94 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium dynamics of a spin-3/2 Blume Capel model with quenched random crystal field

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    The relaxation and complex magnetic susceptibility treatments of a spin-3/2 Blume-Capel model with quenched random crystal field on a two dimensional square lattice are investigated by a method combining the statistical equilibrium theory and the thermodynamics of linear irreversible processes. Generalized force and flux are defined in irreversible thermodynamics limit. The kinetic equation for the magnetization is obtained by using linear response theory. Temperature and also crystal field dependencies of the relaxation time are obtained in the vicinity of phase transition points. We found that the relaxation time exhibits divergent treatment near the order-disorder phase transition point as well as near the isolated critical point whereas it displays cusp behavior near the first order phase transition point. In addition, much effort has been devoted to investigation of complex magnetic susceptibility response of the system to changing applied field frequencies and it is observed that the considered disordered magnetic system exhibits unusual and interesting behaviors. Furthermore, dynamical mean field critical exponents for the relaxation time and complex magnetic susceptibility are calculated in order to formulate the critical behavior of the system. Finally, a comparison of our observations with those of recently published studies is represented and it is shown that there exists a qualitatively good agreement.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamic phase transitions in a ferromagnetic thin film system: A Monte Carlo simulation study

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    Dynamic phase transition properties of ferromagnetic thin film system under the influence both bias and time dependent magnetic fields have been elucidated by means of kinetic Monte Carlo simulation with local spin update Metropolis algorithm. The obtained results after a detailed analysis suggest that bias field is the conjugate field to dynamic order parameter, and it also appears to define a phase line between two antiparallel dynamic ordered states depending on the considered system parameters. Moreover, the data presented in this study well qualitatively reproduce the recently published experimental findings where time dependent magnetic behavior of a uniaxial cobalt films is studied in the neighborhood of dynamic phase transition point.Comment: 15 pages, 5 Figure

    Nonequilibrium dynamics of a mixed spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 Ising ferrimagnetic system with a time dependent oscillating magnetic field source

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    Nonequilibrium phase transition properties of a mixed Ising ferrimagnetic model consisting of spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 on a square lattice under the existence of a time dependent oscillating magnetic field have been investigated by making use of Monte Carlo simulations with single-spin flip Metropolis algorithm. A complete picture of dynamic phase boundary and magnetization profiles have been illustrated and the conditions of a dynamic compensation behavior have been discussed in detail. According to our simulation results, the considered system does not point out a dynamic compensation behavior, when it only includes the nearest-neighbor interaction, single-ion anisotropy and an oscillating magnetic field source. As the next-nearest-neighbor interaction between the spins-1/2 takes into account and exceeds a characteristic value which sensitively depends upon values of single-ion anisotropy and only of amplitude of external magnetic field, a dynamic compensation behavior occurs in the system. Finally, it is reported that it has not been found any evidence of dynamically first-order phase transition between dynamically ordered and disordered phases, which conflicts with the recently published molecular field investigation, for a wide range of selected system parameters.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Nonequilibrium phase transitions and stationary state solutions of a three-dimensional random-field Ising model under a time dependent periodic external field

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    Nonequilibrium behavior and dynamic phase transition properties of a kinetic Ising model under the influence of periodically oscillating random-fields have been analyzed within the framework of effective field theory (EFT) based on a decoupling approximation (DA). Dynamic equation of motion has been solved for a simple cubic lattice (q=6q=6) by utilizing a Glauber type stochastic process. Amplitude of the sinusoidally oscillating magnetic field is randomly distributed on the lattice sites according to bimodal and trimodal distribution functions. For a bimodal type of amplitude distribution, it is found in the high frequency regime that the dynamic phase diagrams of the system in temperature versus field amplitude plane resemble the corresponding phase diagrams of pure kinetic Ising model. Our numerical results indicate that for a bimodal distribution, both in the low and high frequency regimes, the dynamic phase diagrams always exhibit a coexistence region in which the stationary state (ferro or para) of the system is completely dependent on the initial conditions whereas for a trimodal distribution, coexistence region disappears depending on the values of system parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Dynamic hysteretic features of the Ising-type thin films

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    In order to elucidate the important characteristics of hysteretic response, such as types of the frequency dispersion curves, the decay of hysteresis loop area, the mechanism of domain nucleation and/or growth in the dynamic process, etc., a followup examination after the original work has been presented. The additive complementary treatment is essentially based on the results of recent preprint arXiv:1302.2727 concerning the effect of oscillatory perturbation on the surface enhancement phenomenon in magnetic thin films. Throughout the analysis, the best appropriate parameter values have been chosen since they would allow us to achieve striking results. The topology of the response for different layer indices in two regimes of modified surface exchange has been particularly emphasized.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1302.272

    Effective field theory analysis of 3D random field Ising model on isometric lattices

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    Ising model with quenched random magnetic fields is examined for single Gaussian, bimodal and double Gaussian random field distributions by introducing an effective field approximation that takes into account the correlations between different spins that emerge when expanding the identities. Random field distribution shape dependencies of the phase diagrams and magnetization curves are investigated for simple cubic, body centered and face centered cubic lattices. The conditions for the occurrence of reentrant behavior and tricritical points on the system are also discussed in detail.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    An introduced effective-field theory study of spin-1 transverse Ising model with crystal field anisotropy in a longitudinal magnetic field

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    A spin-1 transverse Ising model with longitudinal crystal field in a longitudinal magnetic field is examined by introducing an effective field approximation (IEFT) which includes the correlations between different spins that emerge when expanding the identities. The effects of the crystal field as well as the transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields on the thermal and magnetic properties of the spin system are discussed in detail. The order parameters, Helmholtz free energy and entropy curves are calculated numerically as functions of the temperature and Hamiltonian parameters. A number of interesting phenomena such as reentrant phenomena originating from the temperature, crystal field, transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields have been found.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figure