment of regency city. This case accord with uu 2004 no 32 about the regions government in pasal 27 ayat 2 the region equipments or regency city consists of regions secretariat, DPRD secretariat, department of region and it means that subdistrict is one of regency region equipment the implementer of goverment headed by a camat. In here the roles of subdistrict very imforta district. On the other words this subdistrict would have many deficiencies for facility and human resources.One of organization that serve the people is a subdistrict office of batu hampar, regency of rokan hilir. The camat office is one of organization that have a major role in managing and regulating the people. Any five villages in subdistrict of batu hampar. They are bantayan village, bantayan hilir, sungai sialang,sungai sialang hulu, and bantayan baru.the local regulations in regency of rokan hilir about establishment of the organizational structure, employment, main duties and villages regency government of rokan hilir the third shapter in the part 2 about employment and basic duties pasal 5 ayat 1 : subdistricts is the camat duties as regions equipment regency of rokan hilir. Pasal 5 ayat 2 : camat is implementer to does the goverment mission by bupati to take a care partial autonomy and the pasal 5 ayat 4 : camat position and basic duties.Part 2 about employment and basic duties pasal 6 have the basic duties to help bupati in implement develop governments and living development. The people in subdistrict regions with develation of affair giyen by bupati.Key words :analysis Performance,cervicing, capability

    Analisi Pembangunan Konservasi Sumber Daya Air oleh Badan Lingkungan Hidup di Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Anak Sungai Siak)

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    Administration building is indispensable in making a country's development it is veryimportant for the State IndonesiaDevelopment issues of water resources conservation by environmental agency in Pekanbaru City case study tributary siak very difficult to find a solution to stop the pollution in every tributary siak that by comparing the domestic waste and environmental agency to reduce contamination of creens siak environmental agency management of the program times net (PROKASIH) one program intended to improve the water quality of the river so that meets its functions.To analyze these problems the author uses the theory of Thompson, which corresponds to these problems the administration building is the organization's ability to "innovate" (resource upgrade) orientation of this approach is a change in the future a better and promising. The orientation towards change and upgrade means showing action-oriented development administration - real activities in achieving objectives. In making changes and upgrade in the future must be balanced with real involvement activities in the present as a springboard to achieve better success in the future.This research is a descriptive qualitative approach, data collection techniques are observation, interviews, documentation and interviews with key informants as a key resource.These results indicate that not maximal implementation of development conservation of water resources by the environmental agency contamination of creeks siak carried out by the environmental agency in this case looks much pollution as a result of the domestic diposal waste are carried out by people who live in the watershed tributary siak

    Fungsi Pemerintah Kecamatan dalam Penyelenggaraan Ketentraman dan Ketertiban Umum ( Studi Kasus Penertiban Hewan Ternak di Kecamatan Lingga)

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    Realizing a condition of peace and public order are both needed arrangement of maintenance and control of all aspects of social life including a ban on removing animals that may interfere with or affect the activities of daily life of society itself. This phenomenon raises many malasah among which damage the environment. farm animals eat the plants and damaging the courtyard and garden owned by residents to residents suffered losses. debris scattered in the streets also pollute the environment and interfere with the beauty of the city. even farm animals let loose this causing an accident to cause fatalities. Camat as leader of the Lingga district responsible for the implementation of peace and order assisted by Satpol PP as manager of control in field.The theory used in this research is the theory of organization by Subekhi & Jauhar (2013), are: planning, organizing, reporting and controlling. The research was conducted using qualitative descriptive method which is a description of the subject and the object, a system of thinking systematically about the fact description. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling with the collection of data are observation, interview and documentation. Informants in this study is Camat Lingga and Satpol PP Lingga Regency.The results of this research concluded that The Function of Lingga District Government have not been maximal running as expected local regulation. This can be seen from the presence of cattle owners still let their cattle wandering in the streets without controlling. Factors that influence the reform of farm animals is the lack of communication of the parties associated curbing farm animals, total resources are not accordance with the implementation of the reform activities, the absence of a budget, infrastructure and facilities to carry out reform and cultural community that ranching is not in accordance with the legislation

    Fungsi Pemerintah Kecamatan dalam Penyelenggaraan Ketentraman dan Ketertiban Umum ( Studi Kasus Penertiban Hewan Ternak di Kecamatan Lingga)

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    Realizing a condition of peace and public order are both needed arrangement of maintenance and control of all aspects of social life including a ban on removing animals that may interfere with or affect the activities of daily life of society itself. This phenomenon raises many malasah among which damage the environment. farm animals eat the plants and damaging the courtyard and garden owned by residents to residents suffered losses. debris scattered in the streets also pollute the environment and interfere with the beauty of the city. even farm animals let loose this causing an accident to cause fatalities. Camat as leader of the Lingga district responsible for the implementation of peace and order assisted by Satpol PP as manager of control in field.The theory used in this research is the theory of organization by Subekhi & Jauhar (2013), are: planning, organizing, reporting and controlling. The research was conducted using qualitative descriptive method which is a description of the subject and the object, a system of thinking systematically about the fact description. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling with the collection of data are observation, interview and documentation. Informants in this study is Camat Lingga and Satpol PP Lingga Regency.The results of this research concluded that The Function of Lingga District Government have not been maximal running as expected local regulation. This can be seen from the presence of cattle owners still let their cattle wandering in the streets without controlling. Factors that influence the reform of farm animals is the lack of communication of the parties associated curbing farm animals, total resources are not accordance with the implementation of the reform activities, the absence of a budget, infrastructure and facilities to carry out reform and cultural community that ranching is not in accordance with the legislation

    Pelaksanaan Program Desa Maju Inhil Jaya (Dmij) Bidang Sarana Infrastruktur di Desa Limau Manis Kecamatan Kemuning Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Tahun 2015

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    The Program of Desa Maju Inhil Jaya is the superior program of the government periode 2013-2018. The objectives of this program are to escalate the prosperety and the opportunity of getting job for the people of the region by encourage the independence to determine the decision and the management of the sustainable development. The implementation of this program involved the people of the region such as planning, implementation, and maintenance due to increase the success of this program especially in infrastructure developmente of the region.The objective of this research is to find out the implementation of Desa Maju Inhil Jaya (DMIJ) program in infrastructure facility at Desa Limau Manis kecamatan Kemuning Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir by 2015. This research was conducted by using qualitative methoede and the data assessement by using descriptive methode. In collecting the data the writer used interview, observation and documentation of the key person in charge as the information resource.This reaearche showed that Desa Maju Inhil Jaya program in infrastructure facility at Desa Limau Manis Kecamatan Kemuning Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir 2015 contributed the advantage for the people, even though the implementation has not worked well due to limited human resource and cost to develope the infrastructure, and the lacked of people participation

    Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Terhadap Perempuan Dan Anak Kasus Korban Kejahatan Kekerasan Di Polres Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

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    Services to women and children victims of violent crime cases are crucial issues that need attention. In an effort to protect victims of violent crime and to keep their rightness, Police of Padang Pariaman District provide RPK (Ruang Pelayanan Khusus) for women and children victims of violence crime, now it is known by the name of UPPA (Unit Pelayanan Perempuan Dan Anak). However, in practice there are still many problems of violence that can not be resolved properly. The same was found in the research by Tuti Khairani Harahap (2009) that in the implementation of policy dissemination through coordination with relevant agencies and the handling of cases accur in children, is still the presence of cases of cruelty, violence and persecution of women and children. As for the purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of services to women and children victims of crime cases in police station of Padang Pariaman district.The concept of theory is public service standards by Sianipar: the standard attitude of the personnel, service quality standards, standard of time, the standard of comfortable, safety standards and standard of costs and service of mechanism UPPA in PERKAP No.2, 2008. This study used qualitative research methods with an assessment of descriptive data. In collecting the data, researchers used interviewing techniques, observation and documentation. By using key informants as a source of information and as a source triangulation techniques in testing the validity of the data.The results of this study indicate that the implementation of services to women and children victims of crime in Police station of Padang Pariaman District to addressing violence against woman and children is not running optimally. because there are still many obstacles faced by officers and the victims themselves