15 research outputs found

    Risk factors in hospital deaths in severely malnourished children in Kampala, Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: Although the risk factors for increased fatality among severely malnourished children have been reported, recent information from Africa, during a period of HIV pandemic and constrained health services, remains sketchy. The aim of this study has been to establish the risk factors for excess deaths among hospitalized severely malnourished children of below five years of age. METHOD: In 2003, two hundred and twenty consecutively admitted, severely malnourished children were followed in the paediatric wards of Mulago, Uganda's national referral and teaching hospital. The children's baseline health conditions were established by physical examination, along with haematological, biochemical, microbiological and immunological indices. RESULTS: Of the 220 children, 52 (24%) died, with over 70% of the deaths occurring in the first week of admission. There was no significant difference by sex or age group. The presence of oedema increased the adjusted odds-ratio, but did not reach significance (OR = 2.0; 95% CI = 0.8 – 4.7), similarly for a positive HIV status (OR = 2.6, 95% CI = 0.8 – 8.6). Twenty four out of 52 children who received blood transfusion died (OR = 5.0, 95% CI = 2 – 12); while, 26 out of 62 children who received intravenous infusion died (OR = 4.8, 95% CI = 2 – 12). The outcome of children who received blood or intravenous fluids was less favourable than of children who did not receive them. Adjustment for severity of disease did not change this. CONCLUSION: The main risk factors for excess hospital deaths among severely malnourished children in Mulago hospital include blood transfusion and intravenous infusion. An intervention to reduce deaths needs to focus on guideline compliance with respect to blood transfusions/infusions

    Severe malnutrition with and without HIV-1 infection in hospitalised children in Kampala, Uganda: differences in clinical features, haematological findings and CD4(+ )cell counts

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to describe the clinical features, haematological findings and CD4(+ )and CD8(+ )cell counts of severely malnourished children in relation to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. METHODS: The study was conducted in the paediatric wards of Mulago hospital, which is Uganda's national referral and teaching hospital. We studied 315 severely malnourished children (presence of oedema and/or weight-for-height: z-score < -3) and have presented our findings. At admission, the CD4(+ )and CD8(+ )cells were measured by the flow cytometry and HIV serology was confirmed by Enzyme linked Immunoassay for children >18 months of age, and RNA PCR was performed for those ≤18 months. Complete blood count, including differential counts, was determined using a Beckman Coulter counter. RESULTS: Among the 315 children, 119 (38%) were female; the median age of these children was 17 months (Interquartile range 12–24 months), and no difference was observed in the HIV status with regard to gender or age. The children showed a high prevalence of infections: pneumonia (68%), diarrhoea (38%), urinary tract infection (26%) and bacteraemia (18%), with no significant difference with regard to the HIV status (HIV-positive versus HIV-negative children). However, the HIV-positive children were more likely to have persistent diarrhoea than the HIV-uninfected severely malnourished children (odds ratio (OR) 2.0, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.2–3.6). When compared with the HIV-negative children, the HIV-positive children showed a significantly lower median white blood cell count (10700 versus 8700) and lymphocyte count (4033 versus 2687). The CD4(+ )cell percentages were more likely to be lower in children with non-oedematous malnutrition than in those with oedematous malnutrition even after controlling for the HIV infection. The novel observation of this study is that the CD4(+ )percentages in both HIV-positive and HIV-negative children without oedema were lower that those in children with oedema. These observations appear to imply that the development of oedema requires a certain degree of immunocompetence, which is an interesting clue to the pathophysiology of oedema in severe malnutrition

    Bacteraemia among severely malnourished children infected and uninfected with the human immunodeficiency virus-1 in Kampala, Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: To establish the magnitude of bacteraemia in severely malnourished children, and describe the types of bacteria and antimicrobial sensitivity by HIV status. METHOD: Isolates were recovered from 76 blood specimens. Antibiotic susceptibility tests were performed using commercial antibiotic disks and demographic and clinical findings were recorded. RESULTS: Of the 450 children 63% were male; median age 17.0 months (inter quartile range, IQR 12–24) and 57% had oedema. 151 (36.7 %) of 411 tested HIV-positive; 76 (17.1%) of 445 blood specimens grew bacterial isolates; 58% were Gram negative – S. typhimurium (27.6%) and S. enteriditis (11.8%). Staph. aureus (26.3%) and Strep. pneumoniae (13.2%) were the main Gram positive organisms. There was no difference in the risk of bacteraemia by HIV status, age < 24 months, male sex, or oedema, except for oral thrush (OR 2.3 CI 1.0–5.1) and hypoalbuminaemia (OR 3.5 CI 1.0–12.1). Isolates from severely immuno-suppressed children (CD4% <15%) were more likely to grow Salmonella enteriditis (OR 5.4; CI 1.6 – 17.4). The isolates were susceptible (≥ 80%) to ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone and gentamicin; with low susceptibility to chlorampenicol, ampicillin (< 50%) and co-trimoxazole (<25%). Suspicion of bacteraemia had 95.9% sensitivity and 99.2% specificity. Among bacteraemic children, mortality was higher (43.5% vs 20.5%) in the HIV-positive; OR 3.0 (95%CI 1.0, 8.6). CONCLUSION: Bacteraemia affects 1 in every 6 severely malnourished children and carries high mortality especially among the HIV-positive. Given the high level of resistance to common antibiotics, there is need for clinical trials to determine the best combinations of antibiotics for management of bacteraemia in severely malnourished children

    Breastfeeding and the risk of rotavirus diarrhea in hospitalized infants in Uganda: a matched case control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Rotavirus </it>is responsible for over 25 million outpatient visits, over 2 million hospitalizations and 527,000 deaths annually, worldwide. It is estimated that breastfeeding in accordance with the World Health Organization recommendations would save 1.45 million children's lives each year in the developing countries. The few studies that examined the effect of breastfeeding on <it>rotavirus </it>diarrhea produced conflicting results. This study aimed to determine the effect of breastfeeding on <it>rotavirus </it>diarrhea among admitted infants in Uganda.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was conducted in the Pediatrics medical emergency unit of a National Referral hospital during a peak incidence time for rotavirus from February to April 2008. It was an age matched case-control study with a ratio of 1:1. We consecutively enrolled infants presenting at the study site during this period whose caretakers consented to participate in the study. A minimum sample size of 90 pairs was adequate with power of 80% to detect a 30% decrease in breastfeeding rate among the cases assuming a breastfeeding rate of 80% in the controls. The infants with <it>rotavirus </it>positive results were the "cases". We used the commercial enzyme immunoassay kit (DAKO IDEIA™ rotavirus EIA detection kit) to diagnose the cases. The "controls" were admitted children with no diarrhea. We compared the cases and controls for antecedent breastfeeding patterns.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Ninety-one matched case-control age-matched pairs with an age caliper of one month were included in the analysis. Breastfeeding was not protective against rotavirus diarrhea (OR 1.08: 95% CI 0.52 - 2.25; p = 0.8) in the conditional logistic model.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study findings did not reveal breastfeeding as protective against <it>rotavirus </it>diarrhea in infants. This suggests searching for other complementary preventive methods such as rotavirus vaccination and zinc supplementation to reduce the problem of <it>rotavirus </it>diarrhea in infants irrespective of their feeding practices.</p

    Lactose intolerance among severely malnourished children with diarrhoea admitted to the nutrition unit, Mulago hospital, Uganda

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    Abstract Background Lactose intolerance is a common complication of diarrhoea in infants with malnutrition and a cause of treatment failure. A combination of nutritional injury and infectious insults in severe protein energy malnutrition reduces the capacity of the intestinal mucosa to produce lactase enzyme necessary for the digestion of lactose. The standard management of severe malnutrition involves nutritional rehabilitation with lactose-based high energy formula milk. However, some of these children may be lactose intolerant, possibly contributing to the high rate of unfavorable treatment outcomes. This study was therefore designed to establish the prevalence of lactose intolerance and associated factors in this population. Methods A descriptive cross sectional study involving 196 severely malnourished children with diarrhoea aged 3-60 months was done in Mwanamugimu Nutrition Unit (MNU), Mulago hospital between October 2006 and February 2007. Results During the study period, 196 severely malnourished children with diarrhoea were recruited, 50 (25.5%) of whom had evidence of lactose intolerance (stool reducing substance ≥ 1 + [0.5%] and stool pH Other factors that were significantly associated with lactose intolerance on bi-variate analysis included: young age of 3-12 months; lack of up to-date immunization; persistent diarrhoea; vomiting; dehydration, and abdominal distension. Exclusive breastfeeding for less than 4 months and worsening of diarrhoea on initiation of therapeutic milk were the other factors. Conclusions The prevalence of lactose intolerance in this study setting of 25.5% is relatively high. Routine screening by stool pH and reducing substances should be performed especially in the severely malnourished children with diarrhoea presenting with oedematous malnutrition, perianal skin erosion, higher mean stool frequency and having had ≥2 diarrhoea episodes in the previous 3 months. Use of lactose-free diets such as yoghurt should be considered for children found to have evidence of lactose intolerance and whose response on standard therapeutic milk formula is poor.</p

    Reduction of unnecessary transfusion and intravenous fluids in severely malnourished children is not enough to reduce mortality

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    Aim: To test whether standardising the use of blood transfusions and intravenous (IV) infusions could reduce fatality in severely malnourished children admitted to Mulago Hospital, Kampala. Methods: Improved adherence to the WHO protocol for blood transfusion and IV fluids was effected in patients with severe malnutrition by continuous medical education. A ‘before and after’ design was used to study 450 severely malnourished children (weight-for-height ,23 Z-score or presence of oedema) under 60 months of age. A total of 220 pre- and 230 post-‘improved practice’ patients were enrolled consecutively during the periods September to November 2003 and September to December 2004, respectively. Patients were followed up until discharge or death. The Kaplan–Meier survival curve and the Cox regression hazard model were used for univariate and multivariate analyses, respectively. Results: Overall case fatality was 23.6% (52/220) in the pre-period and 24.8% (57/230) in the post-period (p50.78). Most of the deaths occurred in the 1st week of admission (73%, 38/52 in the pre-period and 61%, 35/57 in the post-period) and were of children who had received blood transfusion or IV infusion or both in the pre-period. Mortality in children transfused and/or infused was significantly reduced in the post-period (82%, 31/38 in the preperiod vs 23%, 8/35 in the post-period, p50.008). In the post-period, there was a significant reduction in the number of inappropriate blood transfusions (18%, 34/194 vs 3.5%, 8/230, p50.01) and IV fluid infusions (27%, 52/194 vs 9%, 20/230, p,0.001). Survival improved in children who received blood transfusions in the post-period [hazards ratio (HR) 0.22, 95% CI 0.30–1.67 vs HR 4.80, 95% CI 1.71–13.51], as did that of children who received IV infusions (HR 2.10, 95% CI 0.84–5.23 vs HR 3.91, 95% CI 1.10–14.04). Conclusion: Management according to the WHO protocol for severe malnutrition can reduce the need for blood and IV infusions. However, further studies are required to verify whether full implementation of the WHO protocol reduces the high case fatality in sub-Saharan hospitals