15 research outputs found

    Kualitas Bakteri Asam Laktat Isolasi Jerami Padi Dengan Penambahan Berbagai Level Molases

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    One of the problems in the development of ruminants, especially in the dry season is difficult to feed of quantity and quality. The aim of this research is to study of pH, the number of colonies of Lactic Acid Bacteria, antimicrobial isolated from rice straw silage with the addition of levels of molasses. This research was conducted from Juli until November 2015 at Laboratory of Agrosotology, Feed Industry and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.. The research method of rice straw silage with the addition of various levels of molasses, isolation of lactic acid bacteria and antimicrobial effect. The method used to analyze pH, the number of colonies of Lactic Acid Bacteria, and antimicrobial effect is exploration by using descriptive analysis. The conclusion that treatment of rice straw silage by adding molasses 9% level pH content, the number of colonies and the antimicrobial effect better than the other treatments

    Kajian Kualitas dan Kuantitas Bakteri Asam Laktat Silase Ransum Komplit Hasil Samping Jagung yang Dikapsulasi Menggunakan Bahan dan Metode Berbeda

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    Lactic acid bacteria as probiotic are considered alternative to antibiotic growth promotor. The aims of this study were to investigate quality and quantity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from completed feed silage based on corn with capsulation. Lactic acid bacteria were coated with sodium alginat and karragenan, and processed by spray or freeze dried. The capsulation products were evaluated for number of lactic acid bacteria and inhibition ability. Data from factorial Completely Randomized Design were analyzed variance followed by Duncan test. The result showed that the lactic acid bacteria isolated from completed feed based on corn silage coated with sodium alginat processed spray dried. It is concluded that lactic acid bacteria from isolated from completed feed based on corn silage coated with sodium alginat processed spray dried the best in term of number latic acid bacteria, inhibition ability and storage time

    Kajian Daya Hambat Bakteri Asam Laktat Silase Ransum Komplit Berbasis Hasil Samping Jagung, Ubi Kayu Dan Sawit

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    Lactic acid bacteria as probiotic are considered alternative to antibiotic growth promotor. The aims of this study wereto investigate inhibition of lactic acid bacteria isolated from completed feed silage based on corn silage (SRKJ), palm silage(SRKS) and cassava silage (SRKU) by products. Data from Factorial Completely Randomized Design were analyzedvariance followed by Duncan test. The result showed that the inhibition and number lactic acid bacteria isolated from SRKJ(0,38 cm, 6,05 cfu/gr) were higher (P<0,05) than those of SRKS (0,27 cm, 5,82 cfu/gr) and SRKU (0,22 cm, 5,14 cfu/gr).It is concluded that lactic acid bacteria from SRKJ was the best in term of number latic acid bacteria and inhibition ability

    Penampilan Produksi Kelinci Periode Pertumbuhan yang Diberi Pakan Wafer Limbah Daun Ubi Jalar (Ipomea Batatas) dengan Penambahan Berbagai Level Molases

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    The aim of this research is to determine of the wafer of performance of rabbits in the growth period given wafer sweet potato leaves waste with various levels of molasses. In The result showed that the treatment in this experiment had no significant effect (P>0.05) on feed consumption, average daily gain, feed conversion. The conclusion of this experiment is that giving molasses to complete ration wafers up to the level of 15 % in the rabbit unable to increase feed consumption (g/head/day), body weight (g/head/day) and feed conversio

    Fraksi Serat Silase Kulit Pisang Kepok (Musa Paradisiaca) Menggunakan Penambahan Level Dedak dan Lama Fermentasi yang Berbeda

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    Banana peels not much optimally used as a substitute for grass. In 2014 the production of banana peels waste Riau province reaches 7.586 ton. More than a third of the banana that has not been in the strip is banana peels. The purpose of this study to determine the effect with different rice bran level and fermentation time of the fiber fraction silage that includes the content of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), hemicellulose, and cellulose. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Nutrition Science and Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Pekanbaru. The research was conducted in April until September 2016. This study were an experimental study using a completely randomized design pattern Factorial consisting of rice bran level (0; 5; and 10%) and fermentation time (0; 14; and 28 days), each treatment was repeated 2 times. There were no significant differences (P>0,05) in NDF, ADF, ADL, hemicelluloses, and cellulose. It can be concluded that there is not interaction between rice bran level and fermentation time toward fiber fraction of banana peels silage

    Kualitas Biogas Berbahan Feses Sapi dan Jerami Jagung (Zea Mays L.) pada C/N Rasio dan Lama Fermentasi yang Berbeda

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    Biogas merupakan salah satu energi alternatif terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan serta berpotensi sebagai pengganti energi yang bersumber dari fosil yang tidak dapat diperbaharui. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui produksi biogas terbaik dari kandungan rasio C/N dan lama waktu fermentasi yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial terdiri dari dua faktor dengan dua ulangan untuk setiap perlakuan. Faktor A yaitu, perbandingan rasio C/N, P0 = Feses sapi dengan rasio C/N 22,12; P1 = Feses sapi + jerami jagung dengan rasio C/N 25,00; P2 = Feses sapi + jerami jagung dengan rasio C/N 30,00; sedangkan faktor B lama fermentasi 7, 14 dan 21 hari. Tahapan penelitian diawali dengan penentuan C, N dan C/N feses sapi dan jerami jagung, persiapan bahan, penanganan bahan isi digester dan tahap fermentasi.&nbsp; Peubah yang diukur adalah pH awal, pH akhir, temperatur dan stabilitas api biogas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama waktu fermentasi yang berbeda berpengaruh sangat nyata (P &lt; 0,01) terhadap temperatur biogas dan rasio C/N yang berbeda juga berpengaruh sangat nyata (P &lt; 0,01) terhadap pH akhir dan stabilitas api biogas. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah Rasio C/N terbaik terdapat perlakuan A2 (C/N 25,00) dan B1 (lama fermentasi 7 hari) dilihat dari temperatur, stabilitas api dan pH akhir

    Karakteristik Fisik Silase Jerami Jagung (Zea Mays) Dengan Lama Fermentasi Dan Level Molases Yang Berbeda

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    One of the agricultural waste that can be used optimally is corn straw, because it can be used by the farmer in the dry land as the replacement of grass. The research was conducted determine the effect of different molasses level fermentation time on the physical characteristics of silage corn straw (Zea mays). This research was arranged in factorial completely randomized design, the first factor was molasses level (0; 5 and 10%) and the second factor was fermentation time (0; 14 and 28 days). The observed variables are the physical characteristics of silage (colors, smell, texture) and the presence of fungi. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and differences between the treatments were tested by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The result showed th at different molasses levels was significantly effects (P0,05) on the texture of silage. Molasses levels and the 28 day of fermentation time resulted fungi with presentation0% = 2,64%; 5% = 1,60%; 10% = 0,91%. It can be concluded that different fermentation time and molasses levels influenced andeffected to the smell characteristic of corn straw silage but did not effected on the color and textur

    Kualitas Semen Cair Sapi Simental Menggunakan Larutan Isotonis Komersial pada Konsentrasi dan Lama Penyimpanan Berbeda

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    Artificial insemination (AI) is a technique to insert the sperm or semen of bull thawed and processed first into the genital tract of female methods and a special tool called insemination gun, efforts to optimize the management of the cement in order to obtain the quality of cement is optimal to do with the selection of diluent cement. One alternative materials cement diluent is an isotonic solution Commercial (LIK). This study aimed to examine the interaction between the concentration and duration of storage of diluent solution isotonic different to the quality of spermatozoa cow simental. This research was conducted at the Regional Technical Implementation Unit of Artificial Insemination Centres (UPTD BIB) Tuah Sakato, Payakumbuh. In April 2016. This study used a randomized block design (RAK) factorial design to Factor A (Concentration LIK) ie A1 = 100 ml Tris Egg Yolk, A2 = (60 ml) Tris Egg Yolk + (40 ml) LIK, A3 = (55 ml) Tris Egg Yolk + (45 ml) LIK, A4 = (50 ml) Tris Egg Yolk + (50 ml) LIK, and factor B (retention) is B1 = 0 day, B2 = 1, B3 = 2 day, days, B4 = 3 days. Each treatment consists of three replicates. Parameters measured were motility, percentage of survival, abrnormalitas, and MPU. These results indicate that an isotonic solution can be used as an alternative Commercial diluent with the best results on the percentage LIK 40 ml, but the effectiveness of the efficiency of storage use was only on the first day (24 hours)