484 research outputs found

    Hukum Islam dan Multikulturalis- Pluralitas di Indonesia

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    Culture is a whole system of ideas, actions and products of human endeavor to fulfill their lives by learning, all of which are arrayed in people's lives. Pluralism is understood that a plurality of saw it as a reality that is positive and as a necessity for salvation of mankind. Multiculturalism is a recognition that some of the different cultures can exist in the same environment and benefit from each other. Or the recognition and promotion of cultural pluralism. Since the early development of Islam as a conception of reality has accepted socio-cultural accommodation. This accommodation is increasingly seen as an Islamic region evolved such that it became a worldwide religion. In certain cases, accommodation is created in such a way, giving rise to "a variant of Islam". Pluralistic society (plural) where people from various ethnic backgrounds, tribes, nations and religions come together and live together will pose its own challenges that need to be answered by the urban community by developing properties that match the circumstances. The properties that match the state of society is this city is a multicultural civil society - and of course involve certain attitudes are becoming multicultural society demands. These gestures include, among others, inclusivism, humanism/egalitarianism, tolerance, and democracy


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    As the religion of rahmatan lil alamin, the arrival of Islam means a blessing and a gift to mankind. Therefore, the mujtahids agree that the formulation of Islamic law must refer to the interests of the wider community (mashlahah al-ummah). In its development, there are differences of opinion among scholars about whether maslahah should be prioritized over texts and ijma when there is a conflict. This study aims to analyze al Thufi's opinion about the supremacy of maslahah against other legal arguments. The method used is literature study to comprehensively analyze the concept of maslahah supremacy according to al Thufi. From the results of the study, it was found that al Thufi viewed maslhah as the strongest proposition compared to other arguments, but when al Thufi put maslahat first, it did not mean that at that time al Thufi ruled out texts, because al Thufi viewed the position of mashlaha as bayan takhshish.Sebagai agama rahmatan lil alamin, kedatangan Islam berarti berkah dan anugerah kepada umat manusia. Oleh karena itu para mujtahid sepakat bahwa perumusan hukum islam harus mengacu pada kepentingan masyarakat luas (mashlahah al-ummah). Pada perkembangannya terjadi perbedaan pendapat ulama tentang mashlahah apakah harus lebih dikedepankan dibanding nash dan ijma ketika terjadi pertentangan  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pendapat al Thufi tentang supremasi mashlahat terhadap dalil-dalil hukum lainnya. Metode  yang  digunakan  adalah  studi  kepustakaan  untuk  menganalisis secara  komprehensif konsep supremasi maslahah menurut al Thufi. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa al Thufi memandang maslhah sebagai dalil yang paling kuat dibanding dalil-dalil lainnya, namun Ketika al Thufi mendahulukan maslahat bukan berarti pada saat itu al Thufi mengesampingkan nash, karena al Thufi memandang kedudukan mashlaha sebagai bayan takhshis

    The Effectiveness of Marriage Guidance for Prospective Bride in Building the Sakinah Household

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    This study discussed the effectiveness of Marriage Guidance for Prospective Brides in Building Sakinah Households in KUA Kec. Maritengngae, Sidrap Regency. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of marriage guidance for prospective brides in building sakinah households in KUA Kec. Maritengngae in Sidrap Regency. This study used descriptive qualitative research. Descriptive research, researchers go directly to the field or carried out in the field through observation, interviews, and documentation studies, in order to obtain clear and representative data. The results of this study indicated that 1) Implementation of marriage guidance (Bimwin) in the Maritengngae District of Sidrap Regency for the bride and groom in realizing a sakinah family is the first step to prepare the prospective bride and groom to navigate their new life , namely married life; 2) The concept of a sakinah household has several characteristics, namely: Standing on a solid foundation of faith, Fulfilling the mission of worship in life, Obeying religious teachings, loving and cherishing each other, Compact educating children and Contributing to the good of society, the nation and the country, and  3) The effectiveness of the implementation of marriage guidance in forming sakinah households in the Maritengngae District, Sidrap Regency, especially for the bride and groom, in its implementation is quite effective. Compact educating children and Contributing to the good of society, the nation and country


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    Culture is a whole system of ideas, actions and products of human endeavor to fulfill their lives by learning, all of which are arrayed in people's lives. Pluralism is understood that a plurality of saw it as a reality that is positive and as a necessity for salvation of mankind. Multiculturalism is a recognition that some of the different cultures can exist in the same environment and benefit from each other. Or the recognition and promotion of cultural pluralism. Since the early development of Islam as a conception of reality has accepted socio-cultural accommodation. This accommodation is increasingly seen as an Islamic region evolved such that it became a worldwide religion. In certain cases, accommodation is created in such a way, giving rise to "a variant of Islam". Pluralistic society (plural) where people from various ethnic backgrounds, tribes, nations and religions come together and live together will pose its own challenges that need to be answered by the urban community by developing properties that match the circumstances. The properties that match the state of society is this city is a multicultural civil society - and of course involve certain attitudes are becoming multicultural society demands. These gestures include, among others, inclusivism, humanism/egalitarianism, tolerance, and democracy


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    The study aims to reveal the values of performance accountability in private Islamic universities. Type of qualitative research was used in this study by reviewing literature in the context of private Islamic universities. The three objects in this study were Universitas Islam Indonesia, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, and Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The result of this study revealed that the private Islamic universities are promoting Islamic values in their performance accountability. The accountability value of a private Islamic university includes trust in work, which consists of professionalism, honest, worship and charity deeds as well as exploring the religion and professions for understanding the value of religious ordinances and diligently working

    EKSEKUSI MATI DI INDONESIA (Perspektif Teori Hudud Muhammad Syahrur)

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    Abstract: This paper will examine the execution of death in Indonesia with the view of Hudud Muhammad Syahrur Theory. The execution of the death penalty imposed by the Indonesian government on the law's injunction against death row inmates involved in serious crimes such as terrorist leader, narcotics producer. Death penalty is not enough to be seen from a positive-conceptual perspective, but it must go through a case-by-case approach, as each case has its own context and uniqueness. The death penalty to be the maximum sentence in the hudud theory of Muhammad Syahrur is called all-haddul a'la, and a minimum of one year's imprisonment as a minimum limit by Muhammad Syahrur is called al-haddul adnaa.Abstrak: Tulisan ini akan mengkaji tentang eksekusi mati di Indonesia dengan ditinjau dari Teori Hudud Muhammad Syahrur. Eksekusi hukuman mati yang diterapkan pemerintah Indonesia atas perintah Undang-Undang terhadap terpidana mati yang terlibat dalam kejahatan berat seperti gembong teroris, produsen narkotika. Pidana mati tidak cukup hanya dilihat dari perspektif positif-konseptual semata, namun harus lewat pendekatan kasus per kasus, dikarenakan masing-masing kasus memiliki konteks dan keunikannya sendiri. Hukuman mati menjadi hukuman maksimal dalam teori hudud Muhammad Syahrur disebut all-haddul a’la, dan minimal penjara selama satu tahun sebagai batas minimal oleh Muhammad Syahrur disebut dengan al-haddul adnaa


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    This paper describes the problem Pornography and pornographic in perspective of Islamic law. From the day the results of the study some literature gained an understanding that pornography and porno-action basically there and known since time immemorial even as old as the history of human civilization in the world. The history of pornography in the Western world mostly refer to the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the French Revolution. In the 16th century, the roots of pornography in the Western world is considered as a balance between the field of politicians, and sexual. Some of the things a means of dissemination are: First, the internet through various websites that describe and create a narrative about the sexual activities of artists and other public figures to ordinary people with different sexual activities either normal or abnormal (homo-sexual, lesbian etc. other). Second, through television soap operas, stories about celebrities, music performances presenting Nudity. Third, tabloids and magazines that display images of half-naked to the naked full of stories from the myth to the real story about sex. Fourth, sex teaching aids such as artificial genitals (there are electronic vibration and warmth made) that can be used for deviant sex offender. Fifth, the computer programs are filled with a variety of films, stories and pornographic images. Sixth, telephone and mobile phone to be used as a means to make it easier affair, either through direct negotiations or through spoofed SMS to further facilitate the acronym of cheating. Pornography in the perspective of Islamic law are forbidden, it is clearly a normative based on several verses in Surah al-Nur verse 30, 31 'and surah al-Isra' verse 32. And some of the traditions of the Prophet, Which expressly prohibits. In addition, the provisions of the MUI Fatwas No. dated August 22, 2001. year 287 2001 clearly and unambiguously forbids pornography in all its forms


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    This article studies the products of Islamic legal thought and their problems in Indonesia. The products of Islamic legal thought are the products of ijtihad of Islamic scholars (‘ulama) on Islamic laws concerning the activities (a’mal) of human beings. The primary sources of the products of Islamic legal thought are alquran and al-Hadits, while their secondary sources are logical reasoning (al-ra’yu). The application of the products of Islamic legal thought in Indonesia implicitly raises problems, yet explicitly it raises no problems as they are implemented in accordance with Indonesian constitution. Nevertheless, what escapes from our constitution is the criminal law (jinayat) that contains the punishment (hadd) such as cutting off hands for thieves. In this case, the practise of imprisoning the thieves is essentially in harmony with Islamic law

    Social Change Philanthropy: The Role Of Rumah Zakat In Mobilizing Muslim Civil Society Against Poverty

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    Currently, the problem of poverty is one of the social problems in Indonesia. Therefore, it needs a strategy to solve it. The purpose of this paper is to present an approach of Rumah Zakat aimed at mobilizing civil society in reducing the poverty gap. This study used the descriptive method and qualitative analysis. The data source was secondary data collected from documents and texts related to the topic, be it books, articles, newspapers, and journals. This study found the that socio-economic empowerment of Rumah Zakat had a role in providing social change in the communities where the contribution of the program’s productive implementation has an impact in reducing the depth severity of poverty in Indonesia. The provision of voluntary charity through empowering programs in Muslim civil society is needed to bring welfare to the communitie

    Optimization of Professional Zakat Fund Management at the Office of Ministry of Religion of Parepare City

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    Poverty is a problem faced by the Indonesian people and is the responsibility of the Indonesian government. The approach used in this study is the theological, penomenological, and juridical approaches. The source of this research data is sourced from primary and secondary legal materials. This research includes qualitative using data in the form of direct interviews and questions and answers or dialogues and documents. The data obtained are then collected both primary and secondary. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation studies in order to obtain clear and representative data, while data processing and analysis techniques are carried out through data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the optimization of the management of professional zakat funds at Ministry of Religion Office,Parepare City is less than optimal. However, in terms of collection has fulfilled the principles of sharia, trustworthiness, transparency, professionalism, accountability, participation and efficiency. Its distribution is still traditional and productive productive creative and not in accordance with the principles of justice
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