109 research outputs found

    The coherent sound field separation method combining compressive sensing

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    When multiple coherent sound sources are distributed on the same side of the holographic surface, the conventional method must use known information such as sound source distribution and geometry. In view of this situation, a method of coherent sound field separation combined with compressive sensing is proposed. The method is based on the plane equivalent source near-field acoustic holography method and the orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm of compressive sensing technology. Get the distribution of the virtual sound source on the plane, and then the virtual sound sources are grouped and selected. Finally, the distribution of sound pressure in the near-field plane after separation of the sound field is calculated using the conduction matrix. The method does not require other prior knowledge. The simulation results show that this method can be used as an effective complementary method for coherent sound field separation based on single-sided measurement

    Source localization in reverberation environment based on improved equivalent sound source near-field acoustic holography algorithm

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    The compressive-equivalent source method near-field acoustic holography (C-ESM) is disturbed by reverberation in the enclosed space such as room and cabin, which leads to large reconstruction error and disturbs the judgment of sound source position. In order to solve this problem, an improved C-ESM algorithm based on room impulse response (RIR) is proposed to filter out reverberation interference in this paper. Different from the original equivalent source method, the improved algorithm constructs the transfer function through the room impulse response to establish the relationship between the equivalent source and the sound pressure on any plane in space, and the sparse signal reconstruction method of the compressive sensing technology is used to obtain the strength of the equivalent source. Then the transfer function to any plane of space is established according to the free field Green’s function, to eliminate the interference of reverberation and improve the effect of sound source location. The accuracy and effectiveness of the improved method are verified by preliminary numerical simulation. And the results show that compared with the original algorithm, this method has obvious advantages in sound source localization in a reverberant field

    Dehazed Image Quality Evaluation: From Partial Discrepancy to Blind Perception

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    Image dehazing aims to restore spatial details from hazy images. There have emerged a number of image dehazing algorithms, designed to increase the visibility of those hazy images. However, much less work has been focused on evaluating the visual quality of dehazed images. In this paper, we propose a Reduced-Reference dehazed image quality evaluation approach based on Partial Discrepancy (RRPD) and then extend it to a No-Reference quality assessment metric with Blind Perception (NRBP). Specifically, inspired by the hierarchical characteristics of the human perceiving dehazed images, we introduce three groups of features: luminance discrimination, color appearance, and overall naturalness. In the proposed RRPD, the combined distance between a set of sender and receiver features is adopted to quantify the perceptually dehazed image quality. By integrating global and local channels from dehazed images, the RRPD is converted to NRBP which does not rely on any information from the references. Extensive experiment results on several dehazed image quality databases demonstrate that our proposed methods outperform state-of-the-art full-reference, reduced-reference, and no-reference quality assessment models. Furthermore, we show that the proposed dehazed image quality evaluation methods can be effectively applied to tune parameters for potential image dehazing algorithms

    Discrete Conditional Diffusion for Reranking in Recommendation

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    Reranking plays a crucial role in modern multi-stage recommender systems by rearranging the initial ranking list to model interplay between items. Considering the inherent challenges of reranking such as combinatorial searching space, some previous studies have adopted the evaluator-generator paradigm, with a generator producing feasible sequences and a evaluator selecting the best one based on estimated listwise utility. Inspired by the remarkable success of diffusion generative models, this paper explores the potential of diffusion models for generating high-quality sequences in reranking. However, we argue that it is nontrivial to take diffusion models as the generator in the context of recommendation. Firstly, diffusion models primarily operate in continuous data space, differing from the discrete data space of item permutations. Secondly, the recommendation task is different from conventional generation tasks as the purpose of recommender systems is to fulfill user interests. Lastly, real-life recommender systems require efficiency, posing challenges for the inference of diffusion models. To overcome these challenges, we propose a novel Discrete Conditional Diffusion Reranking (DCDR) framework for recommendation. DCDR extends traditional diffusion models by introducing a discrete forward process with tractable posteriors, which adds noise to item sequences through step-wise discrete operations (e.g., swapping). Additionally, DCDR incorporates a conditional reverse process that generates item sequences conditioned on expected user responses. Extensive offline experiments conducted on public datasets demonstrate that DCDR outperforms state-of-the-art reranking methods. Furthermore, DCDR has been deployed in a real-world video app with over 300 million daily active users, significantly enhancing online recommendation quality

    Learning Domain-Aware Detection Head with Prompt Tuning

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    Domain adaptive object detection (DAOD) aims to generalize detectors trained on an annotated source domain to an unlabelled target domain. However, existing methods focus on reducing the domain bias of the detection backbone by inferring a discriminative visual encoder, while ignoring the domain bias in the detection head. Inspired by the high generalization of vision-language models (VLMs), applying a VLM as the robust detection backbone following a domain-aware detection head is a reasonable way to learn the discriminative detector for each domain, rather than reducing the domain bias in traditional methods. To achieve the above issue, we thus propose a novel DAOD framework named Domain-Aware detection head with Prompt tuning (DA-Pro), which applies the learnable domain-adaptive prompt to generate the dynamic detection head for each domain. Formally, the domain-adaptive prompt consists of the domain-invariant tokens, domain-specific tokens, and the domain-related textual description along with the class label. Furthermore, two constraints between the source and target domains are applied to ensure that the domain-adaptive prompt can capture the domains-shared and domain-specific knowledge. A prompt ensemble strategy is also proposed to reduce the effect of prompt disturbance. Comprehensive experiments over multiple cross-domain adaptation tasks demonstrate that using the domain-adaptive prompt can produce an effectively domain-related detection head for boosting domain-adaptive object detection

    Virtual Synchronous Generator Control Using Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Method

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    This paper presents a data-driven approach that adaptively tunes the parameters of a virtual synchronous generator to achieve optimal frequency response against disturbances. In the proposed approach, the control variables, namely, the virtual moment of inertia and damping factor, are transformed into actions of a reinforcement learning agent. Different from the state-of-the-art methods, the proposed study introduces the settling time parameter as one of the observations in addition to the frequency and rate of change of frequency (RoCoF). In the reward function, preset indices are considered to simultaneously ensure bounded frequency deviation, low RoCoF, fast response, and quick settling time. To maximize the reward, this study employs the Twin-Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) algorithm. TD3 has an exceptional capacity for learning optimal policies and is free of overestimation bias, which may lead to suboptimal policies. Finally, numerical validation in MATLAB/Simulink and real-time simulation using RTDS confirm the superiority of the proposed method over other adaptive tuning methods

    Blind image quality assessment for authentic distortions by intermediary enhancement and iterative training

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    With the boom of deep neural networks, blind image quality assessment (BIQA) has achieved great processes. However, the current BIQA metrics are limited when evaluating low-quality images as compared to medium-quality and high-quality images, which restricts their applications in real world problems. In this paper, we first identify that two challenges caused by distribution shift and long-tailed distribution lead to the compromised performance on low-quality images. Then, we propose an intermediary enhancement-based bilateral network with iterative training strategy for solving these two challenges. Drawing on the experience of transitive transfer learning, the proposed metric adaptively introduces enhanced intermediary images to transfer more information to low-quality images for mitigating the distribution shift. Our metric also adopts an iterative training strategy to deal with the long-tailed distribution. This strategy decouples feature extraction and score regression for better representation learning and regressor training. It not only transfers the knowledge learned from the earlier stage to the latter stage, but also makes the model pay more attention to long-tailed low-quality images. We conduct extensive experiments on five authentically distorted image quality datasets. The results show that our metric significantly improves the evaluating performance on low-quality images and delivers state-of-the-art intra-dataset results. During generalization tests, our metric also achieves the best cross-dataset performanc

    An optimal bidding and scheduling method for load service entities considering demand response uncertainty

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    With the rapid development of demand-side management technologies, load serving entities (LSEs) may offer demand response (DR) programs to improve the flexibility of power system operation. Reliable load aggregation is critical for LSEs to improve profits in electricity markets. Due to the uncertainty, the actual aggregated response of loads obtained by conventional aggregation methods can experience significant deviations from the bidding value, making it difficult for LSEs to develop an optimal bidding and scheduling strategy. In this paper, a bi-level scheduling model is proposed to maximize the net revenue of the LSE from optimal DR bidding and energy storage systems ESS scheduling by considering the impacts of the uncertainty of demand response. An online learning method is adopted to improve aggregation reliability. Additionally, the net profit for LSEs can be raised by strategically switching ESS between two modes, namely, energy arbitrage and deviation mitigation. With Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) optimality condition-based decoupling and piecewise linearization applied, this bi-level optimization model can be reformulated and converted into a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem. The effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method are verified in a modified IEEE RTS-24 bus system.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    A novel bioinformatics strategy to uncover the active ingredients and molecular mechanisms of Bai Shao in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Introduction: As a new discipline, network pharmacology has been widely used to disclose the material basis and mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine in recent years. However, numerous researches indicated that the material basis of TCMs identified based on network pharmacology was the mixtures of beneficial and harmful substances rather than the real material basis. In this work, taking the anti-NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) effect of Bai Shao (BS) as a case, we attempted to propose a novel bioinformatics strategy to uncover the material basis and mechanism of TCMs in a precise manner.Methods: In our previous studies, we have done a lot work to explore TCM-induced hepatoprotection. Here, by integrating our previous studies, we developed a novel computational pharmacology method to identify hepatoprotective ingredients from TCMs. Then the developed method was used to discover the material basis and mechanism of Bai Shao against Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by combining with the techniques of molecular network, microarray data analysis, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics simulation. Finally, literature verification method was utilized to validate the findings.Results: A total of 12 ingredients were found to be associated with the anti-NAFLD effect of BS, including monoterpene glucosides, flavonoids, triterpenes, and phenolic acids. Further analysis found that IL1-β, IL6, and JUN would be the key targets. Interestingly, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation analysis showed that there indeed existed strong and stable binding affinity between the active ingredients and the key targets. In addition, a total of 23 NAFLD-related KEGG pathways were enriched. The major biological processes involved by these pathways including inflammation, apoptosis, lipid metabolism, and glucose metabolism. Of note, there was a great deal of evidence available in the literature to support the findings mentioned above, indicating that our method was reliable.Discussion: In summary, the contributions of this work can be summarized as two aspects as follows. Firstly, we systematically elucidated the material basis and mechanism of BS against NAFLD from multiple perspectives. These findings further enhanced the theoretical foundation of BS on NAFLD. Secondly, a novel computational pharmacology research strategy was proposed, which would assist network pharmacology to uncover the scientific connotation TCMs in a more precise manner
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