254 research outputs found

    Ammonium removal from landfill leachate by chemical precipitation

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    Self-sustained combustion of CO with transient changes and reaction mechanism over CuCe0.75Zr0.25O delta powder for honeycomb ceramic catalyst

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    A CuCe0.75Zr0.25O delta catalyst was prepared by the sol-gel method and successfully coated on honeycomb ceramic (HC) carrier. The activity of CuCe0.75Zr0.25O delta/HC was determined by the CO-TPO + FLIR, with the results performing that the critical condition for CO self-sustained combustion is 3 vol% CO + 3 vol% O-2/N-2 at 0.5 L/min. As the CO concentration increases from 1 vol% CO to 3 vol% CO, the induction process ( T-15) shifts to rapid ignition with a transient change for the CO oxidation reaction. The furnace temperature for CO self-sustained combustion decreases with increasing the CO and O-2 concentrations. Upon increasing the CO2 concentration, however, furnace temperature is needed to increase and realize CO complete conversion. The thermal stability test combined with SEM + EDX results indicate that the CuCe0.75Zr0.25O delta/HC retains an excellent thermal stability after a 200 h, and the high-temperature region remains at 225 +/- 1 degrees C during the CO self-combustion reaction. The activity of catalyst is reduced slightly after the 200 h test because of the carbon deposition on the catalyst surface, but such a slight deactivation can be eliminated by the air oxidation method. In situ IR results show a competitive adsorption of CO/O-2 and CO2 on the Cu-Ce active sites, indicating that the addition of gaseous CO2 performs an inhibition of CO oxidation. CO preferentially adsorbs linearly at Cu+ sites to form carbonyls that react with lattice oxygen to produce CO2 to release, which can be ascribed to M-K mechanism. The L-H mechanism is less important, which involves the relatively weak reaction of adsorbed CO and adsorbed oxygen on the Cu-Ce active sites to form carbonate species

    Using Neural Networks for Relation Extraction from Biomedical Literature

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    Using different sources of information to support automated extracting of relations between biomedical concepts contributes to the development of our understanding of biological systems. The primary comprehensive source of these relations is biomedical literature. Several relation extraction approaches have been proposed to identify relations between concepts in biomedical literature, namely, using neural networks algorithms. The use of multichannel architectures composed of multiple data representations, as in deep neural networks, is leading to state-of-the-art results. The right combination of data representations can eventually lead us to even higher evaluation scores in relation extraction tasks. Thus, biomedical ontologies play a fundamental role by providing semantic and ancestry information about an entity. The incorporation of biomedical ontologies has already been proved to enhance previous state-of-the-art results.Comment: Artificial Neural Networks book (Springer) - Chapter 1

    Notch signaling during human T cell development

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    Notch signaling is critical during multiple stages of T cell development in both mouse and human. Evidence has emerged in recent years that this pathway might regulate T-lineage differentiation differently between both species. Here, we review our current understanding of how Notch signaling is activated and used during human T cell development. First, we set the stage by describing the developmental steps that make up human T cell development before describing the expression profiles of Notch receptors, ligands, and target genes during this process. To delineate stage-specific roles for Notch signaling during human T cell development, we subsequently try to interpret the functional Notch studies that have been performed in light of these expression profiles and compare this to its suggested role in the mouse

    Contribution of human hematopoietic stem cells to liver repair

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    Immune-deficient mouse models of liver damage allow examination of human stem cell migration to sites of damage and subsequent contribution to repair and survival. In our studies, in the absence of a selective advantage, transplanted human stem cells from adult sources did not robustly become hepatocytes, although some level of fusion or hepatic differentiation was documented. However, injected stem cells did home to the injured liver tissue and release paracrine factors that hastened endogenous repair and enhanced survival. There were significantly higher levels of survival in mice with a toxic liver insult that had been transplanted with human stem cells but not in those transplanted with committed progenitors. Transplantation of autologous adult stem cells without conditioning is a relatively safe therapy. Adult stem cells are known to secrete bioactive factors that suppress the local immune system, inhibit fibrosis (scar formation) and apoptosis, enhance angiogenesis, and stimulate recruitment, retention, mitosis, and differentiation of tissue-residing stem cells. These paracrine effects are distinct from the direct differentiation of stem cells to repair tissue. In patients at high risk while waiting for a liver transplant, autologous stem cell therapy could be considered, as it could delay the decline in liver function

    XIAP impairs Smac release from the mitochondria during apoptosis

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    X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) is a potent inhibitor of caspases 3, 7 and 9, and mitochondrial Smac (second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase) release during apoptosis inhibits the activity of XIAP. In this study we show that cytosolic XIAP also feeds back to mitochondria to impair Smac release. We constructed a fluorescent XIAP-fusion protein by labelling NH2- and COOH-termini with Cerulean fluorescent protein (C-XIAP-C). Immunoprecipitation confirmed that C-XIAP-C retained the ability to interact with Smac and impaired extrinsically and intrinsically activated apoptosis in response to tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand/cycloheximide and staurosporine. In C-XIAP-C-expressing cells, cytochrome c release from mitochondria proceeded normally, whereas Smac release was significantly prolonged and incomplete. In addition, physiological expression of native XIAP prolonged or limited Smac release in HCT-116 colon cancer cells and primary mouse cortical neurons. The Smac-binding capacity of XIAP, but not caspase inhibition, was central for mitochondrial Smac retention, as evidenced in experiments using XIAP mutants that cannot bind to Smac or effector caspases. Similarly, the release of a Smac mutant that cannot bind to XIAP was not impaired by C-XIAP-C expression. Full Smac release could however be provoked by rapid cytosolic C-XIAP-C depletion upon digitonin-induced plasma membrane permeabilization. Our findings suggest that although mitochondria may already contain pores sufficient for cytochrome c release, elevated amounts of XIAP can selectively impair and limit the release of Smac

    Clutch Frequency Affects the Offspring Size-Number Trade-Off in Lizards

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    Background: Studies of lizards have shown that offspring size cannot be altered by manipulating clutch size in species with a high clutch frequency. This raises a question of whether clutch frequency has a key role in influencing the offspring sizenumber trade-off in lizards. Methodology/Principal Findings: To test the hypothesis that females reproducing more frequently are less likely to tradeoff offspring size against offspring number, we applied the follicle ablation technique to female Eremias argus (Lacertidae) from Handan (HD) and Gonghe (GH), the two populations that differ in clutch frequency. Follicle ablation resulted in enlargement of egg size in GH females, but not in HD females. GH females switched from producing a larger number of smaller eggs in the first clutch to a smaller number of larger eggs in the second clutch; HD females showed a similar pattern of seasonal shifts in egg size, but kept clutch size constant between the first two clutches. Thus, the egg sizenumber trade-off was evident in GH females, but not in HD females. Conclusions/Significance: As HD females (mean = 3.1 clutches per year) reproduce more frequently than do GH females (mean = 1.6 clutches per year), our data therefore validate the hypothesis tested. Our data also provide an inference that maximization of maternal fitness could be achieved in females by diverting a large enough, rather than a higher-than-usual

    New Insights into the Mechanisms of Embryonic Stem Cell Self-Renewal under Hypoxia: A Multifactorial Analysis Approach

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    Previous reports have shown that culturing mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells at different oxygen tensions originated different cell proliferation patterns and commitment stages depending on which signaling pathways are activated or inhibited to support the pluripotency state. Herein we provide new insights into the mechanisms by which oxygen is influencing mES cell self-renewal and pluripotency. A multifactorial approach was developed to rationally evaluate the singular and interactive control of MEK/ERK pathway, GSK-3 inhibition, and LIF/STAT3 signaling at physiological and non-physiological oxygen tensions. Collectively, our methodology revealed a significant role of GSK-3-mediated signaling towards maintenance of mES cell pluripotency at lower O2 tensions. Given the central role of this signaling pathway, future studies will need to focus on the downstream mechanisms involved in ES cell self-renewal under such conditions, and ultimately how these findings impact human models of pluripotency

    Pleiotropy of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Inhibition by CHIR99021 Promotes Self-Renewal of Embryonic Stem Cells from Refractory Mouse Strains

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    Background: Inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) improves the efficiency of embryonic stem (ES) cell derivation from various strains of mice and rats, as well as dramatically promotes ES cell self-renewal potential. b-catenin has been reported to be involved in the maintenance of self-renewal of ES cells through TCF dependent and independent pathway. But the intrinsic difference between ES cell lines from different species and strains has not been characterized. Here, we dissect the mechanism of GSK-3 inhibition by CHIR99021 in mouse ES cells from refractory mouse strains. Methodology/Principal Findings: We found that CHIR99021, a GSK-3 specific inhibitor, promotes self-renewal of ES cells from recalcitrant C57BL/6 (B6) and BALB/c mouse strains through stabilization of b-catenin and c-Myc protein levels. Stabilized b-catenin promoted ES self-renewal through two mechanisms. First, b-catenin translocated into the nucleus to maintain stem cell pluripotency in a lymphoid-enhancing factor/T-cell factor–independent manner. Second, b-catenin binds plasma membrane-localized E-cadherin, which ensures a compact, spherical morphology, a hallmark of ES cells. Further, elevated c-Myc protein levels did not contribute significantly to CH-mediated ES cell self-renewal. Instead, the role of c-Myc is dependent on its transformation activity and can be replaced by N-Myc but not L-Myc. b-catenin and c-Myc have similar effects on ES cells derived from both B6 and BALB/c mice. Conclusions/Significance: Our data demonstrated that GSK-3 inhibition by CH promotes self-renewal of mouse ES cell

    Extracellular, cell-permeable survivin inhibits apoptosis while promoting proliferative and metastatic potential

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    The tumour microenvironment is believed to be involved in development, growth, metastasis, and therapy resistance of many cancers. Here we show survivin, a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family, implicated in apoptosis inhibition and the regulation of mitosis in cancer cells, exists in a novel extracellular pool in tumour cells. Furthermore, we have constructed stable cell lines that provide the extracellular pool with either wild-type survivin (Surv-WT) or the previously described dominant-negative mutant survivin (Surv-T34A), which has proven pro-apoptotic effects in cancer cells but not in normal proliferating cells. Cancer cells grown in conditioned medium (CM) taken from Surv-WT cells absorbed survivin and experienced enhanced protection against genotoxic stresses. These cells also exhibited an increased replicative and metastatic potential, suggesting that survivin in the tumour microenvironment may be directly associated with malignant progression, further supporting survivin's function in tumourigenesis. Alternatively, cancer cells grown in CM taken from the Surv-T34A cells began to apoptose through a caspase-2- and caspase-9-dependent pathway that was further enhanced by the addition of other chemo- and radiotherapeutic modalities. Together our findings suggest a novel microenvironmental function for survivin in the control of cancer aggressiveness and spread, and should result in the genesis of additional cancer treatment modalities