424 research outputs found

    Life-history Traits of Stethorus Gilvifrons (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Phytophagous Mites Eutetranychus Orientalis Klein (Acari : Tetranychidae)

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    The research aims to know the life cycle, feeding and mating behavior of predatory beetle S. gilvifrons, and was conducted at entomology laboratory of Assessment Institute for agri-cultural technology Malang - East Java. The treatments involved feeding behavior and capacity of the various instars and imago of S. gilvifrons. The number of mites consumed within 24 hours by each stage of beetle was also recorded. The average voracity of five individual predators for each instar was determined. The result showed that average life cycle of S. gilvifrons feed on E. orientalis was 4.11 + 0.78; 8 + 1.10; 3.83 + 0.41, respectively for egg, larva and pupa. The predator caught the preys from the front side, then chewed and sucked the body contents of adult preys or consumed the whole egg. The feeding capacity was greater in egg-laying than that in non egg-laying females and males. The smallest size of the cage (1.5 cm diameter x 5 cm long) and clear weather were the most preferred situation for S. gilvifrons mating, which usually occurs on the upper leaf surface. The male positioned itself over the female body and extended its aedeagus to reach the female

    Komposisi Dan Penyebaran Patotipe Xanthomonas Oryzae Pv. Oryzae, Penyebab Penyakit Hawar Daun Bakteri Padi Di Jawa Timur

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    The pathotype composition and distribution of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) in central of rice production in East Java. An experiment to study the pathotype composition and distribution of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) in central of rice production in East Java was conducted at the planting season of 2010. Three steps trial was conducted such as removed of leaves infected by bacterial leaf blight (BLB, isolation of Xoo in a laboratory, and tested pathotype in screen house. Rice leaves showing typical bacterial leaf blight symptom were collected from various farmers rice field. The samples were detached and put into the paper envelope, and then it taken in the laboratory for isolation process of Xoo. Isolation of Xoo was done in the Laboratory of Pythopathology, Indonesian Centre for Rice Research, Sukamandi. Pathotype identifications were done by inoculating the isolates of Xoo on differential varieties in the screen field ICRR in Sukamandi at wet season (WS) 2010. Resistance reaction was identified using the criteria of the disease severity. Disease severity ≥ 11% was considered resistant (R) and it >12% was considered susceptible (S). The result showed that leaves infected by BLB were obtained among 131 and it were collected 126 isolates of Xoo. Identification of pathotype indicated that in East Java, it were obtained 30 isolates (23.8% pathotype III), 43 isolates (34.1% ) pathotype IV, and 53 isolates (42.1%) pathotype VIII. Penelitian untuk mengetahui komposisi dan sebaran kelompok patotipe bakteri Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) penyebab penyakit hawar daun bakteri (HDB) di beberapa daerah produksi padi di Jawa Timur telah dilaksanakan pada musim tanam 2010. Penelitian meliputi tiga tahap kegiatan, yaitu pengambilan sampel daun sakit HDB dilaksanakan dengan metode survei, isolasi bakteri Xoo di laboratorium, dan pengujian patotipe bakteri Xoo di rumah kaca. Daun padi bergejala HDB yang dikoleksi dari lapangan dimasukkan ke dalam amplop kertas kemudian dibawa ke laboratorium untuk keperluan isolasi bakteri Xoo. Isolasi bakteri Xoo dilakukan di laboratorium dan inokulasi bakteri Xoo pada tanaman padi diferensial dilakukan di screen field BB Padi. Isolasi bakteri Xoo menggunakan metode pencucian. Pengujian patotipe dilaksanakan dengan menginokulasikan isolat Xoo pada 5 varietas diferensial di rumah kaca dengan metode gunting. Reaksi ketahanan varietas diferensial dikelompokkan berdasarkan keparahan penyakit. Varietas tergolong tahan (T) bila keparahan penyakit kurang atau sama dengan 11%, tergolong rentan (R) bila keparahan lebih dari 12%. Pengelompokan patotipe berdasar pada nilai interaksi antara varietas diferensial dengan virulensi bakteri Xoo. Hasil pengumpulan daun sakit HDB diperoleh sebanyak 131 sampel. Hasil isolasi bakteri Xoo dari sampel tersebut diperoleh sebanyak 126 isolat bakteri Xoo. Hasil pengujian patotipe terhadap varietas diferensial dari isolat bakteri Xoo yang diperoleh menunjukkan sebanyak 30 isolat (23,8%) tergolong patotipe III, 43 isolat (34,1%) patotipe IV, dan 53 isolat (42,1%) patotipe VIII

    Perubahan Tutupan Hutan di Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman (Tahura War)

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    Changes in forest cover due to land tenure is a serious threat to Great Forest Park Wan Abdul Rahman. This study aimed to analyze changes in forest cover in 1994, 1997, 2000, 2014, and the things that happen related to changes in land cover in Great Forest Park Wan Abdul Rahman. Techniques of remote sensing and geographic information systems used to monitor and evaluate changes in forest cover that have occurred since the year 1994 - 2014 and determine forest cover changes that occur in each block management. Landsat satellite image data in 1994, 1997, 2000, 2014 were collected and analyzed. Furthermore, direct observation in the field is done for assessment of accuracy as well as the literature study to look at the chronology of events related to the change of the forest. The results showed forest area in 1994 was 9.090,1 hectare or 40.9% of the total area Great Forest Park Wan Abdul Rahman. In 2000 the highest forest cover has decreased be 5.428,7 hectare or 24.4% of the total area. 2014 forest cover has increased to 8.953 hectare or 40.2% of the total area

    Model Simulation of Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill) Growth by Energy Balance Approach

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    Intercepted solar radiation by leaf will influence energy balance in plant. The energy balance in leaf is a complex process, which results in biomass growth. Here, we modeled leaf energy balance to estimate dry matter growth in soybean. In the field, we measured intercepted radiation in canopy (1 meter above surface) with two treatments: soybean with 50% shading (N50%M0) and no-shading (N0%M0) twice a week. Then we sampled a biomass with destructive technique every week in each treatment. Our results showed that the intercepted radiation in no-shading treatment was higher (400 J/m2) than those in shading one (250 J/m2). The results were consistence with the high biomass growth at 12 weeks after planting, which observed in no-shading treatment. Then we validated our model by 1:1 plot test. Our finding revealed that no-shading treatment showed a good agreement with the observed biomass (closed to 1:1 plot), whereas the shading treatment tended to predict under estimate of biomass

    The Potency Of Botanical Pesticides To Control Acarine Tetranychus Kanzawai Kishida (Acari: Tetranychidae)

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    The research is aimed to confirm the potency of several botanical pesticides to be used as natural biological control and to know the most infective stadium of T. kanzawai was done at Pest and Disease Laboratory of Indonesian Tropical Fruits Research Institute from May to August 2009. A factorial completely randomized design was used in this research. Two factors were observed; first, four kinds of botanical pesticides consist of four treatment levels i.e. extracts of neem, soursop, Siam weed leaves and sterilized water as control.The second was the stadia of T. kanzawai that consist of three levels i.e. larva, nymph and adult. The result showed that Siam weed and soursop leaves extracts caused anti-feedent behavior and decreased mobility at five days after treatment. In addition, exoskeleton of treated T. kanzawai darkened from white, yellowish and bright brown. Extracts of Sourshop and Siam weed leaves caused very high mortality (96.67%) of T. kanzawae compared to neem (79.17%). However, there was no significant difference in mortality rates among the four active stadia of T. kanzawai with average mortality range from 65.63% to 79.38%

    Alat Ukur Karakteristik Kurva Bipolar Junction Transistor Berbasis Personal Computer

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    Transistor adalah salah satu komponen elektronika yang mempunyai karakteristik dan spesifikasi yang berbeda-beda sehingga pengaplikasiannya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dalam perancangan. Transistor dibagi menjadi 2 kelas utama yaitu Field Effect Transistor dan Bipolar Junction Transistor. Bipolar Junction Transistor merupakan salah satu jenis transistor yang mempunyai karakteristik dan spesifikasi yang bervariasi yang telah disusun pada lembar datasheet. Bipolar Junction Transistor terbagi menjadi 2 tipe yaitu transistor tipe NPN dan tipe PNP. Bipolar Junction Transistor untuk tipe yang sama belum tentu mempunyai karakteristik yang sama juga. Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk membuat alat ukur yang bersifat low cost yang bisa menampilkan karakteristik kurva dari small signal bipolar junction transistor pada Personal Computer. Alat ini juga bisa digunakan untuk keperluan praktikum di laboratorium. Data-data yang diambil oleh sensor arus dan mikrokontroler akan diproses oleh software visual basic dan ditampilkan di layar monitor komputer berupa kurva perbandingan arus terhadap tegangan. Tampilan kurva pada layar monitor menyatakan bahwa sistem secara keseluruhan dapat bekerja dengan bai

    Gender Role Allocation in Selected Coffee Postharvest Activities

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    This study analyzed the gender role allocation of wholesale-traders and coffee producers in their post harvest activities in Rejanglebong and Lebong District. It examined the major participants in the coffee postharvest subsystem, identified roles and characteristics, and their problems and needs in performing these roles. These were analyzed using descriptive statistics like frequency, percentage, mean, ranking and standard deviation. Twenty-five wholesale-traders and forty-three coffee producers served as respondents of this study. Coffee business is the major income source of the respondents. Decisions in carrying out postharvest activities were done solely by the males or jointly by males and females since males played the manager's role. Problems encountered in performing coffee postharvest activities were: technical know-how in coffee processing; low and fluctuating prices; lack of storage facilities; occurrence of bad weather condition and too high coffee trees and difficulty in hiring laborers during peak season

    Pembentukan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Model Savi Berbasis Discovery Strategy Materi Dimensi Tiga Kelas X

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    Pembelajaran matematika materi dimensi tiga sering mengalami kesulitan, salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah karena rendahnya kreativitas siswa dalam belajar. Salah satu alternatif yang diberikan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan cara menentukan strategi pembelajaran yang inovatif. Salah satu pembelajaran inovatif yang akan dijadikan alternatif untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut yaitu pembelajaran model SAVI berbasis discovery strategy yang diartikan sebagai teknik pengajaran yang melibatkan semua indera siswa dalam mencari dan menemukan suatu konsep matematika melalui cara berpikir kreatif. Kegiatan pembelajaran ini memfokuskan siswa pada proses penemuan suatu konsep matematika. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hasil dari proses yang berdampak pada pembentukan karakter kreatif pada diri siswa pada pembelajaran matematika materi dimensi tiga dengan pendekatan model SAVI berbasis discovery strategy. Subjek penelitian diambil dari 6 siswa yang memiliki kemampuan yang berbeda (heterogen) yaitu dengan pengelompokan kelompok atas (kemampuan tinggi), tengah (kelompok sedang), dan bawah (kelompok bawah). Teknik Pengambilan data diperoleh dengan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Instrumen yang digunakan lembar observasi dan pedoman wawancara, dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknik pengolahan data dengan uji gain dan triangulasi. Hasil pengamatan kemandirian pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa rata-rata peningkatan karakter kreatif siswa dari pertemuan I sampai V pada subjek terpilih dihasilkan sebesar 78,20 artinya peningkatan pembentukan pada kriteria baik
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