1,847 research outputs found

    How does music performance anxiety relate to other anxiety disorders?

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    Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank all students and administrative staff of participating music universities. The authors would also like to express their appreciation to Professor Katja Beesdo-Baum and Dr Manfred Nusseck for general support, to Birgit Maicher for programming the basic version of the questionnaires and to Professor Hans-Christian Jabusch for helping to recruit participants as well as for discussions at later stages of the project. Funding The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Treating Depression Mindfully in a Day Hospital:a Randomised Controlled Pilot Study

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    Objectives: Recent preliminary evidence suggests that mindfulness-based programmes may be beneficial in the treatment of patients suffering from current depression. Due to the heterogeneity of patients with this diagnosis, a specialisation in treatment concepts for subgroups of patients may be beneficial. Methods: This randomised controlled pilot study investigated the effectiveness of an eight-week mindfulness-based day hospital treatment for patients with current depression and work-related conflicts (MDT-DH) under naturalistic conditions. Eighty-one currently depressed patients with work-related conflicts were randomly assigned to either MDT-DH (including personalised psychopharmacological treatment if necessary) or a waitlist condition including a psychopharmacological consultation (PCC). Outcomes were assessed at post-treatment and at 8-month follow-up. The primary outcome was depression severity (Beck Depression Inventory) at post-treatment. Secondary outcomes were work ability (Work Ability Index) and mindfulness (Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills). Results: A multilevel analysis revealed that compared with patients in PCC, patients in the MDT-DH group showed a greater reduction in depression severity, higher work ability and heightened levels of mindfulness after 8 weeks than patients in the PCC group. These improvements were stable during the 8-month follow-up period. Conclusions: Findings of the present pilot study suggest that a treatment concept involving intensive training in mindfulness can be successfully established in a day hospital and leads to clinically meaningful reductions in depression severity and increases in work ability in patients suffering from current depression. The generalisability of the findings may be limited due to small sample size, selective patient group and study design

    Subsyndromal generalised anxiety disorder: operationalisation and epidemiology - a systematic literature survey

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    The diagnosis of anxiety disorders, like other psychiatric disorders also, is operationalised since the introduction of diagnostic manuals. The diagnostic criteria of Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) have been tightened in the last decades. This leads to the exclusion of patients with a high level of anxiety, but not fulfilling certain of the GAD-criteria, from effective treatment. Such so-called subsyndromal, subthreshold or subclinical GAD-states, however, often exhibit a comparable burden of disease like the full syndromal disorder and often tend to develop into the full syndromal disorder. The purpose of this review is - beside systematically reporting the papers found in respective data bases from 2013 onwards - to summarise the relevant data regarding definitions, epidemiology and consequences of subsyndromal anxiety states in order to give a comprehensive review

    Classification of functional psychoses and its implication for prognosis: Comparison between ICD-10 and DSM-IV

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    Background: The aim was to examine the agreement and differences between ICD-10 and DSM-IV in the classification of functional psychoses. Sampling and Methods: In a sample of 218 first-hospitalised patients, ICD-10 diagnoses were compared with DSM-IV diagnoses. Functional psychoses of both diagnostic systems were classified into the four diagnostic groups schizophrenia, transient/episodic psychoses, delusional disorders and affective disorders. Based on information from a 15-year follow-up, it was examined which course is associated with each diagnostic group. Results: Although in ICD-10 there was a higher frequency of schizophrenia and a lower one of affective disorders, a high agreement between ICD-10 and DSM-IV (kappa value of 0.82) was found. In both diagnostic systems, transient/episodic psychoses and affective disorders were mainly associated with a non-chronic course and schizophrenia was mainly associated with a chronic one. Nevertheless, several patients with transient/episodic psychoses showed a chronic course (ICD-10: 10%, DSM-IV: 15%) and more than one third of patients with schizophrenia a non-chronic one (ICD-10: 40%, DSM-IV: 33%). Conclusions: In the cross-sectional assessment, there is a high diagnostic agreement between ICD-10 and DSM-IV. With respect to the long-term course, the delimitation of transient/episodic psychoses from schizophrenia was neither completely achieved by ICD-10 nor by DSM-IV. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Kritisk psykopatologi: Kulturelle og eksistentielle perspektiver på psykiske lidelser

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    Bogen er den projektbog, der sætter fokus på diagnosticeringen af psykiske lidelser. Især depression, angst, stress og ADH

    200 anys dels Contes d’infants i de la llar dels germans Grimm

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    El 20 de desembre de 1812, els germans Jacob i Wilhelm Grimm van publicaruna col·lecció de 86 històries, seguida per un segon volum l’any 1815 amb 70relats més. La col·lecció, augmentada però també escurçada amb la supressiód’algunes històries al llarg de la seva vida, conté, en la darrera edició, 211 rondalles.La influència d’aquests llibres va ser enorme. La col·lecció de les rondallesdels germans Grimm és, al costat de la Bíblia de Luter, el treball més coneguti més àmpliament difós de la història cultural alemanya a tot el món. Haestat traduït a 160 llengües de tots els continents. El 2005, aquesta col·lecció esva afegir a la Llista del Patrimoni Mundial de Documents de la UNESCO.Aquest treball ofereix una visió general sobre l’estat actual de la investigacióde les rondalles dels germans Grimm i discuteix importants esdevenimentshistòrics i moderns que els folkloristes han utilitzat per parlar de les rondallesdurant gairebé dos-cents anys, el paper dels nous mitjans en la divulgació i recepcióde les rondalles dels germans Grimm i el context transcultural en quècada vegada més tot això es duu a terme.En vista d’aquestes tendències, aquest treball resumeix les líniesd’investigació i condensa els significats sobre les tradicions orals i literàries iofereix idees per al futur de les rondalles dels Grimm i de les rondalles en general