29 research outputs found


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    Abstract: This paper is an attempt to look at friluftsliv through the glasses of the experience society and some of the experience theory adapted from the experience economy. Identifying the basic experiences, slow, flow and peak experiences as central to friluftsliv and identifying that today's society is constituted by several generations differing in their values and world views, this paper proposes a background to the contemporary development of friluftsliv into a sportified "fast and furious" post-modern form of friluftsliv. In the contemporary "nanosecond culture" the need of genuine friluftsliv in the sense of Nansen, as a philosophical approach to interconnect with our original home, nature, seems to be needed more then ever, and is here suggested in the form of slow experiences through friluftsliv. The contemporary shift towards a Transmodern society with radically different values compared to the modern and postmodern society, opens the possibility that friluftsliv could be a Transmodern way to reconnect with nature and provide basic experiences of interconnectedness with a more-than-human world. Therefore friluftsliv could be a means to foster a Generation G for the Transmodern society

    What do we mean by Experience Production? - A suggested ecology for the diverse concepts of producing and analyzing tourism experiences.

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    Godkänd; 2014; Bibliografisk uppgift: Conference abstract for the 23rd Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality. The Values of Tourism,, 2-4 October 2014, Copenhagen; 20150127 (hage)Turismpåverkan och turisters upplevelser inom polarturis

    Why is reflective thinking uncommon?

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    This paper presents some thoughts about the use of the word 'reflection' and the provocative statement that reflection seems not to be a spontaneous everyday activity in our professions or everyday life. The discussion focuses on the cognitive aspects of reflection. As reflection is regarded as a conscious activity the hypothesis of a conscious 'I' and an unconscious 'me' is discussed in the light of information theory and their suggested functions in understanding and grasping the world. It is suggested that as a consequence of short-term memory and our flashlight-like consciousness scanning our perceptive world, it is difficult to keep our consciousness focused on one thing for longer times. This is suggested to be of evolutionary survival value with the consequence that focused reflection needs active effort and energy, and thus is not a spontaneous activity. It is also suggested that the conscious 'I' and its capacity to reflect is of evolutionary and historic recent origin, arising in the dawn of modern society in association with the development of a free will. The reflective capacity is thus epigenetic and has to be learned and encouragedValiderad; 2003; 20071212 (hage

    Interpretation and Total Experience Management (TEM) as innovative methods for sustainable nature based tourism : a benchmarking analysis

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    In the trans-modern society tourism has to transform into meaningful and learning experiences that contribute to a better and sustainable world. Integrating the methodology of natural interpretation and environmental education with developing theories of meaningful experience production, new innovative nature tourism products can be developed for glocal sustainability. Combining Marslow´s pyramid of needs with TQM, I developed the concept of Total Experience Management (TEM), as a powerful tool for qualitative experience production. Combining interpretation and TEM, innovative nature experiences with meaningful bearings on sustainability can be produced according to Pine & Gilmore´s model of the four experience realms of entertainment, education, escapism and aesthetics. Based on the methods of interpretation and TEM I have developed a benchmarking tool which I tested on 15 nature and cultural based guided tours in Canada, Australia, Finland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden. Within two projects for developing guiding qualities we surveyed 115 entrepreneurs and tourism organisations in Finland, Sweden and Norway, about their view on "guide competence" and quality certification of guides. The benchmark study showed that interpretation as method is still rare and there are needs for quality improvements of the nature experience production in the light of TEM. The business survey indicated a need for certification and quality improvement of nature guides. However, when hiring a guide their education and reputation was more important then their certification. I thus conclude that the methods and skills of the nature guide could be a key factor for improving sustainable outcome of nature based tourism. Godkänd; 2008; 20081203 (hage)Friluftsliv och naturturism ur ett upplevelseperspekti

    Snow and ice as a resource for innovative tourist experiences in northern Sweden : the case of Ice Theater and Ice Music Hall

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    This report of two innovative snow construction projects that border-cross the traditional cultural context of theatre and music with snow and ice shows the great experiential and touristic potential of such projects. At the same time several problems are associated with such projects. The most obvious that resulted in financial problems both with the Ice Dome Theatre at Jukkasjärvi and the Ice Music Concert Hall in Piteå are the high construction and production costs compared with the relative limited income during a short period available for performances. This problem is accentuated by climate change problems where the winter season even in northern Sweden appear to become more unstable affecting the time available for the return of cost. This has Linhart solved by constructing the Ice Dome Concert Hall at 3200 meters elevation, which however result in other problems such as access and material transport costs as well as high altitude fatigue among workers, musicians and audience.  The projects have however taught us that high quality experiences can be produced based on traditional cultural art in combination with snow and ice. Further research on methods to reduce both construction and production costs and as well as the economical calculations and project management for such projects should be initiated.Godkänd; 2008; 20081203 (hage)Snö och is som innovativ resurs för besöksnäringe

    Theoretical Reflection on the Concept of Hostmanship in the Light of Two Emerging Tourism Regions.

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    This paper explores the potential of shifting from providing services to producing experiences in emerging tourism destinations such as the Barents and the Adriatic Sea Regions. It is based on a theoretical reflection and personal experiences of service and hospitality in these areas.It explores the progression of offerings in the experience economy as a means for destination development. In the light of three main ways of product development for experience offerings, the “soft” dimensions of hospitality and hostmanship will be discussed, and how the experience economy can transform unique selling points to experiential value promises.Godkänd; 2013; Bibliografisk uppgift: Public-Private Partnership in Barents Tourism (BART) -projekti; 20130508 (hage)BART - Offentligt - privat partnership inom Barents Regione

    Theoretical Reflection on the Concept of Hostmanship in the Light of Two Emerging Tourism Regions.

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    This paper explores the potential of shifting from providing services to producing experiences in emerging tourism destinations such as the Barents and the Adriatic Sea Regions. It is based on a theoretical reflection and personal experiences of service and hospitality in these areas.It explores the progression of offerings in the experience economy as a means for destination development. In the light of three main ways of product development for experience offerings, the “soft” dimensions of hospitality and hostmanship will be discussed, and how the experience economy can transform unique selling points to experiential value promises.Godkänd; 2013; Bibliografisk uppgift: Public-Private Partnership in Barents Tourism (BART) -projekti; 20130508 (hage)BART - Offentligt - privat partnership inom Barents Regione

    The Solander Trail : an innovative hiking trail development process based on the Experience Economy paradigm

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    Godkänd; 2013; Bibliografisk uppgift: Abstract For the 22nd Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research “Innovation and value creation in experience-based tourism”, Bodö & Lofoten, September 24-27, 2013 ; 20130508 (hage)Friluftsliv och naturturism ur ett upplevelseperspekti

    Friluftsliv as experience production : from slow experiences to flow and peak experiences

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    Friluftsliv as an environmental philosophy deeply rooted in Scandinavian people may be a way to great experiences in nature to contrast the post modern urban every-day life. In this paper Friluftsliv will be analysed in the context of the contemporary "Experience Society" and investigate connections and similarities between Friluftsliv and Environmental Education, Tildenian Nature and Culture Interpretation and Experience Production. This paper will address the common roots of these ideas of nature interaction and nature learning and show that these common roots are based on basic human biological traits for our way of interacting with and understanding our environment. Based on new theoretical development within Experience Production the concept of Friluftsliv will be discussed in a framework of Experiential learning and Experience Production.Godkänd; 2009; 20101006 (hage)Friluftsliv och naturturism ur ett upplevelseperspekti