41 research outputs found

    TRIPS: Adequate Protection, Inadequate Trade, Adequate Competition Policy

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    This article analyzes the relationship between trade and competition policy with respect to intellectual property, focusing particularly on the inclusion into the Uruguay Round of the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property ( TRIPS ). The article sets forth the traditional framework of protection as established by the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property in 1883. The TRIPS agreement provides new rules and principles to manage emerging problems in the field of industrial property. The main focus of this article is to analyze the effect that TRIPS will have on harmonizing (but not unifying) the system of intellectual property protection

    Expansionist Intellectual Property Protection and Reductionist Competition Rules: A TRIPS Perspective

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    While the "preservation of public goods" as such is not a typical role for competition law, the application of the body of law to so-called knowledge goods presents particularly complex issues. Knowledge does not fit neatly into a framework of analysis that treats property as either private or public. Because knowledge is nonrivalrous in character, anyone may adopt it for his or her own individual purposes in the raw state of affairs. The state may accordingly decide to stimulate the creation of knowledge by providing public parties with legal means of appropriating it, as for example, by laws protecting trade secrets and confidential information, by enforcing contractual agreements, or by enacting the exclusive rights of intellectual property regimes. In that event, competition law intervenes to ensure that private parties do not either jointly or individually, by the exercise of market power, extend that appropriation beyond the limits allowed by law


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    Bärenstein Sonnen-Apotheke

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    <p>German pharmacy, catalogued via Kalliope portal (Historischer Fragebogen 1924/1948 und Karteikarten, ggf.</p><p>gemeinfreie Anlagen zur Apothekengeschichte; als Katalog dient das Nachlassportal Kalliope):</p><p>https://kalliope-verbund.info/DE-611-BF-70963</p><p>[Funktion: Im Findbuch anzeigen]</p><p> </p><p>Please note: The Kalliope catalogue entry might indicate related material in the archival folder which cannot</p><p>be published due to copyright or other legal restrictions (NB: Das Katalogisat bei Kalliope kann auch auf</p><p>Materialien - teils erheblichen Umfangs - verweisen, die aus archiv- oder urheberrechtlichen GrĂĽnden nicht</p><p>veröffentlicht werden dĂĽrfen).</p&gt

    Anti-Unfair Competition Law and Anti-Trust Law: A Continental Conundrum?

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    Traditional Knowledge, Biodiversity, Benefit-Sharing and the Patent System: Romantics v. Economics?

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