27 research outputs found

    Opini Komunitas Warga Sekitar Tentang Maraknya Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) (Studi Deskriptif Analitis Tentang Opini Komunitas Warga Sekitar Pkl – Tamansari, Kepatihan, dan Dalem Kaum – Kota Bandung)

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    Penelitian dengan judul “Opini komunitas warga sekitar tentang maraknya Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL)” ini, dilakukan oleh pengajar/dosen tetap Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi (FIK). Permasalahan penelitian adalah tentang bagaimana opini komunitas warga sekitar PKL mengenai keamanan, ketertiban, ketenangan, Kenyamanan, keindahan, kebersihan, dan keramah-tamahan (7“K”) akibat maraknya PKL. Sasaran strategis dalam penelitian ini adalah komunitas warga di sekitar lingkungan PKL Jalan Kepatihan, Dalem Kaum, dan Tamansari.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui, mengkaji, dan menganalisis faktor 7“K” yang dirasakan komunitas warga sekitar, akibat maraknya PKL, sehingga tanggapan yang diekspresikan mereka dapat menjadi masukan bagi Humas Pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam upaya mensosialisasikan kebijakan pemerintah tentang PKL khususnya dalam merumuskan konsep community relations berkaitan dengan 7 “K” yang dirasakan oleh komunitas warga sekitar terhadap maraknya PKL tersebut. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah: pada umumnya opini komunitas warga sekitar terhadap maraknya PKL, dilihat dari faktor 7“K” sangatlah bervariasi di antara opini positif dan negatif, Dalam arti, untuk responden tertentu penilaiannya sangat relatif tergantung dari persepsi masing-masing dan atas dasar pengalaman masing-masing dengan para PKL tersebut. Dengan demikian tidak sepenuhnya berada pada kecenderungan tertentu yang bersifat negatif atau positif. Oleh karena itu dari opini tersebut selanjutnya dapat berkembang untuk diyakini tentang adanya kemungkinan di antara kedua belah pihak saling membina hubungan, dan pemerintah memfasilitasi hubungan tersebut dalam kebijakan-kebijakannya

    RodZ modulates geometric localization of the bacterial actin MreB to regulate cell shape

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    Membrane protein RodZ interacts with the actin-like protein MreB, which coordinates cell-wall insertion to maintain the typical rod-like shape of E. coli cells. Here, the authors provide evidence that RodZ modulates the biophysical properties of MreB and alters the spatial organization of cell-wall growth

    Conservation of conformational dynamics across prokaryotic actins.

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    The actin family of cytoskeletal proteins is essential to the physiology of virtually all archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotes. While X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy have revealed structural homologies among actin-family proteins, these techniques cannot probe molecular-scale conformational dynamics. Here, we use all-atom molecular dynamic simulations to reveal conserved dynamical behaviors in four prokaryotic actin homologs: MreB, FtsA, ParM, and crenactin. We demonstrate that the majority of the conformational dynamics of prokaryotic actins can be explained by treating the four subdomains as rigid bodies. MreB, ParM, and FtsA monomers exhibited nucleotide-dependent dihedral and opening angles, while crenactin monomer dynamics were nucleotide-independent. We further show that the opening angle of ParM is sensitive to a specific interaction between subdomains. Steered molecular dynamics simulations of MreB, FtsA, and crenactin dimers revealed that changes in subunit dihedral angle lead to intersubunit bending or twist, suggesting a conserved mechanism for regulating filament structure. Taken together, our results provide molecular-scale insights into the nucleotide and polymerization dependencies of the structure of prokaryotic actins, suggesting mechanisms for how these structural features are linked to their diverse functions

    Response of runoff processes to temperature rise in basins with different glacier ratios in the monsoon-influenced southern Tibetan Plateau

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    Study region: River basins with glacier ratios ranging from 1.8% to 20.7% in the monsoon-influenced southern Tibetan Plateau. Study focus: The response of runoff processes in basins with different glacier ratios under global warming of 1.5 °C and 2 °C was explored based on SPHY (Spatial Processes in Hydrology) model and GCMs (General Circulation Models). New hydrological insights for the region: More prominent temperature and precipitation changes were observed in the monsoon-influenced southern Tibetan Plateau compared with the global averages. With increasing temperature and precipitation, the total runoff and glacier runoff of these basins showed increasing trends under global warming of 1.5 °C and 2 °C. Compared with the baseline period (1985–2014), increases were observed in the total runoff (1.7–20.6%), base flow (2.8–8.3%), glacier runoff (8.1–35.9%), and rainfall runoff (6.0–36.0%) of these basins. In contrast, snowmelt runoff decreased (−28.3% - −4.3%). Therefore, relevant management and allocation of water resources may be required. The hydrological regulation function of glaciers was found to be strongly correlated with glacier ratio. In general, the hydrological regulation function of glaciers would decrease in the future along with warming induced glacier retreat. These findings would help deepen the understanding of runoff processes on the Tibetan Plateau and other alpine regions, thus providing a scientific basis for water resources management under climate change

    Response of Soil Erosion to Climate and Subsequent Vegetation Changes in a High-Mountain Basin

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    Soil erosion is one of the global threats to the environment. Further, climate and vegetation changes have pronounced effects on soil erosion in high-mountain areas. In this study, the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) was improved by developing a method for calculating snowmelt runoff erosivity based on a simulated snowmelt runoff and the observed sediment load, using which the soil erosion rate in the upper Heihe River Basin (UHRB) was calculated. The proposed approach provides an effective method for estimating the soil erosion rate and identifying the causes for its change in high-mountain areas. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was significantly and positively correlated with both precipitation and temperature in the region and exhibited a significant increasing trend. The increase in NDVI led to a decrease in the soil erosion rate (for the annual, rainfall, and snowmelt periods), although erosive rainfall and snowmelt runoff showed increasing trends, indicating the dominating impact of vegetation cover on soil erosion. The average soil erosion rate of UHRB was 806.2 t km−2 a−1 from 1982 to 2015. On average, soil erosion during rainfall and snowmelt periods contributed to 90.67% and 9.33% of annual soil erosion, respectively. However, the resultant soil erosion rate caused by 1 mm of snowmelt runoff was about 1.9 times that caused by 1 mm erosive rainfall. Soil erosion during the snowmelt period was particularly sensitive to temperature and showed consistent responses to climate and vegetation changes in UHRB and its two tributaries. An increasing NDVI promoted by climate change and anthropogenic factors played a major role in alleviating soil erosion, and the warming exerted intense impacts on soil erosion during the snowmelt period. These findings would be helpful for proposing effective measures for soil conservation in high-mountain areas under climate and vegetation changes

    Klebsiella michiganensis transmission enhances resistance to Enterobacteriaceae gut invasion by nutrition competition

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    Intestinal microbiotas contain beneficial microorganisms that protect against pathogen colonization; treatment with antibiotics disrupts the microbiota and compromises colonization resistance. Here, we determine the impact of exchanging microorganisms between hosts on resilience to the colonization of invaders after antibiotic-induced dysbiosis. We assess the functional consequences of dysbiosis using a mouse model of colonization resistance against Escherichia coli. Antibiotics caused stochastic loss of members of the microbiota, but the microbiotas of co-housed mice remained more similar to each other compared with the microbiotas among singly housed animals. Strikingly, co-housed mice maintained colonization resistance after treatment with antibiotics, whereas most singly housed mice were susceptible to E. coli. The ability to retain or share the commensal Klebsiella michiganensis, a member of the Enterobacteriaceae family, was sufficient for colonization resistance after treatment with antibiotics. K. michiganensis generally outcompeted E. coli in vitro, but in vivo administration of galactitol-a nutrient that supports the growth of only E. coli-to bi-colonized gnotobiotic mice abolished the colonization-resistance capacity of K. michiganensis against E. coli, supporting the idea that nutrient competition is the primary interaction mechanism. K. michiganensis also hampered colonization of the pathogen Salmonella, prolonging host survival. Our results address functional consequences of the stochastic effects of microbiota perturbations, whereby microbial transmission through host interactions can facilitate reacquisition of beneficial commensals, minimizing the negative impact of antibiotics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio