240 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and the Renormalization of the Chern-Simons Term

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    We calculate the one-loop perturbative correction to the coefficient of the \cs term in non-abelian gauge theory in the presence of Higgs fields, with a variety of symmetry-breaking structures. In the case of a residual U(1)U(1) symmetry, radiative corrections do not change the coefficient of the \cs term. In the case of an unbroken non-abelian subgroup, the coefficient of the relevant \cs term (suitably normalized) attains an integral correction, as required for consistency of the quantum theory. Interestingly, this coefficient arises purely from the unbroken non-abelian sector in question; the orthogonal sector makes no contribution. This implies that the coefficient of the \cs term is a discontinuous function over the phase diagram of the theory.Comment: Version to be published in Phys Lett B., minor additional change

    Cyp3a11 is not essential for the formation of murine bile acids

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    Humans and mice differ substantially in their bile acid profiles as mice in addition to cholic acid (CA) predominantly synthesize 6β-hydroxylated muricholic acids (MCAs) whereas humans produces chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) and CA as primary bile acids. Identifying the gene performing 6β-hydroxylation would be useful for ‘humanizing’ the bile acid profile in mice for studies of the interaction between bile acids, gut microbiota, and host metabolism. We investigated the formation of MCAs in primary murine hepatocytes and found that αMCA is synthesized from CDCA and βMCA from UDCA. It is commonly assumed that the P450-enzyme CYP3A11 catalyzes 6β-hydroxylation of bile acids, thus we hypothesized that mice without the Cyp3a11 gene would lack MCAs. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed bile acid profiles in Cyp3a deficient mice, which lack 7 genes in the Cyp3a gene cluster including Cyp3a11, and compared them with wild-type littermate controls. Bile acid composition in liver, gallbladder, caecum and serum from Cyp3a knock out mice and wild-type littermate controls was analyzed with UPLC-MS/MS and revealed no major differences in bile acid composition. We conclude that Cyp3a11 is not necessary for 6β-hydroxylation and the formation of MCAs


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    «Електротехніка та електромеханіка», 0509 «Радіотехніка, радіоелектронні апарати та зв’язок», 0502 «Автоматика та управління», 0501 «Інформатика та обчислювальна техніка», 1701 «Інформаційна безпека». Може також бути корисним студентам інших технічних напрямів підготовки, а також студентам фізичних та фізико-технічних спеціальностей класичних та педагогічних університетів, учителям фізики та учням ліцеїв, фізматшкіл та спеціалізованих класів фізичного профілю загальноосвітніх шкіл Для розуміння основного змісту не вимагає математичних знань, що виходять за межі стандартної програми з курсу вищої математики для технічних ВНЗ. Дається тлумачення основних понять релятивістської механіки – таких, як маса, релятивістська сила, релятивістський закон руху, енергія зв’язку тощо, виходячи із сучасних уявлень. Наведені приклади застосування теорії відносності до електродинаміки. Містить завдання для самостійного розв’язування

    Исследование парогазовой установки, работающей на генераторном газе

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа 116 страниц, 25 рисунков, 25 таблиц, 35 источников, 2 приложения. Ключевые слова: газификация угля, парогазовая установка, газотурбинная установка, генераторный газ, анализ, котел-утилизатор, показатели эффективности. Объектом исследования является ПГУ, работающая на генераторном газе. Цель работы – анализ работоспособности такой ПГУ с ГТУ, работающей на генераторном газе. В процессе исследования проводилось изучение различных способов газификации угля; производился выбор расчетной схемы ПГУ с газификацией; проводился расчет состава и характеристик генераторного газа и определение основных показателей тепловой эффективности ПГУ. В результате исследования был сделан анализ эффективности работы парогазовой установки.Final qualifying work of 116 pages, 25 figures, 25 tables, 35 sources, 2 annexes. Keywords: coal gasification combined cycle plant, a gas turbine plant, the product gas analysis, waste heat boiler, performance indicators. The object of this study is to CCGT running on syngas. The purpose of work - performance analysis of a CCGT with a gas turbine, operating on syngas. The study was carried out to study different methods of coal gasification; selects the estimated PSU circuit with gasification; conducted calculation and composition of the product gas characteristics and the definition of the main indicators of the thermal efficiency of the CCGT. The survey was made the analysis of the efficiency of the combined-cycle plant

    Renal function after liver transplantation : Real-world experience with basiliximab induction and delayed reduced-dose tacrolimus

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    Background: Routine use of delayed reduced-dose calcineurin-inhibitor treatment with induction immunosuppression in liver transplantation to minimize post-operative kidney injury is still scarce. im: To evaluate real-world experience of basiliximab induction with delayed reduced-dose tacrolimus. Methods: In a retrospective cohort study, kidney function was evaluated pre-and postoperatively by mea-sured glomerular filtration rate (mGFR). Adult patients undergoing liver transplantation between 20 0 0 and 2017 were divided into a conventional treatment group (immediate-introduction of tacrolimus, tar-get trough levels 10-15 ng/mL, and corticosteroids, n = 203) and a revised treatment group (basiliximab induction, reduced-dose tacrolimus, target through levels 5-8 ng/mL, delayed until day three, and my-cophenolate mofetil 20 0 0 mg/day, n = 343). Results: Mean mGFR was similar between groups at wait-listing (85.3 vs 84.1 ml/min/1.73m2, p = 0.60), but higher in the revised treatment group at 3 (56.8 vs 63.4 ml/min/1.73m2, p = 0.004) and 12 months post-transplant (60.9 vs 69.7 ml/min/1.73m2, p < 0.001); this difference remained after correcting for mul-tiple confounders and was independent of pre-transplant mGFR. In the revised treatment group, biopsy proven acute rejection rate was lower (38% vs. 21%, p < 0.001), and graft-survival better ( p = 0.01). Conclusion: Basiliximab induction with delayed reduced-dose tacrolimus is associated with less kidney injury when compared to standard-dose tacrolimus, without increased risk of rejection, graft loss or death. (c) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l.Peer reviewe

    Absence of gut microbiota reduces neonatal survival and exacerbates liver disease in Cyp2c70-deficient mice with a human-like bile acid composition

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    Mice with deletion of Cyp2c70 have a human-like bile acid composition, display age- and sex-dependent signs of hepatobiliary disease and can be used as a model to study interactions between bile acids and the gut microbiota in cholestatic liver disease. In the present study, we rederived Cyp2c70-/- mice as germ-free (GF) and colonized them with a human or a mouse microbiota to investigate whether the presence of a microbiota can be protective in cholangiopathic liver disease associated with Cyp2c70-deficiency. GF Cyp2c70-/- mice showed reduced neonatal survival, liver fibrosis, and distinct cholangiocyte proliferation. Colonization of germ-free breeding pairs with a human or a mouse microbiota normalized neonatal survival of the offspring, and particularly colonization with mouse microbiota from a conventionally raised mouse improved the liver phenotype at 6-10 weeks of age. The improved liver phenotype in conventionalized (CD) Cyp2c70-/- mice was associated with increased levels of tauro-ursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) and UDCA, resulting in a more hydrophilic bile acid profile compared with GF and humanized Cyp2c70-/- mice. The hydrophobicity index of biliary bile acids of CD Cyp2c70-/- mice was associated with changes in gut microbiota, liver weight, liver transaminases, and liver fibrosis. Hence, our results indicate that neonatal survival of Cyp2c70-/- mice seems to depend on the establishment of a gut microbiota at birth, and the improved liver phenotype in CD Cyp2c70-/- mice may be mediated by a larger proportion of TUDCA/UDCA in the circulating bile acid pool and/or by the presence of specific bacteria.</p

    results of a randomized controlled trial

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    Bile acids (BAs) are increasingly recognised as metabolic regulators, potentially improving insulin sensitivity following bariatric surgery. However, physiological relevance of such observations remains unknown. Hence, we analysed serum BA composition and associated gut-derived hormone levels following lifestyle-induced weight loss in individuals with metabolic syndrome (MetS). 74 non-smoking men (45–55 yr) with MetS were randomised to a lifestyle-induced weight loss program (supervision via telemonitoring) or to a control arm. Before and after a 6 months intervention period clinical and laboratory parameters, body composition, serum BA profile, FGF-19, and GLP-1 concentrations were determined in fasting blood samples. 30 participants in the control and 33 participants in the treatment arm completed the study and were included in the data analysis. In participants of the treatment arm lifestyle-induced weight loss resulted in markedly improved insulin sensitivity. Serum levels of BA species and total GLP-1 decreased, while FGF-19 remained stable. Serum BA composition changed towards an increased 12α- hydroxylated/non-12α-hydroxylated ratio. None of these parameters changed in participants of the control arm. Our results demonstrate that improved metabolic control by lifestyle modifications lowers serum levels of BAs and GLP-1 and changes serum BA composition towards an increased 12α/non-12α ratio (ICTRP Trial Number: U1111-1158-3672)

    Side chain structure determines unique physiologic and therapeutic properties of norursodeoxycholic acid in Mdr2<SUP>-/-</SUP> mice

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    24-norursodeoxycholic acid (norUDCA), a side chain-modified ursodeoxycholic acid derivative, has dramatic therapeutic effects in experimental cholestasis and may be a promising agent for the treatment of cholestatic liver diseases. We aimed to better understand the physiologic and therapeutic properties of norUDCA and to test if they are related to its side chain length and/or relative resistance to amidation. For this purpose, Mdr2-/- mice, a model for sclerosing cholangitis, received either a standard diet or a norUDCA-, tauro norursodeoxycholic acid (tauro- norUDCA)-, or di norursodeoxycholic acid (di norUDCA)-enriched diet. Bile composition, serum biochemistry, liver histology, fibrosis, and expression of key detoxification and transport systems were investigated. Direct choleretic effects were addressed in isolated bile duct units. The role of Cftr for norUDCA-induced choleresis was explored in Cftr-/- mice. norUDCA had pharmacologic features that were not shared by its derivatives, including the increase in hepatic and serum bile acid levels and a strong stimulation of biliary HCO3- -output. norUDCA directly stimulated fluid secretion in isolated bile duct units in a HCO3- -dependent fashion to a higher extent than the other bile acids. Notably, the norUDCA significantly stimulated HCO 3- -output also in Cftr-/- mice. In Mdr2-/- mice, cholangitis and fibrosis strongly improved with norUDCA, remained unchanged with tauro- norUDCA, and worsened with di norUDCA. Expression of Mrp4, Cyp2b10, and Sult2a1 was increased by norUDCA and di norUDCA, but was unaffected by tauro- norUDCA. Conclusion:The relative resistance of norUDCA to amidation may explain its unique physiologic and pharmacologic properties. These include the ability to undergo cholehepatic shunting and to directly stimulate cholangiocyte secretion, both resulting in a HCO3- -rich hypercholeresis that protects the liver from cholestatic injury