26 research outputs found

    Infection of human mucosal tissue by Pseudomonas aeruginosa requires sequential and mutually dependent virulence factors and a novel pilus-associated adhesin

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    Tissue damage predisposes humans to life-threatening disseminating infection by the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bacterial adherence to host tissue is a critical first step in this infection process. It is well established that P. aeruginosa attachment to host cells involves type IV pili (TFP), which are retractile surface fibers. The molecular details of attachment and the identity of the bacterial adhesin and host receptor remain controversial. Using a mucosal epithelium model system derived from primary human tissue, we show that the pilus-associated protein PilY1 is required for bacterial adherence. We establish that P. aeruginosa preferentially binds to exposed basolateral host cell surfaces, providing a mechanistic explanation for opportunistic infection of damaged tissue. Further, we demonstrate that invasion and fulminant infection of intact host tissue requires the coordinated and mutually dependent action of multiple bacterial factors, including pilus fiber retraction and the host cell intoxication system, termed type III secretion. Our findings offer new and important insights into the complex interactions between a pathogen and its human host and provide compelling evidence that PilY1 serves as the principal P. aeruginosa adhesin for human tissue and that it specifically recognizes a host receptor localized or enriched on basolateral epithelial cell surfaces

    The Proteome of Biologically Active Membrane Vesicles from Piscirickettsia salmonis LF-89 Type Strain Identifies Plasmid-Encoded Putative Toxins

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    Piscirickettsia salmonis is the predominant bacterial pathogen affecting the Chilean salmonid industry. This bacterium is the etiological agent of piscirickettsiosis, a significant fish disease. Membrane vesicles (MVs) released by P. salmonis deliver several virulence factors to host cells. To improve on existing knowledge for the pathogenicity-associated functions of P. salmonis MVs, we studied the proteome of purified MVs from the P. salmonis LF-89 type strain using multidimensional protein identification technology. Initially, the cytotoxicity of different MV concentration purified from P. salmonis LF-89 was confirmed in an in vivo adult zebrafish infection model. The cumulative mortality of zebrafish injected with MVs showed a dose-dependent pattern. Analyses identified 452 proteins of different subcellular origins; most of them were associated with the cytoplasmic compartment and were mainly related to key functions for pathogen survival. Interestingly, previously unidentified putative virulence-related proteins were identified in P. salmonis MVs, such as outer membrane porin F and hemolysin. Additionally, five amino acid sequences corresponding to the Bordetella pertussis toxin subunit 1 and two amino acid sequences corresponding to the heat-labile enterotoxin alpha chain of Escherichia coli were located in the P. salmonis MV proteome. Curiously, these putative toxins were located in a plasmid region of P. salmonis LF-89. Based on the identified proteins, we propose that the protein composition of P. salmonis LF-89 MVs could reflect total protein characteristics of this P. salmonis type strain

    Evaluation of reference genes for reverse transcription quantitative PCR analyses of fish-pathogenic Francisella strains exposed to different growth conditions

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    Background Reverse transcription quantitative PCR has become a powerful technique to monitor mRNA transcription in response to different environmental conditions in many bacterial species. However, correct evaluation of data requires accurate and reliable use of reference genes whose transcription does not change during the course of the experiment. In the present study exposure to different growth conditions was used to validate the transcription stability of eight reference gene candidates in three strains from two subspecies of Francisella noatunensis, a pathogen causing disease in both warm and cold water fish species. Results Relative transcription levels for genes encoding DNA gyrase (gyrA), RNA polymerase beta subunit (rpoB), DNA polymerase I (polA), cell division protein (ftsZ), outer membrane protein (fopA), riboflavin biosynthesis protein (ribC), 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) and DNA helicases (uvrD) were quantified under exponential, stationary and iron-restricted growth conditions. The suitability of selected reference genes for reliable interpretation of gene expression data was tested using the virulence-associated intracellular growth locus subunit C (iglC) gene. Conclusion Although the transcription stability of the reference genes was slightly different in the three strains studied, fopA, ftsZ and polA proved to be the most stable and suitable for normalization of gene transcription in Francisella noatunensis ssp

    Nramp1 and NrampB Contribute to Resistance against Francisella in Dictyostelium

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    The Francisella genus comprises highly pathogenic bacteria that can cause fatal disease in their vertebrate and invertebrate hosts including humans. In general, Francisella growth depends on iron availability, hence, iron homeostasis must be tightly regulated during Francisella infection. We used the system of the professional phagocyte Dictyostelium and the fish pathogen F. noatunensis subsp. noatunensis (F.n.n.) to investigate the role of the host cell iron transporters Nramp (natural resistance associated macrophage proteins) during Francisella infection. Like its mammalian ortholog, Dictyostelium Nramp1 transports iron from the phagosome into the cytosol, whereas the paralog NrampB is located on the contractile vacuole and controls, together with Nramp1, the cellular iron homeostasis. In Dictyostelium, Nramp1 localized to the F.n.n.-phagosome but disappeared from the compartment dependent on the presence of IglC, an established Francisella virulence factor. In the absence of Nramp transporters the bacteria translocated more efficiently from the phagosome into the host cell cytosol, its replicative niche. Increased escape rates coincided with increased proteolytic activity in bead-containing phagosomes indicating a role of the Nramp transporters for phagosomal maturation. In the nramp mutants, a higher bacterial load was observed in the replicative phase compared to wild-type host cells. Upon bacterial access to the cytosol of wt cells, mRNA levels of bacterial iron uptake factors were transiently upregulated. Decreased iron levels in the nramp mutants were compensated by a prolonged upregulation of the iron scavenging system. These results show that Nramps contribute to host cell immunity against Francisella infection by influencing the translocation efficiency from the phagosome to the cytosol but not by restricting access to nutritional iron in the cytosol

    Host specificity and clade dependent distribution of putative virulence genes in Moritella viscosa

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    Moritella viscosa is the aetiological agent of winter-ulcer disease in farmed salmonids in the North Atlantic. Previously, two major (typical and variant) genetic clades have been demonstrated within this bacterial species, one of which is almost solely related to disease in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). In the present study infection trials demonstrated that ‘typical’ M. viscosa isolated from Norwegian Atlantic salmon was highly virulent in this fish species but resulted in lower levels of mortality in rainbow trout. ‘Variant’ M. viscosa isolated from rainbow trout resulted in modest mortality levels in both Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout. To investigate the possible genetic background for inter-strain virulence differences, 38 M. viscosa isolates of diverse geographical origin and host species and a number of other Moritella spp. were investigated for the presence/absence of putative virulence related homologs. All isolates were positive for DNA sequences coding for; the Type VI secretion ATPase (clpV), hemolysin co-regulated protein (hcp), bacterioferritins (bfrA and bfrB), lectin (hemG), phospholipase D (pld), multifunctional autoprocessing repeats-in-toxin (martxA), aerolysin (aer), invasin (inv), and cytotoxic necrotizing factor (cnf), with the exception of one isolate in which cnf could not be confirmed. The product of an ABC transporter metal-binding lipoprotein (mat) was consistently detected although 11 isolates, all phylogenetically related, appear to produce a truncated version. A putative insecticidal toxin complex (mitABC) was detected almost exclusively in ‘typical’ Atlantic salmon isolates, and our data indicate that this complex of genes is expressed and co-transcribed. Transmission electron microscopy investigation revealed pili and flagella surface structures on nine M. viscosa representing both typical and variant isolates. Our results provide strong support for the existence of host specificity/high virulence in ‘typical’ M. viscosa related to Atlantic salmon. The gene distribution also provides further support for the genetic division within M. viscosa, and constitutes a basis for further study of the importance of the mitABC complex in winter-ulcer pathogenesis

    Comparative Analysis of Salmon Cell Lines and Zebrafish Primary Cell Cultures Infection with the Fish Pathogen <i>Piscirickettsia salmonis</i>

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    Piscirickettsia salmonis is the etiologic agent of piscirickettsiosis, a disease that causes significant losses in the salmon farming industry. In order to unveil the pathogenic mechanisms of P. salmonis, appropriate molecular and cellular studies in multiple cell lines with different origins need to be conducted. Toward that end, we established a cell viability assay that is suitable for high-throughput analysis using the alamarBlue reagent to follow the distinct stages of the bacterial infection cycle. Changes in host cell viability can be easily detected using either an absorbance- or fluorescence-based plate reader. Our method accurately tracked the infection cycle across two different Atlantic salmon-derived cell lines, with macrophage and epithelial cell properties, and zebrafish primary cell cultures. Analyses were also carried out to quantify intracellular bacterial replication in combination with fluorescence microscopy to visualize P. salmonis and cellular structures in fixed cells. In addition, dual gene expression analysis showed that the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-12, and TNFα were upregulated, while the cytokines IL1b and IFNγ were downregulated in the three cell culture types. The expression of the P. salmonis metal uptake and heme acquisition genes, together with the toxin and effector genes ospD3, ymt, pipB2 and pepO, were upregulated at the early and late stages of infection regardless of the cell culture type. On the other hand, Dot/Icm secretion system genes as well as stationary state and nutrient scarcity-related genes were upregulated only at the late stage of P. salmonis intracellular infection. We propose that these genes encoding putative P. salmonis virulence factors and immune-related proteins could be suitable biomarkers of P. salmonis infection. The infection protocol and cell viability assay described here provide a reliable method to compare the molecular and cellular changes induced by P. salmonis in other cell lines and has the potential to be used for high-throughput screenings of novel antimicrobials targeting this important fish intracellular pathogen

    Genetic, Structural, and Antigenic Analyses of Glycan Diversity in the O-Linked Protein Glycosylation Systems of Human Neisseria Species▿ †

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    Bacterial capsular polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides are well-established ligands of innate and adaptive immune effectors and often exhibit structural and antigenic variability. Although many surface-localized glycoproteins have been identified in bacterial pathogens and symbionts, it not clear if and how selection impacts associated glycoform structure. Here, a systematic approach was devised to correlate gene repertoire with protein-associated glycoform structure in Neisseria species important to human health and disease. By manipulating the protein glycosylation (pgl) gene content and assessing the glycan structure by mass spectrometry and reactivity with monoclonal antibodies, it was established that protein-associated glycans are antigenically variable and that at least nine distinct glycoforms can be expressed in vitro. These studies also revealed that in addition to Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain N400, one other gonococcal strain and isolates of Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria lactamica exhibit broad-spectrum O-linked protein glycosylation. Although a strong correlation between pgl gene content, glycoform expression, and serological profile was observed, there were significant exceptions, particularly with regard to levels of microheterogeneity. This work provides a technological platform for molecular serotyping of neisserial protein glycans and for elucidating pgl gene evolution

    Genetic and Functional Analyses of PptA, a Phospho-Form Transferase Targeting Type IV Pili in Neisseria gonorrhoeae▿ †

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    The PilE pilin subunit protein of Neisseria gonorrhoeae undergoes unique covalent modifications with phosphoethanolamine (PE) and phosphocholine (PC). The pilin phospho-form transferase A (PptA) protein, required for these modifications, shows sequence relatedness with and architectural similarities to lipopolysaccharide PE transferases. Here, we used regulated expression and mutagenesis as means to better define the relationships between PptA structure and function, as well as to probe the mechanisms by which other factors impact the system. We show here that pptA expression is coupled at the level of transcription to its distal gene, murF, in a division/cell wall gene operon and that PptA can act in a dose-dependent fashion in PilE phospho-form modification. Molecular modeling and site-directed mutagenesis provided the first direct evidence that PptA is a member of the alkaline phosphatase superfamily of metalloenzymes with similar metal-binding sites and conserved structural folds. Through phylogenetic analyses and sequence alignments, these conclusions were extended to include the lipopolysaccharide PE transferases, including members of the disparate Lpt6 subfamily, and the MdoB family of phosphoglycerol transferases. Each of these enzymes thus likely acts as a phospholipid head group transferase whose catalytic mechanism involves a trans-esterification step generating a protein-phospho-form ester intermediate. Coexpression of PptA with PilE in Pseudomonas aeruginosa resulted in high levels of PE modification but was not sufficient for PC modification. This and other findings show that PptA-associated PC modification is governed by as-yet-undefined ancillary factors unique to N. gonorrhoeae