4,653 research outputs found

    Effects of diel pCOâ‚‚ fluctuations on coral reef fishes now and into the future

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    Kelly Hannan studied the effects of natural pCOâ‚‚ fluctuations on coral reef fishes. She found that most coral reef fish species are robust to ocean acidification, and she identified a potential mechanism they may use to maintain performance. This can help determine how fish species will fare in the future

    When were the Walls of Jerusalem last glaciated?

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    There is evidence to indicate that parts of the Walls of Jerusalem National Park have been glaciated on two occasions. No evidence of earlier glaciations has been found, although at least two older periods of glaciation have been demonstrated in adjacent areas. During the last glaciation, the Rowallan Glaciation, there was an incomplete ice cover and a large ice window, centred on the West Wall-Solomons Jewels area, extended from Mt Jerusalem to Howells Bluff. Rowallan-age end moraines trace the limits of this glaciation and the main erosional effects are extensive knock and lochan landscapes, The previous glaciation, the Arm Glaciation, probably covered the entire region except for the higher parts of the West Wall. The Rowallan Glaciation reached its maximum in the Mersey Valley before 13 400 ±600 years BP, Deglaciation of the upper Mersey Valley was complete before 9760 ± 720 years BP. The Arm Glaciation is likely to be older than 130 000 years

    From ice to ice-free: Glaciation in the Lake Ayr Valley, central Tasmania

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    During the Last Glaciation in Tasmania a large ice cap developed on the western edge of the Central Plateau and overlapped on to the Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair area. Several reticulate lobes flowed from this source, with the largest northern outlet, the Mersey Glacier, covering an area of c. 282 km2. The Lake Ayr Valley was occupied by a smail diffiuent lobe of the Mersey Glacier, and the lack of activity caused few erosional features to be formed. Moraines are abundant and can be related to the general retreat phase of the glacial system. Evidence suggests that retreat was fairly rapid and nO're-advance occurred during this period. Deglacial warming was well underway by 11 040 ± 280 yrs BP (SUA 3060)

    Chromatin organization and expression

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    A report on the 29th Lorne Genome Conference on the Organization and Expression of the Genome, Lorne, Australia, 17-21 February 2008

    Late Wisconsin glaciation of Tasmania

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    During the Late Wisconsin, icecap and outlet glacier systems developed on the West Coast Range and on the Central Plateau of Tasmania. Local cirque and valley glaciers occurred in many other mountain areas of southwestern Tasmania. Criteria are outlined that enable Late Wisconsin and older glacial landforms and deposits to be distinguished. Radiocarbon dates show Late Wisconsin ice developed after 26-25 ka BP, attained its maximum extent c. 19 ka BP, and disappeared from the highest cirques before 10 ka BP. Important Late Wisconsin age glacial landforms and deposits of the West Coast Range, north-central and south-central Tasmania are described. Late Wisconsin ice was less extensive than ice formed during middle and earlier Pleistocene glaciations. Late Wisconsin snowline altitudes, glaciological conditions and palaeoclimatic conditions are outlined

    Time Series Regression with Linear Constraints

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    Pengaruh Jalan Pagi terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah pada Lanjut Usia dengan Hipertensi di Desa Kalianget Timur Kecamatan Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep

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    Pendahuluan: Jalan pagi merupakan aktivitas ringan yang sesuai untuk orang dengan lanjut usia (lansia) karena dapat membantu mengendalikan tekanan darah dalam jangka panjang. Keterbatasan lansia untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik sehari-hari dapat mempengaruhi Perubahan tekanan darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh jalan pagi terhadap Perubahan tekanan darah pada lansia dengan hipertensi. Metode: Desain penelitian pre-experiment menggunakan one group pre-post test design, dengan teknik simple random sampling. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah lansia dengan hipertensi di Desa Kalianget Timur sebanyak 71 orang, sampel sebanyak 60 orang. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Wilcoxon. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum dilakukan jalan pagi sebagian besar (65%) tekanan darah sistole 140-159 mmHg dan tekanan darah diastole seluruhnya (100%) >100 mmHg. Kemudian sesudah dilakukan jalan pagi tekanan darah menurun, sebagian besar (55%) tekanan darah sistole 140-159 mmHg dan hampir seluruhnya (88,3%) tekanan darah diastole >100 mmHg. Hasil analisa data diperoleh p= 0,000

    The calcilytic agent NPS 2143 rectifies hypocalcemia in a mouse model with an activating calcium-sensing-receptor (CaSR) mutation:relevance to autosomal dominant hypocalcemia type 1 (ADH1)

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    Autosomal dominant hypocalcemia type 1 (ADH1) is caused by germline gain-of-function mutations of the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) and may lead to symptomatic hypocalcemia, inappropriately low serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentrations and hypercalciuria. Negative allosteric CaSR modulators, known as calcilytics, have been shown to normalise the gain-of-function associated with ADH-causing CaSR mutations in vitro and represent a potential targeted therapy for ADH1. However, the effectiveness of calcilytic drugs for the treatment of ADH1-associated hypocalcemia remains to be established. We have investigated NPS 2143, a calcilytic compound, for the treatment of ADH1 by in vitro and in vivo studies involving a mouse model, known as Nuf, which harbors a gain-of-function CaSR mutation, Leu723Gln. Wild-type (Leu723) and Nuf mutant (Gln723) CaSRs were expressed in HEK293 cells and the effect of NPS 2143 on their intracellular calcium responses determined by flow cytometry. NPS 2143 was also administered as a single intraperitoneal bolus to wild-type and Nuf mice and plasma concentrations of calcium and PTH, and urinary calcium excretion measured. In vitro administration of NPS 2143 decreased the intracellular calcium responses of HEK293 cells expressing the mutant Gln723 CaSR in a dose-dependent manner, thereby rectifying the gain-of-function associated with the Nuf mouse CaSR mutation. Intraperitoneal injection of NPS 2143 in Nuf mice led to significant increases in plasma calcium and PTH without elevating urinary calcium excretion. These studies of a mouse model with an activating CaSR mutation demonstrate NPS 2143 to normalize the gain-of-function causing ADH1, and improve the hypocalcemia associated with this disorder
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