446 research outputs found
Mekanisme Penetapan Nomor Urut Calon Legislatif Dprd Provinsi Riau Daerah Pemilihan Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2014 (Studi Kasus pada Partai Persatuan Pembangunan)
Political parties today is conducted openly at the crawl stage but in the selection of candidates and their establishment of Political Parties that do tend to be closed. Political parties only involve a number of elite administrators regional level without involving the participation of the community in the form of opportunities for the public to participate in assessing candidates to be promoted, as is known by consensus agreement of the Chairman of DPW PPP PPP Number: 074 / PPP.IX / NO.URUT / 2012 on Technical Guidelines for Determination of Number of Riau Provincial Council Member Candidates PPP it is known in article 3, said determination sequence number of candidates in the set based on the position and the positions in the party organization and further discussed in the Congress Party, the next can be seen in the following table Candidate name DPRD Pekanbaru based Dapil I Pekanbaru.
To find out how the mechanism penetepan serial number by the United Development Party Determination of the serial number of candidates for legislators Riau Province of PPP it is done by way of deliberation and consensus which seuanya carried out according to the rules, among others, as contained in article 3 of the Technical Guidelines for the Determination of Number of Candidates Riau Provincial Assembly Members
To find out how the mechanism penetepan serial number by the United Development Party Determination of the serial number of candidates for legislators Riau Province of PPP it is done by way of deliberation and consensus which seuanya carried out according to the rules, among others, as contained in article 3 of the Technical Guidelines for the Determination of Number of Candidates Riau Provincial Assembly Members
Keywords: Mechanisms, Determination, Serial Number, Legislative Candidates
Keywords: Mechanisms, Determination, Serial Number, Legislative Candidate
Objective: The goal of this preliminary work was to observe the impact of the prolonged reduced-pressure condition prior to labeling stage on the F-18 Fluorocholine labeling yield at the end of synthesis.Methods: At this present work, the condition inside the reactor vial prior to labeling stage was manipulated. In the first technique of syntheses of F-18 Fluorocholine, the condition inside the reactor vial was set at 0 atmospheric pressure (0 atm) while in the second technique the condition inside the reactor was set at reduced-pressure (between-0.65 to-0.85 bars) with the delay time of 120 seconds. At the end of the synthesis, the impact of the prolonged reduced-pressure condition prior to precursor labeling was measured in terms of labeling yield of F-18 Fluorocholine. Results: With the second technique, the labeling yield of F-18 Fluorocholine was elevated from 9.7% (the first technique) to 24.3%.Conclusion: This preliminary work indicates that delay in a reduced-pressure condition prior to labeling step has greatly improved the labeling yield of F-18 Fluorocholine at the end of synthesis. Using this approach, the labeling yield of F-18 Fluorocholine was elevated from 7.5% to 24.3%
Digestibility of Dry Matter and Organic Matter of Fermented Sago Pulp on Local Sheep Male Weaning
This study aims to analyze the digestibility of dry matter and organic matter of fermented sago pulp alternative feed on local sheep male weaning. Research conducted at Karang Rejo village farm, Stabat district, Langkat. This study in Maret 2016-Juny 2017. The design used was completely randomized design (CRD), with four treatments five replications. Each repeat consists of one local sheep male weaning with the average of body weight 8-10 kg. The treatment consisted of P1(consentrat with 50% sago pulp without fermented + forage), P2 (consentrat with 60% sago pulp without fermented + forage), P3 (consentrat with 50% sago pulp fermented + forage), and P4 (consentrat with 60% sago pulp fermented + forage). The variable were studied dry matter consumption, organic matter consumption, dry matter digestibility and organic matter digestibility. Results of analysis of variance show that the utilization of fermented sago pulp waste had highly significantly different effect (P<0,01) on dry matter consumption of treatment P1, P2, P3 and P4 is 486,38; 548,68; 604,69;and 671,11 (gr/head/day), and organic matter consumption is 469,34; 525,22; 582,42 and 644,40 (gr/head/day). And average of dry matter digestibility waste not significantly different effect (P>0,05) on value dry matter digestibility of treatment P1, P2, P3 and P4 is 79,04; 79,23; 78,59 and 78,23 (%), average of organic matter digestibility is 81,66; 81,43; 80,79 and 80,27 (%). Increasing use of fermented pulp sago increases the value of dry matter consumption and organic matter consumption in local sheep feed. Conclusions of fermented sago pulp can not to increase dry matter digestibility and organic matter digestibility, but fermented and non-fermented sago pulp can be given to sheep male weaning up to 60%, because the digestibility value of the two ingredients is above 70%
Hubungan Peran Perawat Sebagai Care Giver Dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Yang Menjalani Hemodialisis Di Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado
: The quality of life is an individually perception about the whole of their life. Basicly, patient CKD undergoing hemodialysis have a bad quality of life, but will increase with some factor, one of which is influenced by the nurse's role as care giver. The purpose of this study were to the determine relationship nurse's role as care giver with patient's quality of life. The sample in this study is 30 nurse's and 41 patient's hemodialysis. The design study is a descriptive analytic with cross-sectional design were the information will collecting by using questionnaire. The research results spearman test there is have meaningful relationship between nurse's role as care giver with patient's quality of life (p = 0,000). The conclusion there is have relationship between nurse role as care giver with patient quality of life undergoing hemodialysis in RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. The recomendation for further is expected to be a reference for more research on the role of nurses with quality of life
Analisis Efisiensi Penggunaan Faktor Produksi Pada Industri Kecil Dan Menengah Furnitur Di Kota Pekanbaru
This research aim to know the level of the efficiency of use of production factors at both of group industry. As a result of that, it will be know what production factor that needs for increasing or the reducing of input in order to reach the efficiency.The population of this research is the small and medium furniture industries in Pekanbaru City which the amount of sample in 52 industry unit. The dependent variable that used is financial capital, labour and material, meanwhile the dependent variable is production value. Method of the collecting data is do by questionare. Analysis methid that used in the research is production function of Cobb-Douglas with Frontiers Stochastic Applications and Return to Scale.The result of the furniture from wood show that the technical efficiency is about 0,5008. The allocative efficiency is 1,2742. And the Economic efficiency is 0,638. While for return to scale about 1,0783. It means the furniture from wood is in the increasing return to scale.For the furniture from metal, the level of technical efficiency is about 0,7519, the allocative efficiency is 1,7234, and the economic efficiency is 1,2931. While the return to scale value is about 0,6939. It means furniture from metal is in decreasing return to scale.By the level of technical efficiency that approaching 1(one). It can concluded that furniture from metal industries is more efficient in the using of its factor production than the metal furniture
Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Think Pair Square di Kelas XI Ms II Sman Plus Provinsi Riau
This research based on the students'mathematics achievement at class XI MS II Senior High School Plus of Riau Province with cooperative learning Think Pair Square (TPS), there are 24 students in the class with 18 are male and 6 female. There are 20 students who achieved the passing grade by the percentage 83,3% for attitude competence. Only 10 students who achieved the pasing grade by percentage 41,6% for knowledge competence and 12 students who achieved the passing grade by the percentage 50% for skill competence for the main discussion about relevancy with algebraic operations on matrix. The research is classroom action research. This aims research to increase learning process and students' math achievement at class VIII.2 SMPN 4 Tapungthrough the implentation cooperative learning model of structural Two Stay Two Stray.The subject of the research are 24 students from class XI MS II Senior High School Plus of Riau Province with the heterogenous level. Instrument to collect the data are observation, attitude assessment sheet, skill assessment sheet and mathematics achivement test. The observation data analyzed by using descriptive and qualitative,and for students'test by using descriptiveand quantitative. The qualitative analysis showed an improvement of learning process prior to action to the first cycle and second cycle. The results of this research showed an increase in students achievement for attitude competence from the based-score with the percentage 83,3% to 87,5% on the first cycle and 100% on the second cycle. For knowledge competence showed an increase from the based-score with the percentage 41,6% to 62,5% on the first cycle and 83,3% on the second cycle. And for skills competence showed an increase from the based-score with the percentage 50% to 62,5% on the first cycle and 87,5% on the second cycle. Based on the finding can be concluded that the implentation of cooperative learning model Think Pair Square could improve students' mathematics achievement at class XI MS II Senior High School Plus of Riau Province in the first semester academic years 2014/2015
Kontribusi Bubuk Slag Nikel Di Dalam Meminimalkan Dampak Intrusi Mikroorganisme Terhadap Perilaku Fisik Material Beton
. This paper is presents the experimental study on use of nickel slag powder in the minimization intrusion impact of microorganism to physical properties of concrete materials. The intrusion of microorganism into concrete pores is fungus (Aspegillus Niger) and yeast (Sacchromycodes ludwigi) groups. Both types of this microorganism produce organic matter is acetate acid (CH3COOH) able to react with chemical compound in concrete materials, especially calcium hydroxide and calcium silicate hydrate compound. The reaction affect on the increasing of porosity, permeability coefficient, and loss masses of concrete. The effect of intrusion of microorganism can be minimized by use 16% nickel slag powder. For concrete without nickel slag powder, physical properties tend to follow equation of geometry function (power equation equation), while the concrete of 16% nickel slag powder as indicated by equation of saturated growth rate function
Optimisasi Bubuk Slag Nikel Dengan Sistem Ternary C-A-S
. This papers study concerning optimization of nickel slag powder as substitution material to partial cement by C-A-S (CaO-Al2O3-SiO2) ternary system. Optimization conducted to determine procentage of nickel slag powder in the consuming calcium hydroxide compound as hydration product of tricalcium silicate (C3S) and dicalcium silicate (C2S) cement with water so that form secondary of calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) compound. By the phase diagram C-A-S ternary system, procentage of optimum nickel slag powder determined by intersection point between of balance line pozzolanic reaction and mixing line of material cement and nickel slag powder. Analysis result indicate that by approach of C-A-S ternary system, percentage optimum of nickel slag powder is 14,59%
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