21 research outputs found

    Propagation conditions of an eccentric crack in a semi-circular disk loaded in I+II mixed mode

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    Multi-parameter fracture mechanics concept is applied to investigate crack propagation conditions during a three-point bending (3PB) test performed on an asymmetrical semi-circular disk under I+II mixedmode loading. The asymmetry is represented by an eccentricity of the angled crack as well as by different distances of both supports during the 3PB test from the middle of the specimen. The Williams series expansion is used for the crack-tip stress field approximation and fracture response of the crack is assessed by means of the combination of the numerical and analytical solution. Comparison between the individual configurations is carried out and discussion on the importance of the higher-order terms considered in the Williams expansion for various cases of asymmetry is presented

    Deflection of an eccentric crack under mixed-mode conditions in an SCB specimen

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    Crack propagation under mixed-mode (I + II) conditions has been investigated in a semicircular disc where various levels of mixed-mode can be achieved by means of different geometry configurations. The research has been performed on a novel cementitious material, alkali-activated concrete. Its main advantage is that it is environment-friendly. On the other hand, its fracture mechanical properties, as of yet, have not been described sufficiently. Therefore, a fracture analysis has been performed. The crack deflection under three-point bending conditions has been investigated numerically as well as experimentally. The numerical approach is based on a combination of the common finite element analysis and a multi-parameter form of the maximum tangential stress criterion. This generalized method is suitable especially for materials with specific (elasto-plastic, quasibrittle etc.) fracture behaviour. The over-deterministic method together with the Williams expansion is applied to approximate selected stress tensor components around the crack tip. In this work, the influence of the eccentric crack is also discussed. In the conclusions, several recommendations about using single-parameter/multi-parameter fracture mechanics are stated

    Multi-parameter fracture mechanics: crack path in a mixed-mode specimen

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    A mixed-mode geometry has been chosen to investigate a crack propagation using the multi-parameter fracture mechanics concept. The socalled Williams’ series expansion is used for the crack-tip stress field approximation. It has been shown that application of the generalized fracture mechanics concept can be crucial for materials with specific fracture behaviour, such as elastic-plastic or quasi-brittle one, when fracture occurs not only in the very vicinity of the crack tip, but also in a more distant surrounding. Then, considering the higher-order terms of the Williams’ expansion in fracture criteria (describing the crack stability and/or crack propagation direction) can bring more precise results. The coefficients of the Williams’ expansion must be calculated numerically (for instance by means of the overdeterministic method in this work) for each cracked configuration, which is very time-consuming, and the analysis is very extensive even for a few basic cracked specimen configurations. On the other hand, a suitable choice of the geometrical configuration of the cracked disc enables performing experiments only on the specimens that could prove the theory about the importance of using the higher-order terms

    Cognitive outcome after stereotactic amygdalohippocampectomy

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    AbstractPurposeWe sought to determine the neuropsychological outcome after stereotactic radiofrequency amygdalohippocampectomy performed for intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.MethodsThe article describes the cases of 31 patients who were evaluated using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised and the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised prior to, and one year after, surgery.Key findingsPatients showed increases in their mean Full Scale, Verbal and Performance IQ scores of 4, 3 and 4 IQ points respectively (p<.05). 5 (17.2%), 4 (13.8%) and 4 (13.3%) patients improved in their Full-scale, Verbal and Performance IQ respectively. No significant changes were found in memory performance – with a mean increase of 1, 3 and 0 MQ points in Global, Verbal and Visual memory respectively (p<.05). Global memory improved in 3 (10.3%) patients, verbal memory in 1 (3.4%) and 1 patient (3.3%) showed deterioration in visual memory.SignificanceOur results provide evidence for unchanged memory in patients with MTLE after the procedure. No verbal memory deterioration was detected in any of our patients, while improvements were found in intellectual performance. The results suggest that stereotactic radiofrequency amygdalahippocampectomy could be superior to open surgery in terms of its neurocognitive outcomes. A larger randomised trial of these approaches is justified

    Mechanical Fracture and Fatigue Characteristics of Fine-Grained Composite Based on Sodium Hydroxide-Activated Slag Cured under High Relative Humidity

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    A typical example of an alternative binder to commonly used Portland cement is alkali-activated binders that have high potential as a part of a toolkit for sustainable construction materials. One group of these materials is alkali-activated slag. There is a lack of information about its long-term properties. In addition, its mechanical properties are characterized most often in terms of com-pressive strength; however, it is not sensitive enough to sufficiently cover the changes in micro-structure such as microcracking, and thus, it poses a potential risk for practical utilization. Con-sequently, the present study deals with the determination of long-term mechanical fracture and fatigue parameters of the fine-grained composites based on this interesting binder. The me-chanical fracture parameters are primarily obtained through the direct evaluation of fracture test data via the effective crack model, the work-of-fracture method, the double-K fracture model, and complemented by parameter identification using the inverse analysis. The outcome of cy-clic/fatigue fracture tests is represented by a Wöhler curve. The results presented in this article represent the complex information about material behavior and valuable input parameters for material models used for numerical simulations of crack propagation in this quasi-brittle material

    Using the classification ICF in the assessment of quality of life in breast cancer patients

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    Diplomová práce nese název "Využití klasifikace MKF v hodnocení kvality života pacientek s karcinomem prsu". Práce se skládá z teoretické a výzkumné části. Teoretická část se zabývá charakteristikou karcinomu prsu, popisuje nejčastější problémy u pacientek s karcinomem prsu, charakterizuje jednotlivé typy a možnosti rehabilitace, představuje Mezinárodní klasifikaci funkčních schopností, disability a zdraví a shrnuje základní poznatky o kvalitě života. Výzkumná část je zaměřena na zhodnocení výzkumných otázek a testování hypotéz. Výzkumné šetření probíhalo formou standardizovaných dotazníků a využitím ICF Core Setu pro diagnózu karcinomu prsu. Tato část práce prezentuje, srovnává a hodnotí data získaná během výzkumu u pacientek s karcinomem prsu.The diploma thesis is called "Using the classification ICF in the assessment of quality of life in breast cancer patients". This thesis consists of a theoretical part and research part. The theoretical part deals with the specifications of breast carcinoma, describes the most common problems in breast cancer patients, characterizes different options and types of the rehabilitation, presents International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and summarizes the basic knowledge about quality of life. The research part is focused on the evaluation of the research questions and testing of the hypotheses. The research survey uses method of standardized questionforms and using ICF Core Set for diagnosis breast cancer. This part of thesis presents, compares and evaluates data obtained during research in breast cancer patients.Katedra ošetřovatelstvíHodnocení vedoucího: výborně Hodnocení oponenta: výborně Doplňujicí otázky k obhajobě: 1. V diplomové práci hovoříte o vlivu léčby na kvalitu života pacientek s karcinomem prsu. Doporučte opatření, kterými by bylo možné tuto oblast na Vašem oddělení zlepšit? 2. Využívá některé Komplexní onkologické centrum v České republice MKF klasifikaci? 3. Jakým způsobem by bylo možné MKF klasifikaci dostat do povědomí lékařů a klinické praxe? 1 Obhajoba diplomové práce s prezentací výborná

    Employment of persons older 50 years

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    This thesis deals with the employment of people over 50 years in the region of Jindřichův Hradec. A person older than 50 - years has particular characteristics on labour market. This workforce has on one side enough experience and practice. But on the other hand they are persons who, when they become unemployed, very quickly lose their skills. The secondary objective was to design a solution for the application of older persons in the labour market

    Štítný and Hus on women and maidens

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    Aim of this work it to deeply analyze thoughts of big preachers and literates in middle age. We can distinguish two very important Czech personalities - Tomáš Štítný from Štítného and Master Jan Hus. Firstly we analyze individual writings of those authors and we will concentrate on their views about norms for girls and young women. These norms show how people thought in 14 th and 15 th century and relates with Bible. People should live according Bible to be redeemed. Discourse will be mainly about celibacy {--} important and integral part of spiritual life. This topic is largely discussed in stated literature. Celibacy is of course not for everyone, therefore we will be discussing in following texts difficulties that can appear for example in marriage or through children upbringing. Firstly stated and discussed will be discourse Dcerka (Daughter). It is tract written by Master Jan Hus. This tract was dedicated to girls as Decalogue of commandment. It has mainly educative character. Afterwards we are going to look at Tomášem Štítným work about woman conditions (virginity, widowhood and marriage). We will get to know the positives and negatives about each state. Work will than follow with Catholic opinions (from 20th and 21 st century) about spiritual way of life. Analysis of Tomas and Jan work will bring insight and revelation of sexuality as a part of human life. Authors also brought up the way how to deal with our own sexuality