15 research outputs found

    Applying Absorptive Capacity Construct to Customer-related Knowledge Processing

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    The importance of customer-related knowledge as a source of competitive advantage has been addressed by several researchers during the last decade. However, only a little is known about the processes through which firms learn to know their customers organization-wide. In this article we propose that one possibility to study how firms process customer-related knowledge, and thus learn about and from their customers organization-wide, is to apply absorptive capacity construct originally developed in the context of innovation activities. By building on previous literature on absorptive capacity, customer knowledge management and relationship marketing, we introduce a conceptual framework of customer-related absorptive capacity, and discuss the external and internal antecedents to the construct. We propose that customer relationship performance could at least partly be explained by the capability of the supplier firm to acquire, assimilate, transform and exploit customer-related knowledge

    Huostaanotetun nuoren resilienssin tukeminen hoitotyössä

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    Huostaanotto on viimeisin keino turvata lapsen ja nuoren kehitys. Huostaanottoon voi johtaa kotona tapahtuva kaltoinkohtelu, kasvuolosuhteiden laiminlyönti tai lapsen/nuoren itselleen haitallinen käyttäytyminen. Vuonna 2017 kodin ulkopuolelle sijoitettuja lapsia ja nuoria oli noin 18 000. Resilienssillä tarkoitetaan tässä tutkimuksessa kykyä toipua haasteellisista kasvuolosuhteista. Resilienssi on synnynnäinen ominaisuus, joka toisilla on luontaisesti vahvempi kuin toisilla. Resilienssiä voidaan vahvistaa monenlaisin keinoin. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kerätä kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla huostaanotettujen nuorten kokemuksia heidän selviytymistään tukeneista asioista. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa ajantasaista tietoa resilienssin vahvistamisesta huostaanotettujen nuorten kanssa työskenteleville hoitotyöntekijöille. Tutkimustuloksesta selviää, että huostaanotettuja nuoria ja heidän selviytymistään haastavista elämäntilanteista, tukee parhaiten tasapainoisen kasvuympäristön mahdollistaminen. Nuoren näkökulmasta tärkeiksi asioiksi nousivat turvallisten aikuisten merkitys, kaverisuhteet, mahdollisuus harrastuksiin ja koulunkäynti. Resilienssiä tukeviksi tekijöiksi sijaishuollossa, huostaanotetut nuoret nimesivät osallisuuden merkityksen, aidosti välittävien aikuisten läsnäolon ja mahdollisuuden oman mielipiteensä ilmaisemiseen

    Do All Roads Lead to Rome? The Effect of the Decision-Making Logic on Business Model Change

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    Business models and business model change have drawn increasing attention from both researchers and practitioners across various disciplines, including the domain of entrepreneurship. However, even though the importance of business model innovation as a driver of firm performance has been widely acknowledged, empirical studies explaining the business model change remain limited. This study contributes to prior research by examining the effects of effectual and causation-based decision-making logics on the degree of business model change in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises in Finland. The findings of hierarchical regression analysis show that both causation and effectuation-based logics have positive effects on business model change, thereby highlighting the need for both strategizing and seizing of opportunities in business model development

    Alternative pathways to utilizing customer knowledge: A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis

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    This study explores alternative configurations of causes to customer knowledge utilization using a set theoretic approach with fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis. The study uses a previous empirical dataset of Salojärvi, Sainio, and Tarkiainen (2010) to assess organizational factors that enhance customer knowledge utilization. The results show that use of key account management teams and customer relationship management systems are core predictors for high degrees of customer knowledge utilization. However, these core causes are not sufficient on their own; they need to be accompanied by different degrees (i.e. high/low) and combinations of other peripheral antecedents, such as customer relationship orientation, top management involvement, and formalization. This study shows that many firms make trade-off decisions regarding the use of these core and peripheral conditions. The present study identifies alternative pathways to customer knowledge utilization, discuss their differences, and suggest managerial implications and future research directions