243 research outputs found

    A conceptual service oriented architecture framework for integrated flood management

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    Service oriented architecture (SOA) is a platform and language-independent that guide different services to work together in order to perform business process.The benefits of using SOA such as interoperability, discoverability, loose coupling, flexibility and reliability have led previous researchers to use it as their fundamental basis in designing their software architecture framework.Previous researchers also have exploit SOA and implement it into flood management domain to manage the complex systems that are distributed across the network.However, previous works do not provide the detail process of emergency management into their flood management framework.Therefore, this study aims to propose a conceptual SOA framework for an integrated flood management (IFM) in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of managing flood.Furthermore the feasibility of using SOA and the required process of flood management in order to construct the conceptual framework are being investigated by means of a comparative study.In addition, this study also suggests the Service oriented architecture Modeling Language (SoaML) as a technique to model the services for anIFM

    Success Rate of Liver Stiffness Measurement Using Transient Elastography in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients with Obesity and Its Influencing Factors

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    Background: Percentage of patients who had liver stiffness measurement failure using transient elastography varied between 2-10%; mainly caused by obesity. XL probe is expected to increase the success rate of liver stiffness measurement in patients with obesity. The objective of this study is to evaluate the success of liver stiffness measurement using M and XL probes and its influencing factors.Method: Patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were included in this study. Examination results were then analysed using statistical analysis unpaired t-test or Mann-Whitney and McNemar statistical tests.Results: From 92 NAFLD patients with obesity who were studied, the proportion of success in measuring liver stiffness using M probe was 57.6%, while that of XL probe was 88.0%. This difference was statistically significant (p < 0.001). BMI, SCD, and thoracic circumference were associated with success in measuring liver stiffness using M probe, with p value of 0.007, 0.001, and 0.001 respectively. The results of Mann-Whitney statistical test revealed median value of BMI and SCD of patients who had liver stiffness measurement failure using M probe were 32.7 kg/m2 and 2.6 cm respectively. T-test results showed that the mean value of thoracic circumference of patients who had liver stiffness measurement failure using M probe was 97.8 cm.Conclusion: Proportion of success in measuring liver stiffness in NAFLD patients with obesity using XL probe was better compared to the M probe. BMI, SCD, and thoracic circumference were associated with the success of measuring liver stiffness using M probe. The same variables were not associated with XL probe

    Randomized Double-blind Controlled Trial: Benefits of Lactobacillus Reuteri in Chronic Functional Constipation Patients

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    Background: Chronic functional constipation is a common problem that affects between 15-25% of the population and cause symptoms and disorders that creates discomfort, morbidity, and high costs for health care. Recently, the consumption of probiotics in treating chronic constipation in adults have been investigated. However, there are still limited and controversial evidences available from controlled trials. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Lactobacillus reuteri (L. reuteri) in improving the Agachan constipation score, the number of L. reuteri in the feces and the fecal pH in the patients with chronic functional constipation.Method: A double-blind, placebo randomized controlled trial (RCT) was conducted in 40 adults (12 males/28 females with mean age 45.95 ± 16 years) affected by chronic functional constipation according to Rome III criteria. Patients were randomly assigned to receive a supplementation of L. reuteri or placebo for 4 weeks.Results: At week 4, the decrease in Agachan constipation score was from 17.00 to 8.00 with p &lt; 0.001, the increase number of L. reuteri was from 6.80 x 107 to 2.12 x 108 with p &lt; 0.001 and the decrease of pH feces was from 5.44 (SD 0.70) to 4.78 (SD 0.56) with p &lt; 0.001 in the L. reuteri group, otherwise in the placebo group there were no significant results in Agachan constipation score, the number of L. reuteri and fecal pH assessed.Conclusion: L. reuteri is more effective than the placebo group in improving the Agachan constipation score, increasing the number of L. reuteri in the feces and decreasing the fecal pH in adult with chronic functional constipation

    Design and implementation home security system and monitoring by using wireless sensor networks WSN/internet of things IOT

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    The dramatic advancments on communication and networking technologies have led to the emergence of Internet-of-Things (IoT). IoT technology has opened the door for various applications. In particular, the home automation was one of the common applications that took the advantage of IoT. Several research efforts have addressed the home automation system using IoT covering wide range of functionalities. One of the concerning tasks is providing a secure system that can give alarms for suspicious activities within the house. This paper presents a secure house system based on IoT where several activities are being sensed and detected. Specifically, gas, humidity, body temperature and motion have been considered within the sensing based on two main types of micro-controller including Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Consequentially, an Android prototype has bene developed in order to give an interactive interface for warning the house owner regarding any suscpicious activities. Results of simulation demonstrated the efficancy of the proposed syste

    Dampak Pencemaran Boron terhadap Biota Perairan Laut

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    DAMPAK PENCEMARAN BORON TERHADAP BIOTA PERAIRAN LAUT. Pembangkit listrik termasuk PLTN dan fasilitas industri dapat melepaskan bahan-bahan kimia anorganik berbahaya, seperti boron melalui pelepasan langsung atau melalui sistem pendingin ke dalam ekosistem perairan di sekitar instalasi tersebut. Boron adalah salah satu trace element yang merupakan unsur esensial yang diperlukan dalam pertumbuhan biota laut, tetapi akan bersifat toksis bila berlebihan, sehingga dapat berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan, reproduksi atau kelangsungan hidup. Toksisitas terhadap organisme akuatik, termasuk vertebrata, invertebrata, dan tumbuhan sangat bervariasi tergantung tahap hidup organisme tersebut dan lingkungan. Konsentrasi maksimum boron total untuk proteksi bagi kehidupan ekosistem perairan direkomendasikan tidak lebih 1,2 mg B/L. Tahap awal daur hidup biota lebih sensitif terhadap boron daripada tahap selanjutnya dan penggunaan air untuk proses operasi sistem yang berulang menunjukkan toksisitas yang lebih tinggi dari pada air alam

    Perkiraan Desain Basis Curah Hujan di Semenanjung Muria

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    PERKIRAAN DESAIN BASIS CURAH HUJAN DI SEMENANJUNG MURIA. Nilai desain basis diperlukan dalam memperhitungkan aspek kesalamatan PLTN. Perhitungan telah dilakukan terhadap parameter meteorologi curah hujan. Data curah hujan diperoleh dari stasiun pemantauan milik Departemen Permukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah dan PTPN IX untuk daerah Bangsri, Beji, Jatisari, keling dan Jepara. Data curah hujan maksimum dalam periode 24 jam memiliki unit mm/hari. Pada studi terdahulu, konsultan Newjec menggunakan data dari stasiun Ujung Watu dengan periode pemantauan selama kurang dari 2 tahun. Pada perhitungan ini digunakan paling sedikit data selama 19 tahun. Data diolah menggunakan dua pendekatan: statistik dan numerik, menggunakan persamaan Gumbel (Generalized Extreme Value distrbutions-GEV Type I). Dari data diperoleh rerata curah hujan sebesar 248 mm/hari (metode numerik) dan 258 mm/hari (metode statistik) perioda pengulangan (return period) 50 tahun

    Directional felling within selective management system of Peninsular Malaysia: comparison between current and extended techniques

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    Directional felling has been implemented in Peninsular Malaysia as part of the Selective Management System (SMS) to obtain optimum yield from the forest resources while reducing damage to the environment and residual trees. Some questions regarding its effectiveness have been questioned a few times, resulting in a joint research project at Ulu Jelai Forest Reserve, Pahang, Malaysia to compare between the current directional felling technique and the new (extended) techniques, in terms of accuracy of tree felling, volume of felling logs, expected damage on residual trees, and time taken for tree felling. For this study, 38 trees were felled with the current and extended techniques. By using the extended technique, 91.3% of the trees were felled within the 0°-5° range, and 100% within the 0°-10° range, compared to 28.01% (within the 0°-5° range) using the current technique. The extended technique also recorded higher volume recovery (14% higher) and lower damage on the residual trees by almost 50%. However, the extended technique took longer time, i.e. 4.56 minutes per tree, as compared to 2.50 minutes. The main contributor to the difference is the presence of gauge cut in the extended technique. Generally, the studies suggest that the extended technique is preferred as it is safer to the feller and surrounding people, while reducing the collateral damage on the harvested trees, as well as the residual trees

    Survei Potensi Partisipasi Masyarakat terhadap Rencana Pembangunan Pltn Muria

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    SURVEI POTENSI PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT TERHADAP RENCANA PEMBANGUNAN PLTN MURIA. Salah satu kelayakan program pembangunan PLTN adalah kelayakan sosial budaya. Semakin terbukanya masyarakat dalam kerangka negara demokrasi telah membawa Perubahan dalam paradigma pembangunan. Masyarakat menjadi bagian penting dalam pengambilan keputusan setiap proyek di daerahnya. Bahkan faktor sosial-budaya seperti “social riot dapat menjadi "exclusion factor" seperti yang terjadi pada PT Inti Indorayon beberapa tahun yang lalu. Oleh karena itu faktor sosial budaya harus mendapat pertimbangan yang matang dalam perencanaan pembangunan PLTN. Salah satunya adalah membuat peta potensi partisipasi masyarakat terhadap rencana pembangunan PLTN. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan melakukan survei yang dipandu dengan kuesioner, tanpa memberi perlakuan apapun pada obyek yang diteliti (ekspose fakto). Selain itu juga dilakukan pendekatan kualitatif dengan uindepth interview untuk menggali informasi secara mendalam. Sampel yang diambil adalah masyarakat umum di sekitar tapak PLTN, sampai radius 10 km. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah acak sempurna. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar masyarakat di sekitar tapak cukup berpotensi untuk berpartisipasi menghadapi pembangunan PLTN. Suasana yang cukup kondusif ini perlu dibina secara terus menerus agar tidak kehilangan momen, dengan melakukan social setting