1,084 research outputs found

    Penyutradaraan Film Dokumenter Narasi Tubuh Perempuan Jawa melalui Pendekatan Seni Budaya

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    Karya film dokumenter Narasi Tubuh Perempuan Jawa menceritakan tentang perjalanan karir seorang perempuan Jawa masa kini yang mandiri dan memiliki dedikasi tinggi dibidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni, dan batik. Melalui spirit batik film ini menyampaikan pesan kepada generasi muda untuk selalu semangat berkarya, bercita-cita tinggi dan bangga dengan budaya lokal yang dimilikinya. Penyutradaraan film dokumenter ini menggunakan pendekatan performatif dan puitik dari sisi narasumber dan sutradara. Semoga dengan dihadirkannya film ini dapat memberikan inspirasi positif bagi generasi muda di Indonesia utk terus mencintai bangsanya dan warisan budaya yang melekat didalamnya

    Risk Factors of Diarrhoea in Malnourished Children Under Age of 5 Years

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    Background: Acute infectious enteritis remains one of the commonest causes of death among infants and children in developing countries. Acute enteritis is defined as a loss of stool consistency with pasty or liquid stools, and/or an increase in stool frequency to more than three stools in 24 hours with or without fever or vomiting. Human survival depends on the secretion and reabsorption of fluid and electrolytes in the intestinal tract. The objective of the study is to evaluate the risk factors of diarrhoea in children under age of 5 years. Methodology: It was an observational study. Study was completed in about six months. Non-probability purposive sampling technique was used. In this study, 270 samples were taken from Diarrheal ward of The Children Hospital Lahore, Pakistan. Results: In this study, out of 270 patients, 58.52% were males and 41.48% were females. 90.37% patients were vaccinated. 54.81% had weaning history. 91.85% patients had feeding history. 29.26% had blood in stool. 96.67% patients were dehydrated. 95.56% patients had loose watery diarrhoea. 62.96% patients used boiled water. 58.52% patients consumed less than half litre of water, 30.00% patients consumed 1 litre of water and 11.48% patients consumed > 1 litre of water. 49.18% patients had proper hygiene. 38.15% mothers of patients were well educated. 40.37% patients had model household condition. 57.41% patients lived in rural area and 42.59% patients lived in urban area. Conclusion: The variation in the level of diarrheal morbidity was well explained by maternal education, income, personal hygiene, refuse disposal system and the effect of health extension programme


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    Penerapan taktik dan strategi futsal anggota ekstrakurikuler SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta yang kurang sesuai saat pertandingan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan taktik dan strategi anggota ekstrakurikuler SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta dalam bermain futsal yang ditinjau dari 2 faktor yaitu jenis- jenis taktik dan strategi menyerang dan bertahan dalam futsal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan metode survei dengan instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian populasi yang mana populasinya adalah anggota ekstrakurikuler futsal SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 24 siswa. Uji validitas menggunakan teknik korelasi dengan rumus product moment oleh Karl Pearson, dan didapatkan sebanyak 18 butir soal valid. Sedangkan uji reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach, dengan hasil reliabilitas instrumen sebesar 0,942. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif yang dituangkan dalam bentuk persentase tingkat pengetahuan anggota ekstrakurikuler SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta dalam bermain futsal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan taktik dan strategi futsal siswa anggota ekstrakurikuler futsal SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta adalah 8,33% sangat tinggi, 33.33% tinggi, 41,67% sedang, 8,33% rendah, dan 8,33% dalam sangat rendah

    Frequency of Clinical Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Asthmatic Patients

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    Background: Gastroesophageal reflex is known as an acid reflex, is long term condition where stomach contents back into the oesophagus resulting in either symptoms or complications. GERD disease is caused by weakness or failure of the lower oesophageal sphincter. Symptoms include the acidic taste behind the mouth, heart burn, chest pain, difficult breathing and vomiting. Complication includes esophagitis, oesophageal strictures and barrettes oesophagus. Objective: The aim of this research was to introduce the symptoms of GERD disease in asthmatic patients and how these symptoms worsen the symptoms of asthma disease and what clinical pictures present with the asthmatic disease. Methodology: A designed performa was used to collect the data and after filling the performa, results were drawn and conclusion through the facts and the information given by patients. Results: In the present study among all 164 asthmatic patients, 70 (42.7%) patients showed dyspepsia, 58 (35.4%) were with chest burning, 23 (14%) were asking about chest pain, with acidic mouth taste were 39 (23.8%), 22 (13.4%) were feeling sore throat and 44 (26.8%) showed regurgitation reflex. Among these 164 patients 16 (9.8%) were smokers and 148 (90.2 %) were non-smokers. 47 (28.7%) were males and 117 (71.3%) were females. Conclusion: It is concluded that gastroesophageal reflux disease in asthmatic patients present symptoms of acidic mouth taste, chest burning, chest pain, dyspepsia, regurgitation reflex and sore throat

    Kajian Dampak Iklim Ekstrim Curah Hujan Tinggi (La-Nina) pada Jeruk Siam (Citrus Nobilis Var. Microcarpa) di Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jember dan Lumajang

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    Tangerine (Citrus nobilis var. microcarpa) is most widely cultivated Citrus in Indonesia, it's around 80% of all population of Citrus. Citrus can growth and cultivated in low land or upland (0-1500 m above sea level). Indonesia has extreme climate change (La Nina) in 2009 and 2010. Extreme climate change is one of the factors that affect the growth and productivity of citrus both in quality and quantity. Tangerine require 6-9 months of wet season and 3-6 months of dry season, although need enough water in dry season. This research aims to study the effect of extreme climate change with high rainfall on phenology, productivity and quality of Tangerine in Banyuwangi, Jember and Lumajang. This Research was conducted at Tangerine center from 2005 until 2011 using observation method, the tangerine that use was from 5 years after planted until 12 years after planted. The Result showed that high precipitation occurred in 2010 (without dry season) affect the phenology cycle from 1-3 times in a year until 4-6 times in a year, but not become a fruit due high flower drop. It's cause a decrease in Productivity form 20-30 ton/h until 5-10 ton/h and also a decrease in quality (color, flavor and total dissolved solid). The result also showed that PJTKS system (Integrated Management for Healthy Tangerine) can prevent a decrease in Tangerine Productivity (10-12 ton/h). This Research also obtained that dry land and sandy land has potential for cultivation of tangerine that originally grown in paddy field

    Frequency of Predisposing Factor of Nausea and Vomiting After Chest Surgery Under General Anaesthesia

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    Background: Postoperative nausea and vomiting are common and distressing postsurgical symptoms. These symptoms are of particular concern in outpatient surgery because they may require additional direct resources, such as supplies and antiemetic drugs, and may delay discharge. The objective of this study was to measure the frequency of factors which can cause nausea and vomiting under general anaesthesia after chest surgery. Methodology: This descriptive case series evaluated frequency of predisposing factor of nausea and vomiting in patients of anaesthesia department of Gulab Devi Hospital Lahore. Questionnaire is made and patients were asked about their age, fever, previous surgery, NPO status, smoking history and hospital stay. This study included 140 patients with post-operative nausea and vomiting. Results: In this study, 140 patients were taken in which  65 (46.43%) were female and 75 (53.57%) were male. In 140 patient 134 (95.7%) were NPO and 6 (4.3%) were not  NPO, 25 (17.9%) were obese and 115 (82.1%) were not obese, 88 (62.9%) patients were suffering fever and 52 (37.1%) were not suffering fever, 80 (57.1%) were infected and 59 (42.1%) were not infected, 53 (37.9%) patients had previous surgery and 87 (62.1%) had no previous surgery, 94 (67.1%) patients had received nitrous oxide and 46 (32.9%) didn\u27t, 97 (69.3%) received volatile gases and 43 (30.7%) not received, 29 (20.7%) received ketamine and 111 (79.3%) not received, 87 (62.1%) received suxamethonium and 53 (37.9%) not received, 119 (85.0%) received propofol and 21 (15.0%) not received, 110 (78.6%) received naluphine and 28 (20.0%) not received. Out of 140 patients, there were 122 (87.1%) who were suffering from pain and 18 (12.9%) were not. 91 (65.0%) patients had gastric distention and 49 (35.0%) patients didn\u27t. Opioids were given to 34 (24.3%) patients and not given to 106 (75.7%) patient. Conclusion: It is concluded that the nausea and vomiting after surgey under genral anesthesia is due to patient related factors in which most frequent is NPO. Drug related factors include propofol and nalbupin administration. Post operative factors include pain. In whole study of 140 patients, the  most frequent is patient related factor (NPO) other than drug related factors and post-operative factors

    Facile synthesis of nanostructured WO3 thin films and their characterization for ethanol sensing.

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    A simple technique to fabricate nanostructured WO3 thin films onto conductomeric transducers has been employed for ethanol sensing application. Initially, pure tungsten (W) thin films were deposited onto the substrate employing RF sputterer and followed by an etching process. Three types of etching agent were used: nitric (HNO3), sulphuric (H2SO4), and phosphoric (H3PO4) acid. It was found that the surface morphology and crystallinity of the WO3 films were heavily dependant to the etchants employed during the fabrication process. The developed sensors were tested towards ethanol vapor of different concentrations (10–200 ppm) at temperatures between room and 450 °C. The sensors showed stable and reproducible response at optimum operating temperatures. High sensor response towards vaporized ethanol as well as fast τres and τrec was observed during the “adsorption” and “desorption” interval. The recorded maximum response for these devices when exposed towards 100 ppm ethanol was measured to be 8 (Ro = 4.6 kΩ), 5.8 (Ro = 22.5 GΩ), and 5 (Ro = 0.29 MΩ) for HNO3, H3PO4, and H2SO4, respectively. The optimum operating temperatures were determined to be 400, 300–380, and 360 °C for the sensors developed using HNO3, H3PO4, and H2SO4, respectively