Friluftsliv as experience production : from slow experiences to flow and peak experiences


Friluftsliv as an environmental philosophy deeply rooted in Scandinavian people may be a way to great experiences in nature to contrast the post modern urban every-day life. In this paper Friluftsliv will be analysed in the context of the contemporary "Experience Society" and investigate connections and similarities between Friluftsliv and Environmental Education, Tildenian Nature and Culture Interpretation and Experience Production. This paper will address the common roots of these ideas of nature interaction and nature learning and show that these common roots are based on basic human biological traits for our way of interacting with and understanding our environment. Based on new theoretical development within Experience Production the concept of Friluftsliv will be discussed in a framework of Experiential learning and Experience Production.Godkänd; 2009; 20101006 (hage)Friluftsliv och naturturism ur ett upplevelseperspekti

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