2,647 research outputs found

    More on Five Dimensional EVH Black Rings

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    In this paper we continue our analysis of arXiv:1308.1478[hep-th] and study in detail the parameter space of three families of doubly spinning black ring solutions: balanced black ring, unbalanced ring and dipole-charged balanced black rings. In all these three families the Extremal Vanishing Horizon (EVH) ring appears in the vanishing limit of the dimensionful parameter of the solution which measures the ring size. We study the near horizon limit of the EVH black rings and for all three cases we find a (pinching orbifold) AdS3_3 throat with the AdS3_3 radius 2=8G5M/(3π)\ell^2=8 G_5 M/(3\pi) where MM is the ring mass and G5G_5 is the 5d Newton constant. We also discuss the near horizon limit of near-EVH black rings and show that the AdS3_3 factor is replaced with a generic BTZ black hole. We use these results to extend the EVH/CFT correspondence for black rings, a 2d CFT dual to near-EVH black rings.Comment: 30 page

    Corporate Governance for Banks in Pakistan: Recent Developments and Regional Comparisons

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    The emerging economies in the South Asian region have embarked on a bold reform process to develop the banking sector. This development has improved the transparency and accountability of the banking sector because these countries focused on ‘best practice’ corporate governance for banks. In view of a rapidly developing market with a slow pace of information dissemination, adverse selection and moral hazard problems are likely to be on the rise and may need a mechanism to train and discipline bank management. It was, therefore timely for the central banks in the region to introduce a ‘best practice’ for the banking system as a whole. This study provides a survey of recent developments in corporate governance of the banking sector in Pakistan and a comparison of similar developments in two other regional economies, namely, India and Bangladesh. In addition to a theoretical discussion on this issue, we also provide an overview of the banking sector restructuring and highlighting important features of the codes of corporate governance established by central banks in the sample countries. In conclusion, we present a comparison of the major differences in these measures across countries and comment on the pace of these developments.Corporate Governance, Banks, Pakistan

    Corporate Governance for Banks in Pakistan : Recent Developments and Regional Comparisons

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    The emerging economies in the South Asian region have embarked on a bold reform process to develop the banking sector. This development has improved the transparency and accountability of the banking sector because these countries focused on best practice corporate governance for banks. In view of a rapidly developing market with a slow pace of information dissemination, adverse selection and moral hazard problems are likely to be on the rise and may need a mechanism to train and discipline bank management. It was, therefore timely for the central banks in the region to introduce a best practice for the banking system as a whole. This study provides a survey of recent developments in corporate governance of the banking sector in Pakistan and a comparison of similar developments in two other regional economies, namely, India and Bangladesh. In addition to a theoretical discussion on this issue, we also provide an overview of the banking sector restructuring and highlighting important features of the codes of corporate governance established by central banks in the sample countries. In conclusion, we present a comparison of the major differences in these measures across countries and comment on the pace of these developments.Banking, Corporate governance, banking sector restructuring


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    The government launched the "One Village, One Product" program to encourage each village to have regional products. The products of the area can be packaged into creative economy efforts by prioritizing ideas and knowledge from human resources as the main production factor. This condition encourages the people of Sragi Village, Blitar Regency to have regional products from the potential of local natural resources. Problems faced by the people of Sragi Village include lack of insight and skills about regional potential products, marketing, and regulatory submissions. Devotion consists of: providing insights and production demos, mentoring the provision of marketing and licensing insights, as well as mentoring small�scale production trials. Small-scale production assistance, marketing, and licensing to the people of Sragi Village, Blitar Regency resulted in increased insight and understanding of the first steps to make antioxidant herbal tea corn silk. Sragi villagers have known the right method of making tea from the beginning, a tipping point in the form of temperature, length, and optimal dryer, as well as packaging until it becomes a teabag. The results of small-scale trials show that the tea products are potentially claimed to have antioxidant activity. Marketing assistance plans strategies to increase the economic value of tea products from their antioxidant activities. The next step is the preparation of licensing application to the ministry of health to obtain Home Industry Food Production Certificate (SPP-PIRT)

    Factors Affecting Quality of Sleep in Intensive Care Unit

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    Background: The etiology of sleep disruption in intensive care unit is poorly known and often ignored complication. It is caused by the environmental factors especially pain, noise, diagnostic testing and human interventions that cause sleep disruption. Light, medications and activities related to patient care interfere with patient's ability to have good sleep. There are multi-factorial environmental etiologies for disruption of sleep in ICU. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the factors disturbing the sleep quality in intensive care unit (ICU) admitted patients. Methodology: A cross sectional study was designed involving 150 patients admitted in intensive care unit and high dependency unit of Gulab Devi Chest Hospital. The duration of study was from September 2015 to March 2016. The questionnaire was made and filled with the help of patients. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 16.00. Results: Mean age of patients was 50.46+10.96 with maximum age of 65 and minimum age of 30 years. There was 53.33% male patients and 46.67% females participating in this study. The sleep quality was significantly poor in ICU than at home. After analysis, 54.67% patients were with poor quality of sleep due to pain and 48.67% were due to noise of environmental stimuli. The other factors were alarms, light and loud talking. Conclusion: Current study shows that reduced sleep quality is a common problem in ICU with multi-factorial etiologies. Patient reported the poor sleep quality in ICU due to environmental issues that are potentially modifiable. Conclusion: Current study shows that reduced sleep quality is a common problem in ICU with multi-factorial etiologies. Patient reported the poor sleep quality in ICU due to environmental issues that are potentially modifiable

    Modul Kelayakan Usaha (Analisis Finansial) Teh Rambut Jagung

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    Dalam rangka pelindungan ciptaan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni dan sastra berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta, dengan ini menerangkan: Nomor dan tanggal permohonan : EC00202152469, 5 Oktober 2021 Pencipta Nama : (1) M. Zul Mazwan, S.P., M.Sc (2) Vritta Amroini Wahyudi, S.Si., M.Si (3) Hanif Alamudin Manshur, S.Gz., M.Si Alamat : Paciran, RT 005 RW 004, Kelurahan Paciran, Kecamatan Paciran, Lamongan, JAWA TIMUR, 62264 Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia Pemegang Hak Cipta Nama : UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG Alamat : Jalan Raya Tlogomas No. 246, Malang, JAWA TIMUR, 65144 Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia Jenis Ciptaan : Modul Judul Ciptaan : Modul Kelayakan Usaha (Analisis Finansial) Teh Herbal Rambut Jagung Tanggal dan tempat diumumkan untuk pertama kali di wilayah Indonesia atau di luar wilayah Indonesia : 28 September 2021, di Malang Jangka waktu pelindungan : Berlaku selama 50 (lima puluh) tahun sejak Ciptaan tersebut pertama kali dilakukan Pengumuman. Nomor pencatatan : 000277306 adalah benar berdasarkan keterangan yang diberikan oleh Pemohon. Surat Pencatatan Hak Cipta atau produk Hak terkait ini sesuai dengan Pasal 72 Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipt


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    Studi ini bertujuan memahami salah satu tradisi lokal keagamaan di Aceh dalam konteks pendidikan Islam, khususnya mempelajari Alquran. Analisanya dibangun dari praktik tradisi beut darôh, dan ditutup dengan ritual kenduri khatam. Tradisi lokal Aceh ini telah dipraktikkan saban tahun oleh masyarakat Aceh, khususnya pada bulan Ramadhan. Di Aceh, ramadhan dimaknai penuh oleh masyarakat Aceh sebagai momen diturunkannya Alquran. Karena itu, selama ramadhan berlangsung, tradisi beut darôh akan mewarnai malam ramadhan dengan tradisi membaca Alquran secara kelompok di setiap Mesjid dan Meunasah (Surau). Menjelang akhir ramadhan, dan ditandai dengan selesainya pembacaan seluruh juz Alquran, maka akan dirayakan dengan kenduri khatam, kenduri menyelesaikan tradisi beut darôh yang melibatkan perangkat segenap masyarakat merayakannya sebagai bentuk syukur. Di Aceh Besar dan Banda Aceh, pesta kenduri khatam terkesan sangat meriah. Mulai dari memasak daging sapi dalam kuali besar (Aceh; kuah beulangoeng) hingga ditutup dengan buka puasa bersama seluruh masyarakat di Mesjid atau Meunasah.  Tradisi kebudayaan yang melibatkan unsur keagamaan ini, tentu layak dikaji. Studi ini berangkat dari pertanyaan, mengapa beut darôh dan kenduri khatam masih bertahan hingga sekarang ?. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan pendekatan grounded research. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, jika peristiwa beut darôh dan khanduri khatam bertahan karena pemaknaan identititas keagamaan yang melekat pada tradisi ini. Bagaimanapun, Islam menjadi identitas penting bagi masyarakat Aceh. Selain itu, masyarakat Aceh memaknai tradisi beut darôh sebagai arena penguatan simbol Alquran selama ramadhan berlangsung sebulan penuh, dan khanduri khatam dimaknai sebagai simbol syukur, warisan sejarah, sekaligus ruang sosial yang melibatkan relasi agama dan tradisi lokal oleh masyarakat

    Studi Media Dan Budaya Populer Dalam Perspektif Modernisme Dan Postmodernisme

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    Initially media studies is started because of the emergence mass media in 1920-1930s.In the beginning media studies focus on media it self, in the following development in 1970smedia studies is enlarged study toward the culture of the audiences who used media massa.There are different opinion between modernism and postmodernism as follows: firstly,in the philosophical aspect including epistemology, metaphysic, and the nature of human;modernism stresses on objectivity, realism and autonomy; on the contrary postmodernismstresses on subjectivity, and social construction. Secondly, in the aspect of media studiesincluding the existence of mass media, news, journalist, ethics and values; modernism stresseson objectivity, however postmodernism stresses on subjectivity.Popular culture is constructed by mass media on behalf the interest of capitalists whooffer and trade various needs and manipulative desires in the advertisement by using symbolsto provoke members of societies to buy more and more continuously. Because of hegemony,members of societies as mass media users without consciousness they are becomeconsumptive, hedonistic, and having false consciousness. We need critical consciousnessbased on postmodernism point of view about the subjectivity of mass media. To broaden anddistribute critical consciousness, we can perform media literate training for media users sothey can use mass media smartly and wisely