25 research outputs found

    Threonine 149 Phosphorylation Enhances  ΔFosB Transcriptional Activity to Control Psychomotor Responses to Cocaine

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    Stable changes in neuronal gene expression have been studied as mediators of addicted states. Of particular interest is the transcription factor ΔFosB, a truncated and stable FosB gene product whose expression in nucleus accumbens (NAc), a key reward region, is induced by chronic exposure to virtually all drugs of abuse and regulates their psychomotor and rewarding effects. Phosphorylation at Ser[superscript 27] contributes to ΔFosB's stability and accumulation following repeated exposure to drugs, and our recent work demonstrates that the protein kinase CaMKIIα phosphorylates ΔFosB at Ser[superscript 27] and regulates its stability in vivo. Here, we identify two additional sites on ΔFosB that are phosphorylated in vitro by CaMKIIα, Thr[superscript 149] and Thr[superscript 180], and demonstrate their regulation in vivo by chronic cocaine. We show that phosphomimetic mutation of Thr[superscript 149] (T149D) dramatically increases AP-1 transcriptional activity while alanine mutation does not affect transcriptional activity when compared with wild-type (WT) ΔFosB. Using in vivo viral-mediated gene transfer of ΔFosB-T149D or ΔFosB-T149A in mouse NAc, we determined that overexpression of ΔFosB-T149D in NAc leads to greater locomotor activity in response to an initial low dose of cocaine than does WT ΔFosB, while overexpression of ΔFosB-T149A does not produce the psychomotor sensitization to chronic low-dose cocaine seen after overexpression of WT ΔFosB and abrogates the sensitization seen in control animals at higher cocaine doses. We further demonstrate that mutation of Thr[superscript 149] does not affect the stability of ΔFosB overexpressed in mouse NAc, suggesting that the behavioral effects of these mutations are driven by their altered transcriptional properties

    Circuit-wide Transcriptional Profiling Reveals Brain Region-Specific Gene Networks Regulating Depression Susceptibility

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    Depression is a complex, heterogeneous disorder and a leading contributor to the global burden of disease. Most previous research has focused on individual brain regions and genes contributing to depression. However, emerging evidence in humans and animal models suggests that dysregulated circuit function and gene expression across multiple brain regions drive depressive phenotypes. Here we performed RNA-sequencing on 4 brain regions from control animals and those susceptible or resilient to chronic social defeat stress at multiple time points. We employed an integrative network biology approach to identify transcriptional networks and key driver genes that regulate susceptibility to depressive-like symptoms. Further, we validated in vivo several key drivers and their associated transcriptional networks that regulate depression susceptibility and confirmed their functional significance at the levels of gene transcription, synaptic regulation and behavior. Our study reveals novel transcriptional networks that control stress susceptibility and offers fundamentally new leads for antidepressant drug discovery

    Histone arginine methylation in cocaine action in the nucleus accumbens

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    Repeated cocaine exposure regulates transcriptional regulation within the nucleus accumbens (NAc), and epigenetic mechanisms - such as histone acetylation and methylation on Lys residues - have been linked to these lasting actions of cocaine. In contrast to Lys methylation, the role of histone Arg (R) methylation remains underexplored in addiction models. Here we show that protein-R-methyltransferase-6 (PRMT6) and its associated histone mark, asymmetric dimethylation of R2 on histone H3 (H3R2me2a), are decreased in the NAc of mice and rats after repeated cocaine exposure, including self-administration, and in the NAc of cocaine-addicted humans. Such PRMT6 down-regulation occurs selectively in NAc medium spiny neurons (MSNs) expressing dopamine D2 receptors (D2-MSNs), with opposite regulation occurring in D1-MSNs, and serves to protect against cocaine-induced addictive-like behavioral abnormalities. Using ChIP-seq, we identified Src kinase signaling inhibitor 1 (Srcin1; also referred to as p140Cap) as a key gene target for reduced H3R2me2a binding, and found that consequent Srcin1 induction in the NAc decreases Src signaling, cocaine reward, and the motiv ation to self-administer cocaine. Taken together, these findings suggest that suppression of Src signaling in NAc D2-MSNs, via PRMT6 and H3R2me2a down-regulation, functions as a homeostatic brake to restrain cocaine action, and provide novel candidates for the development of treatments for cocaine addiction. Keywords: histone arginine (R) methylation; drug addiction; medium spiny neurons; ChIP-seq; Sr

    Locus-specific epigenetic remodeling controls addiction- and depression-related behaviors

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    Chronic exposure to drugs of abuse or stress regulates transcription factors, chromatin-modifying enzymes and histone post-translational modifications in discrete brain regions. Given the promiscuity of the enzymes involved, it has not yet been possible to obtain direct causal evidence to implicate the regulation of transcription and consequent behavioral plasticity by chromatin remodeling that occurs at a single gene. We investigated the mechanism linking chromatin dynamics to neurobiological phenomena by applying engineered transcription factors to selectively modify chromatin at a specific mouse gene in vivo. We found that histone methylation or acetylation at the Fosb locus in nucleus accumbens, a brain reward region, was sufficient to control drug- and stress-evoked transcriptional and behavioral responses via interactions with the endogenous transcriptional machinery. This approach allowed us to relate the epigenetic landscape at a given gene directly to regulation of its expression and to its subsequent effects on reward behavior


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    Circadian rhythm disruptions are prominently associated with Bipolar Disorder (BD). Circadian rhythms are regulated by the molecular clock, a family of proteins that function together in a transcriptional-translational feedback loop. The CLOCK protein is a key transcription factor of this feedback loop, and previous studies have found that manipulations of the Clock gene are sufficient to produce manic-like behavior in mice (Roybal et al., 2007). The Clock 3111T/C single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP; rs1801260) is a genetic variation of the human Clock gene that is significantly associated with increased frequency of manic episodes in BD patients (Benedetti et al., 2003). The 3111T/C SNP is located in the 3’ untranslated region of the Clock gene. In this study, we sought to examine the functional implications of the human Clock 3111T/C SNP by transfecting a mammalian cell line (mouse embryonic fibroblasts isolated from Clock -/- knockout mice) with pcDNA plasmids containing the human Clock gene with either the T or C SNP at position 3111. We then measured circadian gene expression over a 24 hour time period. We found that the Clock3111C SNP resulted in higher mRNA levels than the Clock 3111T SNP. Further, we found that Per2, a transcriptional target of CLOCK, was also more highly expressed with Clock 3111C expression, indicating the 3’UTR SNP affects the expression, function and stability of Clock mRNA

    MicroRNAs 146a/b-5 and 425-3p and 24-3p are markers of antidepressant response and regulate MAPK/Wnt-system genes

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    International audienceAntidepressants (ADs) are the most common treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD). However, only ∌30% of patients experience adequate response after a single AD trial, and this variability remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated microRNAs (miRNAs) as biomarkers of AD response using small RNA-sequencing in paired samples from MDD patients enrolled in a large, randomized placebo-controlled trial of duloxetine collected before and 8 weeks after treatment. Our results revealed differential expression of miR-146a-5p, miR-146b-5p, miR-425-3p and miR-24-3p according to treatment response. These results were replicated in two independent clinical trials of MDD, a well-characterized animal model of depression, and post-mortem human brains. Furthermore, using a combination of bioinformatics, mRNA studies and functional in vitro experiments, we showed significant dysregulation of genes involved in MAPK/Wnt signalling pathways. Together, our results indicate that these miRNAs are consistent markers of treatment response and regulators of the MAPK/Wnt systems

    Complement pathway changes at age 12 are associated with psychotic experiences at age 18 in a longitudinal population-based study: evidence for a role of stress

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    The complement cascade is a major component of the immune defence against infection, and there is increasing evidence for a role of dysregulated complement in major psychiatric disorders. We undertook a directed proteomic analysis of the complement signalling pathway (n = 29 proteins) using data-independent acquisition. Participants were recruited from the UK avon longitudinal study of parents and children (ALSPAC) cohort who participated in psychiatric assessment interviews at ages 12 and 18. Protein expression levels at age 12 among individuals who reported psychotic experiences (PEs) at age 18 (n = 64) were compared with age-matched controls (n = 67). Six out of the 29 targeted complement proteins or protein subcomponents were significantly upregulated following correction for multiple comparisons (VTN↑, C1RL↑, C8B↑, C8A↑, CFH↑, and C5↑). We then undertook an unbiased plasma proteomic analysis of mice exposed to chronic social stress and observed dysregulation of 11 complement proteins, including three that were altered in the same direction in individuals with PE (C1R↑, CFH↑, and C5↑). Our findings indicate that dysregulation of the complement protein pathway in blood is associated with incidence of psychotic experiences and that these changes may reflect exposure to stress

    Knowledge Management : En Studie Av SAAB Barracuda AB

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    Flera forskare gÄr sÄ lÄngt att de sÀger att kunskap kan vara den enda bestÄende konkurrensfördelen ett företag har i dagens förÀnderliga omvÀrld. Knowledge Management som begrepp tog fart i början av 1990-talet och har sedan dess varit föremÄl för omfattande forskning. Samtidigt sÀgs det att kunskap kan vara svÄr att kommunicera och överföra. Vi började fundera pÄ vilka företag som kan tÀnkas anvÀnda strategier för att hantera kunskap, och om Knowledge Management Àr sÄ utbrett bland företagen som forskarna ger sken av, Àr det en sÄ betydelsefull komponent i utvecklandet av företags konkurrensfördelar? Vi valde att undersöka Saab Barracuda AB som Àr vÀrldsledande inom signaturanpassning och titta pÄ hur de, som svenskt multinationellt företag, hanterar tillvaratagande och överföring av kunskap. Undersökningen genomfördes genom en intervju med ekonomichefen pÄ Saab Barracuda AB pÄ plats vid huvudkontoret i Gamleby. I uppsatsen presenteras teorier kring kunskap, Knowledge Management och multinationella företag med dotterbolag. UtifrÄn dessa teorier analyserades Saab Barracuda AB:s syn pÄ och strategier för tillvaratagande, spridning och skapande av kunskap. I vÄr undersökning fann vi att man inom Saab Barracuda AB inte arbetar med strategier för kunskapsspridning, men att det ÀndÄ fanns en del inslag av spridning pÄ det sÀtt det beskrivs i teorierna. Det var dock förvÄnande att se att ett sÄ framgÄngsrikt företag, vars frÀmsta resurs ansÄgs vara kunskap, enligt oss endast omedvetet hanterade kunskap. Kunskapsvinster var mer en bieffekt av andra strategier. Det framgick Àven tydligt av undersökningen att e-post Àr det verktyg som anvÀndes mest frekvent vid utbyten och interaktion