1,269 research outputs found
Topological Phase Transitions in Line-nodal Superconductors
Fathoming interplay between symmetry and topology of many-electron
wave-functions has deepened understanding of quantum many body systems,
especially after the discovery of topological insulators. Topology of electron
wave-functions enforces and protects emergent gapless excitations, and symmetry
is intrinsically tied to the topological protection in a certain class. Namely,
unless the symmetry is broken, the topological nature is intact. We show novel
interplay phenomena between symmetry and topology in topological phase
transitions associated with line-nodal superconductors. The interplay may
induce an exotic universality class in sharp contrast to that of the
phenomenological Landau-Ginzburg theory. Hyper-scaling violation and emergent
relativistic scaling are main characteristics, and the interplay even induces
unusually large quantum critical region. We propose characteristic experimental
signatures around the phase transitions in three spatial dimensions, for
example, a linear phase boundary in a temperature-tuning parameter
phase-diagram.Comment: 4 + 23 pages, 7 figures, 1 table; the first two authors contributed
equally to this wor
Mobile Kink Solitons in a Van der Waals Charge-Density-Wave Layer
Kinks, point-like geometrical defects along dislocations, domain walls, and
DNA, are stable and mobile, as solutions of a sine-Gordon wave equation. While
they are widely investigated for crystal deformations and domain wall motions,
electronic properties of individual kinks have received little attention. In
this work, electronically and topologically distinct kinks are discovered along
electronic domain walls in a correlated van der Waals insulator of
1-TaS. Mobile kinks and antikinks are identified as trapped by pinning
defects and imaged in scanning tunneling microscopy. Their atomic structures
and in-gap electronic states are unveiled, which are mapped approximately into
Su-Schrieffer-Heeger solitons. The twelve-fold degeneracy of the domain walls
in the present system guarantees an extraordinarily large number of distinct
kinks and antikinks to emerge. Such large degeneracy together with the robust
geometrical nature may be useful for handling multilevel information in van der
Waals materials architectures.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure
Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma occured alone in axilla
Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma (IDCS) is a very rare disease around the world and its prognosis is known to be aggressive. This reports a case diagnosed as IDCS of the axillary region treated in Soonchunhyang University Hospital. A 57-year-old female visited Soonchunhyang University Hospital with a left axillary mass. The mass was hard and fixed. Computed tomography observed a 7 cm lymph node at the left axilla, and core biopsy suspected sarcoma. In another study, there was no specific finding except the axillary lesion. Left axillary lymph node dissection (level I, II) was conducted and the pathologic report finally showed IDCS. The patient was treated with only radiotherapy and followed up without recurrence for 13 months up to now. IDCS is a very rare sarcoma that is hard to diagnose and progresses fast. Thus, treatment is very difficult. Proper treatment can be better established after more experiences
CIIA functions as a molecular switch for the Rac1-specific GEF activity of SOS1
CIIA mediates the TGF-β–induced activation of SOS1–Rac1 signaling and cell migration
Torsion of the Gallbladder: Report of a Case
Torsion of the gallbladder is a rare entity that is difficult to diagnose preoperatively. The condition occurs most often in the elderly. Although its etiology is unknown, a constant finding is the presence of the gallbladder on a mobile mesentery (floating gallbladder). Torsion, or volvulus, of the gallbladder occurs when it twists axially, with the subsequent occlusion of bile and/or blood flow. Herein, a case of torsion of the gallbladder is presented where preoperative computed tomographic scan and laparoscopy were successfully used to diagnose and treat this condition without the usual requirement of open exploration. Given the possibility of laparoscopic cholecystectomy and the increasing incidence with which torsion of the gallbladder is being witnessed today, the importance of a preoperative computed tomographic scan is emphasized when there is a high index of clinical suspicion
Staged Surgery for Chronic Primary Aortoduodenal Fistula in a Septic Patient
Aortoenteric fistula is one of the most challenging problems that confront the vascular surgeons. Controversy remains over the optimal treatment because of the continued publication of series with high mortality, amputation, and aortic disruption rates. A positive preoperative blood culture is the best predictor of mortality with increased amputation rates due to infection of the extra-anatomic bypass. Therefore, in selected cases with sepsis, a prudent management protocol is required. We report a 68-yr-old male presenting with a chronic primary aortoduodenal fistula extensively involving the duodenum and Gram-negative sepsis. We planned a staged operation. Initially, an emergency laparotomy and control of the aorta allowed stabilization of the patient, identification of the fistula, and direct in situ placement of the prosthetic graft followed by an en bloc resection of the aneurysm and the surrounding structures. After he recovered from sepsis and had been stabilized, a staged extra-anatomic bypass followed by transabdominal removal of the temporarily placed graft was done. This management plan will allow the highest success rate and may be a prudent management protocol for these difficult cases
Pericoronary fat attenuation index in computed tomography angiography is associated with mortality in end-stage renal disease
Background An increased pericoronary fat attenuation index (FAI) on computed tomography angiography (CTA) is associated with increased all-cause and cardiac mortality in the general population. However, the ability of pericoronary FAI to predict long-term outcomes in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients is unknown. Methods In this single-center retrospective longitudinal cohort study, we assessed the utility of CTA-based pericoronary FAI measurement to predict mortality of CKD patients, including those with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Mapping and analysis of pericoronary FAI involved three major proximal coronary arteries. The prognostic value of pericoronary FAI for long-term mortality was assessed with multivariable Cox regression models. Results Among 268 CKD participants who underwent coronary CTA, 209 participants with left anterior descending artery (LAD) FAI measurements were included. The pericoronary FAI measured at the LAD was not significantly associated with adjusted risk of all-cause mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 2.08; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.94–3.51) in any CKD group. However, ESRD patients with elevated pericoronary FAI values had a greater adjusted risk of all-cause mortality compared with the low-FAI group (HR, 2.26; 95% CI, 1.11–4.61). Conclusion The pericoronary FAI measured at the LAD predicted long-term mortality in patients with ESRD, which could provide an opportunity for early primary intervention in ESRD patients
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