15 research outputs found


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    The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2019 affected various countries worldwide, forcing national, provincial, and local governments to impose widespread travel restrictions in the interest of public health. Men, women, and children have been mostly confined to their homes for several months due to the imposed travel restrictions

    Preference for locally grown or imported fruit among the millennial generation in Johor, Malaysia

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    This study attempts to explore factors influencing the choice of locally grown or imported fruits among young Malaysians. It investigates how consumer preference, socioeconomics, and demographic profiles can affect their choice of which fruit category they pick. Five hundred respondents were interviewed by using a structured questionnaire to collect information related to their fruit preferences and choices. The millennium generation in Malaysia, especially the Malay living in Johor, were surveyed as a representation of future consumers of fruit and their subsequent choices and demand. Factor analysis was carried out on statements regarding consumer preferences on choices of local or imported fruit. Five factors were identified as the outstanding consumer preferences for fruits. Demographic profiles of the respondents such as family size, and dimension of fruit preferences, including country of origin, perceived quality, and environmental concerns, were important factors that affect consumers’ purchasing behavior in choosing locally grown or imported fruits. Logit regression indicated that family size, country of origin product quality, perceived quality, and variety of fruits will likely influence the preferences for fruit among the younger generation


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    From 2015 to October 2020, there were 95 recorded conflicts between humans and elephants in six sub-districts in Pidie District, Aceh province. One of the sub-districts in the Tangse sub-district is Paya Guci village, an area of ​​the Transmigration Settlement Unit (UPT). Farmers in this area are very vulnerable to elephant disturbance, which causes economic losses and has adverse effects on human social life, culture, and survival. Lack of public understanding of ecology and behavior and efforts to mitigate conflicts between humans and elephants require training to increase knowledge, especially understanding how to prevent elephant disturbances by not killing, poisoning wisely, and trapping. The participatory discussion method was carried out for four days, from 2 to 4 December 2020, at the Paya Guci Transmigration Settlement Unit, Tangse District, Pidie Regency. This training uses the room method (delivery of material) and field practice. It can be said that the level of understanding of community members of the ecology, behavior, and habitat that elephants like is still low; after this activity, perceptions and attitudes that are compatible with the provisions of conservation emerge, how to control wiser elephants, so that a commitment is built to form a Care Community group jointly. Wildlife Conflict (MPKSL) at the village level. ---  Dalam kurun waktu tahun 2015 sampai dengan Oktober 2020 tercatat telah terjadi konflik antara manusia dengan gajah sebanyak 95 kali di enam kecamatan pada Kabupaten Pidie provinsi Aceh. Salah satu kecamatan adalah kecamatan Tangse desa Paya Guci yang merupakan kawasan Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi (UPT). Kelompok petani pada kawasan ini sangat rentan dengan gangguan gajah yang tidak hanya menyebabkan kerugian secara ekonomi namun juga mengakibatkan efek negatif kepada kehidupan sosial manusia, budaya dan pada keberlangsungan hidup. Kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terhadap ekologi dan prilaku serta upaya mitigasi konflik antara manusia dan gajah, diperlukan pelatihan untuk peningkatan pemahaman khususnya pemahaman terhadap bagaimana   melakukan tehnik pencegahan terhadap gangguan gajah secara bijak dengan tidak membunuh, meracun dan menjerat. Metode diskusi partisipatif dilaksanakan selama 4 hari yaitu tanggal 2 sampai 4 desember 2020 bertempat di Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi Paya Guci Kecamatan Tangse Kabupaten Pidie. Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode ruangan (penyampaian materi) dan praktek lapangan. Dapat dikatakan bahwa tingkat pemahaman warga masyarakat terhadap ekologi, prilaku dan habitat yang disukai gajah masih rendah, setelah kegiatan tersebut muncul persepsi dan sikap yang bersuaian dengan ketentuan konservasi bagaiman tehnik penaggulangan gajah yang lebih bijak, sehingga terbangun komitmen untuk bersama-sama membentuk kelompok Masyarakat Peduli Konflik Satwa Liar (MPKSL) di tingkat gampung

    Arsenic contamination survey in white rice in Aceh

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    White rice as the major staple food for Indonesian people has the opportunity to be contaminated with chemical hazards. Research in USA shows that arsenic is contained in rice. The arsenic emissions of 75% are estimated to originate from the mining, fertilizers and pesticides. This study aims to determine qualitatively arsenic contamination of white rice consumed by Acehnese people and how to cook it. A total of 30 white rice samples were obtained with purposive technique from the Aceh Health Polytechnic employees who brought breakfast. The the consideration that they come from various regions in Aceh. Arsenic analysis contamination in samples was carried out using arsenic test kit. Data collected is in the form of interviews about white rice cooking techniques and the analysis of arsenic contamination. The results showed that white rice consumed by the employees was safe from arsenic and that the rice cooking technique on a household is feasible. Besides that the arsenic test was also carried out on white rice sold in stalls, the results were positive. This indicates that white rice is consumed by people in Aceh, there are those which are contaminated with arsenic. This study provides evidence that the contamination is still present in rice which has been processed into rice cooked.  Keywords:   ABSTRAKNasi putih sebagai salah satu sumber makanan pokok di Indonesia memiliki peluang tercemar bahan kimia yang sangat berbahaya. Penelitian di USA menunjukkan bahwa arsen terkandung di dalam beras, 75% emisi arsen diperkirakan berasal dari aktivitas penambangan, pemupukan dan pestisida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cemaran arsen secara kualitatif pada nasi putih di Aceh dan bagaimana teknik memasaknya. Penelitian ini merupakan survey deskriptif berbasis laboratorium. Populasi adalah seluruh pegawai Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh. Sebanyak 30 sampel nasi putih dicuplik secara purposif dari 30 orang pegawai yang membawa bekal sarapannya. Pertimbangan bahwa mereka berasal dari berbagai daerah di Aceh. Analisis arsen menggunakan arsen test kit. Data primer dikumpulkan dari hasil wawancara tentang teknik memasak nasi putih dan hasil analisis arsen pada nasi putih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nasi putih yang dikonsumsi oleh pegawai Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh aman dari cemaran arsen. Hasil ini menegaskan bahwa teknik memasak nasi pada skala rumah tangga dapat menghasilkan nasi putih yang bebas dari cemaran kimia arsen. Analisis arsen juga dilakukan pada nasi putih yang dijual di warung sebagai pembanding, hasilnya positif. Ini menunjukkan bahwa nasi putih yang dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Aceh, ada yang tercemar arsen. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa cemaran arsen masih ada pada beras yang telah diolah menjadi nasi


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    This study was aimed at exploring vocational school students’ perceptions of their digital reading during the pandemic and their utilization of various digital media. The participants were eight students from three public vocational schools in Semarang, Central Java. This study adopted a qualitative descriptive method to explore vocational students’ perceptions of digital reading in times of COVID-19 pandemic. Data were gathered through an online semi-structured interview, in which the recording was transcribed and analyzed from the lens of multimodality. The study revealed that during the pandemic, vocational school students reported their difficulties in reading vocational materials in digital files, especially in the portable document format (pdf). The major influencing factors were the rigidity of learning materials in the pdf, the lack of peer interactions after digital reading, and the teachers’ pedagogical moves that might obstruct the development of digital reading skills. In contrast, this study reported that students utilized a plethora of digital media, websites, and applications, including Tiktok, Instagram, Wattpad, and Webtoon to read a wide variety of topics that capture their interests, from social, politics, economics, and romance. This study underlines the importance of enhancing student skills in digital reading in vocational subjects by utilizing various digital media


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    ABSTRAKHanum, Ninda Zakiah. 2012. Pengaruh Voltase dan Jarak antar Elektrode pada Sintesis Nanopartikel Maghemit (γ-Fe2O3) secara Elektrokimia. Skripsi. Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Fauziatul Fajaroh, M.S., (II) Drs. I Wayan Dasna, M.Si., M.Ed., Ph.D.Kata kunci: nanopartikel, maghemit, elektrokimia, pengaruh voltase, pengaruh jarak antar elektrodeNanopartikel maghemit (maghemite) adalah salah satu oksida besi yang memiliki peran penting dalam perkembangan teknologi. Sifat magnetiknya yang unik menjadikannya dapat dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai aplikasi. Nanopartikel maghemit (γ-Fe2O3) yang dibutuhkan dalam kebanyakan aplikasi adalah yang bersifat superparamagnetik dan monodisperse. Untuk itu berbagai metode sintesis material tersebut telah dikembangkan, diantaranya adalah elektrokimia. Penelitian bertujuan mensintesis nanopartikel maghemit dan mengetahui pengaruh voltase dan jarak antar elektrode pada sintesis nanopartikel maghemit secara elektrokimia terhadap karakter partikel yang dihasilkan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Fe(NO3)3.9H2O dalam etanol absolut sebagai elektrolit dan grafit sebagai elektrode.Penelitian menggunakan rancangan eksperimen dengan variabel yang diteliti adalah voltase dan jarak antar elektrode. Prosedur penelitian meliputi (1) sintesis nanopartikel maghemit (γ-Fe2O3) secara elektrolisis dan (2) karakterisasi hasil sintesis nanopartikel maghemit (γ-Fe2O3) dengan mengamati warna, kemagnetan dan karakterisasi lebih lanjut dengan X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Powder Cell untuk identifikasi struktur kristal hasil sintesis dan kristalinitas, Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) untuk identifikasi daerah serapan, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) untuk  mendeskripsikan morfologi, rerata ukuran, dan distribusi ukuran partikel, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) untuk menentukan diameter partikel rata-rata dan Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) untuk mengetahui sifat kemagnetan dari partikel.Hasil penelitian adalah (a) nanopartikel maghemit (γ-Fe2O3) dapat disintesis dengan metode elektrokimia menggunakan elektrolit Fe(NO3)3.9H2O dalam etanol absolut dan elektrode grafit, (b) makin kecil voltase dan makin besar jarak antar elektrode, menghasilkan diameter partikel maghemit yang lebih kecil dan menyebabkan makin mudahnya maghemit dimagnetisasi dan didemagnetisasi

    National archives of Malaysia : its growth and development

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    Meeting: Inter-Regional Conference on Archival Development, 16-20 May 1995, Tunis, T

    Akhbar perobahan baharu

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