4 research outputs found

    Spatial Distribution and Sampling Technique for Aphis glycines Matsumura

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    The spatial distribution of Aphis glycines Matsumura was studied. All sets of samples exhibited aggregated patterns of spatial distribution, but did not fit Poisson, Neymann (n=0?4 and ?), Poisson-binomial and compound Poisson distributions. Of 11 sets of samples tested, 10 sets fitted the negative binomial distribution; only 1 set did not fit. The fundamental components of the spatial distributions of Aphis glycines are aggregated distribution of individual populations; the degrees of aggregation increase with the population densities. The spatial distribution parameters ( ? m , C? , ? I , x m ? ,?,? ) of the soybean aphids and species aggregation average degree ( ? ) were analyzed, the reason of aggregation patterns of the aphids was discussed, and the relation between the average sizes of the individual population and its average densities was predicted. The theoretical sizes of sampling and sequential sampling plans of fixed levels with precision were determined by utilizing estimated variance/mean relationship obtained from Taylor’s power law regression. The theoretical size of sampling is 2 0.64 5.364 D x n ? ? and the stop line of fixed-precision-level sequential sampling is 3.125 0.563 * 13.8 D n T n ? .Originating text in Chinese.Citation: Su, Jianya, Hao, Kangshan, Shi, Xiaoling. (1996). Spatial Distribution and Sampling Technique for Aphis glycines Matsumura. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 19(3), 55-58

    Plastome phylogeny and early diversification of Brassicaceae

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    Background: The family Brassicaceae encompasses diverse species, many of which have high scientific and economic importance. Early diversifications and phylogenetic relationships between major lineages or clades remain unclear. Here we re-investigate Brassicaceae phylogeny with complete plastomes from 51 species representing all four lineages or 5 of 6 major clades (A, B, C, E and F) as identified in earlier studies. Results: Bayesian and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses using a partitioned supermatrix of 77 protein coding genes resulted in nearly identical tree topologies exemplified by highly supported relationships between clades. All four lineages were well identified and interrelationships between them were resolved. The previously defined Clade C was found to be paraphyletic (the genus Megadenia formed a separate lineage), while the remaining clades were monophyletic. Clade E (lineage III) was sister to clades B + C rather than to all core Brassicaceae (clades A + B + C or lineages I + II), as suggested by a previous transcriptome study. Molecular dating based on plastome phylogeny supported the origin of major lineages or clades between late Oligocene and early Miocene, and the following radiative diversification across the family took place within a short timescale. In addition, gene losses in the plastomes occurred multiple times during the evolutionary diversification of the family. Conclusions: Plastome phylogeny illustrates the early diversification of cruciferous species. This phylogeny will facilitate our further understanding of evolution and adaptation of numerous species in the model family Brassicaceae

    Additional file 1: of Plastome phylogeny and early diversification of Brassicaceae

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    Table S1. Species and data discription of cp genome used in this study. Table S2. Comparison of sequence length and GC content among Brassicales chloroplast genomes. Table S3. Comparison of fast-, intermediate-, and slow-evolving plastid protein-coding genes. Table S4. Heterogeneity and saturation test results from BaCoCa analysis. Table S5. Comparison of partitioning strategies. Table S6. Species and lineage specific fossil calibrations. Table S7. Comparison of mean and 95% HPD age estimates using different fossils. (XLSX 48 kb

    Additional file 2: of Plastome phylogeny and early diversification of Brassicaceae

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    Figure S1. Topologies of alternative tree hypothesis used in approximately unbiased test. Figure S2. Chronogram of Brassicaceae and 75 outgroup taxa inferred using MCMCTree. Figure S3. Alignment view of Brassicales rps16 genes in MEGA6. Figure S4. Alignment view of Brassicales ycf15 genes in MEGA6. Figure S5. A phylogeny from ML analyses of 77 PCGs using 1st an 2nd codon. Figure S6. A phylogeny from ML analyses of 77 PCGs using genes from the IR region. Figure S7. A phylogeny from ML analyses of 77 PCGs using 3rd codon. Figure S8. A phylogeny from ML analyses of 77 PCGs using all three codons. (PDF 625 kb