332 research outputs found

    Needs Assesment of Adolescent Health Services

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    Health problems surround the adolescent rises everytime, yet it does unexcelled with their awareness or knowledge about that problems. The adolescent health service that are poorly accesced by the adolescent become the indicator that proves that the adolescent health services are not fully known and utilized yet. The assesment of adolesccent health services need has to be done so that it can be fully understand by the helper, target and stakeholder. This study aimed to analyse the adolescent health service need in Karang Bendo, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The study was conducted in 2016 using cross-sectional approach. The results revealed that the level of adolsecent\u27s knowledge are still relatively poor: reproductive health knowledge (44.1%), HIV/AIDS (41.2%), smoke (50%), drugs (58.8%), and healthy lifestyle () (47.1%). The majority of respondents said that they need health services about reproduction health (94.1%), HIV/AIDS (91.2%), smoke (91.2%), drugs (88.2%) and healthy lifestyle (91.2%)

    Thermal Structure of Subducting Slab along the Java Arc and Its Significance to the Volcanoes Distribution

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    Java Island has a unique tectonic features and one of it is the pattern of the volcano distribution along the island. The volcano pattern occurrence might be connected to the deeper process of geodynamic. Hence, thermal structure modeling is employed to find any association between the subducting plate and the tectonic of the overriding plate. Thermal structure of a subducting plate depends on the age of the lithosphere and the dip of the subduction. With the lithospheric age increases from west to east of Java, varies from about 90 my to 120 my old, there are dissimilarities in thermal structure models. The comparison with volcanoes positions shows that differences of thermal structure might have associated to variation in the formation of volcanoes in Java Island

    Evaluasi Program Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Anak Balita

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    Background: In a way to increase status of children lessthan five years old nutrition at Puskesmas Mungkid, one ofway was to heal supplement feedings programmed (PMT)children under five years old. To see the successful of PMTprogrammed has been needed evaluation to program. Thepurpose of the research has to evaluated the development ofextra nutrition programmed for children under five years old(PMT) at Puskesmas Mungkid. The research need to dobecause many malnutricious still founded and also to knowthe work of manager to run the programmed with use thestandard technical guidelines programmed legally by healthydepartment.Method: Descriptive qualitative with use summative planning.Subjects are the leader of health public service and managerof PMT children under five years old. The untility to collect dataon the research are interview guideline, tape recorder andstationary. The analysis use descriptive qualitative.Result: The result consist of evaluation to: (1) Input evaluationconsist of force raw material, fund, facilities, material, andmethod. Force evaluation had fit with standard technicalguidelines programmed from healthy department, there wasno hard problem with fund evaluation consider with the budget.Facilities evaluation there was no standard technical guidelinesprogrammed yet from healthy department. Material and methodhad fit with standard technical guidelines programmed fromhealthy department (2) Process evaluation not fit with standardtechnical guidelines programmed from healthy departmentspecially planning on target of acceptance PMT programmed.(3) Output evaluation, not fit yet with purpose of PMT becausestill many children under five years old on malnutricious status.Resume: Input evaluation has facilities not complete yet.Process evaluation was not every target programmed hadunhealthy family card (Gakin), still there is target programmedhave not been tooked the packed as schedule also not everymeals packed had been eated by children which is seatled astarget programmed. Output evaluation was have increasenutrition status after PMT children under five years oldprogrammed although still found many malnutrition status.Keywords: evaluation, supplement feedings programmed(PMT), children under five years ol

    Sistem Pakar Berbasis Web Dengan Shell e2glite untuk Diagnosis Penyakit Hati

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    Dari sebuah studi empiris dihasilkan bahwa para ahli medis tidak selalu menghasilkan keputusan diagnosis yang optimal. Hal ini disebabkan karena banyaknya informasi yang harus diolah untuk membuat diagnosis medis yang optimal. Otak manusia memiliki kemampuan untuk menerima informasi, menganalisis, menggambarkan, menciptakan, berkonsentrasi, dan berpikir, namun akan sangat terbatas apabila digunakan untuk menyimpan sejumlah besar fakta-fakta secara permanen, memanggil fakta-fakta tersebut kembali dengan cepat dan tepat, serta menangani variabel-variabel yang berbeda pada saat yang bersamaan. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sistem pakar berbasis web dengan shell e2gLite yang dimaksudkan untuk membantu (bukan menggantikan) tugas-tugas para dokter serta melengkapi kemampuan para dokter tersebut dalam membuat keputusan yang optimal melalui pengolahan komputer. Untuk membuat sistem pakar berbasis web dengan shell e2gLite maka harus dibuat 2 buah file. File pertama adalah file halaman web yang berisi applet e2gLite, dan file kedua adalah file basis pengetahuan. Kedua file tersebut harus ditulis dengan format yang telah ditentukan oleh pembuat e2gLite. Sistem pakar berbasis web dengan e2gLite yang telah dikembangkan mempunyai keunggulan dalam kemudahan akses dan kemudahan pemakaian. Dengan fitur yang berbasis web yang dimiliki, sistem pakar dengan shell e2gLite untuk diagnosis penyakit hati yang telah dibangun dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu untuk diagnosis penyakit hati

    Faktor Risiko Penularan Malaria Vivak

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    Background: Malaria in Indonesia is one of the important health cases, in particular outer part of Java-Bali. South Bengkulu Regency is one of the transmigration areas outer Java and Bali which is the endemic area toward malaria disease. From 34 communities\u27 health centers which exist, 19 community health centre are stated as the endemic are diseases in South Bengkulu Regency during last five years revealed the tendency of increasing the case annually. Up to now the eliminating of malaria in South Bengkulu Regency was emphasized on the medical aspect to cure the parasite and the management of vectors. Meanwhile the behavioral aspect had not got appropriate attention as well.Method and Result: This research was the observational by design of case control. The sample was gained from the Public Hospital Manna, Community Health Centre M.Thaha, and Community Health Centre Kedurang. It comprised from 36 cased and 72 controls. Data analysis was conducted descriptively by using table of frequencies distribution and analytically to know the relation between two variables by cross tabulation then was tested by using 2x2 table by Epi Info Program to know the amount of Odds Ratio (OR) and also see which variable having biggest risk to support the contamination of disease by using logistic linier. The data was analyzed by using SPSS version 10.0.Conclusion: Based on the result of this research, it could concluded that : 1) there was every significant relation between the distance of field to the house toward the incident of malaria (p=000) , 2) there was not present relation between the distance of rice field with the incident of malaria(p=0,133), 3) there was not present very significant relation between the habits to use mosquito net with the incident of malaria (p=0,000), 4) there was not present a relation between the USAge of burnt mosquito poison with the incident of malaria (p=0,887), 5) there was not present significant relation between the habit to go outside in the night with the incident of malaria (p=0,002)

    Literature Review: Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keberhasilan Intervensi Berbasis Komunitas dalam Merubah Gaya Hidup

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    AbstrakLatar belakang dan Tujuan: Penyakit kardiovaskuler dapat dicegah dengan melakukan intervensi terhadap faktor risiko, misalnya: kebiasaan merokok, kurangnya aktivitas fisik, tingginya tekanan darah, berat badan berlebih atau obesitas, tingginya kadar lemak dalam darah dan diabetes mellitus. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran tentang  penerapan intervensi berbasis komunitas terhadap perubahan perilaku untuk mencegah penyakit kardiovaskuler dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan intervensi berbasis komunitas dalam merubah gaya hidup.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature review. Artikel dikumpulkan dari database online Pubmed dengan rentang tahun 2011-2021. Kata kunci  yang digunakan adalah ” intervensi berbasis komunitas” dan “pencegahan penyakit kardiovaskuler”. Setelah memasukkan kata kunci, didapatkan 59 artikel yang kemudian dilakukan  penyaringan kembali berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi serta memperhatikan pembahasan detilnya dan didapatkan 20 artikel untuk dilakukan review.Hasil: Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan intervensi berbasis komunitas adalah informasi, metode penyampaian informasi, panduan pelaksanaan program intervensi, instrumen yang digunakan peserta selama intervensi, motivasi yang harus ditumbuhkan pada peserta dan dukungan sosial bagi peserta selama intervensi,Simpulan dan Implikasinya: Intervensi berbasis komunitas efektif dalam merubah gaya hidup sehingga dapat menurunkan faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskuler. Penerapan intervensi berbasis komunitas untuk menurunkan penyakit kardiovaskuler perlu dikaji dengan lebih detil dan komprehensif. Kata Kunci: intervensi berbasis komunitas; gaya hidup; pencegahan penyakit kardiovaskuler AbstractBackground and Objectives: Cardiovascular disease can be prevented by intervening with modifiable risk factors, namely smoking habits, lack of physical activity, high blood pressure, overweight or obesity, high levels of fat in the blood and diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the application of community-based interventions to behavior change to prevent cardiovascular disease and the factors that influence the success of community-based interventions in changing lifestyles.Methods: This study uses a literature review method. Articles were collected from the Pubmed online database for the years 2011-2021. The keywords used are "community based intervention to life style" and "prevention of cardiovascular disease". After entering keywords, 59 articles were obtained which were then re-filtered based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and paying attention to the detailed discussion and obtained 20 articles for review.Results: Factors that influence the success of community-based interventions are information and methods of delivering information, guidelines for implementing the intervention program, instruments used by participants during the intervention, motivation that must be grown in participants, social support for participants during the intervention,Conclusions and Implications: Community-based interventions are effective in changing the lifestyle of participants so that they can reduce their risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The application of community-based interventions to reduce cardiovascular disease needs to be studied in more detail and comprehensively. Keywords: community based intervention; lifestyle; cardiovascular disease preventio

    Kontribusi Supervisi Kepala Sekolah pada Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran di SMP 3 Bae Kudus

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    Kepala sekolah mempunyai peran ganda, salah satunya adalah sebagai supervisor untuk melakukan pengawasan. Namun ada kalanya karena tumpang tindih pekerjaan mengakibatkan tugas sebagai supervisor tidak dilakukan dengan maksimal dan kontribusi kepala sekolah dipertanyakan karena adanya tugas yang sama yakni supervisi yang dilakukan oleh pengawas. Adanya fenomena tersebut maka dirumuskan permasalahan bagaimana kontribusi supervisi kepala sekolah dalam hal peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran. Adapun tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa kontribusi yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah khususnya dalam hal supervisi yang telah dilakukan pula oleh pengawas. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan survey pada 39 responden. Hasil penelitian, kepala sekolah memberikan kontribusi yang cukup kuat pada upaya peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan nilai persentase sebesar 59%. Peran kepala sekolah diwujudkan dengan menjalankan fungsi-fungsi supervisi akademis pada sekolah untuk dapat memacu peningkatan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, namun peran tersebut masih disandingkan dengan peran lain sehingga peran sebagai supervisor belum jelas dilaksanakan dengan detail. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah berkontribusi pada peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran dan kepala sekolah berhasil menjalankan peran dengan baik. &nbsp

    Analisis Dukungan Sosial Pada Pasien Kanker Payudara Pasca Mastektomi di Kecamatan Semaka Kabupaten Tanggamus Lampung

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    Background: Social support in post-mastectomy breast cancer patients is still lacking, patients who do not get social support will feel inferior and isolate themselves. Objective: How is the social support provided by the immediate environment of cancer patients with mastectomy treatment? Methods: This research is a type of qualitative research that uses a case study design. Informants were taken using snowball sampling technique and found 4 key informants and 4 triangulated informants.Results: The appreciation support received by post-mastectomy breast cancer patients in Semaka District, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung is mostly words of encouragement, motivation and respect for patients. Material support received in the form of financial assistance from spouses and families, as well as assistance in providing fruits, food, drinks and purchasing medicines. Post-mastectomy breast cancer patients do not get informational support from their partners, friends and family. Conclusions: The emotional support received by the patient is affection, attention and sympathy, but not all patients get this support
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