1,171 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pembentukan Organisasi Pada Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi (KPHP) Model Berau Barat Di Kabupaten Berau

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    Forest Management Unit (FMU) was one of top priorities in order to improve forests governance and strengthening decentralization in the forestry sector. Many policies have been introduced to expedite FMU development such as Interior Ministry Regulation (Permendagri) 61 Year 2010 regarding Guideline on Organization and Procedure of Production Forest and Protection Forest Management Unit. This I study aimed at describing the implementation of organization policy of the Berau Barat FMU Model (KPHP). This study was also trying to identify and analyze factors which influence the implementation process of the policy. The method used in this study was qualitative based on primary and secondary data. The data were collected by interviews, observation and documents reviews. Some Government officials were interviewed including officials from the Ministry of Forestry, the Provincial Government of Kaltim, the Berau District Secretariat, the Forest Service of Berau, and forest experts. The result of this study showed that the implementation of the Organization Policy of the Production of the Forest Management Unit according to the Berau Barat Model In Berau District was done in stages. The establishment of UPTD, was the first stage in the gradual process of KPHP development towards SKPD l (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah).At this stage activities include socialization, staff assessment, and consultation meetings. Key factors in the implementation process are communication, infrastructure, human and financial resources. Communication include clarity of regulation, consistency with other regulations, and coordination among parties. In addition, bureaucractic factors which include unclear standard operating procedures (SOP) of organization establishment, concept note making process, coordination rules among institutions in SKPD development, needs certain time and funding allocations due to political processes in the local parliament. To achieve effectiveness, it was recommended to develop effective communications involving all decision makers and other stakeholders. In addition sufficient infrastructure, human and financial resources were critical. Enhancing bureaucracy I was also recommended to guarantee the success of the process

    Pengalihan Risiko Tanggung Jawab Pelaku Usaha Terhadap Konsumen Di Indonesia Melalui Mekanisme Asuransi (Studi Komparatif Tentang Asuransi Tanggung Jawab Produk)

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    This research discusses and analyzes consumer protection in Indonesia through product liability insurance mechanism. Insurance institution becomes important to transfer producer's liability risk for the products he produced for consumer's consumption or use, if consumers suffer accident and or loss because of consuming or using such product. In Indonesia, the intention to materialize legal effort of Consumer Protection has existed since 1998 with enactment of Law Number 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection. To face business law development especially in insurance area which its impact on legal protection for consumers of product in general, at present it is necessary to have a reform and or regulation which certainly will be able to anticipate the development of business, in creating and implementing contracts in insurance business practices. As for the problem in this paper is the importance of product liability insurance and product liability insurance mechanism. The research method used in this dissertation is normative-qualitative with comparative approach. The outcome of the research shows that product liability insurance has an important role in protecting consumers' interest in the current Indonesian society. This product liability insurance provides guarantee for consumers to receive compensation if the products being used cause injuries/loss, even such compensation is not only for the consumer who uses the product but also for bystanders when the product is being used. In mechanism of product liability insurance, producers have to premium for products insured which its value shall depend on quantity and type of product, risk level for products insured.Keywords: Consumer Protection Law, Product Liability Insurance

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Asuhan Keperawatan Bagi Penderita Pneumonia

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    Airway disease causes mortality and high disability worldwide. Pneumonia is a form of acute lower respiratory tract infections are a serious lung diparenkim. Pneumonia patient handling of the role of care providers in diagnosing and action. In addition to the services to the patients, nurses are required to document nursing diagnoses by noting the diagnosis in writing but the majority of nurses working time is spent just to make a written documentation of nursing diagnoses. Another factor is the quality of service is the skill of nurses in the analysis of a study of the patient\u27s problems also affect the management of patients at risk for fatal. The research aims to design information systems wake of nursing care for patients with pneumonia that can assist nurses in the analysis and study of patients according to the method of PES (problem etiology, sysmtom) and NANDA nursing care standards. Development of Web-based applications with the capabilities of web responsive and accessible to nurses with mobile devices at the time of assessment of patients in the field. The results are expected to facilitate nurses in diagnosing patients and learning materials for prospective nurses as basic competence in service to the community

    Web-based learning environment based on students’ needs

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    Traditional learning needs to be improved since it does not involve active learning among students. Therefore, in the twenty-first century, the development of internet technology in the learning environment has become the main needs of each student. One of the learning environments to meet the needs of the teaching and learning process is a web-based learning environment. This study aims to identify the characteristics of a webbased learning environment that supports students’ learning needs. The study involved 542 students from fifteen faculties in a public higher education institution in Malaysia. A quantitative method was used to collect the data via a questionnaire survey by randomly. The findings indicate that the characteristics of a web-based learning environment that support students’ needs in the process of learning are online discussion forum, lecture notes, assignments, portfolio, and chat. In conclusion, the students overwhelmingly agreed that online discussion forum is the highest requirement because the tool can provide a space for students and teachers to share knowledge and experiences related to teaching and learning

    Sistem Informasi Layanan SMS Gateway Bagi Bidan Dalam Program Pemantauan Kesehatan Ibu Dan Anak (PWS KIA) Di Kabupaten Bantul Provinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Pemantauan wilayah setempat kesehatan ibu dan anak (PWS KIA) merupakan program pemerintah dalam monitoring perkembangan kesehatan ibu dan anak di suatu wilayah. Keberhasilan program PWS KIA tidak terlepas dari peran bidan dalam pengumpulan data dan luas cakupan wilayah sehingga pelaporan baru diperoleh pada periode tertentu sementara informasi yang dibutuhkan bersifat realtime layanan. Pemanfaatan teknologi telekomunikasi khususnya perangkat mobile merupakan teknologi yang banyak digunakan masyarakat dalam berkomunikasi . Pertukaran pesan melalui Sort Message Service (SMS) merupakan media komunikasi yang paling efektif dalam menyampaikan pesan. Perkembangan Teknologi SMS Gateway memungkinkan untuk mengolah data pesan SMS menjadi suatu informasi yang bermanfaat. Berdasarkan uraian  diatas, maka  adapun tujuan penelitian mengembangkan sistem layanan SMS gateway dalam program PWS KIA dengan metode waterfall dalam pengembangan  perangkat lunak. Pengembangan sistem menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, DBMS MySQL dan Gammu SMS Gateway. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi bidan untuk melaporkan setiap layanan PWS KIA secara realtime dan diharapkan Dinas Kesehatan Bantul dapat memperoleh data terbaru  layanan PWS KIA  tanpa harus menunggu dalam periode tertentu

    Analisis Kekuatan Struktur “Tank Deck” Kapal Lct at 117 M TNI Al

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    Kekuatan struktur konstruksi sangat berpengaruh pada tingkat keselamatan kapal baik pada kondisi laut yang tenang, bergelombang bahkan di atas dok . LCT (landing craft tank) adalah jenis kapal laut yang dirancang untuk mengangkut tank dan unit konstruksi berbobot ekstrim per unitnya. Konstruksi geladak tank menerima beban baik statis dan dinamis yang dipengaruhi oleh percepatan akibat dinamika kapal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui beban yang bekerja pada tank deck, menganalisis respon struktur geladak terhadap beban serta mengetahui umur struktur geladak tersebut. Analisis ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode elemen hingga dengan bantuan AnsysTM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tegangan izin tercapai pada percepatan 17,6 m/s2 yang terletak di ujung pelat yang merupakan kontak antara pelat dek dengan pelat sekat melintang dengan panjang 600 mm. Pada percepatan 17,6 m/s2, struktur geladak akan mengalami kelelahan pada umur 7,882 tahun

    Manajemen Penyakit Lingkungan Berbasis Wilayah

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    New Emerging and Re Emerging Infectious Diseases based ofenvironment, were concern of public health, affect the socioeconomic loss, political aspect and others. Existence of tripleburden of disease, environmental pollution, management thehealth which not full support to national development representsome factors causing damage health nation.Through literature review this writing make solution alternativeby management environment disease which evidences basedapproach collected periodical, systematic and planned tospecific area.Keywords: management of disease, new emerging and reemerging infectious disease
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