24 research outputs found

    Studi Alternatif Substrat Kertas untuk Pengujian Viabilitas Benih dengan Metode Uji UKDdp

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    A study to determine the best alternative substrate paper for testing seed viability in rolled paper method was conducted with 2 experiments. The first experiment studied the physical characteristic of six substrate papers, straw, filter, stencil, CD, HVS and Samson related to seed germination. The second experiment was conducted to identify the best alternative substrate for testing germination of different seeds. High and low viability of rice, maize, peanut, yardlong bean, chick pea and leafy vegetable seeds were tested with the substrate papers arranged in a Randomized Block Design with three replications. The first experiment showed that CD and Stencil papers had good physical characters for germination substrate. Water absorption of CD and stencil papers were 28.1g and 24.4g per medium unit, lower than Straw paper (46.51 g/medium unit) but significantly higher than the International standard of filter paper (20.7g/medium unit). In rolled paper test, no significant difference of water holding ability among the papers. Water lost during the 7 day testing were less than 2 g/medium unit for all of the papers. All of the papers including stencil and CD papers were homogenous with low coefficient of variation, less than 5%. The second experiment showed that different data of germination percentages and dry weight of normal seedlings were obtained from the diferrent subtrate papers. As compared to the common substrate straw paper, the stencil paper produced the most similar data, 100% and 91.7% similarities of germination percentage and dry weight of normal seedlings, respectively, whereas the other papers performed 37.5 - 91.6% and 29.1 - 66.7%

    Formulasi Sediaan Krim Minyak Jintan Hitam (Nigella Sativa L.) Sebagai Antijerawat Terhadap Bakteri Propionibacterium Acnes

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    Jerawat merupakan suatu kelainan kulit yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh bakteri Propionibacterium acnes. Salah satu bahan yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai produk antibakteri adalah minyak jintan hitam (Nigella sativa L.). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek antibakteri sediaan krim dari minyak jintan hitam terhadap bakteri P. acnes dengan metode sumuran. Konsentrasi minyak jintan hitam dalam pembuatan krim antijerawat tipe M/A sebesar 5, 10, dan 20%. Krim antijerawat merk X digunakan sebagai kontrol positif. Pembuatan krim dilakukan dengan metode peleburan. Evaluasi sediaan meliputi pemeriksaan organoleptis (bau, warna, bentuk serta homogenitas), pengujian daya sebar, daya lekat, viskositas, pH, dan antibakteri. Analisis data menggunakan uji anova satu arah dan uji Kruskal-Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa krim antijerawat tipe M/A memenuhi persyaratan homogenitas, daya sebar krim yang baik (5-7 cm), pH krim yang baik (4,5-6,5), dan hanya Formula IV yang memenuhi persyaratan viskositas krim yang baik (4000-40.000 cPs). Namun, krim tidak memenuhi persyaratan daya lekat krim yang baik

    Development and usability evaluation of virtual guide using augmented reality for Candi Gunung Gangsir in East Java

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    Despite being one of Indonesian cultural and historical heritage, Candi Gunung Gangsir failed to attract many visitors especially from the younger generations. Lack of attraction and supporting facilities in the vicinity is one of the reasons. This research aims to develop an interactive virtual guide enabled by augmented reality that will increase the attractiveness of the object. The methods used in this research are product design and development steps with consideration of human computer interaction, and usability. Primary data of customer needs are collected on and off site through questionnaires and interviews. Customer needs are then used to generate several product concepts to choose 1 final concept from through concept selection methods. Literature review and interviews are conducted to create an accurate story line for the virtual guide. The chosen concept is then developed to become a final application which also tested against the customer needs through a survey method. The result of this research is an offline Android-based augmented reality application to scan the 17 markers to show a3-D virtual guide character on the marker and inform the visitor about history of that particular spot. The usability testing was conducted to 20 respondents and revealed that the application can attract them to visit Candi Gunung Gangsir

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Malam Putih ( Cera Alba ) Pada Suppositoria Basis Lemak Coklat ( Oleum Cacao ) Terhadap Laju Disolusi Parasetamol

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    The research about the influence of white wax concentration toward dissolution of parasetamol suppositories in cacao butter base of white wax concentration toward the dissolutions rate of parasetamol suppositories in cacao butter base. In this research by parasetamol suppositories in cacao butter base adding with white wax in parasetamol which was made by melted method and was poured into molds. Then the suppositories were tested physically including melting point, solidification time, hardness, and dissolution test. The results of this research showed that the greater concentration of white wax the smaller of dissolution rate. Keywords : Suppository, white wax, parasetamol, dissolutio

    Daya Repelan Gel Minyak Atsiri Bunga Kenanga (Cananga Odorata (Lmk) Hook.f & Thoms) Dalam Basis Carbopol, Terhadap Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti

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    The aim of this research is to know the influence of carbopol concentration to physical characteristic and repellency of cananga flowers volatile oil in carbopol gel base. Cananga flowers volatile oil was extracted by steam water destilation. Three formulas of gel were made by various carbopol concentration (0,5 g, 1,0 g and 1,5 g). The gels produced were tested physical characteristic (organoleptic, pH, viscosity, homogeneity, spread ability, adhesive ability and identification of cananga flowers volatile oil). Repellency was done by entering hand of person into the cage contain mosquitoes with interval five minute. This research used five groups. They were untreated hand, negative control with three formulas of gel did not used cananga flowers volatile oil, cananga flowers volatile oil, three formulas of gel contain cananga flowers volatile oil and lotion merk β€œX” as positive control. The result showed that the greater carbopol consentration, the smaller in pH and spread ability but the greater in adhesive ability, viscosity and repellency of gel from cananga flowers volatile oil. Key words: repellency of gel, cananga (Cananga odorata (Lmk) Hook.f & Thoms) flowers volatile oil, carbopol, Aedes aegypt

    Uji Fototoksisitas Sediaan Krim Muka β€œX” Terhadap Kelinci Putih Jantan

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    A research on phototoxicity effect of Hand and Body Lotion β€œx” product has been conducted. The aim of this research is to find out the phototoxicity effect of the Hand and Body Lotion β€œx” product sampel against rabbits as test animals.The research was done by using three male rabbits which were treated by removing their back hairs at two areas. One area was treated by the Hand and Body Lotion β€œx” as test tretment, and the other one give by ethanol as negatif control. After 30 minutes of the treatment, all rabbits were exposed to UV- ray of 320 – 400 nm wavelengh for 30 minutes. Phototoxicity effect appeared in the form of erythema and were analyzed by erythema scoresing method. The research result shows that Hand and Body Lotion β€œX” product give positif rate phototoxic effect 66,67% with means score is 1 (very slight erythema). Key word : Phototoxicity, erythema

    Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Keberhasilan Pengobatan Tuberkulosis Di Puskesmas Kecamatan Sokaraja Tahun 2010-2011

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    Tubercolusis is adisease, the majority of TB deaths occur in the world. Indonesia ranks fourth in the case of from 0.37 to 0.54 million cases per year. The cure rate or the successful treatment of pulmonary tubercolusis in Banyumas district in 2010 by 89.56% tended to decrease compared to the year 2009 of 91.5%. Many factors can affect the success rate of treatment tubercolusis including age, gender, the role of drug compliance vontroler , Information Education Communication and drug compliance.This research was finding out to factors Influence in Successful Treatment of Pulmonary Tubercolusis Patients in the Publics Health Center Sokaraja. This studty was conducted observational anhalitics with cross sectional approach. Technical sampling was retrospektive from the book of register treatment TB in DOTS unit Public Health Center Sokaraja. Univariate and bivariate were applied in this research by chi square test and multivariate by logistic regression. The research with total sampling76 with 38 heal patient and 38 complete treatment patientl. Base on the research show there are variable have p value ≀ 0,05. On the bivariate with chi square test provide 2 variable have significance correlation with sussessfuly treatment such as KIE (p value: 0,011) and drug complience ( p value: 0,05),Multivariate analysis using logistic regression obtained the main variables that affect the success of treatment is medication adherence but would not have a significant effect and show the strength of weak ties. Keywords : IEC, drug compliance, successful treatmen