541 research outputs found

    Gamification of mobile money payment for generating customer value in emerging economies: The social impact theory perspective

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    This study develops and tests an integrated model of the social impact and customer value theories to understand how gamification of mobile money payment could generate customer value through its social impact. Cross-sectional data were collected from 567 mobile money payment users in Ghana to test twelve hypotheses using structural equation modelling (SEM). The study showed a positive and significant relationship between the gamified mobile money payment (Gmmp) and the social impact theory constructs, and consequently with the customer value propositions. The Gmmp was found to have a significantly positive relationship with all three social impact constructs of internalisation, compliance, and identification. However, compliance was significantly predictive of all the customer value constructs (customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty); identification was significantly predictive of satisfaction and loyalty; internalisation was not significantly predictive of any of the customer value outcomes. The results show that Gmmp could create a substantial social impact on users to generate value for the customer and all service providers within the mobile money ecosystem. The results have implications for technology innovations, particularly the potential use of gamification at all customer touchpoints in the mobile money and financial technology services delivery value chain

    The role of brand love on bank customers' perceptions of corporate social responsibility

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    Purpose The lovemarks theory (love and respect) is fairly new to the marketing literature and is now gaining much attention among marketing scholars. The study examined how brand love and brand respect moderate the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR), trust (TRUS), satisfaction (SAT) and loyalty (LOY) among bank customers in an emerging/and or a developing country's context. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative survey approach was used. Data from a total of 769 banking customers, containing demographic and psychographic measures were used. Findings This study tested six (6) hypotheses. The results confirmed the moderating role of brand respect on the relationship between CSR and TRUS in the banking sector. Also, our results reveal that BLOV moderates the relationship between SAT and LOY. The rest of our hypotheses did not confirm any significant relationship between them. Research limitations/implications Like any academic exercise, this study also has some limitations. The hypotheses tested for brand love on bank customers' perceptions of CSR were based on a country study. The implication of brand love for CSR may be the same or vary in different country contexts. Practical implications The study provides managers of banks and managers of financial institutions a better understanding of how love and respect could play a role in their loyalty program and how to incorporate these new constructs into the already known constructs such as satisfaction, trust and loyalty. Originality/value This study is unique because it quantitatively examined the relationships between well-researched constructs corporate social responsibility (CSR), trust (TRUS), satisfaction (SAT) on loyalty (LOY) as well as examining these constructs with a fairly new constructs brand love (BLOV) and respect (BRES) in a single study

    Exploring the Relationship Between Green Orientation, Customer Based Brand Equity (CBBE) and the Competitive Performance of SMEs in Ghana

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    This paper explores the relationship between M (GO), Customer based brand equity (CBBE) and the Performance of SMEs in Ghana. A cross-sectional survey design is used. Questionnaires were used in collecting data from managers and customers of SMEs. The sample comprises 298 owners and managers and 408 customers of SMEs. The study concentrated on green orientation and the relationship with the antecedent of customer based brand equity (brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand loyalty). A conceptual framework was developed indicating the relationship between green orientation, brand equity and performance was developed and tested. The regression analysis conducted revealed that there is a strong influence of green orientation performance of SME by brand association and brand loyalty. Whereas, brand awareness and perceived quality did not show a strong influence of green orientation performance of SME

    Subsampling in ensemble Kalman inversion

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    We consider the Ensemble Kalman Inversion which has been recently introduced as an efficient, gradient-free optimisation method to estimate unknown parameters in an inverse setting. In the case of large data sets, the Ensemble Kalman Inversion becomes computationally infeasible as the data misfit needs to be evaluated for each particle in each iteration. Here, randomised algorithms like stochastic gradient descent have been demonstrated to successfully overcome this issue by using only a random subset of the data in each iteration, so-called subsampling techniques. Based on a recent analysis of a continuous-time representation of stochastic gradient methods, we propose, analyse, and apply subsampling-techniques within Ensemble Kalman Inversion. Indeed, we propose two different subsampling techniques: either every particle observes the same data subset (single subsampling) or every particle observes a different data subset (batch subsampling)

    Subsampling in ensemble Kalman inversion

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    We consider the ensemble Kalman inversion (EKI) which has been recently introduced as an efficient, gradient-free optimisation method to estimate unknown parameters in an inverse setting. In the case of large data sets, the EKI becomes computationally infeasible as the data misfit needs to be evaluated for each particle in each iteration. Here, randomised algorithms like stochastic gradient descent have been demonstrated to successfully overcome this issue by using only a random subset of the data in each iteration, so-called subsampling techniques. Based on a recent analysis of a continuous-time representation of stochastic gradient methods, we propose, analyse, and apply subsampling-techniques within EKI. Indeed, we propose two different subsampling techniques: either every particle observes the same data subset (single subsampling) or every particle observes a different data subset (batch subsampling)

    Language as the Medium: Multimodal Video Classification through text only

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    Despite an exciting new wave of multimodal machine learning models, current approaches still struggle to interpret the complex contextual relationships between the different modalities present in videos. Going beyond existing methods that emphasize simple activities or objects, we propose a new model-agnostic approach for generating detailed textual descriptions that captures multimodal video information. Our method leverages the extensive knowledge learnt by large language models, such as GPT-3.5 or Llama2, to reason about textual descriptions of the visual and aural modalities, obtained from BLIP-2, Whisper and ImageBind. Without needing additional finetuning of video-text models or datasets, we demonstrate that available LLMs have the ability to use these multimodal textual descriptions as proxies for ``sight'' or ``hearing'' and perform zero-shot multimodal classification of videos in-context. Our evaluations on popular action recognition benchmarks, such as UCF-101 or Kinetics, show these context-rich descriptions can be successfully used in video understanding tasks. This method points towards a promising new research direction in multimodal classification, demonstrating how an interplay between textual, visual and auditory machine learning models can enable more holistic video understanding.Comment: Accepted at "What is Next in Multimodal Foundation Models?" (MMFM) workshop at ICCV 202


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    Sport enjoyment menjadi sebuah penentu yang kuat untuk membangun rasa komitmen olahraga dari beragam pelaku olahraga yang berasal dari usia, jenis kelamin, jenis olahraga, serta taraf keterampilan yang berbeda. Enjoyment sangat berkaitan dengan prestasi atlet, hal tersebut karena adanya kaitan yang positif antara enjoyment dengan prestasi atlet. Enjoyment adalah sebuah kunci untuk memahami serta menjelaskan motivasi dan pengalaman olahraga serta latihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perbandingan tingkat enjoyment Model konvensional dan Footwork Ability Training pada atlet difabel bulutangkis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Mix Method, dan desain penelitian The Explanatory Sequential Design, serta menggunakan instrumen kuesioner Physical Activities Enjoyment Scale (PACES) dengan skala Likert 1-5. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 12 orang atlet difabel bulutangkis NPCI Kota Bandung. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa sampel memiliki tingkat enjoyment yang berbeda ketika menggunakan alat Footwork Ability Training dibandingkan dengan Model konvensional. Dalam deskripsi hasil temuan penelitian didefinisikan bahwasannya setiap sampel menunjukkan mereka memiliki tingkat enjoyment yang lebih tinggi ketika menggunakan Footwork Ability Training dibandingkan ketika menggunakan Model konvensional. Selanjutnya, diketahui nilai Sig. (2-tailed) dalam Equal Variances Assumed sebesar 0,00 < 0,05 yang berarti H_0 ditolak dan H_1 diterima, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan tingkat enjoyment model konvensional dengan Footwork Ability Training pada atlet difabel bulutangkis NPCI Kota Bandung. Sport enjoyment becomes a strong determinant to build a sense of Sports commitment from a variety of sports players from different ages, genders, types of sports, and skill levels. Enjoyment is very related to athlete achievement, this is because there is a positive relationship between enjoyment and athlete achievement. Enjoyment is the key to understanding and explaining the motivations and experiences of exercise and exercise. This study aims to determine how the comparison level of conventional enjoyment Test and Footwork Ability Training in athletes with disabilities badminton. This study was conducted by Mix Method, and the Explanatory Sequential Design research design, as well as using physical activities Enjoyment Scale (PACES) questionnaire instrument with a Likert scale of 1-5. The sample in this study amounted to 12 athletes with disabilities badminton NPCI Bandung. The results of this study stated that the samples had a different level of enjoyment when using the Footwork Ability Training compared to conventional tests. Each sample showed they had a higher level of enjoyment when using the Footwork Ability Training than when using conventional tests. Furthermore, known Sig value. (2-tailed) in Equal Variances Assumed of 0.00 < 0.05 which means h0 rejected and h1 accepted, it can be concluded that there are differences in the level of conventional enjoyment test with Footwork Ability Training in athletes with disabilities badminton NPCI Bandung

    Low cost microscopy for three dimensional imaging using digital inline holographic principle

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    Optical microscopy is reached a new level in terms of resolution, 3 - D imaging capability, flexibility of imaging different samples which increase imaging complexity and the cost.. Though established labs can afford high - end microscopes, it remains a concern in rural areas where clinics and patients cannot afford much. Semi - portable microscopy based on inline holographic setup is demonstrated where depth information as 3rd dimension can also be accessed. This setup contains only light emitting diode (LED), pinhole and charge coup led device (CCD) camera. Since laser source gives rise to speckle noise and it is also cost constraint for developing a low cost microscopy, thus it is replaced with incoherent LED source. This setup is also known as ‘lensless holography’ because there is no use of lens for imaging. In conventional inline holographic setup the sample is placed closed to the pinhole which will restrict field of view (FOV) and diffraction signature of one particle (cell) will overlap w ith other. To avoid overlap of diffractio n signatures and to increase FOV sample was placed close to CCD sensor. To test the working of microscopy agarose microbeads were used. Optimization algorithm is used for reconstruction of object field from recorded hologram.. Thus both amplitude as well a s the phase images of the microbeads is reconstructed. Instead of using microscopic objective to focus sample, autofocus algorithm is used to calculate the focused plan