259 research outputs found

    Testing the Number of Components in Finite Mixture Normal Regression Model with Panel Data

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    This paper develops the likelihood ratio-based test of the null hypothesis of a M0-component model against an alternative of (M0 + 1)-component model in the normal mixture panel regression by extending the Expectation-Maximization (EM) test of Chen and Li (2009a) and Kasahara and Shimotsu (2015) to the case of panel data. We show that, unlike the cross-sectional normal mixture, the first-order derivative of the density function for the variance parameter in the panel normal mixture is linearly independent of its second-order derivatives for the mean parameter. On the other hand, like the cross-sectional normal mixture, the likelihood ratio test statistic of the panel normal mixture is unbounded. We consider the Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimator to deal with the unboundedness, where we obtain the data-driven penalty function via computational experiments. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the Penalized Likelihood Ratio Test (PLRT) and EM test statistics by expanding the log-likelihood function up to five times for the reparameterized parameters. The simulation experiment indicates good finite sample performance of the proposed EM test. We apply our EM test to estimate the number of production technology types for the finite mixture Cobb-Douglas production function model studied by Kasahara et al. (2022) used the panel data of the Japanese and Chilean manufacturing firms. We find the evidence of heterogeneity in elasticities of output for intermediate goods, suggesting that production function is heterogeneous across firms beyond their Hicks-neutral productivity terms

    Analysis of The Attractiveness of Soccer: A Game Refinement Model and The Significance of “Antagonistic Rate”

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    Soccer (or association football) is now the most popular sports game in the world. Various underlying factors may explain its reasons to be popular. However, there is no underlying explanation as to why the nature of the game processes was appealing to all people of all ages. However, measuring such subjective metric were empirically challenging and costly. In this paper, a mathematical model of a soccer game is established based on the game refinement theory, where the internal processes of a soccer game are explored where interpretation based on the “antagonistic rate” is established. Based on such measures, two stages were identified in the soccer game, and various soccer leagues' data were utilized as the testbed. Further analysis of the soccer game was determined based on physics in mind measure using correspondence of Newtonian law of motions. These measures provide insights into the game stages' underlying entertainment value, as well as a new perspective on the soccer game attractiveness

    Dietary cholesterol withdrawal reduces vascular inflammation and induces coronary plaque stabilization in miniature pigs

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    Objective: To study the effect of dietary cholesterol withdrawal on size and composition of LDL-hypercholesterolemia-induced coronary plaques in miniature pigs. Methods: Pigs were on normal chow (control group), on a cholesterol-rich diet for 37 weeks (hypercholesterolemic group) or on a cholesterol-rich diet followed by normal chow for 26 weeks (cholesterol withdrawal group). Endothelial function was assessed with quantitative angiography after intracoronary infusion of acetylcholine, plaque load with intra-coronary ultrasound and plaque composition with image analysis of cross-sections. The effect of porcine serum on coronary smooth muscle cell (SMC) function was studied in vitro. Results: Cholesterol-rich diet caused LDL-hypercholesterolemia, increased plasma levels of oxidized LDL (ox-LDL) and C-reactive protein (CRP), and induced endothelial dysfunction and coronary atherosclerosis. Dietary cholesterol withdrawal lowered LDL, ox-LDL and CRP. It restored endothelial function, did not affect plaque size but decreased lipid, ox-LDL and macrophage content. Smooth muscle cells and collagen accumulated within the plaque. Increased smoothelin-to-α-smooth muscle actin ratio indicated a more differentiated SMC phenotype. Cholesterol lowering reduced proliferation and apoptosis. In vitro, hypercholesterolemic serum increased SMC apoptosis and decreased SMC migration compared to non-hypercholesterolemic serum. Conclusions: Cholesterol lowering induced coronary plaque stabilization as evidenced by a decrease in lipids, ox-LDL, macrophages, apoptosis and cell proliferation, and an increase in differentiated SMC and collagen. Increased migration and decreased apoptosis of SMC may contribute to the disappearance of the a-cellular core after lipid lowerin

    Bcl11b and combinatorial resolution of cell fate in the T-cell gene regulatory network

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    T-cell development from hematopoietic progenitors depends on multiple transcription factors, mobilized and modulated by intrathymic Notch signaling. Key aspects of T-cell specification network architecture have been illuminated through recent reports defining roles of transcription factors PU.1, GATA-3, and E2A, their interactions with Notch signaling, and roles of Runx1, TCF-1, and Hes1, providing bases for a comprehensively updated model of the T-cell specification gene regulatory network presented herein. However, the role of lineage commitment factor Bcl11b has been unclear. We use self-organizing maps on 63 RNA-seq datasets from normal and perturbed T-cell development to identify functional targets of Bcl11b during commitment and relate them to other regulomes. We show that both activation and repression target genes can be bound by Bcl11b in vivo, and that Bcl11b effects overlap with E2A-dependent effects. The newly clarified role of Bcl11b distinguishes discrete components of commitment, resolving how innate lymphoid, myeloid, and dendritic, and B-cell fate alternatives are excluded by different mechanisms

    Occurrence and Distribution of Microcystins in Lake Taihu, China

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    The occurrence and distribution of microcystins were investigated in Lake Taihu, the third largest lake in China. An extensive survey, larger and broader in scale than previous studies, was conducted in summer 2010. The highest microcystin concentration was found at southern part of Taihu, which was newly included in this survey. In northern coastal areas, total cellular concentrations of 20 to 44 μg/L were observed. In northern offshore waters, levels were up to 4.8 μg/L. Microcystin occurrence was highly correlated with chemical oxygen demand, turbidity, and chlorophyll-a. Extracellular/total cellular microcystin (E/T) ratios were calculated and compared to other water quality parameters. A higher correlation was found using E/T ratios than original microcystin values. These results show that algal blooms are having a severe impact on Lake Taihu, and further and extensive monitoring and research are required to suppress blooms effectively

    Cascade NH3 Oxidation and N2O Decomposition via Bifunctional Co and Cu Catalysts

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    The selective catalytic oxidation of NH3 (NH3-SCO) to N2 is an important reaction for the treatment of diesel engine exhaust. Co3O4 has the highest activity among non-noble metals but suffers from N2O release. Such N2O emissions have recently been regulated due to having a 300× higher greenhouse gas effect than CO2. Here, we design CuO-supported Co3O4 as a cascade catalyst for the selective oxidation of NH3 to N2. The NH3-SCO reaction on CuO-Co3O4 follows a de-N2O pathway. Co3O4 activates gaseous oxygen to form N2O. The high redox property of the CuO-Co3O4 interface promotes the breaking of the N-O bond in N2O to form N2. The addition of CuO-Co3O4 to the Pt-Al2O3 catalyst reduces the full NH3 conversion temperature by 50 K and improves the N2 selectivity by 20%. These findings provide a promising strategy for reducing N2O emissions and will contribute to the rational design and development of non-noble metal catalysts