256 research outputs found

    Investigating the topological structure of quenched lattice QCD with overlap fermions by using multi-probing approximation

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    The topological charge density and topological susceptibility are determined by multi-probing approximation using overlap fermions in quenched SU(3) gauge theory. Then we investigate the topological structure of the quenched QCD vacuum, and compare it with results from the all-scale topological density, the results are consistent. Random permuted topological charge density is used to check whether these structures represent underlying ordered properties. Pseudoscalar glueball mass is extracted from the two-point correlation function of the topological charge density. We study 33 ensembles of different lattice spacing aa with the same lattice volume 163×3216^{3}\times32, the results are compatible with the results of all-scale topological charge density, and the topological structures revealed by multi-probing are much closer to all-scale topological charge density than that by eigenmode expansion.Comment: 12 pages,34 figure

    Strangelets at finite temperature: nucleon emission rates, interface and shell effects

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    We investigate the properties of strangelets at finite temperature TT, where an equivparticle model is adopted with both the linear confinement and leading-order perturbative interactions accounted for using density-dependent quark masses. The shell effects are examined by solving the Dirac equations for quarks in the mean-field approximation, which diminish with temperature as the occupation probability of each single-particle levels fixed by the Fermi-Dirac statistics, i.e., shell dampening. Consequently, instead of decreasing with temperature, the surface tension extracted from a liquid-drop formula increases with TT until reaching its peak at T≈20T\approx 20-40 MeV with vanishing shell corrections, where the formula roughly reproduces the free energy per baryon of all strangelets. The curvature term, nevertheless, decreases with TT despite the presence of shell effects. The neutron and proton emission rates are fixed microscopically according to the external nucleon gas densities that are in equilibrium with strangelets, which generally increase with TT (≲50\lesssim 50 MeV) for stable strangelets but decrease for those that are unstable against nucleon emission at T=0T=0. The energy, free energy, entropy, charge-to-mass ratio, strangeness per baryon, and root-mean-square radius of β\beta-stable strangelets obtained with various parameter sets are presented as well. The results indicated in this work are useful for understanding the products of binary compact star mergers and heavy-ion collisions

    Storage of 1650 modes of single photons at telecom wavelength

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    To advance the full potential of quantum networks one should be able to distribute quantum resources over long distances at appreciable rates. As a consequence, all components in the networks need to have large multimode capacity to manipulate photonic quantum states. Towards this end, a multimode photonic quantum memory, especially one operating at telecom wavelength, remains a key challenge. Here we demonstrate a spectro-temporally multiplexed quantum memory at 1532 nm. Multimode quantum storage of telecom-band heralded single photons is realized by employing the atomic frequency comb protocol in a 10-m-long cryogenically cooled erbium doped silica fibre. The multiplexing encompasses five spectral channels - each 10 GHz wide - and in each of these up to 330 temporal modes, resulting in the simultaneous storage of 1650 modes of single photons. Our demonstrations open doors for high-rate quantum networks, which are essential for future quantum internet

    Relações hídricas e arquitetura hidráulica em árvores do cerrado : adequação às variações sazonais de disponibilidade hídrica e de demanda evaporativa

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os ajustamentos na morfologia e fisiologia que permitem árvores das savanas neotropicais do Brasil Central (Cerrado) de evitar déficits hídricos e de manter um balanço hídrico interno praticamente constante apesar das variações sazonais da precipitação e no déficit de saturação do ar (D). A precipitação na área de estudo é fortemente sazonal, com cerca de cinco meses praticamente sem chuva durante os quais D é duas vezes maior aos valores medidos na época chuvosa. Como conseqüência da flutuação sazonal das chuvas e de D, o potencial hídrico do solo muda substancialmente, nos primeiros 100 cm do solo, mas permanece quase constante abaixo de 2 m de profundidade. A arquitetura hidráulica e os parâmetros relacionados a relações hídricas das árvores do Cerrado se ajustaram durante a estação seca para evitar o déficit hídrico crescente e assegurar a homeostase nos valores mínimos de potencial hídrico foliar ΨL e na perda total diária de água pela planta (iso-hidria). O comportamento iso-hídrico das árvores do Cerrado foi o resultado de uma diminuição da superfície foliar total por árvore, um forte controle estomático das perdas por evaporação, um aumento na condutividade hidráulica específica da folha e na condutância hidráulica foliar e um aumento da quantidade de águas retirada dos reservatórios internos do caule, durante a estação seca. A eficiência no transporte de água aumentou, nas mesmas proporções, nas folhas e nos ramos terminais durante a estação seca. Todos estes ajustamentos sazonais foram importantes para a manutenção de ΨL acima de limiares críticos, com isto contribuindo para uma redução na formação de embolismos nos ramos e ajudando a evitar a perda de turgor em tecidos foliares durante a época seca. Esses ajustes permitem que os ramos das espécies lenhosas do Cerrado operem bem distanciados do ponto de disfunção catastrófica para a cavitação, enquanto as folhas operam próximas e sofrem embolismos em uma base diária, especialmente durante a estação seca.We determined adjustments in physiology and morphology that allow Neotropical savanna trees from central Brazil (Cerrado) to avoid water deficits and to maintain a nearly constant internal water balance despite seasonal changes in precipitation and air saturation deficit (D). Precipitation in the study area is highly seasonal with about five nearly rainless months during which D is two fold higher compared to wet season values. As a consequence of the seasonal fluctuations in rainfall and D, soil water potential changes substantially in the upper 100 cm of soil, but remains nearly constant below 2 m depth. Hydraulic architecture and water relations traits of Cerrado trees adjusted during the dry season to prevent increasing water deficits and insure homeostasis in minimum leaf water potential ΨL and in total daily water loss per plant (isohydry). The isohydric behavior of Cerrado trees was the result of a decrease in total leaf surface area per tree, a strong stomatal control of evaporative losses, an increase in leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity and leaf hydraulic conductance and an increase in the amount of water withdrawn from internal stem storage, during the dry season. Water transport efficiency increased in the same proportion in leaves and terminal stems during the dry season. All of these seasonal adjustments were important for maintaining ΨL above critical thresholds, which reduces the rate of embolism formation in stems and help to avoid turgor loss in leaf tissues still during the dry season. These adjustments allow the stems of most Cerrado woody species to operate far from the point of catastrophic dysfunction for cavitation, while leaves operate close to it and experience embolism on a daily basis, especially during the dry season

    Effect of dispersion on indistinguishability between single-photon wave-packets

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    With propagating through a dispersive medium, the temporal-spectral profile of laser pulses should be inevitably modified. Although such dispersion effect has been well studied in classical optics, its effect on a single-photon wave-packet, i.e., the matter wave of a single-photon, has not yet been entirely revealed. In this paper, we investigate the effect of dispersion on indistinguishability of single-photon wave-packets through the Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference. By dispersively manipulating two indistinguishable single-photon wave-packets before interfering with each other, we observe that the difference of the second-order dispersion between two optical paths of the HOM interferometer can be mapped to the interference curve, indicating that (1) with the same amount of dispersion effect in both paths, the HOM interference curve must be only determined by the intrinsic indistinguishability between the wave-packets, i.e., dispersion cancellation due to the indistinguishability between Feynman paths; (2) unbalanced dispersion effect in two paths cannot be cancelled and will broaden the interference curve thus providing a way to measure the second-order dispersion coefficient. Our results suggest a more comprehensive understanding of the single-photon wave-packet and pave ways to explore further applications of the HOM interference
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