116 research outputs found


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    In this study, an effort has been made to explore formulaicity in the Urdu language and its pedagogical implication in second language acquisition, both for English as a second language and Urdu as second language learners. It is believed that formulaic sequences or prefabs make more than fifty percent of a language. These formulaic sequences are of various kinds encompassing idioms, proverbs, collocations and sometimes, simple fillers. For the current study, data will be collected from two widely circulated Urdu newspapers. The data will consist of lexical chunks or formulas, which will be identified on the basis of eleven criteria proposed by Wray and Namba (2003). To maintain inter-rater reliability, the data will be shared with an Urdu language expert. After the identification, the formulaic sequences will be classified into six classes. Results of the pilot study show that there is formulaicity in the Urdu language. It was found that Urdu is also replete with almost all kinds of formulaic sequences, like many other languages

    Principles and Interpretations of Local Dispute Resolution body in Sharīʿah perspective

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    This is the common practice in society to seek local system of justice other than Conventional court’s system. People like to resolve their disputes through most reputes or juries of the society due to various reasons. They believe that conventional system requires more money and time than the previous method. It is experienced and people are aware of the current situation of these courts that some cases approach to fifty years and not yet resolved. Therefore, the wise people engross in local justice system, easy to access, simple to resolve and effortless to execute the decision. Comprehensively, the process of seeking justice and to resolve the disputes through well-known, repute referees beside the conventional court system is called ‘Taḥkīm’ in Shariah terminology and refers as Jirga in Pakhtūn Society. The present paper emphasis on highlighting the detailed comparison of Taḥkīm and Jirga coupled with bringing up the differences and similarities with respect to their modes and principles along with recommendations to bring the local system in full conformity of Shariah Standards

    Nota - Determinants of productivity growth: some international evidence

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    Este artigo apresenta alguma evidência empírica sobre os determinantes do crescimento a longo prazo para um grupo de países da OCDE. Um modelo de análise de variância (ANOVA) é estimado usando-se dados de produtividade total dos fatores (PTF) a fim de avaliar a importância relativa de efeitos específicos da indústria, efeitos específicos do país e de choques internacionais, assim como de interações entre efeitos da indústria e efeitos do país

    Performance Evaluation of Fatigue and Fracture Resistance of WMA Containing High Percentages of RAP

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    Sustainability and durability are the key requirements of pavement structure. Sustainability of asphalt pavement structure involves utilization of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) technologies with the addition of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), where durability of asphalt involves performance parameters like fatigue and fracture resistance properties etc. Utilizing the RAP content in asphalt mix increases the mixing and compaction temperature which may degrade the performance of asphalt. Hence, numerous studies have recommended different WMA technologies to decrease mixing and compaction temperature of asphalt mix containing RAP. The present research work evaluates the fatigue and fracture performance of WMA and Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) with varying percentages of RAP and Sasobit. Different mixes of WMA and HMA were designed with varying percentages of RAP (0, 20, 40 and 60%) through Marshall Mix design. Sasobit (organic/wax-based additive) was used as WMA technology to prepare WMA at varying percentages (0, 2, 4 and 6%). The fatigue behavior of asphalt was evaluated using four-point bending test, where fracture resistance of asphalt was determined using Semi Circular Bending (SCB) test in the laboratory. Fatigue and fracture resistance of WMA were improved with the increase in percentages of Sasobit and RAP content, while the addition of RAP in HMA showed a decreasing trend of fatigue and fracture resistance due to the stiffer nature of RAP. Furthermore, WMA was identified as economical for construction besides other benefits like improved properties and environment friendly asphalt mix. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091741 Full Text: PD

    Performance Evaluation of Modified Bitumen with Replaced Percentage of Waste Cooking Oil & Tire Rubber with Bagasse Ash as Modifier

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    Flexible pavements are the major type of pavement use in recent days. Bitumen is the main constituent’s part of flexible pavement. Bitumen is the by-produce of petroleum. The depleting reserve of petroleum led researcher to look for alternative binder. This research work explicitly aim at replacing certain percentage of bitumen with Tire Rubber powder (TR), Waste Cooking Oil (WCO) in the presence of Bagasse Ash (BA) as a modifier. Physical test were performed to determine optimum percentages of TR, WCO and BA that can be used as a percentage replacement in bitumen. Result shows that up to 20 % of bitumen can be successfully replaced without affecting performance of bitumen. Performance Tests such as Dynamic Shear Rheometer, Rotatory thin film oven, Pressure aging Vessel and Bending Beam Rheometer were performed on modified samples for its physical and rheological properties. Modified bitumen showed good resistance against rutting, skidding and low temperature cracking. The research work directly contribute in developments of alternative binder for flexible pavement which is a leading research trend these days and environmental friendly initiative

    Capacity driven small cell deployment in heterogeneous cellular networks : Outage probability and rate coverage analysis

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    Author's accepted manuscript.This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Ullah, A., Haq Abbas, Z., Muhammad, F., Abbas, G. & Lei, J. (2020). Capacity driven small cell deployment in heterogeneous cellular networks: Outage probability and rate coverage analysis. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 31(6): e3876, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.3876. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.acceptedVersio


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    Recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) provides us the need to save valuable aggregate and the help of which the use of expensive bituminous binder will be reduced as well. In this study we have considered one WMA additive (Sasobit). The rut resistance of mixes was improved by adding either RAP or Sasobit or both as compared to control asphalt mixes. For lower contents of RAP i.e. up to 15 %, highest rut resistances was observed at 2 % Sasobit addition, and for higher content of RAP highest rut resistance was observed at 3 % Sasobit addition. On the other hand, increasing RAP and Sasobit content increased the moisture susceptibility of mixes, so best recommended combination is to use 30-40 % RAP in addition of 3 % Sasobit as far as permanent deformation and moisture susceptibility criteria are concerned

    Analysis of load balancing and interference management in heterogeneous cellular networks

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    To meet the current cellular capacity demands, proactive offloading is required in heterogeneous cellular networks (HetCNets) comprising of different tiers of base stations (BSs), e.g., small-cell BSs (sBSs) and conventional macro-cell BSs (mBSs). Each tier differs from the others in terms of BS transmit power, spatial density, and association bias. Consequently, the coverage range of each tier BSs is also different from others. Due to low transmit power, a fewer number of users are associated to an sBS as compared with mBS. Thus, inefficient utilization of small-cell resources occurs. To balance the load across the network, it is necessary to push users to the underloaded small cells from the overloaded macro-cells. In co-channel deployed HetCNets, mBSs cause heavy inter-cell interference (ICI) to the offloaded users, which significantly affects the network performance gain. To address this issue, we develop a tractable analytical network model abating ICI using reverse frequency allocation (RFA) scheme along with cell range expansion-based user association. We probabilistically characterize coverage probability and user rate while considering RFA with and without selective sBS deployment. Our results demonstrate that selective sBS deployment outperforms other deployment methods.publishedVersionNivå

    Course Contents of English Language Textbooks and their Relevance to Learners’ Culture in an Islamic Context

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    The study is an attempt at analyzing the cultural authenticity of the course contents of English as a foreign language at International Islamic University Islamabad. This study assumes that these course contents increase cultural barriers for the learners who belong to a different set of cultural values and religious and educational background. It traces the limitation of foreign textbooks writers because of their unawareness of the local culture and the social, educational and religious environment. The study on the one hand questions the suitability of such textbooks for the learners (mostly from religious institutions) and on the other hand gives proposals for the development of English textbooks based on indigenous or Islamic culture. Usually, the evaluation of course contents is descriptive in nature and is done to describe or find out a problem rather than to address it. To bring an improvement in course contents is the basic goal of course evaluation. Although, it would be irrelevant to manipulate a problem statement for this type of research yet ignoring the student factor in writing English text books and selecting these books without doing a prior research into the needs analysis of the learners can be cited as the main problem which inspired the study. This study adopts both a descriptive as well as a prescriptive approach. It analyses the contents to see what is there in the contents and what is required for the learners from a cultural perspective. On the basis of its two fold description the study has given suggestions as to what should be an ideal situation for the selection, adaptation and development of English language textbooks for the learners. The main hypothesis of the study was that there was no cultural relevance between the objectives of the learners for learning English, their social and educational background and the contents of the course book. The inappropriateness of the theories that advocate the inclusion of target language culture in language courses as an essential factor for teaching and learning English in every situation and for all learners is the secondary hypothesis of the study. The study has narrowed down its focus to the cultural relevance of the course contents being taught at the IIUI, the communication gap between the authors and the target learners, and to give suggestions regarding the possibility to include the learners’ culture in English language courses.   The study adopts a first glance evaluation in the light of guidelines provided by pedagogical theorists and deliberately avoids learners’ response method (in which learners responses are measured) because of the   researcher’s own interest in the impressionistic evaluation. The main purpose of the study was to bring the learners in the lime light of focus to make teaching of English more learners’ centered, to create awareness among the teachers, policy makers and course designers to consider learners needs in the process of textbooks selection and development. The study proves that the themes, setting, characters and worldview, presented in the contents of the book represent a foreign and unfamiliar world for the learners. The study suggests that the learners would be more motivated to learn English if language were presented in the context with which the learners could identify themselves. Keywords: language, English, Culture, Textbooks, Learner