362 research outputs found

    Affective Critique: Fear, Hope, Abandonment and Pleasure in Dianne Otto's Living with International Law

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    Discusses Dianne Otto's engagement with international law in terms of affective critique

    Review of Faisal Devji, Muslim Zion: Pakistan as a Political Idea (Hurst & Company, London, 2013)

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    In today’s world of nation states, the distinct pedigrees of independent polities are often organised into two foundational trajectories: states whose traditions of collective belonging are derived from, or adjusted to, the conventional mythology of European nationalism, with its focus on (the presumed bonds of) ‘blood and soil’, and states, such as settler societies, that somehow diverge from it. In Muslim Zion, Devji provides a seething analysis of Pakistan’s foundational narratives, guided by a bold claim that this state was founded on a radical, and quintessentially modern, demand for ‘the forcible exclusion of blood and soil in the making of a new homeland for India’s diverse andscattered Muslims’ (p. 9). For Devji, this demand emerged primarily from ‘the fantasy of creating a state by purely rational means, one that was founded upon its idea alone’ (p. 39). And just what was this foundational idea? That by working in the laboratory of Pakistan, to borrow Liaquat Ali Khan’s famous phrase (p. 249), a state primarily based on religious belonging, a ‘Muslim homeland’ par excellence, could be established

    Upgrade of PCFLOW2D model with k-e turbulence model for unsteady flow

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    This thesis presents basic mathematical models used in calculation of turbulent flows worldwide. We\ud upgraded the PCFLOW2D program with the Smagorinsky model and the k-�à turbulence model for unsteady flow. PCFLOW2D is derived from the TEACH program and is written in the Fortran 77 programming language. PCFLOW2D is a two-dimensional depth-averaged model which calculates turbulent flow in open channels. It uses finite volume method of Patankar and Spalding to calculate partial differential equations for unsteady flow. We utilised our upgrades on the mathematical model with hybrid numerical scheme to calculate unsteady flow in a laboratory channel with a side discharge and on a kayaking track on the river So.a near Solkan. Both study cases were calculated using the\ud model of constant effective viscosity, the Smagorinsky model and the k-�à model and the results were compared. Analysis shows that while the new model works, it has some problems with numerical diffusion. It produces physically realistic results, with insufficient length of recirculation, due to increased numerical diffusion. We attempted to solve the problem by condensing the numerical grid, but were unable to entirely remove the numerical diffusion. We also tested an up-to-date Fortran compiler, PGI Visual Fortran, that compared to the current compiler, reduced computational times by 45% on average

    The analisis of road tunnel traffic managament systems in the republic of Slovenia

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    The goal of this thesis is the analysis of current state of tunnel equipment in Slovenian road tunnels and suggestions for its improvements. From safety point of view an extra thoughtfulness needs to be applied to the matter of driving through road tunnels because of the feeling of constriction while driving through them. Slovenian highway cross consists of two main European transport corridors and represents an important part of Pan-european transport network. That is why European Directive for minimal safety requirements for road tunnels 2004/54/ES came into effect in 2004. Although the status of current tunnel equipment in Slovenian road tunnels is acceptable, it differs among them. For reaching a higher goal in maintaining a satisfactory level of safety in road tunnels, it is necessary to eliminate the differences between types of equipment and its positioning on site. Taken into consideration that human behaviour plays the biggest role in road tunnel safety we also need to consider the effects of type of the vehicle, traffic surroundings and definitely of road infrastructure for safety in road tunnels. Only with unification of different types of equipment and its positioning in tunnels will we achieve the proper safety level in our road tunnels. Often the installation of road tunnel equipment and its positioning is left to the preference of the design engineers and contractors, because there are no guidelines to follow. The first step towards achieving a total unification on this field would be the establishment of technical specifications for traffic management equipment in road tunnels on a national scale

    Hiperinzulinemija-euglikemija liječenje

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    Calcium channel blockers and beta-blockers toxicity/poisoning are one of the most common causes of poisoning. More importantly, they are among the deadliest types of poisoning caused by cardiac drugs that emergency physicians can encounter. Common toxidrome caused by these medications includes the following symptoms: hypotension, bradycardia, hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia, hypothermia, arrhythmia, and seizures. Treatment is usually complex, It consists of administration of various medications, such as crystalloids, intravenous calcium, glucagon, vasopressors/inotropes, and especially high-dose insulin euglycemic therapy. In this paper, we will review the mechanism for this type of treatment, propose a potential protocol for its application and address possible adverse effects. High-dose insulin euglycemic therapy should be an integral part of the treatment protocol for calcium channel blockers and beta-blockers toxicity.Otrovanja sa blokatorima kalcijevih kanala i sa beta-blokatorima spadaju u jedne od češćih uzroka trovanja, ali još i važnije, jedne od najsmrtonosnijih trovanja sa kardiološkim lijekovima sa kojima se liječnici u hitnoj medicini mogu susresti. Tipičan toksidrom uključuje simptome poput hipotenzije, bradikardije, aritmije, hipoglikemije/hiperglikemije, hipotermije i epileptičkih napada. Liječenje je kompleksno, a samo specifično liječenje uključuje primjenu kalcija, volumena, vazopresora/ intropa, glukagona, te osobiti naglasak stavlja na primjenu hiperinzulinemija-euglikemija liječenja. U ovom preglednom radu osvrnuti ću se na mehanizam ovog načina liječenja, protokol primjene te nuspojave koje se mogu javiti. Hiperinzulinemija-euglikemija liječenje trebao bi biti integralni dio protokola liječenja trovanja sa beta-blokatorima i blokatorima kalcijevih kanala

    The Dera Paradigm: Homecoming of the Gendered Other

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    This article engages with the idiosyncratic dwelling practices of khwajasara, a Pakistani gender-variant subjectivity better known as hijre in the larger South Asian context. As a prevalent type of khwajasara household, the dera plays a paradigmatic role in their homecoming narratives; whether as a post-home, the refuge from an unhomely natal familial house and a terrorising school environment, or as an intermediary bodily, spiritual and communal sanctuary on a journey towards one’s Home after post-home. Anchored in the idea of the dera, and especially as intimated to me on a late September afternoon in Lahore, this article zigzags through khwajasara’s historical and present-day multi-local experiences of homecoming, which is posited here as both spatial and identitary journeying towards collective thereness. As a property of dwelling with kindred souls, I argue that thereness equips khwajasara with exploratory senses of the subject, including, at times, those of being otherworldly and nomadic. Such thereness disrupts the very idea of settlement and allows the dera and its inhabitants to not only transgress communal boundaries—such as those of gender, religion, ethnicity and language—but also to construe home as a journey, not a destination. At the same time, it reveals various productive anxieties about khwajasara’s—or, indeed, everyone’s—classed, urbanised, economised and gendered home-life

    The Dera Paradigm: Homecoming of the Gendered Other

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    This article engages with the idiosyncratic dwelling practices of khwajasara, a Pakistani gender-variant subjectivity better known as hijre in the larger South Asian context. As a prevalent type of khwajasara household, the dera plays a paradigmatic role in their homecoming narratives; whether as a post-home, the refuge from an unhomely natal familial house and a terrorising school environment, or as an intermediary bodily, spiritual and communal sanctuary on a journey towards one’s Home after post-home. Anchored in the idea of the dera, and especially as intimated to me on a late September afternoon in Lahore, this article zigzags through khwajasara’s historical and present-day multi-local experiences of homecoming, which is posited here as both spatial and identitary journeying towards collective thereness. As a property of dwelling with kindred souls, I argue that thereness equips khwajasara with exploratory senses of the subject, including, at times, those of being otherworldly and nomadic. Such thereness disrupts the very idea of settlement and allows the dera and its inhabitants to not only transgress communal boundaries—such as those of gender, religion, ethnicity and language—but also to construe home as a journey, not a destination. At the same time, it reveals various productive anxieties about khwajasara’s—or, indeed, everyone’s—classed, urbanised, economised and gendered home-life

    Sliding spin-density waves: studies of conduction noise, magnetic field dependence and Hall resistivity

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    We have studied the current-voltage characteristics of the (TMTSF)_2PF_6 in the spin density state (SDW), and in zero and finite external magnetic field. For the oscillating part of the nonlinear voltage response to the applied DC electric field, the fundamental frequency distribution (as a function of this field) and a nonlinear relation between the frequency and the SDW current reveal the growth of parallel conduction channels characterized by lower velocities and larger cross-sections. The number of fundamental frequencies, their amplitude and the level of low-frequency noise as well as the depinning behaviour provide a consistent indication of the sample inhomogeneities and associated local field variations, and might be well understood within the framework of the phase slippage model. The increase of the threshold electric field with the applied magnetic filed can be explained by the Bjeli-Maki theory, if the imperfect nesting is taken into account. Finally, the electric-field dependence of the Hall resistivity is consistent with the sliding mechanism of the SDW conduction

    The Abyss

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    How might one think limits of one’s disciplinary world in a productive way, that is, with a view not to end up with yet another, even if more expansive, disciplinary cogito but rather, if you will, an epistemic abyss that opens to more radical imaginings of what lies ahead? Is there an external to law in legal theory? A space, even if but conceptual, that we might designate as alegal? Or, what’s beyond the grasp for social anthropology? A methodological move from humans to things so that one is encouraged to ‘think from things’ with a potential to transform, in turn, the entire discipline into the new field of ‘pragmatology’? Or, can one seize on the long impasse of the so-called empiricist history to suggest, as Saidiya Hartman would have it, the need for critical fabulation? My work to date, for the most part, intersects these three disciplines and so my provocation here is limited to them, although one can of course imagine interrogating just about any cognate socio-humanistic ‘science’ in this mode of critique. At issue is not an exercise in interdisciplinarity, so that where one disciplinary end is found one moves, methodologically, on to another, so as to create a space where disciplines help each other survive. I propose, rather, to pry open the unknowable amidst each separate disciplinary episteme and thus lay bare its existential crisis. And if, perchance, a discipline cannot survive this operation—so be it. Perhaps, after all, its death has been long overdue