454 research outputs found

    Discursive Narratives of Comprehensive Education Politics in Finland

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    In recent years Finnish comprehensive education has often been discussed in both, academic and public forums, in terms of its relatively high learning outcomes and perceived efficiency. Yet what has often been lacking in cross-country comparisons is a critical socio-historical analysis of contingent nation-specific events and features as well as an in-depth analysis of Finnish education politics as constantly changing dynamic system. We analyze and reconstruct the discursive narrative of Finnish comprehensive education within a socio-historical framework. The material consists of interviews with the establishment of Finnish education: politicians, leading policy-makers and stakeholders, and established scholars (n=9). Three periods were recognized and reconstructed in the analysis: 1) The pre-comprehensive school period, 2) a steady development culminating in the crisis of the 1990s, and 3) the PISA results, which in the narrative led to international success and national gridlock. The crucial changes relate to changes in audiences (performing game). Two key findings emerge from this discursive narrative analyses: the role of the PISA reports as a turning point for the basic education politics in Finland and how this turn led to a discussion of comprehensive school as a kind of success story.Peer reviewe

    The potential of symbolic approximation. Disentangling the effects of approximation vs. calculation demands in nonsymbolic and symbolic representations.

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    Mathematical skills that we acquire during formal education mostly entail exact numerical processing. Besides this specifically human faculty, an additional system exists to represent and manipulate quantities in an approximate manner. We share this innate approximate number system (ANS) with other nonhuman animals and are able to use it to process large numerosities long before we can master the formal algorithms taught in school. Dehaene´s (1992) Triple Code Model (TCM) states that also after the onset of formal education, approximate processing is carried out in this analogue magnitude code no matter if the original problem was presented nonsymbolically or symbolically. Despite the wide acceptance of the model, most research only uses nonsymbolic tasks to assess ANS acuity. Due to this silent assumption that genuine approximation can only be tested with nonsymbolic presentations, up to now important implications in research domains of high practical relevance remain unclear, and existing potential is not fully exploited. For instance, it has been found that nonsymbolic approximation can predict math achievement one year later (Gilmore, McCarthy, & Spelke, 2010), that it is robust against the detrimental influence of learners´ socioeconomic status (SES), and that it is suited to foster performance in exact arithmetic in the short-term (Hyde, Khanum, & Spelke, 2014). We provided evidence that symbolic approximation might be equally and in some cases even better suited to generate predictions and foster more formal math skills independently of SES. In two longitudinal studies, we realized exact and approximate arithmetic tasks in both a nonsymbolic and a symbolic format. With first graders, we demonstrated that performance in symbolic approximation at the beginning of term was the only measure consistently not varying according to children´s SES, and among both approximate tasks it was the better predictor for math achievement at the end of first grade. In part, the strong connection seems to come about from mediation through ordinal skills. In two further experiments, we tested the suitability of both approximation formats to induce an arithmetic principle in elementary school children. We found that symbolic approximation was equally effective in making children exploit the additive law of commutativity in a subsequent formal task as a direct instruction. Nonsymbolic approximation on the other hand had no beneficial effect. The positive influence of the symbolic approximate induction was strongest in children just starting school and decreased with age. However, even third graders still profited from the induction. The results show that also symbolic problems can be processed as genuine approximation, but that beyond that they have their own specific value with regard to didactic-educational concerns. Our findings furthermore demonstrate that the two often con-founded factors ꞌformatꞌ and ꞌdemanded accuracyꞌ cannot be disentangled easily in first graders numerical understanding, but that children´s SES also influences existing interrelations between the different abilities tested here

    Emissions trading and its likely effects on the airline industry

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    This study concerns the extension of emissions trading to the airline industry and was designed to clarify and substantiate likely effects of the Emissions Trading Scheme. The research question concerned potential tactic and strategic responses airlines can take to adapt to the emissions trading regulations. Regarding the primary research, the author used a qualitative and exploratory approach by undertaking expert interviews. The sample consisted of five airline managers, additionally two researchers and one governmental expert. Most of the research took place in Germany due to the easier access to the required data and greater industry size. The findings revealed not only specific business areas where adjustments can be made in order to reduce emissions, but also significant background knowledge of the drivers behind tactic and strategic mechanisms. Furthermore, the measures different airline types are likely to take was examined as well. Therefore, the writer selected a small regional airline, one network carrier, an alliance member and a low-cost carrier. Their microeconomic view was well complemented by the macroeconomic knowledge of the researchers. The answers presented a great variety of expertise. In conclusion the author was able to find various approaches to solutions, of which airlines can consider and select the most suitable ones for their particular business model

    Survey on basic knowledge about exposure and potential environmental and health risks for selected nanomaterials

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    På basis af en litteraturundersøgelse gives en generel beskrivelse samt en miljø- og sundhedsprofil af 7 nanomaterialer. De undersøgte nanomaterialer er udvalgt på grund af forventet stor anvendelse eller særlige miljø- og sundhedsegenskaber. Fullerener, jern, sølv, nanoler samt titan-, cerium- og silicium dioksid har indgået i undersøgelsen. Det påpeges, at der er lille sandsynlighed for, at nuværende anvendelser af nano-jern og nanoler kan give uforudsete, nanorelaterede miljø- eller sundhedsproblemer. For de øvrige nanomaterialer, er der områder, hvor der kan være grund til opmærksomhed og til af skaffe mere viden, selvom der ikke er identificeret konkret risiko i forbindelse med nuværende anvendelser af nogen af de 7 undersøgte nanomaterialer.Based on a literature review this report provides a general description as well as an environmental and health profile of 7 nanomaterials. The examined nanomaterials are selected because of expected high use or specific environmental and health properties. Fullerenes, iron, silver, nanoclay and titanium-, cerium-, and silicondioxides were studied in the project. Based on current uses, it is concluded that current applications of nano-iron and nanoclay can not cause unexpected “nano-associated” health or environmental problems. Although no specific risk associated with current uses of any of the 7 other nanomaterials were identified, there are areas where there may be reason for attention and thus need for more knowledge

    How we use what we learn in Math: An integrative account of the development of commutativity.

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    One of the crucial issues in mathematics development is how children acquire mathematical concepts and procedures. Most researchers now agree that this knowledge develops iteratively (e.g., Resnick, 1992). However, little is known about how well this knowledge is integrated into a more abstract concept and how children come to spontaneously apply such concepts. Expertise research suggests that spontaneously spot and use a principle whenever it applies requires well-integrated conceptual and procedural knowledge. Here, we report a method allowing to asses procedural and conceptual knowledge about the commutative principle in an unobtrusive manner. In two different tasks, procedural and conceptual knowledge of second and third graders as well as adult students were assessed independently and without any hint concerning commutativity. Results show that, even though second graders according to our measures already possessed procedural and conceptual knowledge about commutativity, the knowledge assessed in these two tasks was unrelated. An integrated relation between the two measures first emerged with some of the third graders and was further strengthened for adult students

    Antimicrobial resistance control in the emergency department: a need for concrete improvement

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    Background: Rational use of antibiotics (AB) and infection prevention and control (IPC) are key measures for reducing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in healthcare. Nonetheless, transferring evidence into clinical practice in emergency medicine has proven difficult. The extent to which structural requirements for implementing AMR control exist in German emergency departments (ED) was determined in a survey. Methods: Aspects of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) and IPC implementation were surveyed within the German Association for Emergency Medicine (Deutsche Gesellschaft interdisziplinare Notfall- und Akutmedizin e.V, DGINA) in 2018. Data were collected using an anonymous online questionnaire on ED characteristics, ED-based-link personnel for IPC and AMS, education and training, process monitoring and specific requirements for AMS and IPC as availability of AMR data and alcohol-based hand rub (AHR) consumption data. Data were analysed descriptively. Results: 66 EDs with in median [interquartile range (IQR)] of 30,900 [23,000; 40,000] patient visits participated in the survey. EDs' healthcare worker (HCW) received regular training on hand hygiene (HH) in 67% and on AMS in 20% of EDs. Surveillance of AHR consumption was performed by 73% EDs, surveillance of AB consumption by 64%. Regular audits on HH were performed in 39%. Training and audit activities, showed no significant variations according to EDs' organizational characteristics. HCWs received immediate feedback of HH performance in 29%, in 23% a regular structured feedback of HH was provided. ED-based physicians with (1) specific IPC responsibilities and training were available in 61%, with (2) AMS training and responsibility in 15%. 83% had ED based IPC link nurses with precise ICP responsibilities in place. Essentially resistance data existed at the hospital level (74%) rather than at ED- or regional level (15% and 14% respectively). Conclusions: Management of AMR varies in German EDs, especially in accordance to hospital size and level of emergency care. IPC seems to receive more attention than AMS. Our data indicate the need for more implementation of regular IPC and AMS training in connection with monitoring and feedback in German EDs

    Redundant Anaerobic Antimicrobial Prescriptions in German Acute Care Hospitals: Data from a National Point Prevalence Survey

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    Despite limited indications, redundant anaerobic antimicrobial prescriptions (RAAPs) are frequent. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence and characteristics of RAAPs in German acute care hospitals. In a retrospective data analysis, antimicrobial prescriptions from a point prevalence survey on antimicrobial use in German acute care hospitals in 2016 were analyzed and RAAPs were identified. RAAPs were defined as a patient simultaneously receiving any of the following combinations: Penicillin/beta-lactamase inhibitor (PenBLI) plus clindamycin; PenBLI plus metronidazole; PenBLI plus moxifloxacin; PenBLI plus carbapenem; carbapenem plus clindamycin; carbapenem plus metronidazole; carbapenem plus moxifloxacin; clindamycin plus metronidazole; clindamycin plus moxifloxacin; and metronidazole plus moxifloxacin. Data from 64,412 patients in 218 hospitals were included. Overall, 4486 patients (7%) received two or more antimicrobials. In total, 441 RAAP combinations were identified. PenBLI plus metronidazole was the most common anaerobic combination (N = 166, 38%). The majority of RAAPs were for the treatment of community-acquired (N = 258, 59%) infections. Lower respiratory tract infections (N = 77; 20%) and skin/soft tissue infections (N = 76; 20%) were the most frequently recorded types of infections. RAAPs are common in German hospitals. Reducing redundant antimicrobial coverage should be a key component of future antimicrobial stewardship activities

    Validation of Repeated Endothelial Function Measurements Using EndoPAT in Stroke

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    BackgroundDecreased endothelial function (EF) may be a prognostic marker for stroke. Measuring pharmacological effects on EF may be of interest in the development of personalized medicine for stroke prevention. In this study, we assessed the reliability of repeated EF measurements using a pulse amplitude tonometry technology in acute stroke patients. Similarly, reliability was tested in healthy subjects devoid of vascular disease to estimate reactivity and reliability in a younger non-stroke population.Materials and methodsEF was assessed using the EndoPAT2000 in 20 healthy volunteers (men 50%, mean age 35.85 ± 3.47 years) and 21 stroke patients (men 52%, mean age 66.38 ± 2.85 years, and mean NIHSS 4.09 ± 0.53) under standardized conditions. EF was measured as the reactive hyperemia index (RHI), logarithm of RHI (lnRHI), and Framingham RHI (fRHI). Measurements were separated by 1.5 and 24 h to assess same-day and day-to-day reliability, respectively.ResultsFair to moderate correlations of measurements [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)same-day 0.29 and ICCday-to-day 0.52] were detected in healthy subjects. In stroke patients, we found moderate to substantial correlation of both same-day and day-to-day repeated measurements (ICCsame-day 0.40 and ICCday-to-day 0.62). fRHI compared with RHI and lnRHI showed best reliability.ConclusionRepeated measurements of fRHI in stroke patients show moderate reliability on same-day and substantial on day-to-day measurements. Likewise, in healthy subjects there was substantial reliability on day-to-day measurement, but only moderate on same-day measurements. In general, day-to-day correlation of repeated EF measurements was far better than that of same-day measurements, which ranged from poor to moderate depending on the specific outcome measure of EF. A possible carryover effect should be considered if same-day repeated testing of drug effects is applied in future studies
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