815 research outputs found
Nature and Nature Values in Organic agriculture an analysis of contested consepts and values among different actors in organic farming
The relationship between agriculture and nature is a central issue in the current agricultural debate. Organic Farming has ambitions and a special potential in relation to nature. Consideration for nature is part of the guiding principals of organic farming and many organic farmers are committed to protecting natural qualities. However, the issue of nature, landscape, and land use is not straightforward. Nature is an ambiguous concept that involves multiple interests and actors reaching far beyond farmers. The Danish research project Nature Quality in Organic Farming has investigated the relationship between nature and organic farming. This article will focus on an expert workshop held in connection with the project that investigates the way different actors conceptualize nature. Farmers, scientists, and non-governmental organizations came together to discuss their experiences of nature and expectations of organic agriculture. From this interaction, it was clear that nature is a contested notion. Different understandings of nature exist within the three groups and there is disagreement as to whether emphasis should be given to biological qualities, production values, or experiential and aesthetic perspectives. This complexity provides a challenge to organic farming as well as to the implementation of nature considerations in general. It illustrates an underlying battle for the right to define nature and nature quality and essentially decide what organic farmers should work towards. We argue that successful implementation requires organic farmers to carefully consider what expectations they wish to meet. Optimally it is dependent on a dialog between stakeholder interest groups that allows for multivocality and pluralism
This paper discusses the benefits of using film in ethnographic fieldwork. During the fieldwork for Kamilla’s Ph.D. project about elderly people’s health and social relations, we have experimented with the use of video. In this paper we focus on the results of and reactions to using self-produced film material in focus group discussions conducted in an activity centre for retired people in Copenhagen. The method applied turned out to be beneficial in expected but also positively surprising ways that enabled us to gain insights beyond those of solely word-based approaches. Please view our short film clip Bodil in the Snow (http://vimeo.com/59180448) which we used for accessing knowledge about health issues among the elderly in Copenhagen, as discussed in the article
Primary follicular lymphoma of the fallopian tube found incidentally in a patient treated for endometrial carcinoma: a case report
We report a rare case of primary lymphoma of fallopian tube in a 68-year-old woman who underwent total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy for endometrial carcinoma. The specimen showed a well-differentiated endometrioid adenocarcinoma with superficial myometrial invasion. The left fallopian tube revealed a 1 cm nodule that histologically showed diffuse lymphoid follicles consisting of small cleaved lymphocytes and occasional larger cells. The cells were immunopositive for CD20, BCL-2, and BCL-6 but negative for CD3 and CD43. Polymerase chain reaction confirmed a monoclonal B-cell population. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization revealed at (14, 18) translocation. The patient had absent lymphadenopathy and negative CT scan of chest, abdomen, and pelvis. The findings were consistent with a primary low grade follicular lymphoma of fallopian tube. She did not receive chemotherapy and remained disease free for 13 months after surgery. Our case suggests that primary lymphoma of fallopian tube may be associated with a favorable prognosis
KNV642-1 og -2 Ring KUAS journalnummer: 17/04728 Matrikelnummer: 3a, 6h og 7c Ring by, Hammer sogn, Hammer herred, tidl. Præstø amt. Sted nr. 05.04.01. Sb.nr. 74.:Beretning for forundersøgelse og udgravning af delområde 46 forud for Banedanmarks omlægning og opgradering af jernbanen mellem Ringsted og Femern.
Det primære objekt for undersøgelsen var bebyggelsesspor fra ældre middelalder i form af fire hustomter, både et- og toskibede, et hegnsforløb, gruber og brønde, fundet på begge sider af Ringvej, samt en række gruber indeholdende hele skeletter af får, hest og kvæg, især mange får med nyfødte lam, der dateres til 1800-tallet. Skeletmaterialet er analyseret af Zoologisk Museum, Center for Geogenetik, Københavns Universitet
KNV00550-01, -02, -03, -04 Skullerupvej nord SLKS-journalnumre: 16/02702 (forundersøgelse) og 17/00754 (udgravning), Matrikelnummer 61a,16cd, 49a og 49ae Glumsø by, Glumsø Sogn, Tybjerg Herred, Gl. Præstø Amt Sb.nr. 050704-79
Forundersøgelse og udgravning foretaget sydøst for Glumsø forud for opgradering af jernbanen mellem Ringsted og Femern. Der blev undersøgt intensive bebyggelsesspor i form af gruber stolpehuller, hustomter og hegn fra perioden yngre bronzealder til tidlig ældre germansk jernalder, med hovedvægt i perioden yngre romersk jernalder C2 – tidlig ældre germansk jernalder
KNV00550-01, -02, -03, -04 Skullerupvej nord SLKS-journalnumre: 16/02702 (forundersøgelse) og 17/00754 (udgravning), Matrikelnummer 61a,16cd, 49a og 49ae Glumsø by, Glumsø Sogn, Tybjerg Herred, Gl. Præstø Amt Sb.nr. 050704-79
Forundersøgelse og udgravning foretaget sydøst for Glumsø forud for opgradering af jernbanen mellem Ringsted og Femern. Der blev undersøgt intensive bebyggelsesspor i form af gruber stolpehuller, hustomter og hegn fra perioden yngre bronzealder til tidlig ældre germansk jernalder, med hovedvægt i perioden yngre romersk jernalder C2 – tidlig ældre germansk jernalder
KNV581 Sletten, Hårlev sogn, Bjæverskov herred, tidl. Præstø amt. Sted nr. 05.01.06. Sb.nr. 60. KUAS nr. 17/01027:Beretning for forundersøgelse og udgravning forud for udstykning af areal i den nordlige del af Hårlev.
Forud for udstykning af et 20.700 m2 stort areal nord for Hårlev har Museum Sydøstdanmark i perioderne 15. – 18. maj og 12. juni -7. juli 2017 foretaget en arkæologisk forundersøgelse af hele arealet og efterfølgende udgravning af to delområder på sammenlagt 2650 m2.Felt 1 indeholdt bopladsspor fra 4. århundrede i form af stolpehuller der indgår i en udefineret konstruktion. Dertil kan muligvis tilknyttes et hegnsforløb og en brønd. Feltet indeholdt desuden to mulige affaldsgruber fra 1500-tallet og en række nyere skelgrøfter. Felt 2 indeholdt et velbevaret treskibet langhus dateret til 2. århundrede og en større koncentration af kogegruber.På den sydøstlige del af forundersøgelsesområdet var der en mindre koncentration af kogegruber, der dog ikke blev indstillet til udgravning
Incretin mimetics: a novel therapeutic option for patients with type 2 diabetes – a review
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease associated with low quality of life and early death. The goal in diabetes treatment is to prevent these outcomes by tight glycemic control and minimizing vascular risk factors. So far, even intensified combination regimen with the traditional antidiabetes agents have failed to obtain these goals. Incretin mimetics are a new class of antidiabetes drugs which involve modulation of the incretin system. They bind to and activate glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptors on pancreatic beta-cells following which insulin secretion and synthesis are initiated. Since the compounds have no insulinotropic activity at lower glucose concentrations the risk of hypoglycemia – a well-known shortcoming of existing antidiabetes treatments – is low. Additionally, incretin mimetics have been shown to be associated with beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk factors such as weight loss, decrease in blood pressure and changes in lipid profile. Current clinical data on the two available incretin mimetics, exenatide and liraglutide, are evaluated in this review, focusing on pharmacology, efficacy, safety and tolerability. The review is built on a systematic PubMed and Medline search for publications with the key words GLP-1 receptor agonist, exenatide, liraglutide and type 2 diabetes mellitus up to January 2009
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