603 research outputs found

    Suppression of mitochondrial respiration through recruitment of p160 myb binding protein to PGC-1α : modulation by p38 MAPK

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    The transcriptional coactivator PPAR gamma coactivator 1 α (PGC-1α) is a key regulator of metabolic processes such as mitochondrial biogenesis and respiration in muscle and gluconeogenesis in liver. Reduced levels of PGC-1α in humans have been associated with type II diabetes. PGC-1α contains a negative regulatory domain that attenuates its transcriptional activity. This negative regulation is removed by phosphorylation of PGC-1α by p38 MAPK, an important kinase downstream of cytokine signaling in muscle and β-adrenergic signaling in brown fat. We describe here the identification of p160 myb binding protein (p160MBP) as a repressor of PGC-1α. The binding and repression of PGC-1α by p160MBP is disrupted by p38 MAPK phosphorylation of PGC-1α. Adenoviral expression of p160MBP in myoblasts strongly reduces PGC-1α's ability to stimulate mitochondrial respiration and the expression of the genes of the electron transport system. This repression does not require removal of PGC-1α from chromatin, suggesting that p160MBP is or recruits a direct transcriptional suppressor. Overall, these data indicate that p160MBP is a powerful negative regulator of PGC-1α function and provide a molecular mechanism for the activation of PGC-1α by p38 MAPK. The discovery of p160MBP as a PGC-1α regulator has important implications for the understanding of energy balance and diabetes

    Point contacts in encapsulated graphene

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    We present a novel method to establish inner point contacts on hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) encapsulated graphene heterostructures with dimensions as small as 100 nm by pre-patterning the top-hBN in a separate step prior to dry-stacking. 2 and 4-terminal field effect measurements between different lead combinations are in qualitative agreement with an electrostatic model assuming pointlike contacts. The measured contact resistances are 0.5-1.5 kΩ\Omega per contact, which is quite low for such small contacts. By applying a perpendicular magnetic fields, an insulating behaviour in the quantum Hall regime was observed, as expected for inner contacts. The fabricated contacts are compatible with high mobility graphene structures and open up the field for the realization of several electron optical proposals

    The Corepressor NCoR1 Antagonizes PGC-1α and Estrogen-Related Receptor α in the Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Function and Oxidative Metabolism

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    Skeletal muscle exhibits a high plasticity and accordingly can quickly adapt to different physiological and pathological stimuli by changing its phenotype largely through diverse epigenetic mechanisms. The nuclear receptor corepressor 1 (NCoR1) has the ability to mediate gene repression; however, its role in regulating biological programs in skeletal muscle is still poorly understood. We therefore studied the mechanistic and functional aspects of NCoR1 function in this tissue. NCoR1 muscle-specific knockout mice exhibited a 7.2% higher peak oxygen consumption (VO(2peak)), a 11% reduction in maximal isometric force, and increased ex vivo fatigue resistance during maximal stimulation. Interestingly, global gene expression analysis revealed a high overlap between the effects of NCoR1 deletion and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) overexpression on oxidative metabolism in muscle. Importantly, PPARβ/δ and estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) were identified as common targets of NCoR1 and PGC-1α with opposing effects on the transcriptional activity of these nuclear receptors. In fact, the repressive effect of NCoR1 on oxidative phosphorylation gene expression specifically antagonizes PGC-1α-mediated coactivation of ERRα. We therefore delineated the molecular mechanism by which a transcriptional network controlled by corepressor and coactivator proteins determines the metabolic properties of skeletal muscle, thus representing a potential therapeutic target for metabolic diseases

    The coactivator PGC-1α regulates mouse skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism independently of the nuclear receptor PPARβ/δ in sedentary mice fed a regular chow diet

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Physical activity improves oxidative capacity and exerts therapeutic beneficial effects, particularly in the context of metabolic diseases. The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α) and the nuclear receptor PPARβ/δ have both been independently discovered to play a pivotal role in the regulation of oxidative metabolism in skeletal muscle, though their interdependence remains unclear. Hence, our aim was to determine the functional interaction between these two factors in mouse skeletal muscle in vivo. METHODS: Adult male control mice, PGC-1α muscle-specific transgenic (mTg) mice, PPARβ/δ muscle-specific knockout (mKO) mice and the combination PPARβ/δ mKO + PGC-1α mTg mice were studied under basal conditions and following PPARβ/δ agonist administration and acute exercise. Whole-body metabolism was assessed by indirect calorimetry and blood analysis, while magnetic resonance was used to measure body composition. Quantitative PCR and western blot were used to determine gene expression and intracellular signalling. The proportion of oxidative muscle fibre was determined by NADH staining. RESULTS: Agonist-induced PPARβ/δ activation was only disrupted by PPARβ/δ knockout. We also found that the disruption of the PGC-1α-PPARβ/δ axis did not affect whole-body metabolism under basal conditions. As expected, PGC-1α mTg mice exhibited higher exercise performance, peak oxygen consumption and lower blood lactate levels following exercise, though PPARβ/δ mKO + PGC-1α mTg mice showed a similar phenotype. Similarly, we found that PPARβ/δ was dispensable for PGC-1α-mediated enhancement of an oxidative phenotype in skeletal muscle. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Collectively, these results indicate that PPARβ/δ is not an essential partner of PGC-1α in the control of skeletal muscle energy metabolism

    Partnership of PGC-1α and HNF4α in the regulation of lipoprotein metabolism

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α) is a transcriptional coactivator involved in several aspects of energy metabolism. It is induced or activated under different stimuli in a highly tissue-specific manner and subsequently partners with certain transcription factors in those tissues to execute various biological programs. In the fasted liver, PGC-1α is induced and interacts with hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) and other transcription factors to activate gluconeogenesis and increase hepatic glucose output. Given the broad spectrum of liver genes responsive to HNF4α, we sought to determine those that were specifically targeted by the combination of PGC-1α and HNF4α. Coexpression of these two molecules in murine stem cells reveals a high induction of mRNA for apolipoproteins A-IV and C-II. Forced expression of PGC-1α in mouse and human hepatoma cells increases the mRNA of a subset of apolipoproteins implicated in very low density lipoprotein and triglyceride metabolism, including apolipoproteins A-IV, C-II, and C-III. Coactivation of the apoC-III/A-IV promoter region by PGC-1α occurs through a highly conserved HNF4α response element, the loss of which completely abolishes activation by PGC-1α and HNF4α. Adenoviral infusion of PGC-1α into live mice increases hepatic expression of apolipoproteins A-IV, C-II, and C-III and increases serum and very low density lipoprotein triglyceride levels. Conversely, knock down of PGC-1α in vivo causes a decrease in both apolipoprotein expression and serum triglyceride levels. These data point to a crucial role for the PGC-1α/HNF4α partnership in hepatic lipoprotein metabolism

    Remodeling of metabolism and inflammation by exercise ameliorates tumor-associated anemia

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    A considerable number of patients with cancer suffer from anemia, which has detrimental effects on quality of life and survival. The mechanisms underlying tumor-associated anemia are multifactorial and poorly understood. Therefore, we aimed at systematically assessing the patho-etiology of tumor-associated anemia in mice. We demonstrate that reduced red blood cell (RBC) survival rather than altered erythropoiesis is driving the development of anemia. The tumor-induced inflammatory and metabolic remodeling affect RBC integrity and augment splenic phagocyte activity promoting erythrophagocytosis. Exercise training normalizes these tumor-associated abnormal metabolic profiles and inflammation and thereby ameliorates anemia, in part, by promoting RBC survival. Fatigue was prevented in exercising tumor-bearing mice. Thus, exercise has the unique potential to substantially modulate metabolism and inflammation and thereby counteracts pathological remodeling of these parameters by the tumor microenvironment. Translation of this finding to patients with cancer could have a major impact on quality of life and potentially survival

    Molecular control of endurance training adaptation in male mouse skeletal muscle

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    Skeletal muscle has an enormous plastic potential to adapt to various external and internal perturbations. Although morphological changes in endurance-trained muscles are well described, the molecular underpinnings of training adaptation are poorly understood. We therefore aimed to elucidate the molecular signature of muscles of trained male mice and unravel the training status-dependent responses to an acute bout of exercise. Our results reveal that, even though at baseline an unexpectedly low number of genes define the trained muscle, training status substantially affects the transcriptional response to an acute challenge, both quantitatively and qualitatively, in part associated with epigenetic modifications. Finally, transiently activated factors such as the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α are indispensable for normal training adaptation. Together, these results provide a molecular framework of the temporal and training status-dependent exercise response that underpins muscle plasticity in training

    BDNF is a mediator of glycolytic fiber-type specification in mouse skeletal muscle

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    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) influences the differentiation, plasticity, and survival of central neurons and likewise, affects the development of the neuromuscular system. Besides its neuronal origin, BDNF is also a member of the myokine family. However, the role of skeletal muscle-derived BDNF in regulating neuromuscular physiology in vivo remains unclear. Using gain- and loss-of-function animal models, we show that muscle-specific ablation of BDNF shifts the proportion of muscle fibers from type IIB to IIX, concomitant with elevated slow muscle-type gene expression. Furthermore, BDNF deletion reduces motor end plate volume without affecting neuromuscular junction (NMJ) integrity. These morphological changes are associated with slow muscle function and a greater resistance to contraction-induced fatigue. Conversely, BDNF overexpression promotes a fast muscle-type gene program and elevates glycolytic fiber number. These findings indicate that BDNF is required for fiber-type specification and provide insights into its potential modulation as a therapeutic target in muscle diseases