246 research outputs found

    A Discussion of Universal Design for Learning for Active Learning in the University.

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     近年,大学教育の中で演習形式を含むアクティブラーニング型授業が増加している。この授業形態は,多くの学生の主体的・能動的な学修を促進する上で有効である一方,自閉症スペクトラム障がい(ASD)の学生をはじめコミュニケーションを苦手とする学生が授業に参加する上での大きな障壁ともなり得る。本稿では,演習形式の授業への参加に困難を持つであろうASD の学生や,それに準ずるコミュニケーションの苦手な学生への支援を考慮した,大学教育のユニバーサルデザイン環境について,先行文献を概観しながら考察した。その中で,授業外における支援として,シラバス記載の配慮,演習形式を練習する機会の提供,ファシリテーターの養成について述べると共に,授業内における支援として,具体化・明確化,見通しを持たせる配慮,視覚支援,感覚過敏への対応等について述べ,代替課題への置き換えについても言及した。 The purpose of this study was to review the literature on support for students with developmental disorders in exercise-style classes, and to discuss universal design for learning for active learning in the University. Outside class, it will be necessary in the future to write up the syllabus more, to provide opportunities to practice exercise-style such as a presentation, a group discussion, group works, to cultivate student-facilitators. Inside class, the support methods for person with autism such as making rules explicit, a visual support, the support of hypersensitivity will be helpful to support the students with senses of weakness of communication with others

    Cutaneous sarcoidosis : Clinical features and management

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    1976年から1996年に岡山大学第2内科を受診したサルコイドーシス255例のうち,65例(71病変)の皮膚サルコイドーシス(皮膚サ症)について,臨床経過,臨床検査成績,胸部病変との関連,予後について検討した。皮膚サ症患者の年齢は18歳から77歳で中央値は51歳であった。女性例が42例(65%)と多 く,特に50歳代女性に43%と最も高率であった。皮膚病型では結節型33例,皮下型16例,び慢浸潤型3例,局面型6例,結節性紅斑様皮疹3例,苔癬様型1例,瘢痕浸潤9例であった。皮膚サ症では非皮膚サ症に比して気管支肺胞洗浄液中リンパ球の低率が見られたが,その他の臨床成績に差は認められなかった。皮膚病型別に検討すると,局面型,び慢浸潤型では気管支肺胞洗浄液中リンパ球CD4/CD8比は高く,3年後の皮膚および肺病変の残存率は高かった。一方皮下型ではCD4/CD8比は低く皮膚,肺病変の残存率も低かった。Of 255 patients with clinical and histologic evidence of sarcoidosis, 65 (25percent) presented with various cutaneous manifestations of the disease. Cutaneous sarcoid patients were 42 women and 23 men ranging from 18 to 77 years in age. The skin lesions have included nodular infiltration in 33 patients, subcutaneous tumor in 16 patients, lupus pernio in 3, annual plaques in 6, erythema nodosum-like eruption in 3, lichinoid in 1, and scars in 9. There was no correlation between the presence of cutaneous lesions and chest radiolographic stages, abnormal pulmonary gallium uptake, cell differenciations of bronchoalveolar lavages and serum angiotensin converting enzyme activities. Forty-six patients followed for at least 3 years to determine the course of the disease. Subcutaneous tumors tended to heal within 3 years, while lupus pernio and plaque lesions were likely to have a protracted course

    Bilateral nevus comedonicus syndrome

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    An Experimental Study on Fire Spread Over Polyurethane Block Receiving Heat Feedback from Adjacent Walls

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    AbstractAn experimental study on fire spread was conducted using a solid polyurethane block receiving heat feedback from adjacent walls. Near- wall and near-corner configurations were applied to investigate the heat feedback effects from wall depending on the separation distance between polyurethane block and walls. Oxygen consumption method was used to measure the heat release rate (HRR). Flame spread rate was measured by video records of flame front for the each surface. The results show that in the case of insulation walls made of ceramic fiber board walls, maximum HRR was increased up to 20% for the near-wall and 40% for the near-corner configuration, respectively, as compared with burning in open configuration. Maximum HRR was increased as separation distance is increased to a certain value. After reaching the peak value, maximum HRR was decreased as the separation distance is increased. The heat feedback effects could be confirmed through flame spread rate both top and vertical surfaces, but more clearly appears in vertical surfaces

    Methotrexate-associated lymphoproliferative disorder with multiple pulmonary nodules and bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy

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    As has been well recognized, methotrexate (MTX) leads to a state of immunosuppression and can provide a basis for the development of lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs). MTX-associated LPDs can affect nodal sites as well as extranodal sites, though the manifestation of an LPD in the form of multiple pulmonary nodules is rare. Here, we report two cases of MTX-associated LPD with multiple bilateral pulmonary nodules, which was a finding suggestive of lung cancer, and bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy. After withdrawal of MTX, the multiple bilateral pulmonary nodules and bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy disappeared without chemotherapy in both cases. From these results, patients with pulmonary nodules and cervical lymphadenopathy should be examined for head and neck malignant tumors. Also, physicians should carefully check the administration of MTX. In patients with an MTX-associated LPD, we need to make an early diagnosis and consider discontinuing the administration of MTX as soon as possible