56 research outputs found

    Reduksi Dosis Serap Mata dengan Implementasi Software Organ Dose Modulation (ODM) pada Protokol CT Scan Sinus Paranasal

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    Background: CT Scan examination of the paranasal sinuses includes organs that are sensitive to radiation exposure, one of which is the lens of the eye whose damage can be known after radiation exposure of about 500 mGy. Currently found an alternative to reduce the dose received by patients is with Organ Dose Modulation (ODM) software This ODM serves to reduce radiation dose in the eye -18.9%, Brain -10.1%, Breast -31.3%, Lung -20.7% and Liver -24%. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of ODM software in dose reduction on CT Scan SPN, determine the amount of absorption dose profile with the implementation of ODM software, differences in anatomical image information with the implementation of ODM software and without ODM on CT Scan SPN.Methods: This type of research is quantitative with experimental studies, comparing the use of software with and without ODM to absorption dose reduction and anatomical image information of SPN. Samples using phantom performed Paranasal Sinus CT Scan procedure. Respondents consisted of 3 radiologists to assess the anatomical image of the maxillaris bone, bilateral maxillar sinus, and rice septum. Data analysis was carried out by statistical tests using SPSS Software to find the value of significance differences.Results: The use of ODM software on CT scans of the paranasal sinuses plays an important role in reducing the absorbed dose of the eye. Statistical test results showed a significant reduction in eye absorption dose (p-value 0.05). The dose profile resulting from the use of the ODM software is a decrease in the absorbed dose by the eye by 9.75%. The value of differences in SPN anatomical information using and without ODM resulted in a p-value of 1.00 (p-value 0.05).Conclusion: The value of the absorbed dose of eye radiation is significantly different with and without the use of ODM. However, there is no significant difference in the SPN anatomical image information. From the implementation of the ODM software, it can reduce the absorbed dose in the eye without reducing the anatomical image information

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Cairan Klorin Untuk Menurunkan Angka Mikroorganisme Pada Kaset Radiografi

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    Radiography has an important role in diagnosing a patient's disease, but the equipment used has a considerable risk as a place for the development of nosocomial bacteria which can endanger the patient and radiographer. Cassettes, one of the tools in radiography, have the potential to become a medium for disease transmission and based on previous research it has been proven that there are microorganisms and fungi on the cassettes, so the cassettes need to be cleaned regularly. One of the duties of a radiographer in the field of radiology services is the management of radiology equipment facilities and infrastructure. Cleaning the cassette with 70% alcohol can reduce the number of microorganisms on its surface. The methods in this activity are lectures, simulations, and practice cleaning cassettes with chlorine. The activities were carried out at the Laboratory of the Department of Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy Technique at the Semarang Health Polytechnic Ministry with radiographers from hospitals and clinical laboratories in the city of Semarang. The activity begins with the registration, opening, delivering material to the participants, and the simulation of resource persons. Evaluation is done by filling in the pretest and posttest. The evaluation results showed an increase in participants' knowledge of 63% about how to clean cassettes using liquid chlorine to reduce the number of microorganisms on radiographic cassettes. With this training, radiographers are expected to be able to apply cleaning radiographic cassettes with liquid chlorine 0,5% in their respective institutions

    Rancang Bangun Alat Bantu Pemeriksaan Knee Joint pada Kasus Osteoarthritis

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    Background : The Knee joint is a hinge joint with a change formed by the two condyls of the femur that are jointed with the superior surface of the tibial tube. Radiographic examination of the knee joint on AP weight bearing and lateral weight bearing projections is a good projection in revealing joint gaps in the knee joint. The constraints on this examination are when patients who have little difficulty standing on one leg when doing lateral projection of weight bearing. So that a knee joint examination tool is needed in the case of osteoarthrithis.Methods : The purpose of this study was to describe the design, study the function tests and performance tests of knee joint hearing aids in the case of osteoarthrithis.This research is a type of experimental research with the design of a one shoot case study. Data collection is obtained by a check list of results of functional tests and performance test tools. The data obtained was assessed by Guttman's scale and conclusions and suggestions were drawn.This study produced a design in the form of a knee joint examination tool. The tool is made of stainless steel pipes, on a pedestal made of wooden boards, foam and cloth. Based on the calculation of the check list using the Guttman scale.Result: The function test results were 100% and the performance test results were 96%. Until the knee joint examination tool in the case of osteoarthrithis is said to be feasible to use.Conclusion : This knee joint examination aid has a number of parts, a pedestal made of wood sheets, adjustable footrests, and a patient's padded arms. The auxiliary framework uses a 3 cm diameter stainless steel pipe with a thickness of 1 mm. Based on the functional tests in the Radiology Installation of Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto obtained results 100% for knee joint examination in osteoarthritis cases with AP weight bearing projections and lateral weight bearing. Based on performance tests which involved 5 respondents who were radiographers were said to be very appropriate with a percentage of 96% with an excess of ease in operation, reducing the movement of patients, and helping the radiographers to produce informative radiographs

    Optimalisasi Citra dalam Penghitungan Calsium Scoring dengan Variasi Scan Type dan Slice Thickness (Studi Pendahuluan Dilakukan Dengan Menggunakan Modifikasi Phantom Thorax di RS Telogorejo Semarang)

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    Background : Examination of Calcium scoring in Radiology Departement Telogorejo Hospital Semarang using CINE scan type and  recon phase images using a slice thickness of 2.5mm, this affect will be plaque with small size cann’t to calculate. Aim : The Purpose of this study was to determine the variation of parameters of calcium scoring MSCT scan examination right in calculating optimal plaque.Methods : The study was preceded by Pre experiments using a thorax phantom with an added 3-calcium artificial heart is likened to the RCA, LCX, LAD and have determined the weight and volume. Experiments with 10 patient samples by applying the best parameters from the pre experiment. Statistical analysis of the results of research conducted by Paired T-Test, while the assessment of the quality radiographs evaluated by an expert in this specialist radiology by providing anatomical criteria scores with 3 choices of items (not clear = 1, is quite clear = 2  and obvious = 3)Result : The volume of plaque is embedded in the thorax Panthom 900mm3. Results of pre experiments with hellical scan type and pitch of 0.5, 0.9, 1.3 in a score of plaque volume is 104mm3, 67mm3, 60mm3. While the scan type CINE with slice thickness 0.625mm, 1.25mm, 2.5mm produces a score of volume plaque is 880mm3, 878mm3, 867mm3. Further experiments were performed by applying parameters with the best result is CINE scan with variations slice thickness 0,625mm, 1.25mm, 2.5mm. To determine the best parameters assessment of image quality with the results on slice thickness 0.625mm was 2.2 (quite obvious), slice thickness 1,25mm scoring average of 2.7 (quite obvious), and slice thickness 2.5 mm average scoring 2.9 (obviously). While image noise on the slice thickness 0.625mm, 1.25mm, 2.5mm, namely 2.7(very high), 1.6 (low), 1.1 (low).Conclusions : Selected parameters that calculate optimal scoring calcium and low noise image for MSCT scan calcium scoring in Telogorejo Hospital Semarang is Scan type CINE with slice thickness variation 1,25m

    Analisis Variasi Ketebalan Kepala pada pemeriksaan Mastoid Proyeksi Axiolateral Metode Schuller terhadap Gambaran Anatomis

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    Background: Axiolateral projection of mastoid examination with Schuller method using angle range of 25°-30° caudad according to Bontrager (2010). The difference thickness of the human’s head will cause range of angles of axiolateral projection of mastoid examination using Schuller projection. The inappropriate angle will affect the different anatomical information. Axiolateral projection of mastoid examination using Schuller projection in Radiology Installation of dr. Soetomo Hospital used an angle that is 25° for all patients with different thickness of the head. This study aims to determine the differences in anatomical image clarity on radiographic image of axiolateral projection of mastoid examination using Schuller method with an angle that is 25° with variations of head thickness between 12 to 14.5 cm.Methods: This research was a quantitative research with an experimental approach. Subjects of this reearch were 10 respondents. Data analyzed statistically by Kruskal Wallis test and Mann Whitney test.Results: The results showed that there was difference in anatomical image of axiolateral projection of mastoid examination with Schuller method with 25° angle. Result of statistical test to get optimal radiographic image of mastoid using Schuller method showed the significant value, which was 0,000. Differences in anatomical image was also shown on the assessment results from 10 respondents which most of respondents assess anatomical features on a 14.5 cm head thickness was very good.Conclusion: There were differences anotomical information of mastoid radiograph using schuller method with thickness variaton of head. Head thickness of 14.5 cm can show anatomical image of the mastoid air cells, bony labirinth, condyle mandible, temporomandibular joint (TMJ), Aacousticus the external meatus (MAE) and tegmen tympani. The CR angle should be considered based on head thickness

    Perbandingan Informasi Citra Potongan Axial T2 Antara Turbo Spin Echo (TSE) Dengan Half-Fourier Aquisition Single-Shot Turbo Spin Echo (HASTE) Pada Pemeriksaan Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)

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    Backgroud: MRCP is a non-invasive imaging examination, which is used for the evaluation of biliary tract, pancreatic duct, and gallbladder. Pulse sequences which can be used to visualize organs in MRCP on T2 weighting is using a fast pulse sequences such as sequences TSE or Haste. The purpose of this research was to knowing the difference image information between T2 axial TSE with Haste and where better to use between the two sequences on axial T2 MRCP examination.Methods: This type of research is experimental observational approach, it has been carried out in the best MRI 1.5 Tesla at RSU Haji Surabaya. Sample used were 5 patients. Each patient performed two pieces of axial T2 sequences in which the TSE and Haste. Furthermore, the image submitted to the three doctors radiologist to fill out a questionnaire that has been provided to assess the image consisting of the liver, gallbladder, common bile duct (CBD), pancreas, intrahepatic duct and an assessment of the artifacts.Results: The results of analytical assessment Wilcoxon test, for the entire anatomy with ρ value of 0.002 which means that ρ 0.05, and the artifacts show the ρ value of 0.006, which means ρ 0.05. This proves that there are differences in image information between T2 axial TSE with T2 axial Haste the MRCP examination. At each of anatomy, liver has ρ value of 0,071 (ρ 0.05), gallbladder has ρ value of 0.317 (ρ 0.05), CBD has ρ value of 0.003 (ρ 0.05), pancreas has ρ value of  0.014 (ρ 0.05) and intrahepatic duct has ρ value of 0.004  (ρ 0.05). Based on the mean rank statistical test results show sequence Haste better in generating image information on the whole anatomy, but in each of anatomy based on the mean rank of gallbladder both sequences are equally good in showing gallbladder, whereas to display the liver, CBD, pancreas, and intrahepatic duct, the results showed T2 Haste mean rank better, it is because it has the characteristics of high Haste T2 signal intensity and better in reducing motion artifacts.Conclusion: Wilcoxon test analysis results expressed Ha accepted, meaning that there is a difference between the image information pieces axial T2 TSE with Haste the MRCP examination. The mean rank shows Haste superior to TSE, this is because the artifacts on TSE and therefore contributes to the respondent's assessment, other than that Haste has a high signal intensity so that it can show more clearly ducts


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    Background: Abdomen radiography is a radiographic examination procedure in the abdominal area to show abnormalities that occur in the tractus digestivus / gastrointestinal. Radiographic examination of the abdomen is directly related to the reproductive organs that are sensitive to radiation. The purpose of this study was to find out the optimization technique of AP projection radiographic Abdomen examination with the 10 kV rule method, knowing the radiation dose received by the reproductive organs using the 10 kV rule method, knowing the quality of radiographs produced on AP projection radiographic examination using the 10 kV rule method.Methods: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian Pre Eksperimental yaitu dengan melakukan pengukuran terhadap kualitas hasil radiograf dengan metode kenaikan 10 kVruledisertai penurunan mAs 50%. Pengukuran dosis radiasi dengan menggunakan alat ukur radiasi ray safe X-2, sedangkan untuk pengukuran kualitas dilakukan secara kuantitatif nilai pixel value dan visual citra.Method: The type of research used in this study is Pre Experimental research, namely by measuring the quality of the results of the radiograph by increasing the method of 10 kV rule with a decrease of 50% mAs.Results :The results of radiation dose measurements received by the AP projection reproductive organs with standard exposure factors (1) are kV 70 and mAs 32 is 8.33 mGy. In the exposure factor (2) kV 80 and mAs 16 is 5.50 mGy. Exposure factor (3) with kV 90 and mAs 8 radiation doses received at reproductive organs are 3.47 mGy and exposure factor (4) with kV 90 and mAs 4 produce radiation doses of 1.18 mGy. The highest contrast value (Δ pixel value) of each exposure factor is the exposure factor (2) kV 80 mAs 16, then the exposure factor (3) kV 90 mAs 8. The lowest Contrast value ((pixel value) is the exposure factor. (4) kV 100 mAs 4. The results of radiographic quality assessment on Abdomen examination of AP projection show that by visual assessment of radiographic specialists showed that the exposure factor that produced the most optimal Abdomen radiography was exposure factor 3 at kV 90 and mAs 8.Conclusion: Optimal abdominal radiographic examination with a low radiation dose can use exposure factors of kV 80 mAs 16 and kV 90 mAs 8

    Pemeriksaan MSCT SCAN Cardiac dg klinis CAD.

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    Pemeriksaan Teleoroentgenography pada kasus Blount disease bilatetal di RSO Prof. dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta

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    Protokol akuisisi tulang belakang lumbal dapat bervariasi,terdapat konsensus umum bahwa protokol standar untuk LBP mekanis harus mencakup kombinasi urutan pembobotan T1 dan pembobotan T2 dengan penekanan lemak. Teknik Dixon tidak seperti penekanan lemak lainya, teknik ini memungkinkan kontribusi sinyal lemak untuk ditekan di pasca-pemrosesan daripada selama akuisisi, serta menyediakan peta distribusi air dan lemak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan sekuen T2 TSE Dixon potongan sagittal pada pemeriksaan MRI Lumbal dengan klinis Low Back Pain (LBP) serta untuk mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan sekuen T2 TSE Dixon potongan sagittal pada pemeriksaan MRI Lumbal.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan metode kajian literatur review. Pencarian data berasal dari Google Schoolar,pubmed, dan Researchgate. Artikel-artikel tersebut akan direduksi berdasarkan kriteria inklusi. Proses analisis data dalam penelitian studi literatur review ini dilakukan dengan mengekstraksi data, memahami dan mengidentifikasi artikel- artikel mengikuti topik-topik pembahasan yang sesuai dengan rumusan masalah.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Sekuen T2 TSE Dixon sangat berperan dalam pemeriksaan MRI Lumbal dengan klinis LBP dalam menvisualisasikan perubahan modic, degenerative disk disease, stenosis lumbal, dan radiculopathy dengan kelebihan memberikan penekanan lemak yang spesifik dan homogen sehingga menghasilkan SNR yang tinggi, peningkatan kualitas gambar secara keseluruhan, dan ketajaman anatomi, serta artefak cairan serebrospinal dan gerakan yang lebih sedikit untuk gambaran lesi yang sebanding atau lebih baik. Kekurangan dari teknik ini adalah waktu akuisisi yang cukup lama