7,718 research outputs found

    Elliptic Phases: A Study of the Nonlinear Elasticity of Twist-Grain Boundaries

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    We develop an explicit and tractable representation of a twist-grain-boundary phase of a smectic A liquid crystal. This allows us to calculate the interaction energy between grain boundaries and the relative contributions from the bending and compression deformations. We discuss the special stability of the 90 degree grain boundaries and discuss the relation of this structure to the Schwarz D surface.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Soliton response to transient trap variations

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    The response of bright and dark solitons to rapid variations in an expulsive longitudinal trap is investigated. We concentrate on the effect of transient changes in the trap frequency in the form of temporal delta kicks and the hyperbolic cotangent functions. Exact expressions are obtained for the soliton profiles. This is accomplished using the fact that a suitable linear Schrodinger stationary state solution in time can be effectively combined with the solutions of non-linear Schrodinger equation, for obtaining solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with time dependent scattering length in a harmonic trap. Interestingly, there is rapid pulse amplification in certain scenarios

    Origin of Middle-Infrared Peaks in Cerium Compounds

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    We have demonstrated that the middle-infrared (mid-IR) peaks in the optical conductivity spectra of CeX3X_3 (XX = Pd, Sn, In) can be explained by first-principle band structure calculation with the spin-orbit interaction. The mid-IR peak shapes in these materials are not identical to one another: CePd3_3, CeSn3_3, and CeIn3_3 have a triple-peak structure, double-peak structure and broad single-peak structure, respectively. These peaks can be theoretically explained by the optical transition from the occupied state to the spin-orbit splitted Ce 4f4f state. This result indicates that the mid-IR peaks originate from the simple band picture with the Ce 4f4f state near the Fermi level, not from the conventional cf hybridization gap based on the periodic Anderson model.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. To be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 78(1) (2009

    Pressure-tuning of the c-f hybridization in Yb metal detected by infrared spectroscopy up to 18 GPa

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    It has been known that the elemental Yb, a divalent metal at mbient pressure, becomes a mixed-valent metal under external pressure, with its valence reaching ~2.6 at 30 GPa. In this work, infrared spectroscopy has been used to probe the evolution of microscopic electronic states associated with the valence crossover in Yb at external pressures up to 18 GPa. The measured infrared reflectivity spectrum R(w) of Yb has shown large variations with pressure. In particular, R(w) develops a deep minimum in the mid-infrared, which shifts to lower energy with increasing pressure. The dip is attributed to optical absorption due to a conduction c-f electron hybridization state, similarly to those previously observed for heavy fermion compounds. The red shift of the dip indicates that the cc-ff hybridization decreases with pressure, which is consistent with the increase of valence.Comment: 2 pages, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Supp

    The Tenerife Cosmic Microwave Background Maps: Observations and First Analysis

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    The results of the Tenerife Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments are presented. These observations cover 5000 and 6500 square degrees on the sky at 10 and 15 GHz respectively centred around Dec.~ +35 degrees. The experiments are sensitive to multipoles l=10-30 which corresponds to the Sachs-Wolfe plateau of the CMB power spectra. The sensitivity of the results are ~31 and \~12 microK at 10 and 15 GHz respectively in a beam-size region (5 degrees FWHM). The data at 15 GHz show clear detection of structure at high Galactic latitude; the results at 10 GHz are compatible with these, but at lower significance. A likelihood analysis of the 10 and 15 GHz data at high Galactic latitude, assuming a flat CMB band power spectra gives a signal Delta T_l=30+10-8 microK (68 % C.L.). Including the possible contaminating effect due to the diffuse Galactic component, the CMB signal is Delta T_l=30+15-11 microK. These values are highly stable against the Galactic cut chosen. Assuming a Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum for the primordial fluctuations, the above values imply an expected quadrupole Q_RMS-PS=20+10-7 microK which confirms previous results from these experiments, and which are compatible with the COBE DMR.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Effects of mill type (hammer vs roller) and particle size uniformity on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and stomach morphology in finishing pigs

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    Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of mill type and particle size uniformity on finishing pigs. In Exp. 1, 120 pigs, with an average initial weight of 105 lb, were fed corn-soybean meal-based diets for 57 d. The corn was milled so that all diets had an average mean particle size of 800 11m (± 20), yet differed in particle size uniformity (Sgw). To obtain the most uniform treatment (1.9 Sgw), corn was milled through a roller mill. The intermediate treatment (2.3 Sgw) was obtained by milling corn through a hammermill. The least uniform treatment (2.7 Sgw) was obtained by blending coarsely and finely ground corn. Growth performance of pigs was not affected by Sgw of the diet. However, digestibilities of DM, N, and GE increased as Sgw was reduced. In Exp. 2, 128 pigs, widl an average initial weight of 150 lb, were fed diets with corn milled to 450 JLm (± 7) in a hammermill or a roller mill. The hammermilled corn had an Sgw of 1.8 and the rollermilled corn had an Sgw of 2.0. The diets were fed in meal or pelleted form. There were no interactions among mill type and diet form. Digestibilities of DM and N were greater for the hammermilled treatments, but no growth performance differences were due to mill type. Pelleting increased ADG 9% and improved efficiency of gain by 5 %. Pelleting also increased the severity of stomach lesions. In conclusion, at 800 and 450 p.m, mill type did not affect growth performance. However, nutrient digestibilities were improved by decreasing variability in particle size, a response that merits further investigation.; Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, November 19, 199

    Physical Aspects of Axonemal Beating and Swimming

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    We discuss a two-dimensional model for the dynamics of axonemal deformations driven by internally generated forces of molecular motors. Our model consists of an elastic filament pair connected by active elements. We derive the dynamic equations for this system in presence of internal forces. In the limit of small deformations, a perturbative approach allows us to calculate filament shapes and the tension profile. We demonstrate that periodic filament motion can be generated via a self-organization of elastic filaments and molecular motors. Oscillatory motion and the propagation of bending waves can occur for an initially non-moving state via an instability termed Hopf bifurcation. Close to this instability, the behavior of the system is shown to be independent of microscopic details of the axoneme and the force-generating mechanism. The oscillation frequency however does depend on properties of the molecular motors. We calculate the oscillation frequency at the bifurcation point and show that a large frequency range is accessible by varying the axonemal length between 1 and 50μ\mum. We calculate the velocity of swimming of a flagellum and discuss the effects of boundary conditions and externally applied forces on the axonemal oscillations.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, REVTE

    Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background and Implications for Cosmology and Large Scale Structure

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    Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) are discussed, with particular emphasis on current ground-based experiments and on future satellite, balloon and interferometer experiments. Observational techniques and the effects of contaminating foregrounds are highlighted. Recent CMB data is used with large scale structure (LSS) data to constrain cosmological parameters and the complementary nature of CMB, LSS and supernova distance data is emphasized.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A., 1998, in pres