1,531 research outputs found

    Efficient superfluorescent light sources with broad bandwidth

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    We demonstrate various efficient broad-band light sources at ~1”m wavelength with a 3dB bandwidth of up to 65nm at 108mW output power, based on rare-earth doped silica fibers and a simple adjustable spectral filter

    Litteracitet, smÄ barn och ipad : en fallstudie av ett barnbiblioteks anvÀndande av ny teknik i en lÀsfrÀmjande kontext

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    Detta paper utgÄr frÄn, och Àr en kortare bearbetning av, vÄr masteruppsats med samma namn, skriven vÄren 2013 inom Àmnet biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap vid Lunds Universitet, masterprogrammet i ABM. Uppsatsen i sin helhet Äterfinns pÄ http://www.lu.se/lup/publication/3809044

    Salt transfer under irrigation with treated wastewater in semi-arid Tunisia

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    A continuously growing population in the world has resulted in more agricultural activity in arid- and semi-arid areas where it once was harder to cultivate crops. Due to the high evaporation and the lack of rainfall in these areas it is necessary to irrigate the fields. In some areas it has become more and more common to use treated wastewater as an alternative irrigation source. When the soil is irrigated with saline treated wastewater, some of the salt will be concentrated in the soil. Excessive soil salinity can e.g. limit the plant water uptake, thus decreases the crop production, and it could lead to sever soil degradation. However, it is possible to use moderately saline water for irrigation without a significant risk for severe soil salinization if certain rules for water and soil management are established, implemented and followed. Therefore the main objective of this thesis is to do an assessment of the soil salinity in agricultural soil as a result of irrigation with treated wastewater. This master thesis will also try to estimate the effects on the soil salinity after a major rainfall event. This will be done with a field study that was conducted outside the city of Nabeul in the north-east of semi-arid Tunisia during 2 months. The soil salinity assessment done in this thesis can only be considered a qualitative one and the result can only be seen as an indication of an increase or decrease in the soil salinity over this particular field. However, the indications can be a help when deciding the objectives and limitations on future studies in this area. It has been concluded that a general increase in the soil salinity after two irrigation events cannot be seen. However, it was concluded that a small decrease in soil salinity could be seen already after 57.5 mm of rain. This indicating that the Tunisian winter rains can leach the soil from the salts added during irrigation, and that there is no significant risk of soil salinization in this field

    An Evaluation of the Impacts of Bolsa FamĂ­lia on Schooling

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    Conditional cash transfer programs have been proven effective when aiming to decrease poverty and increase school enrollment among poor. The Brazilian conditional cash transfer program Bolsa FamĂ­lia is the largest program in the developing world and affect 13 million families in their everyday life. One of the long-term aims of Bolsa FamĂ­lia is to increase school enrollment in Brazil, which also is the focus of this thesis. With human capital theory as the foundation and with data from the Brazilian household survey PNAD2011, a regression discontinuity design is carried out in order to evaluate the impacts of Bolsa FamĂ­lia on school enrollment. As a complement to this analysis, semi-structured interviews with ten beneficiaries are conducted. The main result from the evaluation is that Bolsa FamĂ­lia does not increase school enrollment but appear to provide help for the children in poor and extremely poor families to assimilate education

    The Economics of European Eel Management

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    The European eel stock is endangered. The European Union has, therefore, introduced strict policies to try to reverse the eel’s decline and reduce the threats to its survival. However, the European Union’s eel management policy has been implemented on a ‘one-size-fits-all’ basis, where all the affected countries have been given nearly identical targets, regardless of either the individual country’s costs for reducing damages to eels or its importance for the overall eel stock. In this paper, we draw on data from the different national eel management plans as well as from independent studies to compare the cost of measures to reduce eel mortality imposed in different countries. We compare the overall costs to those that could have been incurred with a union-wide, rather than fragmented, abatement program, and find that such a comprehensive management program would have been substantially cheaper and would have affected poorer member countries less

    Lifetime quenching in Yb doped fibres

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    We have discovered that in ytterbium-doped silica fibres the excited state lifetime of a fraction of the Yb ions can be quenched to a very small value, leading to a strong unbleachable loss. This unexpected behaviour seems to be caused by some, yet unidentified, impurity or structural defect. It is of considerable relevance for various Yb doped lasers and-amplifiers including Er:Yb codoped fibres as used in telecommunication amplifiers although it should also be emphasized that fibres can be produced that are free from the quenching effect

    Raman amplification and pulsed lasing in cladding-pumped germanosilicate fiber

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    We report for the first time Raman amplification in a cladding-pumped fiber. The double-clad germanosilicate fiber was pumped by a Q-switched Er-Yb co-doped fiber laser at 1570 nm. The power conversion efficiency was up to 36%, with a slope of 64%

    Svenskproducerat proteinfoder till slaktsvin

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    Soybean meal from South America is the most common protein feed used for animal production in Sweden. Production of soybean has negative effects on the environment and the transports from South America to Sweden causes considerable CO2 emissions. Therefore it is a growing interest in locally produced protein feed in Sweden. Protein feeds that are possible to grow in Sweden are rapeseed, peas, faba beans and lupins. Those are adapted to the Nordic climate and are perfect to grow in cereal rotations. However, these protein feeds contain antinational substances (ANS) that cause problems like growth depression for growing- and finishing pigs, and therefore limit their use as animal feed. The most common ANS in those crops are glucosinolates, tannins, proteasinhibitors, alkaloids, lectins, saponins, vicin and convicin. Other protein rich feed that can be used in pig production is meal or pellets of lucerne, a common forage crop in Sweden, and byproducts from ethanol production like stillage or dried distillers’ grains with soluble. The problem with stillage is that the farm has to be located close to the factory due to expensive transports. It is possible to produce feed that meets the nutrient requirements of growing and finishing pigs from locally produced feedstuffs. But the feed will be more expensive than feeds including soybean, therefore the pork price has to be higher from pig grown on Swedish produced feed

    Bark och armeringsmatta för att förebygga trampskador pÄ betesytor hÄrt belastade av mjölkkor

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    Ett vanligt problem pÄ mjölkgÄrdar Àr att drivningsgator, grindhÄl, ytor kring vattentrÄg och andra högt belastade ytor blir söndertrampade under betessÀsongen. Detta kan bidra till problem som sÀnkt djurhÀlsa, försÀmrad mjölkkvalité och dÄligt fungerande kotrafik. De söndertrampade ytorna Àr Àven kÀnsligare för jorderosion och nÀringslÀckage. För att undvika denna typ av problem kan markstabiliserande material anlÀggas pÄ dessa ytor. Detta examensarbete Àr en del av projektet Kamp mot tramp, ett projekt finansierat av Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning. Projektet skall utvÀrdera anlÀggning, kostnad och funktion av tvÄ markstabiliserande material, bark och armeringsmatta, under tvÄ sÀsonger. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utvÀrdera resultatet under första betessÀsongen. Bark och armeringsmattor anlades pÄ ytor av ca 6 x 6 m i grindhÄl till betesfÄllor för mjölkkor, varje behandling upprepades i tre olika betesfÄllor. Barken anlades i ett 25-30 cm djupt lager pÄ geotextil. Armeringsmattan anlades pÄ marken med en geotextil limmad pÄ undersidan av mattan och ett lager kalkgrus pÄ ytan. Som kontroll anvÀndes ytor dÀr ingen markstabiliserande ÄtgÀrd utförts. Försöksytorna utvÀrderades med ett gropindex och en visuell utvÀrdering utifrÄn fotodokumentation. Ett lÀgre gropindex innebar en lÀgre förekomst av gropar pÄ ytan. Dokumentationen utfördes före mjölkkorna kom ut pÄ bete pÄ vÄren, tre gÄnger under pÄgÄende betessÀsong samt en gÄng efter betessÀsongens slut. Antalet gÄnger en ko passerade över varje yta registrerades under hela sÀsongen och vid slutet av betessÀsongen varierade antalet passager i olika fÄllor mellan ca 2000-7000. Vid den statistiska analysen kunde man dock inte finna nÄgot statistiskt samband mellan antalet passager och antalet gropar, mÀtt som gropindex. Resultatet visade att ytorna med armeringsmatta hade ett signifikant lÀgre gropindex Àn bÄde bark och kontroll samt att ytorna med bark hade ett signifikant högre gropindex Àn kontrolledet. Den visuella bedömningen bekrÀftade att ytorna med armering hade minst pÄverkan av tramp under betessÀsongen. Skillnaderna mellan de tre försöksytorna i kontrolledet och tvÄ av försöksytorna med bark i frÄga om trampskador var relativt smÄ, dock uppvisade den tredje barkytan tydliga trampskador. Att trampskadorna generellt var smÄ och skillnaderna inte var stora kan troligtvis kopplas till att det var en sommar med mycket lite nederbörd. Slutsatsen som kan dras Àr att armeringsmattan gav ett bÀttre skydd mot trampskador dÄ försöksytorna med detta material var i stort sett opÄverkade av kornas tramp och underhÄllet som krÀvs inför kommande sÀsong var minimalt. Under de torra förhÄllanden som rÄdde denna betessÀsong tycktes Àven kontrollytorna klara sig relativt bra. TvÄ ytor med bark uppvisade ocksÄ bra resultat, dock krÀvdes ett större underhÄll inför kommande sÀsong eftersom delar av eller hela barklagret mÄste bytas ut. Den tredje ytan med bark fick tydliga trampskador, men eftersom denna yta ocksÄ blev utsatt för avsevÀrt större belastning Àn alla övriga ytor Àr det svÄrt att dra nÄgra lÄngtgÄende slutsatser om bark som material efter bara ett försöksÄr. Ekonomiska kalkyler visar att armering Àr betydligt dyrare att anlÀgga, dock har barken ett dyrare underhÄll. Detta gör att armeringen efter sju sÀsonger totalt sett Àr en lÀgre investering. NÄgra studier av armeringsmattornas hÄllbarhet har ej Äterfunnits i litteraturen och det Àr dÀrför svÄrt att veta om de har en hÄllbarhet som överstiger sju sÀsonger.A common problem on dairy farms during the grazing period is that surfaces in pasture walkways, entrances to paddocks and around the water troughs become trampled and muddy. Problems associated with these damaged surfaces are for example lowered animal heath, problems with milk quality and non-functioning cow traffic. Ground stabilizing materials can be used to avoid problems like these as they stabilize the surface and protect the ground from damage. This thesis is a part of a project with the aim to evaluate and compare the function and cost of two ground stabilizing materials, bark chips and grass carpet, with each other and a control treatment. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the results from the first season after establishment. The three treatments were applied on area of a 6 x 6 m at the entrance to grazed paddocks used by dairy cows. The field study was performed in a randomized block design which included three blocks with each of the three treatments, giving a total of nine surfaces in the study. The control treatment consisted of paddock entrance surfaces that had not been subjected to any stabilizing measures. The bark chips were placed in a 25-30 cm deep layer on a sheet of geotextile. The grass carpet had a geotextile glued to the plastic mesh, it was placed on the ground and fixated with a layer of crushed limestone. The surfaces were evaluated with an index calculated from the number and size of holes in the surface, a lower index was an indication of less damage due to trampling. Visual evaluation was also performed using photos. The documentation was performed before the grazing season started, three times during grazing season and after the grazing season ended. The number of cow passages through the entrances was documented and over the entire season the number varied between approximately 2000-7000 cow passages in different paddocks. No significant effect of the number of cow passages on the surface index was seen in the statistical analysis. The results showed that the grass carpet had a significantly lower index than both the control and the bark chip surfaces. The surfaces with the bark chips on the other hand had a significantly higher index than the control. The visual evaluation confirmed that the grass carpet had the least damages caused by trampling. There was no great difference between the control and two of the bark chip surfaces while the third paddock entrance with bark chips showed clear signs of damage by trampling, However, this was also a paddock that had more passages by animals than any other paddock and it is therefore difficult to draw any definite conclusions after only one grazing season. In total the damage caused by trampling during this grazing season was very small, which was probably due to the very dry season. The conclusions from this study is that the grass carpet showed the greatest resistance to trampling damages as they almost were not affected at all by the gazing season. Compared with the grass carpet, more maintenance will be needed for the surfaces with bark chips before the next season, as most of the bark chips will have to be replaced. Cost calculations showed that the grass carpet is a lot more expensive to invest in, but as the maintenance cost is low, the total cost of the grass carpet will be lower than the bark chip if the grass carpet can be maintained for longer than seven seasons

    An estimation of environmental impacts of dairy farming

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    The production of dairy products has both negative and positive external effects on the environment. Positive and negative external effects can be monetized and defined as environmental benefits and costs. Balancing environmental costs and benefits is crucial to prevent market failures. The aim of this paper was to investigate the balance between the environmental benefits and the environmental costs associated with dairy production in Sweden using cost-benefit analysis (CBA). Five dairy farms were used as case studies to conduct the analysis. Both an economic and a financial CBA was conducted for each farm. The results of the CBAs show that there are generally higher environmental costs than benefits. Three out of five farms have positive net present values in the economic CBAs, implying that these farms should go on with their production. The primary objective of the paper was to investigate whether or not there were differences in the results when analysing organic and conventional production systems and across different farm sizes. It is not possible to claim there are differences between conventional and organic production from the results in this CBA.FramstÀllningen av mjölk och mjölkprodukter har bÄde positiva och negativa effekter pÄ miljön. Dessa positiva och negativa externaliteter kan vÀrderas i monetÀra termer och definieras som miljönyttor och miljökostnader. För att undvika marknadsmisslyckande Àr det önskvÀrt att strÀva efter balans mellan miljönyttor och miljökostnader. Syftet med denna studie var att utreda balansen mellan miljönyttor och miljökostnader som associeras med mjölkproduktion i Sverige genom att anvÀnda kostnads-nyttoanalys. BÄde en samhÀllsekonomisk och en finansiell kostnads-nyttoanalys utfördes. Resultaten i studien visar att miljökostnaderna Àr högre Àn miljönyttorna generellt sett. Tre av fem gÄrdar i studien har positiva nettonuvÀrden vilket antyder att dessa bör fortsÀtta med produktionen. Ett av mÄlen med studien var att undersöka hur produktionssÀtt (ekologisk eller konventionell) och storlek pÄ gÄrden pÄverkade resultatet. Ingen skillnad mellan konventionell och ekologisk produktion kunde faststÀllas utifrÄn resultaten frÄn kostnads-nyttoanalysen
