3,103 research outputs found

    Bulk scalar field in DGP braneworld cosmology

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    We investigated the effects of bulk scalar field in the braneworld cosmological scenario. The Friedmann equations and acceleration condition in presence of the bulk scalar field for a zero tension brane and cosmological constant are studied. In DGP model the effective Einstein equation on the brane is obtained with bulk scalar field. The rescaled bulk scalar field on the brane in the DGP model behaves as an effective four dimensional field, thus standard type cosmology is recovered. In present study of the DGP model, the late-time accelerating phase of the universe can be explained .Comment: 10 pages, to appear in JCA

    Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa antara yang Mendapatkan Model Pembelajaran Brain Based Learning dengan Numbered Head Together

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    The research was conducted to distinguish the two models , this is Brain Based Learning ( BBL ) with the Numbered Head Together ( NHT ) to see the extent to which the two models are instrumental in improving the learning outcomes of students learning mathematics . Authors wanted to see if there are differences in mathematics achievement between students who received Brain Based Learning ( BBL ) with Numbered Head Together ( NHT ) ? . The method that I use in this study is experimental research that is giving treatment to two different classes . The population in this study were all students class VII of SMP Negeri 1 Cikajang with a randomly selected sample of the class VII- C and class VII - D . The instrument used to measure student learning outcomes in the form mathematics objective tests , administered before and after the treatment the author gives a treat . From the analysis of the Mann Whitney test , to test initial value Zhitung = 1.72 and Ztabel = 2.24 with a significance level of 5 % ( α = 0.05 ) zhitung which is located in the reception area Ho , Ho is accepted then it means there is no difference initial ability between experimental classes experiment I and experiment II . While the results of Mann Whitney test to post test at significance level of 5 % ( α = 0.05 ) , zhitung = 3.18 using the two test sides of Zhitung value = 3.18 > Ztabel = 2.24 , in other words zhitung rejection of Ho is in the region , in other words Ha accepted . It means that there are differences in mathematics outcomes between students who received learning model with Brain Based Learning (BBL) with Numbered Head Together (NHT)

    Perbedaan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematik Siswa antara yang Mendapatkan Model Pembelajaran Jigsaw dan Cooperative Script

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    This research is done because a lot of students who have difficulty in understanding the concepts of mathematics.based formulation of the problem in this study , ie whether there is a difference between the students' mathematical communication skills are getting instructional model jigsaw premises cooperetive script ? . the study aims to determine differences in mathematical ability of communication between the students who get the Jigsaw cooperative learning model script. This research was conducted using a quasi-experimental. The instrument used to measure the communication skills of mathematics that is shaped in the form of a written test descriptions . Tests administered before researcher provide treatment ( pretest ) and after treatment ( posttest ) , about the same as the pretest posttest questions . Based on data from the pretest and posttest results , both normal distribution and homogeneous so that data processing followed by t-test, thus Ho is accepted . The results of this study indicate that there is no difference between the students' mathematical communication skills that get the Jigsaw cooperative learning model script

    Quality Of Life For Adolescents With Divorced Parents On Physical And Psychological Conditions In Indonesia: Literature Review

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    Quality of life can be interpreted as a person's view of life related to culture, values, and other factors. The quality of life of adolescents in Indonesia can be influenced by various factors, such as family. Families with divorced parents must experience differences and changes from families with intact parents. The purpose of this study was to describe the quality of life of adolescents in terms of physical and psychological conditions with divorced parents in Indonesia. The research method used in this research is Literature Review. The search for journal articles used 4 databases with a combination of the PICO(S) components and met the inclusion criteria so that 31 articles were extracted according to the research objectives. The results of the analysis show that the quality of life of adolescents with divorced parents depends on each of these adolescents. Physical condition can be seen from the components of pain and discomfort, energy and fatigue, and sleep and rest. And psychological conditions can be seen from the components of positive feeling, thinking, learning, memory, and concentration, negative feelings, self-esteem, and spirituality personal belief

    Perbedaan Prestasi Belajar Matematika Siswa Antara Yang Mendapatkan Model Pembelajaran Guided Note Taking Dengan Team Accelerated Instruction

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    This research use two learning they are guided note taking with team accelerated instruction. This research is eksperimental quasi. The study in this learning guided student's attention to learn mathematics. The purpose in this research is to know the difference of mathematics achievement student learning who use guided note taking learning with team accelerated instruction. After used the last evaluation and use the significant is 5%, it can be taken the conclusion that there is no difference of mathematics achievement students learning who use guided note taking learning with team accelerated instructio. Where as, student attitude for guided note taking learning is positive attitude and student attitude for team accelerated instruction learning is positive attitude

    Alumni Journal

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    Leukaemia Identification based on Texture Analysis of Microscopic Peripheral Blood Images using Feed-Forward Neural Network

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    ABSTRACT Leukaemia is very dangerous because it includes liquid tumour that it cannot be seen physically and is difficult to detect. Alternative detection of Leukaemia using microscopy can be processed using a computing system. Leukemia disease can be detected by microscopic examination. Microscopic test results can be processed using machine learning for classification systems. The classification system can be obtained using Feed-Forward Neural Network. Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) is a neural network that has a feedforward structure with a single hidden layer. ELM chooses the input weight and hidden neuron bias at random to minimize training time based on the Moore Penrose Pseudoinverse theory. The classification of Leukaemia is based on microscopic peripheral blood images using ELM. The classification stages consist of pre-processing, feature extraction using GLRLM, and classification using ELM. This system is used to classify Leukaemia into three classes, that is acute lymphoblastic Leukaemia, chronic lymphoblastic Leukaemia, and not Leukaemia. The best results were obtained in ten hidden nodes with an accuracy of 100%, a precision of 100%, a withdrawal of 100%

    Pioneering the human development revolution: Analysing the trajectory of Mahbub ul Haq

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    Mahbub ul Haq's work to coordinate, establish and propagate the human development approach offers an example of effective leadership in promoting more ethical socio-economic development. This article reviews Pioneering the Human Development Revolution-An Intellectual Biography of Mahbub ul Haq (edited by Haq and Ponzio), and extends themes from the United Nations Intellectual History Project to examine Haq's contributions in terms of four aspects of leadership: articulating and applying values that combine depth with broad appeal; providing a fruitful and vivid way of seeing, a 'vision', that reflects the values; embodying the values and vision in workable practical proposals; and supporting and communicating the previous aspects through wide and relevant networks. It suggests that the human development approach may need to update its values and vision, including through better integration of human security thinking, if it is to retain the leadership role it acquired thanks to Haq
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