221 research outputs found

    DUX4 differentially regulates transcriptomes of human rhabdomyosarcoma and mouse C2C12 cells

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    Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) is linked to the deletion of the D4Z4 arrays at chromosome 4q35. Recent studies suggested that aberrant expression of double homeobox 4 (DUX4) from the last D4Z4 repeat causes FSHD. The aim of this study is to determine transcriptomic responses to ectopically expressed DUX4 in human and mouse cells of muscle lineage. We expression profiled human rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) cells and mouse C2C12 cells transfected with expression vectors of DUX4 using the Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Arrays and Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Arrays, respectively. A total of 2267 and 150 transcripts were identified to be differentially expressed in the RD and C2C12 cells, respectively. Amongst the transcripts differentially expressed in the RD cells, MYOD and MYOG (2 fold, p\u3c0.05), and six MYOD downstream targets were up-regulated in RD but not C2C12 cells. Furthermore, 13 transcripts involved in germline function were dramatically induced only in the RD cells expressing DUX4. The top 3 IPA canonical pathways affected by DUX4 were different between the RD (inflammation, BMP signaling and NRF-2 mediated oxidative stress) and the C2C12 cells (p53 signaling, cell cycle regulation and cellular energy metabolism). Amongst the 40 transcripts shared by the RD and C2C12 cells, UTS2 was significantly induced by 76 fold and 224 fold in the RD and C2C12 cells, respectively. The differential expression of MYOD, MYOG and UTS2 were validated using real-time quantitative RT-PCR. We further validated the differentially expressed genes in immortalized FSHD myoblasts and showed up-regulation of MYOD, MYOG, ZSCAN4 and UTS2. The results suggest that DUX4 regulates overlapped and distinct groups of genes and pathways in human and mouse cells as evident by the selective up-regulation of genes involved in myogenesis and gametogenesis in human RD and immortalized cells as well as the different molecular pathways identified in the cells

    miR-411 is up-regulated in FSHD myoblasts and suppresses myogenic factors

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    Background Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) is an autosomal dominant muscle disorder, which is linked to the contraction of the D4Z4 array at chromosome 4q35. Recent studies suggest that this shortening of the D4Z4 array leads to aberrant expression of double homeobox protein 4 (DUX4) and causes FSHD. In addition, misregulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) has been reported in muscular dystrophies including FSHD. In this study, we identified a miRNA that is differentially expressed in FSHD myoblasts and investigated its function. Methods To identify misregulated miRNAs and their potential targets in FSHD myoblasts, we performed expression profiling of both miRNA and mRNA using TaqMan Human MicroRNA Arrays and Affymetrix Human Genome U133A plus 2.0 microarrays, respectively. In addition, we over-expressed miR-411 in C2C12 cells to determine the effect of miR-411 on myogenic markers. Results Using miRNA and mRNA expression profiling, we identified 8 miRNAs and 1,502 transcripts that were differentially expressed in FSHD myoblasts during cell proliferation. One of the 8 differentially expressed miRNAs, miR-411, was validated by quantitative RT-PCR in both primary (2.1 fold, p\u3c0.01) and immortalized (2.7 fold, p\u3c0.01) myoblasts. In situ hybridization showed cytoplasmic localization of miR-411 in FSHD myoblasts. By analyzing both miRNA and mRNA data using Partek Genomics Suite, we identified 4 mRNAs potentially regulated by miR-411 including YY1 associated factor 2 (YAF2). The down-regulation of YAF2 in immortalized myoblasts was validated by immunoblotting (−3.7 fold, p\u3c0.01). C2C12 cells were transfected with miR-411 to determine whether miR-411 affects YAF2 expression in myoblasts. The results showed that over-expression of miR-411 reduced YAF2 mRNA expression. In addition, expression of myogenic markers including Myod, myogenin, and myosin heavy chain 1 (Myh1) were suppressed by miR-411. Conclusions The study demonstrated that miR-411 was differentially expressed in FSHD myoblasts and may play a role in regulating myogenesis

    Molecular signatures of differential responses to exercise trainings during rehabilitation.

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    The loss and recovery of muscle mass and function following injury and during rehabilitation varies among individuals. While recent expression profiling studies have illustrated transcriptomic responses to muscle disuse and remodeling, how these changes contribute to the physiological responses are not clear. In this study, we quantified the effects of immobilization and subsequent rehabilitation training on muscle size and identified molecular pathways associated with muscle responsiveness in an orthopaedic patient cohort study. The injured leg of 16 individuals with ankle injury was immobilized for a minimum of 4 weeks, followed by a 6-week rehabilitation program. The maximal cross-sectional area (CSA) of the medial gastrocnemius muscle of the immobilized and control legs were determined by T1-weighted axial MRI images. Genome-wide mRNA profiling data were used to identify molecular signatures that distinguish the patients who responded to immobilization and rehabilitation and those who were considered minimal responders. RESULTS: Using 6% change as the threshold to define responsiveness, a greater degree of changes in muscle size was noted in high responders (−14.9 ± 3.6%) compared to low responders (0.1 ± 0.0%) during immobilization. In addition, a greater degree of changes in muscle size was observed in high responders (20.5 ± 3.2%) compared to low responders (2.5 ± 0.9%) at 6-week rehabilitation. Microarray analysis showed a higher number of genes differentially expressed in the responders compared to low responders in general; with more expression changes observed at the acute stage of rehabilitation in both groups. Pathways analysis revealed top molecular pathways differentially affected in the groups, including genes involved in mitochondrial function, protein turn over, integrin signaling and inflammation. This study confirmed the extent of muscle atrophy due to immobilization and recovery by exercise training is associated with distinct remodeling signature, which can potentially be used for evaluating and predicting clinical outcomes


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    Autosomal-recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD; MIM #263200) is a severe, hereditary, hepato-renal fibrocystic disorder that causes early childhood morbidity and mortality. Mutations in the polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1 (PKHD1) gene, which encodes the protein fibrocystin/polyductin complex (FPC), cause all typical forms of ARPKD. Several mouse lines carrying diverse, genetically engineered disruptions in the orthologous Pkhd1 gene have been generated, but none expresses the classic ARPKD renal phenotype. In the current study, we characterized a spontaneous mouse Pkhd1 mutation that is transmitted as a recessive trait and causes cysticliver (cyli), similar to the hepato-biliary disease in ARPKD, but which is exacerbated by age, sex, and parity. We mapped the mutation to Chromosome 1 and determined that an insertion/deletion mutation causes a frameshift within Pkhd1 exon 48, which is predicted to result in a premature termination codon (UGA). Pkhd

    The Evolution of Word Composition in Metazoan Promoter Sequence

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    The field of molecular evolution provides many examples of the principle that molecular differences between species contain information about evolutionary history. One surprising case can be found in the frequency of short words in DNA: more closely related species have more similar word compositions. Interest in this has often focused on its utility in deducing phylogenetic relationships. However, it is also of interest because of the opportunity it provides for studying the evolution of genome function. Word-frequency differences between species change too slowly to be purely the result of random mutational drift. Rather, their slow pattern of change reflects the direct or indirect action of purifying selection and the presence of functional constraints. Many such constraints are likely to exist, and an important challenge is to distinguish them. Here we develop a method to do so by isolating the effects acting at different word sizes. We apply our method to 2-, 4-, and 8-base-pair (bp) words across several classes of noncoding sequence. Our major result is that similarities in 8-bp word frequencies scale with evolutionary time for regions immediately upstream of genes. This association is present although weaker in intronic sequence, but cannot be detected in intergenic sequence using our method. In contrast, 2-bp and 4-bp word frequencies scale with time in all classes of noncoding sequence. These results suggest that different genomic processes are involved at different word sizes. The pattern in 2-bp and 4-bp words may be due to evolutionary changes in processes such as DNA replication and repair, as has been suggested before. The pattern in 8-bp words may reflect evolutionary changes in gene-regulatory machinery, such as changes in the frequencies of transcription-factor binding sites, or in the affinity of transcription factors for particular sequences


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     腔腞動物の䞀皮、淡氎産チクビヒドラHydra magnipapillataは、二局の䞊皮組織が现長い袋状ずなった、その䞀端に頭、他端に足があるずいう単玔な圢態をしおいる。その䜓制は攟射盞称で頭‐足䞊‐䞋の䞀次元軞である。ヒドラは、匷く正確な再生胜力を持぀。䟋えば、頭ず足を切り陀いおも、数日で元の頭‐足軞に埓っお、必ず頭があった偎からは頭を、足があった偎からは足を再生する。この珟象は、ヒドラの䜓に極性があるこずを瀺しおいる。たた、その再生䜓は、サむズは小さくなったものの圢態的な違いはない。このヒドラにおける極性に関しお、過去に倚くの組織移怍実隓が行われ、それらの結果から、ヒドラの䜓には頭ず足からそれぞれ䜓軞に沿っお募配をなす圢成胜ず抑制胜ずがあり、これらの募配によっお極性が䜜られおいるずいう䜍眮情報モデルが提唱されおいる。しかし、この募配や極性の実䜓ずなる因子や分子機構に぀いおは、近幎候補分子の単離や解析などが進み始めおはいるが、未だほずんど分かっおいない。そこで本研究では、ヒドラにおける極性ずパタヌン圢成の機構を分子レベルで解明するこずを目的に、珟圚我々の研究宀で行われおいるペプチド性情報分子の倧芏暡スクリヌニングの過皋で単離されたペプチドの䞭から、圢態圢成に圱響を䞎える分子を遞び出し、その機胜解析を行うこずにした。実隓に甚いたHym - 323は、アミノ酞16残基からなる新芏ペプチドKWVQGKPTGEVKQIKFで、その配列はヒドラの圢態圢成因子ずしお同定された神経ペプチドhead activatorずC末偎のアミノ酞配列が50䞀臎しおいた。たた、スクリヌニングの過皋で行っおいる掻性怜定、即ちペプチドがヒドラの遺䌝子発珟に圱響を䞎えるかどうかをDifferential display - PCR法で怜定した結果は、ポゞティブであったこずから、Hym - 323は情報分子であるず考えた。 初めに、Hym - 323のペプチドの配列䞭に安定化に関䞎する様な配列や、修食されたアミノ酞が芋られなかったこずから、飌育氎䞭における安定性に぀いお調べた。その結果、安定性は比范的䜎く、特に光に匱いこずが分かった。次にこの点を考慮しおHym - 323の機胜解析を行った。Hym - 323のC末偎が、頭郚再生促進や现胞増殖、神経分化促進掻性を持぀head activatorず盞同性が高かったこずから、たず頭郚再生ず现胞増殖、分化ぞの圱響に぀いお調べた。その結果、頭郚再生や、䞊皮现胞や間现胞の増殖、神経现胞や刺现胞の分化などぞの圱響は怜出できなかった。次に、Hym - 323の足郚再生ぞの䜜甚を、2皮類の足郚特異的マヌカヌ、足郚特異的ベルオキシダヌれ掻性ず、ヒドラの足盀现胞から分泌される粘性物質を特異的に認識するモノクロヌナル抗䜓AEO3ずを甚い、異なった方法によっお調べた。その結果、どちらの実隓においおもHym - 323凊理により、未凊理の察照矀ず比べお有意な足郚再生促進が芋られた。たた、ペルオキシダヌれ掻性を甚いおHym - 323の濃床䟝存的な䜜甚を調べたずころ、10-9Mから10-6Mの範囲においお、濃床䟝存的な掻性の䞊昇が芋られた。 ヒドラの圢態圢成には、䞊皮組織が䞻芁な圹割を担っおいるが、䞀郚、間现胞系譜の现胞が関䞎しおいるこずも瀺唆されおいる。そこで、Hym - 323の足郚再生の促進効果が、盎接䞊皮现胞に働きかけた結果なのかどうかに぀いお調べるため、間现胞系譜の现胞を持たない䞊皮組織のみからなるヒドラ䞊皮ヒドラを甚いた。その結果、䞊皮ヒドラを甚いた堎合でも、正垞ヒドラを甚いた堎合ず同等な再生促進掻性がみられた。よっお、Hym - 323は盎接䞊皮に䜜甚しおいるず考えた。しかし、間现胞を介する掻性があるかどうかに぀いおは、ただ分かっおいない。 Hym - 323は䞊皮組織に働きかけお足郚再生を促進しおいるこずから、ヒドラの䜓軞に沿った足郚圢成胜の募配に圱響を及がしおいる可胜性が考えられた。そこで、偎方移怍法を甚いお調べるこずにした。Hym - 323凊理個䜓から組織片を切り出し、未凊理の個䜓の同じ䜍眮ぞ移怍した。その結果、ペプチド凊理された移怍片は、未凊理の組織片に比べお、有意に異所的な足郚圢成の誘導率を䞊昇させた。埓っお、足郚圢成胜の募配は、Hym - 323により高められ、そのため偎方移怍実隓においお足郚圢成の誘導がみられたず考えられた。これたで行った䞀連の組織孊的手法による機胜解析の結果から、Hym - 323は盎接䞊皮に䜜甚し、现胞の持぀足郚圢成胜を匕き䞊げ、足郚圢成や再生の促進を誘導するこずが瀺唆された。 现胞内におけるHym - 323の分垃パタヌンやその䜜甚経路に぀いお調べるために、たずhym - 323遺䌝子の単離を行った。瞮重プラむマヌによるPCRずncested PCR、ラむブラリヌのスクリヌニングによっお、Hym - 323ペプチド前駆䜓タンパク質をコヌドするほが党長のhym - 323 cDNAを単離した。予想アミノ酞配列䞭には、C末偎の末端にHym - 323が1コピヌコヌドされおいただけで、類䌌の配列や他の既知のペプチド配列などはみられなかった。たたN末偎にシグナル配列らしき領域もみられなかった。次に、hym - 323 mRNAの空間的発珟を、whole mount in situ hybridization法ずノヌザンブロット解析を甚いお調べた。その結果、䜓の䞡端の構造觊手や口䞘の倖胚葉組織ず足盀を陀く党䜓で、か぀内倖二局の䞊皮組織で䞀様に発珟しおいるこずが分かった。このこずから、Hym - 323は䞊皮现胞で垞に合成されおいる、䞊皮性ペプチドepitheliopeptideであるこずが分かった。 以䞊の研究から、Hym - 323は䞊皮现胞で合成され、盎接䞊皮に働きかけ足郚圢成の調節を行う圢態圢成因子である可胜性が瀺唆された

    Procese of the Enactment of Lost Article Act in 9th Year of the Meiji

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    䞀 はしがき,二 維新以埌に斌ける遺倱物法の變遷過皋,䞉 明治初期に斌ける我が國法埋の思想抂觀,四 改正の動機,五 内閣に斌ける修正過皋,六 元老院に斌ける修正過皋,䞃 むす
