347 research outputs found

    Successful Intervention for Pressure Ulcer by Nutrition Support Team: A Case Report

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    A 23-year-old woman with heart failure developed pressure ulcer on her sacral area due to a long-term bed rest and impaired hemodynamics. The ulcer improved only slightly after 2 months with povidone-iodine sugar ointment because of severe nausea and anorexia. Then, the nutrition support team (NST) started intervention and estimated the patient's malnutrition from her body weight (30.1 kg), body mass index (BMI) (13.9), triceps skinfold thickness (TSF) (3.5 mm), arm circumference (AC) (17.2 cm) and serum albumin (2.6 g/dl). The NST administrated an enteral nutrition formula through a nasogastric tube and tried to provide meals according to the patient's taste. Although DESIGN score improved to 7 (DESIGN: d2e1s2i1g1n0 = 7) 2 months later, severe nausea prevented the patient from taking any food perorally. However, after nasogastric decannulation, her appetite improved and 1 month later her body weight increased to 32.8 kg, her BMI to 15.2, TSF to 7.5 mm, AC to 19.7 cm and serum albumin to 4.1 g/dl, and the wound completely healed

    The Observation of Humoral Responses after Influenza Vaccination in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Japanese Oriental (Kampo) Medicine: An Observational Study

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    Objective. The efficacy of influenza vaccination in patients treated with Japanese Oriental (Kampo) Medicine is unknown. The objectives of this study were to observe the efficacy of influenza vaccination in RA patients treated with Kampo. Methods. Trivalent influenza subunit vaccine was administered to 45 RA patients who had received Kampo. They were divided into 2 groups: RA patients treated without MTX (“without MTX group”) and treated with MTX (“with MTX group”). Antibody titers were measured before and 4 weeks after vaccination using hemagglutination inhibition assay. Results. Geometric mean titers (GMTs) of anti-influenza antibodies significantly increased for all influenza strains. Response to the influenza vaccination in RA patients treated with Kampo was not lower than that of healthy subjects and the response in the “with MTX group” had a tendency to be higher than that in RA patients treated with MTX in the previous study. There was no significant difference in the GMT after 4 weeks between the “with MTX group” and the “without MTX group.” A decreased efficacy in both seroprotection and seroconversion was not found in the “with MTX group.” Conclusion. These observations may open the way for further clinical trials to establish the efficacy for the influenza vaccination in RA patients treated with Kampo

    Canals of Hering loss relates to the progression of the histological stages of primary biliary cirrhosis

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    [email protected]: The canals of Hering (CoH), which are the most peripherally located bile drainage pathway, are considered a niche of hepatic progenitor cells. Recently, CoH loss has been described as an early feature of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). We investigated the correlation between CoH loss and the histopathological variables of PBC. Methods: Liver biopsy specimens from 62 PBC patients (M:F=8:54, age=58±12 years) were evaluated prior to ursodeoxycholic acid treatment. Liver biopsies of patients with normal liver (n=11), chronic viral hepatitis (n=36) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (n=13) were used as controls. The number of CoH per definite area of hepatic parenchyma (c to p ratio) was calculated in individual cases. We compared the c to p ratios of PBC patients with that of controls and analysed the correlations with histological variables and clinical features. Results: The c to p ratios in PBC patients with mild and extensive fibrosis were lower than those in controls with each degree of fibrosis. The c to p ratios were negatively correlated with stage, fibrosis, bile duct loss, orcein-positive granule deposition and hepatitis activities in PBC (p<0.01) and with alkaline phosphatase and total bilirubin levels at liver biopsies (p<0.05). Conclusions: The number of CoH was low in early stages and further decreased with stage progression in PBC. CoH loss, reflecting a reduced supply of progenitor cells to the biliary tree, may be involved in the histological progression of PBC. © 2015, BMJ Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    subacute combined spinal cord degeneration

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    We report a case of subacute combined spinal cord degeneration (SCD) caused by vegetarianism and autoimmune gastritis, which is rarely reported in Japan, and which showed improvement in symptoms and imaging findings after vitamin B12 administration. As delayed treatment can lead to irreversible damage, we suggest that patients with characteristic abnormal signals in the posterior cervical cord should be examined while considering the possibility that SCD may occur even in the absence of a history of gastrectomy or heavy drinking. We also describe the patient’s reversible abnormal signals in the cerebral white matter on magnetic resonance imaging, indicative of an early sign of leukoencephalopathy associated with vitamin B12 deficiency


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    Background & aims: Muscle mass is an important biomarker of survival from a critical illness; however, there is no widely accepted method for routine assessment of low muscularity at intensive care unit (ICU) admission. We hypothesize that ultrasound-based partial muscle mass assessments can reflect the trunk muscle mass. Therefore, we aimed to investigate whether ultrasound muscle mass measurements could reflect trunk muscle mass and identify patients with low muscularity. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of prospectively obtained ultrasound data at ICU admission. We included patients who underwent computed tomography (CT) imaging at the third lumbar vertebra (L3) within 2 days before and 2 days after ICU admission. Primary outcomes included the correlation between the femoral muscle mass measurements using ultrasound and the cross-sectional area (CSA) at L3 obtained by CT. Low muscularity was defined as a skeletal muscle index of 36.0 cm2/m2 for males and 29.0 cm2/m2 for females. Secondary outcomes included the correlation with the ultrasound measurements of the biceps brachii muscle mass and diaphragm thickness. Results: Among 133 patients, 89 underwent CT imaging, which included the L3. The patient mean age was 72 ± 13 years, and 60 patients (67%) were male. The correlation between the femoral muscle ultrasound and CT was p = 0.57 (p < 0.01, n = 89) and p = 0.48 (p < 0.01, n = 89) for quadriceps muscle layer thickness and rectus femoris muscle CSA, and these had the discriminative power to assess low muscularity, with the areas under the curve of 0.84 and 0.76, respectively. The ultrasound measurements of the biceps brachii muscle mass and diaphragm thickness were correlated with CT imaging [p = 0.57 - 0.60 (p < 0.01, n = 52) and p = 0.35 (p < 0.01, n = 79)]. Conclusions: Ultrasound measurements of muscle mass were correlated with CT measurements, and the measurements of femoral muscle mass were useful to assess low muscularity at ICU admission

    Tissue-specific expression of histone H3 variants diversified after species separation

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    Additional file 3: Predicted CDS of human histone H3/H4 variants, contains Table S2, which lists the CDS locus information of the predicted human histone H3 and H4 variants in an Excel file

    Fish mesonephric model of polycystic kidney disease in medaka (Oryzias latipes) pc mutant

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    Fish mesonephric model of polycystic kidney disease in medaka (Oryzias latipes) pc mutant.BackgroundPolycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a common hereditary disease. A number of murine and zebrafish mutants have been generated and used for the study of PKD as metanephric and pronephric models, respectively. Here, we report a medaka (Oryzias latipes) mutant that develops numerous cysts in the kidney in adulthood fish in an autosomal-recessive manner as a mesonephric model of PKD.MethodsThe phenotypes of the medaka pc mutant were described in terms of morphologic, histologic, and ultrastructural features. The pc see-through stock was produced by crossing a pc mutant and a fish from the see-through stock and used for observing the kidney through the transparent body wall of a live fish.ResultsThe mutant developed bilateral massive enlargement of the kidney in adulthood. They sexually matured normally within 2 months of age and died within 6 months of age. The affected kidney was occupied by numerous, fluid-filled cysts, which were lined by attenuated squamous epithelial cells. Developmentally, cystic formation began in the pronephros in 10-day-old fry and in the mesonephros in 20-day-old fry at the microscopic level. The pc see-through stock was useful in observing disease progression in live fish.ConclusionThe kidney disorder that develops in the medaka pc mutant is a mesonephric counterpart of PKD, particularly an autosomal-dominant PKD, based on its morphologic, histologic, and ultrastructural features, and slow progression

    Clinicopathological significance of serum fractalkine in primary biliary cirrhosis

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    Background: Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), characterized by cholangitis and loss of intrahepatic small bile ducts, predominantly affects middle-aged females. We have reported that fractalkine expression associated with chronic inflammation is observed in the damaged bile ducts and periductal vessels of PBC patients, which is closely associated with chronic cholangitis. Aims: We investigated the association between serum fractalkine levels and clinicopathological findings in PBC patients. Methods: Liver biopsy specimens before ursodeoxycholic acid treatment and serum samples at the time of liver biopsy and 1 and 2 years after treatment were obtained from 68 PBC patients (M/F = 14/54). Serum fractalkine levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and their association with clinicopathological findings (liver function data, autoantibodies, cholangitis activity, hepatitis activity, fibrosis, bile duct loss, and orcein-positive granules) was analyzed. Results: Serum fractalkine levels were in the range of 0.1-33.2 ng/ml (average, 3.2 ng/ml). They were increased in PBC patients with high degrees of cholangitis activity, a mild degree of hepatitis activity, fibrosis, orcein-positive granules, and early stages. In cases with high serum fractalkine levels, those who exhibited good biochemical responses to treatment mostly showed improved serum fractalkine levels after treatment. Conclusion: Serum fractalkine levels of PBC patients were high in cases with marked cholangitis activity at early stages. In addition, they closely correlated with the effect of therapy, indicating that fractalkine plays a role in the pathogenesis of initial cholangitis in early stage PBC and consequent chronic cholangitis. Thus, our results suggest that fractalkine is a good candidate for molecular-targeted treatment. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York