87 research outputs found

    Adsorption of uranium and thorium on new adsorbent prepared from Moroccan oil shale impregnated with phosphoric acid

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    Attention has been focused recently on the production of new adsorbents from Moroccan oil shale of Tarfaya (layer R3) by chemical activation with phosphoric acid and its application in wastewaters treatment. The optimal conditions for the preparation were searched and the tests of adsorption of uranium and thorium ions were affected. The best product was obtained by used of the ratio of activated agent/precursor equal 3 and activation of the mixture in air at 250°C during two hours after prepocessing at 120°C in air. Under these conditions the maximal adsorption capacity of methylene blue and specific area (SBET) of the new adsorbent were 526 mg/g and 630 m2/g, respectively. A batch mode experiment was used to explore the performances of this adsorbent for the removal of the U and Th from aqueous solutions prepared from UO2(NO3)2.6H2O and Th(NO3)4.5H2O. The adsorption parameters for the two radioelements were determined by application of the Langmuir, Freundlich and Elovich models

    La lithiase urinaire : épidémiologie, rôle des éléments traces et des plantes médicinales

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    Urolithiasis is a widespread disease that affects 4-18% of the population according to the countries. This pathology requires a lot of multidisciplinary research. The work presented here aims firstly to clarify the nature of urinary stones in the eastern Algeria and then investigate the role of trace elements as well as the effect of some medicinal plants on the dissolution of urinary stones. The techniques used are mainly the following: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to determine the chemical composition of the calculi, X-ray fluorescence to determine the nature and content of trace elements and scanning electron microscopy to explore the inner structure of the crystallites at the mesoscopic scale. Other methods such as stereomicroscopy have been used for the morpho-constitutional analysis of the calculi and an experimental model was developed for the study of the effect of medicinal plants in vitro.Although the number of urinary stones considered being low, the epidemiology of urolithiasis in this region of Algeria was sketched. Calcium oxalate stones become predominant due to a change in eating habits but with a persistence of infection-induced calculi persist, whatever the urinary tract or gut origin of the infection. The acquired data do not underline a catalytic role of trace elements detected within the stones but are in favor of a simple adsorption process. None of the tested extracts from the Algerian pharmacopoeia has had a significant effect to dissolve the urinary stones.La lithiase urinaire est une affection très répandue qui touche 4 à 18% de la population selon les pays. Cette pathologie nécessite beaucoup de recherches pluridisciplinaires. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse a pour objet de préciser la nature des calculs urinaires de l’Est Algérien et d’étudier ensuite le rôle de certains éléments traces ainsi que l’effet de quelques extraits de plantes médicinales sur la dissolution des calculs urinaires. Les techniques utilisées sont principalement les suivantes : la spectrophotométrie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier pour déterminer la composition chimique des calculs, la fluorescence X afin de déterminer la nature et la teneur des éléments traces et la microscopie électronique à balayage pour explorer la structure intime des cristallites à l’échelle mésoscopique. D’autres méthodes comme la microscopie optique ont été utilisées pour faire l’analyse morphoconstitutionnelle des calculs. Enfin, un modèle expérimental in vitro a été développé pour étudier l’effet des plantes médicinales. Bien que le nombre de calculs urinaires considérés soit faible, l’épidémiologie de la lithiase dans cette région de l’Algérie a été esquissée. Les calculs d’oxalate de calcium deviennent prépondérants en raison d’un changement des habitudes alimentaires avec toutefois une persistance des calculs d’origine infectieuse que l’infection soit urinaire ou digestive. Les données recueillies sur la distribution des éléments traces ne soulignent pas leur rôle catalytique mais sont en faveur d’un simple processus d’adsorption. Aucun des extraits de plantes testés, tous issus de la pharmacopée algérienne, n’a eu d’effet tangible pour dissoudre les calculs urinaires

    Distribution of naturally occurring radionuclides (U, Th) in Timahdit black shale (Morocco)

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    Attention has been focused recently on the use of Moroccan black oil shale as the raw material for production of a new type of adsorbent and its application to U and Th removal from contaminated wastewaters. The purpose of the present work is to provide a better understanding of the composition and structure of this shale and to determine its natural content in uranium and thorium. A black shale collected from Timahdit (Morocco) was analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction and SEM techniques. It was found that calcite, dolomite, quartz and clays constitute the main composition of the inorganic matrix. Pyrite crystals are also present. A selective leaching procedure, followed by radiochemical purification and α-counting, was performed to assess the distribution of naturally occurring radionuclides. Leaching results indicate that 238U, 235U, 234U, 232Th, 230Th and 228Th have multiple modes of occurrence in the shale. U is interpreted to have been concentrated under anaerobic conditions. An integrated isotopic approach showed the preferential mobilization of uranium carried by humic acids to carbonate and apatite phases. Th is partitioned between silicate minerals and pyrite

    Preparation and characterization of a composite material based on a geopolymer binder and quartzite aggregates

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    We have developed a geopolymer material by alkaline reaction on thermally activated kaolin. Initially we characterized the geopolymer by different methods (rheology, DTA-TGA, etc.) and we mixed it with different amounts of natural sand to obtain a granular composite. The structural characterization of this material was undertaken by several techniques (XRF, XRD and microscopic observations). A rheological study was implemented to determine the influence of the aggregate rate on the setting kinetic. Three-point bending and compression tests were conducted for mechanical characterization. We also conducted microindentation tests to study the influence of quartzite rate on the hardness of the material. The results indicate that the integration of quartzite (up to 15 wt. %) did not alter the setting kinetic. We noted a small degradation of the mechanical behavior when the quartzite rate is increased; this effect is due to a higher density of microcracks. However, adding the aggregate has a beneficial effect on the hardness of the material. These attractive features make this material a plausible matrix whose reinforcement with plant fibers will provide a ternary composite suitable for multiple applications

    Effects of Phenol Addition on Oil Extraction from Moroccan Oil Shale by Supercritical Toluene

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    In the present work, the effect of phenol on the supercritical extraction of the organic matter from Tarfaya's oil shale with toluene was evaluated. The experimental results showed clearly that phenol had a significant effect on the yield and the composition of the oils obtained. Moreover, it was shown that phenol was a very efficient modifier for oil shale, giving a good yield of recovery and a suitable maturation of the organic matter. The pitches prepared by mixing phenol and toluene contain more aromatics and have a high char yield at 950 °C compared to those obtained by extraction with supercritical toluene alone

    Challenges and Strategies of High-Capacity Transition Metal Oxides as Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs)

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    To satisfy the growing demand for high-energy and high-power-densities Lithium-ion Batteries (LIBs), the design and development of efficient electrode materials are necessary. In comparison to graphite, transition metal oxides (TMOs) have recently been widely investigated as anode materials due to their promising properties. These combine high specific capacities and high working potential, making them attractive anode candidates for emergent applications. Unfortunately, because of their poor electronic conductivity and high-volume expansion during cycling, they are unpractical and difficult to employ. To overcome these limitations, different approaches have been adopted. Examples are synthesizing the metal oxides at the nanometric scale, designing three-dimensional or hollow structures, coating the material with carbonaceous materials, etc. In this chapter, we report the elaboration of nanostructured transition metal oxides (Co3O4, Mn3O4, Co3−xMnxO4) using alginate gelling synthesis method. The Co3O4 octahedral-like nanoparticles display a remarkable cycling performance and good rate capability of 1194 mAh g−1 at C/5 and 937 mAh g−1 at 2C. Partially substituting the Co with Mn was shown to result in the production of Co2.53Mn0.47O4 and MnCo2O4 with high initial specific discharge capacities of 1228/921 and 1290/954 mAh g−1, respectively. As a Co-free material, the Mn3O4 delivers a reversible capacity of 271 mAh g−1, after 100 cycles

    Comparison of chemical and physical activation processes at obtaining adsorbents from moroccan oil shale

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    Within the Moroccan natural resources valorisation scheme, new adsorbents have been prepared from oil shale by chemical and physical activation processes. The activation process the authors have developed in this study give effective adsorbent materials. In view of the physico-chemical properties of these materials and application to the treatment of water loaded with a metal (Cr6+ ion) or organic (methylene blue (MB)) pollutant, it is concluded that the chemical activation process of oil shale at low temperature (250 °C) affords the best material. The material’s yield is good in comparison with the physical activation at the same temperature and the process is energy saving differently from that at 450 °C. Moreover, the chemical activation of oil shale with phosphoric acid at 250 °C produces a material with a good yield (about 70%), a high specific surface area (approximately 600 m2 /g) and a highly porous structure, which gives it a high retention of methylene blue and the Cr6+ ion

    Urolithiasis : Epidemiology, the role of trace elements and medicinal plants

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    La lithiase urinaire est une affection très répandue qui touche 4 à 18% de la population selon les pays. Cette pathologie nécessite beaucoup de recherches pluridisciplinaires. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse a pour objet de préciser la nature des calculs urinaires de l’Est Algérien et d’étudier ensuite le rôle de certains éléments traces ainsi que l’effet de quelques extraits de plantes médicinales sur la dissolution des calculs urinaires. Les techniques utilisées sont principalement les suivantes : la spectrophotométrie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier pour déterminer la composition chimique des calculs, la fluorescence X afin de déterminer la nature et la teneur des éléments traces et la microscopie électronique à balayage pour explorer la structure intime des cristallites à l’échelle mésoscopique. D’autres méthodes comme la microscopie optique ont été utilisées pour faire l’analyse morphoconstitutionnelle des calculs. Enfin, un modèle expérimental in vitro a été développé pour étudier l’effet des plantes médicinales. Bien que le nombre de calculs urinaires considérés soit faible, l’épidémiologie de la lithiase dans cette région de l’Algérie a été esquissée. Les calculs d’oxalate de calcium deviennent prépondérants en raison d’un changement des habitudes alimentaires avec toutefois une persistance des calculs d’origine infectieuse que l’infection soit urinaire ou digestive. Les données recueillies sur la distribution des éléments traces ne soulignent pas leur rôle catalytique mais sont en faveur d’un simple processus d’adsorption. Aucun des extraits de plantes testés, tous issus de la pharmacopée algérienne, n’a eu d’effet tangible pour dissoudre les calculs urinaires.Urolithiasis is a widespread disease that affects 4-18% of the population according to the countries. This pathology requires a lot of multidisciplinary research. The work presented here aims firstly to clarify the nature of urinary stones in the eastern Algeria and then investigate the role of trace elements as well as the effect of some medicinal plants on the dissolution of urinary stones. The techniques used are mainly the following: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to determine the chemical composition of the calculi, X-ray fluorescence to determine the nature and content of trace elements and scanning electron microscopy to explore the inner structure of the crystallites at the mesoscopic scale. Other methods such as stereomicroscopy have been used for the morpho-constitutional analysis of the calculi and an experimental model was developed for the study of the effect of medicinal plants in vitro.Although the number of urinary stones considered being low, the epidemiology of urolithiasis in this region of Algeria was sketched. Calcium oxalate stones become predominant due to a change in eating habits but with a persistence of infection-induced calculi persist, whatever the urinary tract or gut origin of the infection. The acquired data do not underline a catalytic role of trace elements detected within the stones but are in favor of a simple adsorption process. None of the tested extracts from the Algerian pharmacopoeia has had a significant effect to dissolve the urinary stones

    La lithiase urinaire (Epidémiologie, rôle des éléments traces et des plantes médicinales)

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    La lithiase urinaire est une affection très répandue qui touche 4 à 18% de la population selon les pays. Cette pathologie nécessite beaucoup de recherches pluridisciplinaires. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse a pour objet de préciser la nature des calculs urinaires de l Est Algérien et d étudier ensuite le rôle de certains éléments traces ainsi que l effet de quelques extraits de plantes médicinales sur la dissolution des calculs urinaires. Les techniques utilisées sont principalement les suivantes : la spectrophotométrie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier pour déterminer la composition chimique des calculs, la fluorescence X afin de déterminer la nature et la teneur des éléments traces et la microscopie électronique à balayage pour explorer la structure intime des cristallites à l échelle mésoscopique. D autres méthodes comme la microscopie optique ont été utilisées pour faire l analyse morphoconstitutionnelle des calculs. Enfin, un modèle expérimental in vitro a été développé pour étudier l effet des plantes médicinales. Bien que le nombre de calculs urinaires considérés soit faible, l épidémiologie de la lithiase dans cette région de l Algérie a été esquissée. Les calculs d oxalate de calcium deviennent prépondérants en raison d un changement des habitudes alimentaires avec toutefois une persistance des calculs d origine infectieuse que l infection soit urinaire ou digestive. Les données recueillies sur la distribution des éléments traces ne soulignent pas leur rôle catalytique mais sont en faveur d un simple processus d adsorption. Aucun des extraits de plantes testés, tous issus de la pharmacopée algérienne, n a eu d effet tangible pour dissoudre les calculs urinaires.Urolithiasis is a widespread disease that affects 4-18% of the population according to the countries. This pathology requires a lot of multidisciplinary research. The work presented here aims firstly to clarify the nature of urinary stones in the eastern Algeria and then investigate the role of trace elements as well as the effect of some medicinal plants on the dissolution of urinary stones. The techniques used are mainly the following: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to determine the chemical composition of the calculi, X-ray fluorescence to determine the nature and content of trace elements and scanning electron microscopy to explore the inner structure of the crystallites at the mesoscopic scale. Other methods such as stereomicroscopy have been used for the morpho-constitutional analysis of the calculi and an experimental model was developed for the study of the effect of medicinal plants in vitro.Although the number of urinary stones considered being low, the epidemiology of urolithiasis in this region of Algeria was sketched. Calcium oxalate stones become predominant due to a change in eating habits but with a persistence of infection-induced calculi persist, whatever the urinary tract or gut origin of the infection. The acquired data do not underline a catalytic role of trace elements detected within the stones but are in favor of a simple adsorption process. None of the tested extracts from the Algerian pharmacopoeia has had a significant effect to dissolve the urinary stones.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF
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