1,166 research outputs found

    Which canonical algebras are derived equivalent to incidence algebras of posets?

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    We give a full description of all the canonical algebras over an algebraically closed field that are derived equivalent to incidence algebras of finite posets. These are the canonical algebras whose number of weights is either 2 or 3.Comment: 8 pages; slight revision; to appear in Comm. Algebr

    Spatiotemporal and Wavenumber Resolved Bicoherence at the Low to High Confinement Transition in the TJ-II Stellarator

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    Plasma turbulence is studied using Doppler reflectometry at the TJ-II stellarator. By scanning the tilt angle of the probing beam, different values of the perpendicular wave numbers are probed at the reflection layer. In this way, the interaction between zonal flows and turbulence is reported with (a) spatial, (b) temporal, and (c) wavenumber resolution for the first time in any magnetic confinement fusion device. We report measurements of the bicoherence across the Low to High (L--H) confinement transition at TJ-II. We examine both fast transitions and slow transitions characterized by an intermediate (I) phase. The bicoherence, understood to reflect the non-linear coupling between the perpendicular velocity (zonal flow) and turbulence amplitude, is significantly enhanced in a time window of several tens of ms around the time of the L--H transition. It is found to peak at a specific radial position (slightly inward from the radial electric field shear layer in H mode), and is associated with a specific perpendicular wave number (k612k_\perp \simeq 6-12 cm1^{-1}, kρs0.82k_\perp \rho_s \simeq 0.8-2). In all cases, the bicoherence is due to the interaction between high frequencies (1\simeq 1 MHz) and a rather low frequency (50\lesssim 50 kHz), as expected for a zonal flow.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Multidimensional optical fractionation with holographic verification

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    The trajectories of colloidal particles driven through a periodic potential energy landscape can become kinetically locked in to directions dictated by the landscape's symmetries. When the landscape is realized with forces exerted by a structured light field, the path a given particle follows has been predicted to depend exquisitely sensitively on such properties as the particle's size and refractive index These predictions, however, have not been tested experimentally. Here, we describe measurements of colloidal silica spheres' transport through arrays of holographic optical traps that use holographic video microscopy to track individual spheres' motions in three dimensions and simultaneously to measure each sphere's radius and refractive index with part-per-thousand resolution. These measurements confirm previously untested predictions for the threshold of kinetically locked-in transport, and demonstrate the ability of optical fractionation to sort colloidal spheres with part-per-thousand resolution on multiple characteristics simultaneously.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Microscale swimming: The molecular dynamics approach

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    The self-propelled motion of microscopic bodies immersed in a fluid medium is studied using molecular dynamics simulation. The advantage of the atomistic approach is that the detailed level of description allows complete freedom in specifying the swimmer design and its coupling with the surrounding fluid. A series of two-dimensional swimming bodies employing a variety of propulsion mechanisms -- motivated by biological and microrobotic designs -- is investigated, including the use of moving limbs, changing body shapes and fluid jets. The swimming efficiency and the nature of the induced, time-dependent flow fields are found to differ widely among body designs and propulsion mechanisms.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (minor changes to text

    Hydrodynamics of flagellated microswimmers near free-slip interfaces

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    The hydrodynamics of a flagellated microorganism is investigated when swimming close to a planar free-slip surface by means of numerical solu- tions of the Stokes equations obtained via a Boundary Element Method. Depending on the initial condition, the swimmer can either escape from the free-slip surface or collide with the boundary. Interestingly, the mi- croorganism does not exhibit a stable orbit. Independently of escape or attraction to the interface, close to a free-slip surface, the swimmer fol- lows a counter-clockwise trajectory, in agreement with experimental find- ings, [15]. The hydrodynamics is indeed modified by the free-surface. In fact, when the same swimmer moves close to a no-slip wall, a set of initial conditions exists which result in stable orbits. Moreover when moving close to a free-slip or a no-slip boundary the swimmer assumes a different orientation with respect to its trajectory. Taken together, these results contribute to shed light on the hydrodynamical behaviour of microorgan- isms close to liquid-air interfaces which are relevant for the formation of interfacial biofilms of aerobic bacteria

    The short-time self-diffusion coefficient of a sphere in a suspension of rigid rods

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    The short--time self diffusion coefficient of a sphere in a suspension of rigid rods is calculated in first order in the rod volume fraction. For low rod concentrations the correction to the Einstein diffusion constant of the sphere is a linear function of the rod volume fraction with the slope proportional to the equilibrium averaged mobility diminution trace of the sphere interacting with a single freely translating and rotating rod. The two--body hydrodynamic interactions are calculated using the so--called bead model in which the rod is replaced by a stiff linear chain of touching spheres. The interactions between spheres are calculated numerically using the multipole method. Also an analytical expression for the diffusion coefficient as a function of the rod aspect ratio is derived in the limit of very long rods. We show that in this limit the correction to the Einstein diffusion constant does not depend on the size of the tracer sphere. The higher order corrections depending on the applied model are computed numerically. An approximate expression is provided, valid for a wide range of aspect ratios.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Faxen relations in solids - a generalized approach to particle motion in elasticity and viscoelasticity

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    A movable inclusion in an elastic material oscillates as a rigid body with six degrees of freedom. Displacement/rotation and force/moment tensors which express the motion of the inclusion in terms of the displacement and force at arbitrary exterior points are introduced. Using reciprocity arguments two general identities are derived relating these tensors. Applications of the identities to spherical particles provide several new results, including simple expressions for the force and moment on the particle due to plane wave excitation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Rotational and translational self-diffusion in concentrated suspensions of permeable particles

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    In our recent work on concentrated suspensions of uniformly porous colloidal spheres with excluded volume interactions, a variety of short-time dynamic properties were calculated, except for the rotational self-diffusion coefficient. This missing quantity is included in the present paper. Using a precise hydrodynamic force multipole simulation method, the rotational self-diffusion coefficient is evaluated for concentrated suspensions of permeable particles. Results are presented for particle volume fractions up to 45%, and for a wide range of permeability values. From the simulation results and earlier results for the first-order virial coefficient, we find that the rotational self-diffusion coefficient of permeable spheres can be scaled to the corresponding coefficient of impermeable particles of the same size. We also show that a similar scaling applies to the translational self-diffusion coefficient considered earlier. From the scaling relations, accurate analytic approximations for the rotational and translational self-diffusion coefficients in concentrated systems are obtained, useful to the experimental analysis of permeable-particle diffusion. The simulation results for rotational diffusion of permeable particles are used to show that a generalized Stokes-Einstein-Debye relation between rotational self-diffusion coefficient and high-frequency viscosity is not satisfied.Comment: 4 figure

    Colloidal transport through optical tweezer arrays

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    Viscously damped particles driven past an evenly spaced array of potential energy wells or barriers may become kinetically locked in to the array, or else may escape from the array. The transition between locked-in and free-running states has been predicted to depend sensitively on the ratio between the particles' size and the separation between wells. This prediction is confirmed by measurements on monodisperse colloidal spheres driven through arrays of holographic optical traps.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Low-Reynolds number swimming in gels

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    Many microorganisms swim through gels, materials with nonzero zero-frequency elastic shear modulus, such as mucus. Biological gels are typically heterogeneous, containing both a structural scaffold (network) and a fluid solvent. We analyze the swimming of an infinite sheet undergoing transverse traveling wave deformations in the "two-fluid" model of a gel, which treats the network and solvent as two coupled elastic and viscous continuum phases. We show that geometric nonlinearities must be incorporated to obtain physically meaningful results. We identify a transition between regimes where the network deforms to follow solvent flows and where the network is stationary. Swimming speeds can be enhanced relative to Newtonian fluids when the network is stationary. Compressibility effects can also enhance swimming velocities. Finally, microscopic details of sheet-network interactions influence the boundary conditions between the sheet and network. The nature of these boundary conditions significantly impacts swimming speeds.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to EP