31 research outputs found

    Permainan anak-anak Sumatera Selatan

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    Buku ini membahas mengenai perkembangan kebudayaan Daerah Sumatera Selatan yang dipengaruhi oleh sesuatu jenis permainan atau dari suatu jenis permainan yang dapat berkembang menjadi suatu jenis pennainan anak-anak, tari atau drama tari tertentu

    Ungkapan tradisional sebagai sumber informasi kebudayaan daerah Sumatera Selatan

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    Buku ini berisi tentang ungkapan tradisional sebagai sumber informasi kebudayaan daerah Sumatera Selatan, khususnya di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir dan Kabupaten Musi Banyuasi

    Sustainability of Malay Traditional Silverware in the East Coast region of Malaysia

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    The traditional Malay silverware industries in Malaysia that have existed for more than 200 years began to deteriorate from time to time. Silverware is a craft field with its uniqueness and almost extinction hereditary since 1948 on the East Coast of Malaysia. In this context, innovation and sustainability play a vital role in the design and product development. This study is to investigate and identify the current development of Malay traditional silverware and its relation to Sustainable Design Goals parallel with the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030. The silverware industry growth is significant among the local community to sustain for gloomy future. Keywords: Sustainability, Malay Traditional Craft, Silverware eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by E-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC  BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behavior Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioral Researchers on Asians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behavior Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7iSI9.395

    Effects of foliar applied copper and boron on fungal diseases and rice yield on cultivar MR219

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    Long-term intensive cropping on the same piece of land with high-yielding varieties often exhausts the availability of soil micronutrients. Poor management of plant micronutrients has become a hurdle in the effort to increase rice production in Malaysia. The new rice variety, MR 219, was introduced to bring the yield potential up to 10 t ha-1. However, to sustain the high yield, more N-fertilizer input is needed and this will increase incidences of disease. Moreover, nutrients imbalance due to limited micronutrients application may worsen the situation. In this study, two seasons of field experiments were conducted at Sawah Sempadan, Kampung Seri Tiram Jaya, Tanjong Karang (3° 28’ 0� North, 101° 13’ 0� East) in the off season of 2007 (July 2007 – November 2007) and the main season of 2008 (January 2008 – May 2008), using high yielding cultivar of MR219 to evaluate the effects of copper (Cu) and boron (B) foliar applications on the reduction of fungal diseases, and also to evaluate the effects of foliar Cu and B applications on rice production. Nine combinations of Cu and B treatment at varying levels of Cu (0 – 20 ppm) and B (0 – 20 ppm) were replicated 4 times and applied through foliar spray at three different times, namely, 30, 45 and 60 days after seeding (DAS). The foliar application of Cu and B was found to be able to reduce fungal disease infestation in MR219 rice cultivar and subsequently increase rice yield. Meanwhile, the foliar treatment of Cu and B applied in combination at level T7 (7.53 t ha-1), T9 (7.33 t ha-1), T8 (7.28 t ha-1) and T6 (7.06 t ha-1) produced significantly higher (P >0.05) rice yield as compared with the control, T1 (5.75 t ha-1). A significant reduction in disease scoring was also recorded in the experiment where foliar treatment at level T9 (20 ppm Cu + 20 ppm B) cut down 5% of the disease incidence in MR219 rice plant. Rice yield components such as productive tiller m-2, number of spikelets panicle-1, percentage of filled grains and 1,000-grain weight have also shown remarkable increments as a result of the Cu and B foliar treatment

    Effects of micronutrient fertilizers on the production of MR 219 rice (Oryza sativa L.).

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    Poor management of plant nutrients and ignorance of the Liebig’s Law of Minimum for plant nutrients requirement is an obstacle in efforts to increase rice production in Malaysia. Ignorance of the importance of micronutrients application by Malaysian farmers hinders the achievement of high yields in rice production. Six farmers’ plots were used to examine the importance of micronutrients in rice production in Sawah Sempadan, Tanjong Karang, Malaysia. Soil and foliar samples were collected and analyzed to determine the micronutrients content and then compared with the critical nutrients levels needed by rice. Special fertilizers comprising formulated mixture of K, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn and B were then distributed to farmers along with a recommended manuring programme. The timing and quantity of fertilizer applied were closely supervised. The investigations were carried out over two continuous seasons where rice yield data were collected and subjected to statistical analysis. The results showed that the application of special fertilizers in conjunction with proper field maintenance was able to increase rice production by 27%, from 4.62 tonnes per hectare to 5.87 tonnes per hectare

    Glycemic patterns and factors associated with post-hemodialysis hyperglycemia among end-sStage-renal disease patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis

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    Introduction. Chronic and post-prandial hyperglycemia are independent risk factors for diabetic complications. Glycemic patterns among hemodialysis end-stage-renal-disease (ESRD) differ as glucose metabolism changes with declining kidney function with more pronounced glycemic fluctuations. The objectives of this study are to determine glycemic patterns on hemodialysis days, the magnitude of post-hemodialysis rebound hyperglycemia (PHH) and their associated factors. Methodology. 148 patients on hemodialysis were analysed, 91 patients had end-stage-diabetic-renal disease (DM-ESRD), and 57 patients had end-stage-non-diabetic renal disease (NDM-ESRD). Glycemic patterns and PHH data were obtained from 11-point and 7-point self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) profiles on hemodialysis and non-hemodialysis days. PHH and its associated factors were analysed with logistic regression. Results. Mean blood glucose on hemodialysis days was 9.33 [SD 2.7] mmol/L in DM-ESRD patients compared to 6.07 [SD 0.85] mmol/L in those with NDM-ESRD (p<0.001). PHH occurred in 70% of patients and was more pronounced in DM-ESRD compared to NDM-ESRD patients (72.5% vs 27.5%; OR 4.5). Asymptomatic hypoglycemia was observed in 18% of patients. DM-ESRD, older age, previous IHD, obesity, high HbA1c, elevated highly-sensitive CRP and low albumin were associated with PHH. Conclusion. DM-ESRD patients experienced significant PHH in our cohort. Other associated factors include older age, previous IHD, obesity, high HbA1c, elevated hs-CRP and low albumin

    Optimization on the preparation of microfluidic channel using dry film resist

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    In this work, microfluidic channel was explored using dry film resist (DFR) method. Many of previous studies used SU-8 and PDMS as the medium to fabricate microfluidic channel for making a microfluidic chamber. Microscope slides were used as the substrate for the applications with bio components since it is inert and stable. The DFR serves to be the spacer to form the channel. Several processes which include cleaning, drying, prebaking, laminating, UV exposure and finally post-baking were involved in channel making. These processes need to be optimized in order to obtain a good chamber. Silicon rubber and UV glue were used to seal the chamber system to prevent any leakages

    Hypersexuality in a rape victim child

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    Hypersexuality is rare in children. Our case describes a 14-year-old girl who presented with a history suggestive of hypersexuality. She was repeatedly raped and exposed to video pornography at a very young age. Consequently, she became addicted to pleasure during sexual intercourse and actively involved in multiple unprotected sexual intercourses. Management, in this case, was challenging, where early intervention with contraceptive methods and cognitive behavioural therapy were unsuccessful. Subsequently, alternative treatment with Islamic psycho-spiritual therapy combined with conventional therapy resulted in an improvement in her sexual pre-occupation. This case highlights the importance of recognition of hypersexuality, especially among children with a history of sexual abuse as management proofs to be challenging, and requires a multimodal approach to prevent a potentially devastating outcome

    Separation and detection of escherichia coli and saccharomyces cerevisiae using a microfluidic device integrated with an optical fibre

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    This paper describes the development of an integrated system using a dry film resistant (DFR) microfluidic channel consisting of pulsed field dielectrophoretic field-flow-fractionation (DEP-FFF) separation and optical detection. The prototype chip employs the pulse DEP-FFF concept to separate the cells (Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) from a continuous flow, and the rate of release of the cells was measured. The separation experiments were conducted by changing the pulsing time over a pulsing time range of 2-24 s and a flow rate range of 1.2-9.6 µL min −1. The frequency and voltage were set to a constant value of 1 MHz and 14 Vpk-pk, respectively. After cell sorting, the particles pass the optical fibre, and the incident light is scattered (or absorbed), thus, reducing the intensity of the transmitted light. The change in light level is measured by a spectrophotometer and recorded as an absorbance spectrum. The results revealed that, generally, the flow rate and pulsing time influenced the separation of E. coli and S. cerevisiae. It was found that E. coli had the highest rate of release, followed by S. cerevisiae. In this investigation, the developed integrated chip-in-a lab has enabled two microorganisms of different cell dielectric properties and particle size to be separated and subsequently detected using unique optical properties. Optimum separation between these two microorganisms could be obtained using a longer pulsing time of 12 s and a faster flow rate of 9.6 µL min −1 at a constant frequency, voltage, and a low conductivity