53 research outputs found


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    Nous avons tous une relation Ă©troite avec le pain, un aliment que nous consommons tous les jours et qui a Ă©galement une signification rituelle dans de nombreuses religions contemporaines. Or, tant comme aliment que comme symbole, le pain reprĂ©sente un phĂ©nomĂšne trĂšs ancien qui a suivi l’Homme durant des dizaines de siĂšcles. On constate aujourd’hui le renouveau d’intĂ©rĂȘt dont bĂ©nĂ©ficient les recherches liĂ©es au pain et aux aliments cĂ©rĂ©aliers, tant d’un point de vue archĂ©ologique qu’historique..

    Pre - and protohistoric bread in Sweden : a definition and a review

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    Cet article prĂ©sente briĂšvement les diffĂ©rentes dĂ©couvertes archĂ©ologiques de pain, de galettes et d’autres aliments cĂ©rĂ©aliers faites en SuĂšde. Il insiste sur l’importance de dĂ©finitions claires et sur l’influence des conditions de prĂ©servation. Mis Ă  part la diffĂ©renciation sur base de la morphologie et la taille, l’application de nombreuses analyses a permis une diffĂ©renciation basĂ©e sur les ingrĂ©dients et le mode de prĂ©paration. Enfin, la distribution des pains dans le cimetiĂšre de Birka est discutĂ©e et interprĂ©tĂ©e.This article presents shortly the different archaeological discoveries of breads, buns and other cereal dishes found in Sweden. It insists on the importance of clear definitions and on the influence of preservation conditions. Besides a differentiation based on size and morphology, a certain number of analytical results allow for a differentiation based on ingredients and preparation. The interpretation of the distribution of breads in the cemetery of Birka is discussed

    Sense of coherence: definition and explanation

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    The present study is one of a few that have used "sense of coherence" (SOC) as a dependent variable in an explanatory model. After studying three different samples - 680 students, 180 parents and 315 couples - we conclude that family relational and psychopathological variables contribute significantly to the explanation of SOC (explained variance between 10-27 and 26-50 per cent). In total, we obtained an explained variance of between 42 and 64 per cent. This leads us to the conclusion that in all three samples, SOC is multifaceted and thereby is more than simply an opposite state to depression. Context may play an important part in the explanation of SOC

    Prevalence of systemic immunoreactivity to Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans leukotoxin in relation to the incidence of myocardial infarction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic infections and associated inflammatory markers are suggested risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The proinflammatory cytokine, interleukin (IL)-1ÎČ, is suggested to play a role in the regulation of local inflammatory responses in both CVD and periodontitis. The leukotoxin from the periodontal pathogen <it>Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans </it>has recently been shown to cause abundant secretion of IL-1ÎČ from macrophages. The aim of the present study was to compare the prevalence of systemic immunoreactivity to <it>A. actinomycetemcomitans </it>leukotoxin in myocardial infarction (MI) cases (n = 532) and matched controls (n = 1,000) in a population-based case and referents study in northern Sweden.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Capacity to neutralize <it>A. actinomycetemcomitans </it>leukotoxin was analyzed in a bioassay with leukocytes, purified leukotoxin, and plasma. Plasma samples that inhibited lactate-dehydrogenase release from leukotoxin-lysed cells by ≄50% were classified as positive.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Neutralizing capacity against <it>A. actinomycetemcomitans </it>leukotoxin was detected in 53.3% of the plasma samples. The ability to neutralize leukotoxin was correlated to increasing age in men (n = 1,082) but not in women (n = 450). There was no correlation between presence of systemic leukotoxin-neutralization capacity and the incidence of MI, except for women (n = 146). Women with a low neutralizing capacity had a significantly higher incidence of MI than those who had a high neutralizing capacity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Systemic immunoreactivity against <it>A. actinomycetemcomitans </it>leukotoxin was found at a high prevalence in the analyzed population of adults from northern Sweden. The results from the present study do not support the hypothesis that systemic leukotoxin-neutralizing capacity can decrease the risk for MI.</p

    Pooling job physical exposure data from multiple independent studies in a consortium study of carpal tunnel syndrome

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    Pooling data from different epidemiological studies of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is necessary to improve statistical power and to more precisely quantify exposure–response relationships for MSDs. The pooling process is difficult and time-consuming, and small methodological differences could lead to different exposure–response relationships. A subcommittee of a six-study research consortium studying carpal tunnel syndrome: (i) visited each study site, (ii) documented methods used to collect physical exposure data and (iii) determined compatibility of exposure variables across studies. Certain measures of force, frequency of exertion and duty cycle were collected by all studies and were largely compatible. A portion of studies had detailed data to investigate simultaneous combinations of force, frequency and duration of exertions. Limited compatibility was found for hand/wrist posture. Only two studies could calculate compatible Strain Index scores, but Threshold Limit Value for Hand Activity Level could be determined for all studies. Challenges of pooling data, resources required and recommendations for future researchers are discussed

    Mötet med döden - En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans upplevelser

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    Göransson, P & Hansson, A-M. Mötet med döden – En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans upplevelser. Examensarbete i omvĂ„rdnad 15 högskolepoĂ€ng. Malmö högskola: HĂ€lsa och samhĂ€lle, UtbildningsomrĂ„de omvĂ„rdnad, 2011. Döden Ă€r nĂ„got vi alla förr eller senare kommer att konfronteras med, men likvĂ€l nĂ„got vi sĂ€llan pratar om. SjukvĂ„rdens frĂ€msta uppgift Ă€r att rĂ€dda liv, men dĂ„ och dĂ„ hĂ€nder det att en patient dör. Oavsett om döden kommer plötsligt eller varit vĂ€ntad, vĂ€cker den tankar och kĂ€nslor hos dem som finns runtomkring. Syftet med studien var att undersöka sjuksköterskans upplevelse av mötet med döden och den döende patienten. Som metod valdes att göra en litteraturstudie. Sökning i databaserna Cinahl, Pubmed och Psycinfo resulterade i elva vetenskapliga artiklar (tio olika studier). Studierna har utförts i Sverige, England, USA, Iran och Taiwan, mellan Ă„ren 1998 och 2010, och sĂ„ vĂ€l palliativa som akut- och intensivvĂ„rds avdelningar finns representerade. Resultatet visar att sorg, rĂ€dsla, skuld och maktlöshet Ă€r vanligt förekommande kĂ€nslor i sjuksköterskans möte med döden och den döende patienten. Men det finns ocksĂ„ de för vilka döden inneburit lĂ€ttnad eller rent av ökad livslust. För att hantera de negativa kĂ€nslorna Ă€r det viktigt att sjuksköterskan hittar en balans mellan nĂ€rhet och distans. För mĂ„nga Ă€r det ocksĂ„ en hjĂ€lp att pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt skaffa sig kontroll över situationen. Stöd att klara situationen fĂ„s oftast genom att prata med sina kollegor, men nĂ„gon tar Ă€ven upp religiös tro. Ett annat sĂ€tt att hantera situationen Ă€r att anvĂ€nda humor. För mĂ„nga sjuksköterskor verkar mötet med döden och den döende patienten Ă€ven ha inneburit nĂ„got positivt dĂ„ det förĂ€ndrat deras livssyn och hjĂ€lpt dem att utvecklas som mĂ€nniskor.Göransson, P & Hansson, A-M. The encounter with death – a literature review on nurses’ experiences. Degree Project, 15 Credit Points. Nursing Programme, Malmö University: Health and Society, Department of Nursing, 2011. Death is something all of us will be confronted with sooner or later. Nevertheless it is a subject rarely spoken of. The most important task for health care is to save lives, but occasionally patients die. Irrespective of death being sudden or expected, it awakes thoughts and emotions in everyone involved. The aim of the study was to investigate nurses’ experience of encounters with death and dying patients. Literature study was chosen as method. Searches in the databases Cinahl, Pubmed and Psycinfo resulted in eleven scientific publications (ten different studies). The studies were performed in Sweden, England, USA, Iran and Taiwan between 1998 and 2010, and in them palliative as well as emergency and intensive care are represented. The result shows that grief, fear, guilt and powerlessness are common feelings when nurses encounter death and dying. But for some nurses encountering death has meant a feeling of relief, or even an increased zest for life. To handle the negative feelings it is important for nurses to find a balance between intimacy and distance. Many nurses also find it useful to gain control over the situation. Support is found through talking to colleagues, but someone also mentioned religious belief. Humour is another way to handle the situation. For many nurses the experience of death and dying also seem to have had a positive effect on their view of life and helped them to develop as human beings

    Kunskap eller fÀrdighet - en studie om lÀromedels kunskapssyn

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    Syftet med undersökningen Àr att se vilka kunskapssyner tvÄ aktuella lÀromedel förmedlar. Uppsatsen utgÄr frÄn en kvalitativ undersökning dÀr tvÄ olika lÀromedel i svenska för grundskolans senare Är granskats och jÀmförts. Undersökningen visar att bÄda lÀromedlen bygger pÄ en funktionalistisk sprÄksyn, dÀr sprÄk och innehÄll i sin praktiska anvÀndning utgör en helhet. LÀromedlen skildrar ocksÄ en kunskapssyn som bygger pÄ att kunskap ska byggas utifrÄn elevernas tankar och reflektioner i dialogiska samspel och i funktionella sammanhang. Elever mÄste utgÄ frÄn sin egen erfarenhetsvÀrld för att kunna tillgodogöra sig kunskapen och bÄda lÀromedlen betonar vikten av processen i skrivarbetet. Det visar en kunskapssyn dÀr kunskap inte Àr ett fÀrdigt objekt elever tar till sig, utan att kunskap byggs upp i skapandet, processen. UtifrÄn tanken om svenskÀmnet som ett kunskapsobjekt eller ett fÀrdighetsobjekt, har studien visat att det ena inte utesluter det andra i lÀromedlens upplÀgg, utan att det fungerar som en helhet. LÀromedlen möter styrdokumentens riktlinjer för skolans uppdrag och har dÀrmed en aktuell syn pÄ kunskap. BÄda lÀromedlens utformning och innehÄll, som syftar till att ge bÄde sprÄket och litteraturen en central roll och en utgÄngspunkt i arbetet, möter lÀromedlens skrivna intentioner

    ”Man blir vis av böcker” - en jĂ€mförelsestudie om elevers uppfattning av skönlitteraturundervisning i svenskĂ€mnet pĂ„ högstadiet och gymnasiet

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    Syftet med undersökningen Àr att se vilka likheter och skillnader som finns i svenskundervisningens arbete med skönlitteratur pÄ högstadiet och pÄ gymnasiet. Uppsatsen bygger pÄ en sÄvÀl kvantitativ som kvalitativ undersökning av elever samt en kvalitativ undersökning av lÀrare. Deltagarna i undersökningen bestÄr av fyra lÀrare, tvÄ högstadie- och tvÄ gymnasielÀrare, och 85 av deras elever. Undersökningen visar att elever och lÀrare vÀxelvis vÀljer vilken litteratur som ska anvÀndas i undervisningen. Det finns en gemensam uppfattning bland alla lÀrarna att eleverna visar ett motstÄnd mot den klassiska litteraturen. Det rÄder dÀremot i vissa klasser en oenighet mellan lÀrarna och eleverna i frÄgan om vilken litteratur som anvÀnds mest. Gymnasieeleverna har en gemensam syn pÄ att gruppdiskussioner Àr det bÀsta arbetssÀttet för att frÀmja inlÀrningen i arbetet med skönlitteratur. Högstadieeleverna dÀremot anser att den fria lÀsningen fungerar bÀst för dem. LÀrarnas avsikt med skönlitteraturen Àr att den ska utveckla individen. HögstadielÀrarna betonar Àven den sprÄkliga utvecklingen. Högstadieelevernas svar stÀmmer överens med sina lÀrares avsikter medan gymnasieeleverna mer betonar den sprÄkliga fÀrdigheten i sina svar. VÄra reflektioner kring resultaten Àr att det Àr oerhört viktigt att utgÄ frÄn elevernas liv, intressen och tillvaro i största allmÀnhet, för att fÄ eleverna motiverade och engagerade i skönlitteraturen. I vÄr yrkesroll mÄste vi inspirera eleverna till att se vad litteraturen kan tillföra deras liv

    Outcomes in couple therapy: Reduced psychiatric symptoms and improved sense of coherence

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    In Sweden, only a few empirical studies of couple therapy have been performed. This is the hitherto most comprehensive assessment of clinical treatment. Effectiveness of treatment is reported and compared with non-clinical ratings. Initially the couples displayed marital distress, many psychiatric symptoms, dyadic interactions characterized by high criticism and a low sense of coherence. In Sweden, couple therapy is primarily aimed to reduce marital distress and does not focus on individual disorders. It should be seen as innovative that overall psychic symptoms (Global Symptom Index, GSI) as well as depressive symptoms were reduced (more than one standard deviation) for both women and men to the extent of 50–55%. Normal values were attained by 73–78%. Of those who initially identified a low sense of coherence, 22% of the women and 37% of the men improved (more than one standard deviation). Normal values were attained by 68–70%. The treatment was relatively short, which meant that, with relatively limited treatment, it was also possible to attain relatively significant improvements in all dimensions of psychiatric symptoms

    Relational problems and psychiatric symptoms in couple therapy

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    Lundblad A-M, Hansson K. Relational problems and psychiatric symptoms in couple therapyInt J Soc Welfare 2005: 14: 256 -264 c Blackwell Publishing, 2005.This article describes couples attending family counselling in Sweden. The study group is compared with clinical groups and non-clinical groups. Self-rating instruments were com-pleted by 317 women and 312 men to evaluate the following: marital satisfaction (DAS), expressed emotion (QAFM), family climate (FC), psychiatric symptoms (SCL-90) and sense of coherence (SOC). This group had several problems: marital relationships, disrupted family functioning, dyadic interactions characterised by criticism and open arguments, and multiple psychological symptoms. The women were espe-cially discontent in the relationship, and they exhibited higher symptom strain and lower sense of coherence than the men did. Compared with non-clinical populations, this group was severely distressed and was similar to in-patient families in child psychiatric clinics. The low sense of coherence of the individuals in the group under study means that their sense of having a meaningful life and their ability to comprehend and manage problems were severely compromised. Adequate and comprehensive treatment within the framework of social pro-grammes should be made available to these couples and others in a similar situation
